Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 31, 1974, Page Page 4, Image 4

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(5 n
p i
food program set
A s'y sh
demons ra'ior..
w. ci'K;r.fi
. colored slides.
hv and door
of the Tea's in
weaving exr
; ?- a"e oar
re f.ir ?i'se who a-"end 'he
? e OSU Ex'enston sponsored
crwfiram. ""Sheep Fashion
a-?d F.d ""
ir. M .r:
rbv. V . T.
K'v er'de
i! even: wai &e
w Courvy Thurs
" p.m.. a?
H.sh School.
:. head of
' S !' : W,wien Mil:,
v. i: ii-fst" ' a fasroor, snow of
fj-'!,.j;e-,.;; sarmen's. Mrs.
Tr"&,::ar. & we!! krttr: in ms
area a "he f-.-mer Extension
.,rtf-. eon".T;!S' m 4-H and
"U'i; development. Ir add;-t-iii
'" ne ryle show. Mrs
-dmar. a!s w;i! dem
ra e and ere tips on
' ;. A !'. U'r h Wool
Mrs T"!Ti Wa'Son. Hermis.
.in. will demons"rae and
dsc-u-s "as'y ways i prepare
lamb Mrs Henry Krebs.
r i.e. w:Si g:ve a colored slide
jj; r- err a'
v:ij dem
W'i: ':
in f 'he licai sheep
Mary Jane Feh-
r.vra'e weaving
Girls wh plan
er.'er 'he '"Make I" U'rr. Wot
fires- mi; model 'net
Tnere will be dir prizes
b-'t; programs The snow
ree and is upet
exciting things
with diamonds
1 I
m l.K::--P --.1i
I 1
js Bjioya sets siaTioiss lif.e J M
M cops of fire aga.r.st g:eaming y il
gob. Tne csrcie petite d;a!s : I
1 2 nn3 of &''!l;2ice. They k , f I
sp!asn tien into scj'p'j'eO
cases with a touch cf cJanng
Cone in and see o jr conp;ete
cofieotion. it's exc
From S33.
Grceiu! irjfouiM C3ie, set witf;
23 kij. J225.
Star Hcun: S A.M. to
6 P.M.
PH. 67E-9200
jmk Something tram the lweln
o o
fashion and
AH h.merr.akers and teen
agers are encouraged !o
ArTanaerrsen's for 'he pro
gram are heme made by
Moiiy Saul and Debbie Bar
ker. Fx er si-ir. home ecvio
mts's. and Birdine Tulhs.
pr-erair. assts'ant Mrs Saul
'a e 'ha- each year Home
Ex'ensi-m ir. 'he two-coun'v
area nffers a program iha'
iea'ures ine seamen' of she
l"ca! eonorr.y. This year the
emphasis is m 'he iamb
Tne at errnton and evening
.f V'V : Vsda Hehker is being
h'!-reda' a eoir.ntur.in pary
ir. ne Wslit'us Granae Hail.
I.. re
Her dauEfi'er. Harrie' Bil-
mas1. Sea"ie. and son. Don.
and his wife Gladys. lone.
Ha'.e arraneed the ga'henne
Bir fiday cake will be served
tv:i:r: 2 prr, . on. and Vida's
tnesids are imt'ed to s'ay
'rir-Utii 'he pin luck dinner
and ih"o -he evening when
nvre visnr.g and ables of
cards will be enjoyed.
Vida. h- ac'ual'y 'urns 80
ir. N"v 1. came 'c Morrow
r.iun'y in a covered wagon
vv:'!: her paren's. Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Zmk. She is the
widow of Ernes' Heiiker.
6 diamonds. 14K solitf joid
The seventh Northeasiern
Oreg.ifi area meeting of the
Siropfimist International As
sociation clubs, held here
Saturday a! Si. Patrick's
Church, was rated "best yet"
by the 60 women attending
Using the organization's
"74 75 theme. "Crossroads for
Change." and the inter
national program. "Women
Helping Women." as a base
for discussions the area
readers and club members felt
that this friendly, cooperative
effort moved the clubs from
this pan of the Northwestern
Region forward
'Hey, I'm
Inez Erwin reviewed Helen
Klaben s " Hey I'm Ahve!" at
the Oc'ober meeting of the
Bookworms a' the George
Currin home on Butter Creek
This autobiographical, sur
vival story reviews the ex
periences of a 20-year-old
Jewish woman and a 40-year-old
Mormon pilot who crashed
in Feb 1962. between White
horse and Fort St John.
Bri'ish Columbia They were
bo h severely injured. The
tempera' ure was 48 degrees
below zero and windy.
During the weeks they
s'rugaled to live beside their
crashed plane, many planes
were heard and seen overhead
bus they were unable to
a 'rac a"'eti'ion to them
selves The man. Ralph
Flores. was able to move them
froin 'he plane to an open
place where he stamped out a
huee S O S in the snow. They
were finally rescued after 49
days of near starvation and
Heien Klaben s book was
copyrigh ed in 1963 and the
edriini 'ha' Mrs Erwin used
was published by Scholastic
B4i Services It concludes
wrii Helen's personal analysis
of 'he change in her under
standing of life She declares
"I discovered that God is
Lov e, and how much I love my
mo'her and family. '
Bookworms met Oct. 22 in
he Corne't Green home to
iiear a review by Marion
Mr and Mrs Robert
Oswal', lone, are parents of a
new daughter, Susan Malmda.
born Oct . I", at Good Shepherd
Hospi'al in Hermisuin.
Grandparents are Mrs. Lav
ada Oswah. Chehalis. Wa..
and Mr. and Mrs. David
Edwards. Hillsboro. Ore.
SS 9:45 a.m.
Worship II a.m.
SS 9:45 a.m.
Worship ... 11 a.m.
Children Choir, 9:30 a.m.
SS 9 45 a.m.
Worship 11 a.m.
Even. Serv 7:30 p.m.
SS 10 a.m.
Worship 11 a.m.
Even. Serv 6 D.m.
f"Vmmtminn fl am
ib :43 a.m.
Worship 11 a.m.
Adult Ed 10 a.m.
SS 9:45 a.m.
Worship 11 a.m.
Bible Study... Wed., 7 p.m.
Sabbath School 9:30 a.m.
Worship 11a.m.
Catechism .... Mon. & Wed.
Heppner, Sun 11a.m.
Saturday 6:30p.m.
lone Sun 9a.m.
ington SS 10:45 a.m.
Worship 7 p.m..
Worship 9:45 a.m.
Bible Study, Wed., 10 a.m.
340 Baratt Blvd.
Sponsored as a community
service by
Eroa Ratcliff. past-president
of the Wallowa County
Club and area chairman.,
presided at the morning and
af'emoon sessions. She was
aided by Area Secretary
Maurine Huffman, also a
past -president of the Wallowa
club, and by Evelyn Sweek.
v ice-president of the Heppner
TheSoroptimisrs'day began
with registration and a friend
ship coffeetime at 9:30 am. At
10 30, in the absence of Mayor
Sweeney, Elaine George, for
mer city recorder and several
tunes president of the Hepp
Garden clubs meet in
Representatives of 11 of the
12 garden clubs in Blue
Mountain District 10 of the
Oregon Federation of Garden
Clubs held a workshop in
Pendleton. Oct. 22.
A coffee hour w as held prior
to the business meeting with
lone and Boardman clubs as
Special guests from Port
land were Mrs. R. E. Elm
strom. state president; Mrs
Edward T. Donahue, cor
responding secretary; and
Mrs A H. Mason, state
chairman of the Willamette
Shoe collection
goes on display
This week Ida Farra has
arranged a display of minia
ture shoes in the two cases at
the public library.
The library's first exhibit
was removed before Mr. and
Mrs Leslie Babb left for their
wimer home at Apache Junc
tion. Anz. Mr. Babb's display
of stones and examples of his
lapidary work attracted in
terest here
Mrs Farra has a large
collection of china, pottery,
glass and wood shoes that she
has acquired . many were gifts
from friends Only part of her
collection of more than 50 little
shoes can be fi"ed into the
library cases. The shoes are
only one of the collections at
Mrs. Farra's home on Nor'h
Main S'reet.
Ida Wiest Farra has been a
Methodists elect
church officers
Central Oregon District
Superimendent Askew Crum
bley. Bend, presided at the
annual Charge Conference of
'he Heppner United Methodist
Church here last week.
Members of the congrega
tion made decisions concern
ing 'lie financial affairs of the
church and elected new ad
ministrative officers for 1975.
Beginning in January. Clif
ford Green will serve as
chairman of the council Alma
Green will become lay leader.
Area chairmen will be Jean
Benne'i. education: Dons
Cutting, missions; Justine
Weatherford. social concerns:
Barbara James, worship: and
John Canaday. stewardship.
Siecial coordinaiers chosen
are: Children's work. Cindy
Green: Adult activities. Sylvia
McDaniel: and Youth groups,
Clifford Green. Other admim
s'rativeofficers include: Vern
Batty, ireasurer; Beth Bry
ant, financial secretary; Mur
iel Palmer, recording sec
retary: Elsie Leathers, health
and welfare secretary; and
Very Batty, nominating com
mittee secretary.
Molly Pierce was re-elected
youth member of the council.
Members-at -large are How
ard Bryant, Cornett Green, .
Gene Pierce. Shirley Connor
and Amanda Duvall. Two new
Beat the
Storage Shortage
Bulk all-weather grain
fertilizer storage. Over 10
years in use. 1,000 bu., 500 bu.,
250 bu., 180 bu. and 1-ton units.
$1X0 or less. Call
Superior Distributing Inc.
PU). Box 337 Boardman, Ore.
r nones:
Portland. 276-1454
Boardman, 481-9242
or write Box 425,
Pendleton, Ore. 97801
ner Club, extended greetings
to delegates on behalf of the
city. After other opening
ceremonies which included
deviations by Ruth Thome of
the Pendleton Club, introduc
tions of officers of the clubs
attending by Evelyn Sweek
and a roil call by Maurine
Huffman. Mrs. Ratcliff open
ed the business session.
Hie area organization was
discussed and its by-laws
reviewed Pansy Alien, presi
dent of the Baker Club, was
elected 1975 area chairman
The Ontario Club's invitation
to hold the area gathering
National Cemetery project;
and from Pendleton Mrs.
Charles Dallas, state chair
man of horticulture for the
eas'ern district.
Mrs. Royal Cambers. Pen
dleton, district director, pre
sided at the meeting Mrs Lee
Pettyjohn received special
awards in the name of the lone
Garden Club from Mrs Elm
s'rom. Reports were given by
Mrs Norman Nelson, district
awards chairman, and Rev,
Ed Cutting for Mrs Fred
Martin on the native flora
project .
Heppner resident since 1945
when she arrived from Van
couver. Wa.. with her hus
band. Bill, and their son. Jim.
af'er Bill Farra had purchas
ed the shoe repair business
from Ed Gonty Ida grew up in
the Dakotas and is one of a
family of six girls and sev en
boys Her husband died here
in 198 Jim Farra and his
family came from their home
in San Diego to let Grandma
Ida have a gixvd visit with her
grandchildren. Michael. Julie
and Jennifer, last summer
Mrs Farra is a very active
member of the United Metho
dist Church and the Degree of
Honor Lodge. She has con
tnhu'ed many hems and
much 'ime to the County
Museum, especially during i's
recent expansion.
'tus ees are Ella -Smith and
Elsie Leaders New members
of the pasioi'-parish com
mfeeare Elmer Palmer and
Herman Green. New mem
bers of the nominating com
mittee are Ida Farra and
Jus'ine Weatherford
The next monthly Sing
spiration arranged by Hepp
ner area churches w ili be held
a' 'he Heppner United Me'ho
dist Church. All who enjoy
inspirational singing are in
vited to join in at 7:30 p.m..
Sunday. Nov . io.
The community songfests
have been held for several
years during the months when
schools are in session. They
are held at a different church
each month.
Since the rain came, mush
rooms have popped out in
their places in the county. Two
Bills, Collins and Weather
ford. brought a big collection
of Shaggy Manes into town
after a hunting and picking
jaunt up Hinton Creek Tues
day morning.
for area meetiro
there next spring was accept
ed LaGrande was chosen as
the site for the fall 75
Representatives from Bak
er, LaGrande. Pendleton.
Wallowa County. Goldendale.
Pasco-Kennewick. Hood Riv
er. Portland and Heppner
spoke of projects their clubs
have carried on in their
communities Brief question
ing and discussion of some of
the projects followed.
The noon luncheon was
served by the St. Patricks
Altar Societv. Father O'Brien
Mrs Lee Pettyjohn was
elected as a member of the
nominating committee which
is o report at the spring
meeting at Umatilla in April.
Mrs Martin sent an arrange
ment of chry santhemums and
pheasant feathers for display.
A memorial service for
Veda Andrews, a former
member of She Echo club and
pas' dis'tict director, was
conducted by Rev Ed Cutting,
chaplain. A donation in her
memory was made by the
dts'rict io the carillon chimes
fund of the Willamette Nation
al Cemetery project.
Mrs. Mason expressed her
appreciation n all the mem
bers who have contributed
bottles for making the chimes
She especially thanked all the
children in the lone school who
had gathered bottles for this
lone Garden Club members
a "ending were Mrs Lee
Pettyjohn. Mrs Pete Klmger.
Mrs W H.Padberg and Mrs
Norman Nelson From the
Heppner club. Rev and Mrs
Ed Cu"mg and Mrs Daniel
James amended.
on agenda
Nex' Wednesday evening.
Nov t;. "You'h Problems in
our Coun'y" will be consider
ed a' 'he November meeting
of tht lulled Methodist
Anyone ir.tetes'ed is invited
to a"end this open meeting
and Irani what 'he two
you'll workers, Carolyn Davis
and her s'uden' assistant. Bob
Coi'mas. are doing in the
The mee'ing will begin at
7:H) o'clock with presenta
tion', by Miss Dav is, who is in
her third year here as juv emle
counselor. Bob Cortinas. a
senior m social science at
Walla Walla College, joined
her department this fall on a
field experience arrangement .
Af'er their explanations and
some discussion, the UMW
members will hold a brief
business meeting with their
president. Sylvia McDaniel.
Hershel Towsend. Portland,
and Mrs Ze'ia Jenkmson.
Vancouver. Wa . visited Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Irby. Heppner,
last Thursday.
Jack Sumner
The Sumner
Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times,
gave the invocation. Musical
entertainment featured Glen
doris Fernandez. Pendleton's
president, and Ola Mae Gro
shorts, Heppner. Evelyn Swe
ek supervised the luncheon
program and look charge of
the drawing for door prizes.
The afternoon session was
led bv three past-presidents:
Louise Todd. Baker. Jeanne
Barnetl. Wallowa County, and
Jackie Willmarth. LaGrande.
Their contributions were con
siderations of Ihe plans new
President Ruth B. Klotz.
Soroptimtst International of
the Americas. Inc.. has for the
biennium under her leader
ship and of the international
program. "Women Helping
Women.' w ith their ideas and
suggestions for program im
plementation at the local club
Immediate past governor of
the Northwestern Region.
Dorothy Berry. Portland,
talked to the group informally
and offered helpful sugges
tions At the conclusion of the
af'ernoon session, there was a
group singing period. Ola Mae
Groshens w as at the piano and
Kay Kimmell, Goldendale.
and Jackie Willmarth. La
Grande. were inspirational
song leaders.
The area gathering ended at
3 pin in the traditional
manner with the Soroptimist
New Shipment
Miss Elaine & Deena Loungewear
Caftans and Robes
o LeBush Shoppe
Election Day
Sponsored by the American Legion
Auxiliary Unit No. 95
lone Legion Hall
NOV. 5
All the trimmings
9th grade to adult, 2.75
1st thru 8th grade, 1.50
Pre-schoolers free
Homemade Pie and Coffee
served all day, 50c
This i i public service tdvertisement sponsored by
VjZostern Oregon
Continued Good Sound judgment
State Representative
District 55
CoaailUce,JU. I. Hepjmcc Ore. I7SM
-Paj Aivtrfluft
Thursday, Oct. 31, 1974
pledge and Aloha. Many of the
visitors men tourea t. rat
rick's Church and Ihe library
museum before leaving Hepp
ner. Vi Lanham served as gen
eral coordinator for the con
ference relieving Heppntyr
president and area co-chairman.
Marlene Peterson, who
has been ill. Eleanor Gonty.
Alice Soward and Justine
Weatherford made prelimi
nary arrangements. Area
Chairman Erna Ratcliff drew
up the program. The registra
tion committee included Len
na Smith. Madge Thomson
and Mrs Weatherford. The
morning coffee was arranged
bv Mrs. Gonty and Barbara
Paullus. Decoralions which
featured "crossroads" includ
ed a replica of Heppner's
north -highway planter and
table flower arrangements by
Rita Wolff and Hazel Ma
honey. Door prize w inners included
Erna Ratcliff. whose number
brought her ihe electric coffee
urn donated by Ihe Columbia
Basin Electric Coop; and
Leola Miller. LaGrande. who
gained the "Homesteads and
Heritages" donated by Peter
son's Jewelry.
A plastic zip-lock bag hold
ing a collection of Hepnner
souvenirs donated by local
merchants was given to each
woman registered
12 to 1:30 p.m.,
5 until polls close