Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Thursday, Nov. 14, 1974 Page 8 Classified Save money Cards of Thanks ! wish in thank all my friends and relatives fur their cards, flowers and especially r 'heir inquiries into my well Ix-iim during my recent stay in S' Au'li-my's Hospital. Pen rlle'oi! DON HELIKKR I wish Uiank my many I: -icnds l"i 'lie niee cards mi ni mrh birthday They made i" a vei happ (lav. CARKIK BECKETT Tin-family of Inia McDaniel wishes n. thank everyone fur then knid expressions of svuiiirh. cards, flowers. (..tl and words n kindness Mr. & Mrs. Dallas McDaniel and family. Mi & Mis. Delvin McDaniel and family. Mr L Mrs. Bud Marshall and family. Mr & Mrs Everett Harshman and familv 2. Notices PROFESSIONALLY CLEAN your carpets with new lightweight RINSE N VAC steam cleaner. Rent at Case Furniture Co. WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish. Ph. 567-6065. life Heppner Lions 1 Club meets Is; and 3rd Tuesdav of each month a' 6.45 a.m. Break fas' mee'ing. Wagon Wheel Cliff Green. Pres. 17; fc MENTAL HEALTH Heppner office hours: Tues.-Fri.. 8:30 5. 676-9161. Irrigon office hours :Mon.. 9-4 . 922-3357. Closed niHui hour. 36'fc REWARD: For information -'if person or persons seen breaking and emering my pick-up in lone and taking 3 rifles on or aboU' Nov. 2. 1974 Deane Graves. 422-7574 38-39c Tnl.E PAINTING BoU'ique: I cms include T"le. Gold Leaf. S chery and more. Sunday. N'.-v. 17. 1-6 p.m. a' Eileen PadU-ru's. Lexing'i'n. 39c ATTENTION MASON'S: An nual Old-Timers and Pas' Ma ers Nre a' Heppner L due No. 69 AF&AM. Tues dav. Nov. 19 Oys'er Feed ai-imja; 6:30 p.m. 39p 3. Lost & Found LOST: Lieh' gray short haired male cat. with white collar, near Van Winkle Moiel. Call 676-9161. 38-39p 4. Help Wanted WANTED Housekeej)er for elderly lady. No personal care. Ph. 422-7192 . 39-40C EXPERIENCED Babysmer or ma'uie woman for baby sfing. 3-5 days per week. 5 p.m. 'o 1 a.m. Ph. 676-5586. 39c 6. Wanted WANTED: Corral poles, livered. Ph. 989-8184. de- 30tfc room 39c WANTED. Sleeping with ba-h. Call 676-9182. 8. Services GIVE Fuller Brush gifts: up to 50 per cenl discount on cosmetics. Grace Byrne. Ph. 422-7449 before 10a.m. or after 2:30p.m. 37-40C. ANYONE WANTING Fuller Brush products, please call 676-9749 mornings. Mary Eli nor Snow . 37c 9. Livestock A FEW good coming 2 yr. old Hereford bulls for sale. Frank Anderson. 36-39c. V 10. Farm, Garden FOR SALE: 30 bushels treat ed Wanser seed wheat. Call 676-5321. 39tfc ssssssssaas . . . Pay cash! 12. Furniture, Appliances FOR SALE: Maple table. 4 chairs; 2 mahogany tables. 6 chairs; Wurh'er electric or gan; misc. furniture. 676-9498. 39c FOR SALE: One Formica top dnnim iiMini table and four chairs. Bruce Roihwell. Ph. 676-97811. 39-4 Ip 13. For Sale C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam. S arcralt. Caldwell and Mar lin boa's Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. Ph 567 8419. Hermision-McNary Dam Hwy. 9!fc SELLING privatecollection of antiques and collectibles. At s'ore front in Heppner Hotel. 38-4 lc FREE PUPPIES: breed female pups .5X22 al'ci 6p in. 3 mixed Ph 676 39p 14. Automotive FOR SALE: '68 Ford pickup. 6 cyl.. canopy. $1,000 or best offer. Good running cond. 276-0704. Pendleton. 39c FdR SALE: s-niile axle. W.R469 l'..-ion trailer: Marvin Way. 39-4 lp Farley THE CLOSER YOU LOOK, THE BETTER WE LOOK WE II W E 3-I9T4 models that nuisl so. (heck with us on prices av these cars are priced In sell .'-Mustang Hatchbacks l-Pinto I SKI) CARS: 1972 Pontiac :-seat sta. gn.. auto, trans., air cond.. Is.liST actual miles. 1972 ( hex 4:dr. hardtop clean unit. Air ( ond. 1971 Pinto 1971 Che. 4-dr. hardtop I m pa la. air cond.. power auto, trans. 1971 Chrysler. 4-dr. sedan. Exceptionally clean, air cond. USED PICKUPS: I!I7:: Chev. Ion 2-wheel. auto trans. 1972 GMC ton pickup 1x4 easy hitch and elec. brake I'lTI Imernational :'t ton 44 low mileage, flat bed. !97ii Scout, half cab. IHi!i .Jeppster Commando Wgn lwix Ford '( ton 4x4 FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC BUCK FORD CMC TRUCKS May and Chase, Heppner ' Phone 676-9116 0 Korlhweslern Livestock Com. Co, TUESDAY SALE Nov. 12. 1974 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls Commercial cows Utility cows Canner & cutter cows Old thin cows 15.00 to 25.25 18.00 to 22.50 15.00 to 18.00 13.50 tu 16.00 5.00 to 10.50 COMMENT: Butcher cows and bulls steady. Yearling steers and heifers 1 to 2 dollars lower. All classes of calves 1 to 2 dollars lower. Medium to poor quality 3 to 4 dollars lower. Office Phone 567-6655 Highway 30, Hermiston Public Notices Killing for small classified ads is therefore, classified ads will be on a cash in advance basis, unless customer has a regular commercial account with the (iaettc-Times. If so. classifieds will be billed monthly . The alternative is to raise the rates to cover rising costs. Rates remain $1 for the first three lines of ad copy: 50c per line for each line thereafter. Display classified advertising, $1.35 per column inch. Cards of Thanks, classified rate. min. $1.5t. Deadline. Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errors not reported within 7 days. 14. Automotive LEASE OR BUY A NEW BEETLE $160.70 initial payment $68.85 per mo. 3-Year Lease MEL WINTER Volkswagen Hwy. 3K S. PeadlctM , 27WJ11 Opea 7 dare a week 15. Real Estate FOR SALE: Comfortable 2 bdrm. home, completely fur nished. S12.000. Call Winter L Doherty. 676-9456. 36tfc FOR SALE: 2-bedroom home. Single bath, full basement, new roof and paint job, also central heating system. With in cry limits, close to school and shopping Ph. 676-9116 36c Within city limits. Approx. 32 acres, with 109 ft. of frontage on Minor St. Easily accessible for public utilities. Contact Blanche Brown for further information. 33tfc FOR SALE: Approx 1.58 acre building site within the city limits. Water, sewer & electric hookup easily accessible. Cash sale only. If interested call 676-9419 after 6 p.m 33tfc F' R SALE 2-bedi onm home, sii'ule bail, full basement, new root and pain' job. also cen'ral hea'mg system. Wnh i" cry limrs. close n school ;n d shopping Pis 676-9116. 36'fc Hol'SE FOR SALE: t'i'i . oi Quaid St . Cal In Hepp-676-9457 :S9-40c FOR SALE: 3 bd rm. house, large living room with carpel & fireplace, large kitchen with dining area. :'t basement, situated on 1,76 acre parcel of land Close fo high school and within city limns. Contact Joan a' 676-9456 during day or evenings at 676-9419 - 35tfc 16. Mobile Homes YEAREND CLEARANCE: Travel Trailers. Pickup Cam lers 'foreign and domestic). 5'h Wheels. Pickup Covers. FREDDIE'S TRADING POST. 415 E. First. Ken newick.Wa.. 36-4IC Ranchers Why Give your money away . . . Need a new home? Talk to your tax man then talk to us. Modular Homes too! its-s 274-Utl FEEDER CATTLE Yearling steers 700-800 pds. Steers 5-600 pds. Steers 3-400 pds. 26.00 to 28.25 25.00 to 28.75 24.50 to 28.00 Yearling heifers 7-800 pds. 20,50 to 23.25 Heifers 4-500 pds. 19.00 to 22.75 Heifers 3-400 pds. 19.00 to 22.50 Don Wink, Mgr. Eve. 567-3111 Everett Snyder. Eve. 567-3170 Sale ring (Public) ST7-CH' 1 expensive. Effective Nov. I, I 16. Mobile Homes ARROW CHEVROLET Mobile Homes Security traveler Champion Buddy, Rex Circle J Horse Trailer 2280 SW Court PI. Pendleton Phone Collect 276-6506 Vista Village Mobile Home Sales We're at a new location, across from Wooley's Westside Motors. Head quarters for West minister and Governor Mobile homes. With ex cellent bank financing. Rusty and Armand will not be undersold? Freight, and set up in Roardman area. 4118 WESTSIDE ( across from Wooley's Motors) Rl STY PRIEL 276-43X8 ARMAND WOOLEY 276-1682 MOVING?? Local or Long Distance Tit Estimate! Call One Orwick 989 8586 cr Condon 384 2292 AqenU (or Vur.ed Vjn Line, i nitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii Specialize In Track-layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding B & C Repair Shop 422-7409 CleoChilders 422-742:' lONK iiiiiiiiiniitiiutiiiiiiiuiHtiiiiiiiuuiiiiiun WHEW PRICKS While Red liarlrv $1.97 $151,711 We're In Morrow County every Mondty Stoma's Dannr Pantw 'draptHa when Call KIT. MARTIN Colltct for Appointmtnt 1 U7-S324 W Roofing and Painting New roofs, roof coating, built up-roofi, shinglei oiled and stained. Home, farm, and ranch painting, including elevators and grain storage. 30 years Call Claude Pettey 8-8184. eves. WALKER'S FARM MARKET Overnight Camping DISPOSAL Green beans , White Beans .75 lb. Red l Pinto Beans .6? Jb. Cantaloups Local Watermelon GROCERIES & PRODUCE GAS & OIL OPEN 7 DAYS 7 A.M. - l P.M. NOTICE OF SAI.K OF USED VEHICLE Morrow County School Dis trict is accepting bids for the sale of one l2 Ford 66 passenger bus. This vehicle may be in spected at the Heppner School bus shed between the hours of X a.m. and 5 p.m.. Mondays through Fridays, or additional information can be obtained by phoning Heppner 676-5861. Kids are to be submitted in a sealed envelope and may be left at the bus shop in Heppner or mailed to Morrow County Schools. Box 368. Lexington. Oregon 97839. All bids must be received no later than 2 p.m. on Friday. November 22, 1974. The school district reserves the right lo reject any or all bids. Publish Nov. 7. 14. 1974 PI HI l( HEARING NOTICE A public hearing will be held by the Morrow County Plann ing t'ommission at 8: (Ml p.m., Monday. November 25. in the Courtroom of the County Courthouse. Heppner, Oregon, to consider the following matters: 1. An application by Desert Magic. Inc.. to establish a Farm Labor ( amp in a Farm Residential zone in T 3 N, R 26 E. Section 34. Tax 1.01 llHI. east of Patterson Ferry Road and south of Hwy. :tn. 2. An application by John Skou to establish a Labor ( amp in T 2 S. R 26 E. Section 22. Tax Lot :!in2, in a Farm one. on approximately 4.6 acres. The property is located near Heppner. approximately one-eighth mile east of the golf course on county road No, 723. :. Amendments to the Mor row County Zoning Ordinance lo bring the ordinance into compliance with Slate Stat utes. ll interested persons are lilted lo attend this public heariut! and express their opinion on the subjects under consideration. DOKRISL. GRAVES. Chairman. Morrow County Pla lining Commission Published No. 14. 1971 ivcawcru li Low IVrc. Wednesday 58 :57 1 2 Tl.tliMln 5ll 4 .22 Ft iilay :i5 Sa ui (l.i 5M :!7 Sin ln 52 :!7 IHI M- :n!a -Id :,A Tuesday m :u Hoc iMotes! Pji'icn's adnil'icd lo Pio neer Memorial Hospital tins week were Kva Wriulit. Alma Mm uaii. and Charles Vaughn, all "I Heppner. dismissed wore Harold Houttii. Boring and Dennis Thompson. lone. floor covering wt art i000N.fr.it KIRWSTON experience Tomatoes . .Walla w'alla Winter Walla Walla Sweets Local soft melons -Local Sweet Corn (Buttercreek Hwy.. Hermistoni El J Automotive SHFRRK1.1.CHKVR01.ET. INC. Complete Sale & Service irHXVnin Hermiston Building Supplies SKY, IS FOR ALL YOl R Bl Il.DING Sl'PPl.lKS. We leature Boysen Paints. Tl M A LI M LCMBKR CO. Tim Moore. Mgr. 4:52 SK Dorion 27K-622I PKNDI.KTON Cafes 'Lounges CAL S LOl'NGE & CAFE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. 676-5013 Heppner Construction fF3,n w" CO Concrete Aggregate Crushed Rock Drain Rock Asphalt Paving Excavating and Grading Hermiston, Oregon Phone 567-2124 Drugs, prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG F'ree Prescription Mail Service Open 9 a.m. to7 p.m. Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar 1 114 Main St. Ph. 567-3072 Floor Covering Heating 1 M&R FLOOR COVERING Carpet. Linoleum, Ceramic Tile. Kitchen Cabinets. Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Matt Hughes 422 Linden W ay 6769418 Heppner KEMIG FLOORCOVERING Carpet, draperies, linoleum,, eaMter tops, ceramic tile, ; flowing, saadiies gales sWMtallatlw W S.W. Uth Butler Creek Hwy. Hermiston Plfl I F fA-fEJ 5 UH Will ifA" Sl'NDAV RIPOFF Sunday morning paper patrons were confronted with this sign on the Oregon Journal vending machine outside the Wagon Wheel. Quest ion: What does a person do with 25 Sunday papers? WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Funeral Home SWEENEY FUNERAL HOME Pre-arrangements. distunt re movals. Serving lone. Hepp ner, Lexington. Licensed fun eral directors. 676 !Mim) Heppner Furniture See us before you buy your color TV or stereo system. WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 2.14 W. Hermiston Ave. 567-2201 Hermiston iliwsrj New & Used Furniture Appliances Authorized Norge Dealers 22W) N. First, Hermiston 567-KU60 Construction NOW IN HEPPNER! Wm. (Bill)Stathem BUILDING CONTRACTOR Residential Remodeling Commercial Cabinets ANY TYPE CONSTRUCTION Leave word at the ' Gazette-Times 676-9228 Insurance TURNER. VAN MARTER & BRYANT General Insurance 676-9113 Heppner RUGGLES-BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY 676-9625 Heppner Ray Boyce 676-5384 Monuments' Eternal Markers - bronze, granite. Installations. Vases. Cemetary grave markers. 8WEENEY MORTUARY; Serving lone, Heppner, Lex Ington. 676-9606 Heppner; 0 . tl DAUY t 1 Optometrist DR. E.K. S( HAFFITZ Optometrist Next to Hotel Heppner entrance. 676-9165 Heppner Physcians-Surgeons" DR. I.. I). TIBBLES Osteopath physician and surgeon. 1st National Bunk Bldg. Kes. 676-8210 Off. 676-9616 GERALD A. JONES, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. 1 16 E. Hurlburt. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs., 9 a.m. -12:30 p.m.; 1:30 p.m. -5 p.m.; Fri., 9 a.m. -1 p.m. Hermiston. Ore. 97H3N DR. K.D. PETERSON Chiropractic & Naturopathic Physician 893 N. F'irst St. Phone: 567-6277 Hermiston, Ore. 97838 Radiator Service FARMERS! JONES RADIATOR SERVICE Now is the time to get your harvest equipment ready before the rush season. Sewing Machines SINGER Sales & Ser.vice We repair all makes & models GROGANS Approved Singer Dealer 243 S. Main Pendleton 276-2352 Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Title Insurance ; Office in Peters Bldg 676-9912 Heppner UMATILLA REDI-MIX Open every weekday, and Saturdays and Sundays if necessary. Phone 676-9406 or 989-8164 luuiTLnriri ri.rinr n u' i '