Heppner, wt,, ucucuc-uwes, inuisuay, uct. 31, 1974 'Page? 3 . m 0 poo 0 '3 Hi ji o o C) : i - :w 0 - Techhiiilt Corporation, headquartered in Bellevue, Wa., has found the fastest way to get from one design-build project to another is to take to the air, in a new twin-engine Heeclicraft Kinu Air. The new fully pressurized turbo-prop, announced by President Jim Fitgerald. w ill enable up to eight Tei hhuilt Corporation technical people to be on the spot in a matter of minutes or hours. " As architects, engineers and contractors, we are involved in designing and constructing a wide variety of food processing, cold storage, commercial and industrial facilities." explained Fitzgerald. "A lot of times plants are in very small communities, out of the way. Our new plane can get us to such places as Boardman. where we are currently designing and constructing two projects totaling $i, 2011,000, in just 4." minutes from takeoff to landing. It is a five and a half hour drive, at least, each way." Tec.lihiiill Corporation is uuiuc in that the firm designs, builds and finances with all functions "in-hotise." State candidate visits Heppner Wine Duncan, candidate fur Smte Superintendent (if Public Instruction, told Hepp neroes during a visit here Monday, that While we have ifk' fyit'i education system in the vfofld, we still are falling short of our goals " Duncan said that "improve ment of instruction in the basic skills 4f reading and mathematics should be given top priority. These basic skills are the foundation upon which every other learning experi ence is built ." Duncan also supports a varied educational program geared to meeting individual needs of every child through a wide range of enrichment, career oriented, and academ ic experiences. "We must prepare our students for a world of change and challenge." according to Duncan. "We must' become a nation of life-long learners." Duncan, with 20 years experience in leaching and educational administration, is DuPont home burns The old Griffin place on the lone to Gooseberry Road was destroyed by fire Sunday afternoon. The house was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. John DuPont. who were working in the garden when the fire was detected. He tried to curb the spread of the fire with a garden hose while Mrs. Du Pont sought help from the neighbors. Kit e assistance was hard to gel because the DuPont home was outside the lone fire protection limits, and calls to ranchers in the area brought no relief because farmers had drained the water from their pumpers in preparation for the winter months. Three pumpers finally did arrive, but not in lime to save the house. The only parts standing is the chimney and walls of the root cellar. The DuPont s saved their clothing, but all their other possessions were lost in the blaze. also concerned about the problems of financing public education. While he feels that property taxes must be reduc ed and 'he state should assume between 50 and 75 per cent of the school funding responsibility, he emphasizes incorporating better business management practices to get more value from education dollars. "In these days of rising Cos's it would be foolish to say we could cut the cost of education, but I do believe we can. and must, get more for our money. Cooperative pur chasing, increased building utilization, investment of sur plus funds, and long-range planning are only a few of the methods that could be used to increase our efficiency. Skill ful use of our funds can produce many more benefits for students without adding to our tax burden." he said. Duncan. 10. has taught at every level, has been a principal, superintendent, and MAN (.1 II. TV OF DRINK DRIVING Koss A. Henderson. Port land, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of alcohol in Morrow County Justice Court on Oct. 25. Henderson was arrested in Heppner, Oct. 18. Judge Charles O'Connor lined Henderson $:105 and suspended his driver's license for 3d davs. Weekend guests at the Archie Padberg home were Mary Evelyn Ross, Mrs. Edie Kacalek and daughter Shelly, all of Canby. They were here for the Tucker-Tiegs wedding. Mrs. Ross, aunt of the bride, baked and served the wedding cake. is iii.u 'Clackamas Count v IED si rat inn. He served in the superintendent. He has a ducioraie from the University of Oregon in educational administration and is now working toward a master's degree in business admini- Idaho House of Representa tives, where he w as chairman of the Economic Affairs Com mittee. He currently serves on the Oregon Legislative Im provements Committee. i f JA i : ' -J i ; V l Y) 1 J , L I VERNE A. Dl'NCAN r NOTICE GOOD SUPPLY OF ENGINE HEATERS. BEAT THE COLD WEATHER BEFORE IT HITS! CAL' ARCO HAS NON-LEAD GAS FOR 1975 AUTOMOBILES. Cal's Arco 676-so62 I "There's something f jShV -" Specialty Distributors Phone 395-2553 Box 305 Manpin. Oregon 97037 Vol NO on 15 ComniittM Robtrt D. Burnt, Trtuuiar 801 Comnwcltl, Astoria. Or. 101874 ff) 1ECT I -" md I lo) 0, 0 IS) We know he will keep the promise of Oregon's future Al Ullman Representative in Congress, 2nd District Betty Roberts For United States Senator W x ; ? . S- OREGON NEEDS AN EFFECTIVE WOMAN DEMOCRAT IN THE U.S. SENATE I pledge my continued dedication to serving the people of Oregon in Congress, and to bearing the public trust and responsibility bestowed upon me. I ask your support and assistance in meeting the problems and challenges we lace. AL ULLMAN Bill Stevenson For Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Jack Sumner . For State Representative, 55 District "LT WWW""B"W"WW"B ELECT SENATOR BILL STEVENSON WORKING PERSON FOR LABOR COMMISSIONER DEMOCRAT. EXPERIENCED. QUALIFIED. Everett Harshman For Morrow County Assessor The services you perform for others is the price you pay for the space you occupy upon this earth. My desire to serve the needs and wishes of the people is my attempt to help pay my share of the rent. I ask that you continue your support by returning me for an additional term as vour representative. JACK SUMNER Paid for by the Morrow County Democratic Committee Mrs. RiU Sumner, ice-chairman: Harold Peck, vice chairman: Judge Paul Jones, treasurer; Mrs. Paul Brown, secretary. I will perform the duties of the office for $ the benefit of every resident