Page 4 40th anniversary observed Sunday Judge and Mrs. Paul W. Jones were honored at a reception Sunday at the First Christian Church on their 40th wedding anniversary. A three-tiered cake decorat ed with red roses, punch and coffee, was served by Mrs. Chuck Carter, Fremont. Ca.; Mrs. Norman Washburn, Hermiston; Mrs. Neal Nielson and Mrs. Ted Johnson, Pendleton; Mrs. Herman Green. Mrs. Cornell Green, Mrs. Bill Cox, Mrs. Ed Dick, Mrs. Howard Bryant and Mrs L.D. Tibbies, Heppner. Gladys Johnson and Paul W. Jones were married in Pendleton, Oct. .21, 1934. They have spent their 40 years in Morrow County on a wheat farm northwest of Heppner. The couple's children hosted the affair: Mrs. Jon Blake of Renton. Wa.; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jones, Hood River; and Ray Jones, Baker. Assist ins with arrange ments were Mrs. C.N. Jones, Mrs. Floyd Jones. Marcia Johnson, Canby: Holly Jones and Teresa Klien. Hood River. Out of town guests were ' Marcia Johnson, Canby; Mr. and Mrs Neal Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vickers, Jen nifer and Denice. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Seil and Donna. Mrs. Velta Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson, all of Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Georae Robin- S.)TH BIRTHDAY IS OBSKRVED Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gilman of Long Beach, Ca., spent the week visiting rela tives, friends, and their par ents. Mrs. Viola Gilman and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Sr. While here they went to Pomeroy. Wa., for a day with Mickey's brother. Harlan Mc Curdy Jr.. and family. Friday evening the families and a few close friends celebrated the senior Harlan's 851 li birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Sr. celebrated their 50th anniversary, Sept. 16. THF. CLAYTON AYRES OBSERVE THEIR 23RD A party was given for Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Avers on Sept. 22 to celebrate their 23rd anniversary. A potluck dinner was served at noon and the reception held from 2 to 4 p.m. There were 60 persons present. The cake was made by Claudia Campbell and served by Lillian Coleman, niece of Mrs. Avers. A money tree was presented. Music was furnished by Bill Avers and Carroll Sizemore, who played their guitars. CTTSFORTH-JONES WEDDING SATURDAY Friends and relatives are invited to attend the Salurday marriage ceremony of Terrie Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Jones of Lexing ton, and Mark Cutsforth. son of Mr. and .Mrs. Fritz Cuts forth. " The ceremony will be held at St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Heppner. Saturday, Oct. 12. at 1 p.m. School Lunch Menu Heppner Elementary School and Heppner High School Thurs. Oct 10 Sandwiches, soup, salad, ice cream slice. Fri.. Oct. 11- No school. Mon., Oct. 14 Baked ham, scalloped potatoes, tossed green salad, fruit. milk, bread, butter. Tues., Oct 15 Stew, veg etables, cottage cheese, pear halves, hot rolls, butter, milk. Wed., Oct 16 Universal Lunch: circus submarine sandwich, flying french fries, barnum & bailey green beans, big top fruit cup, greatest chips on earth, midway milk. Wetf like to m get to know ! pyu- i I HEPPNER BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON son and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Schroeder, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Vern Shipman, Baker; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Washburn, Chris and Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. John Washburn and Paul, Tillamook; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson, Chris and John. The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wash burn and Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger and fam ily, Hermiston; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Petersen, Lenette and Randy, Amboy, Wa.; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clerk, Osaka, Japan; Mrs. Burl Coxen, ' Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Isom, Echo; Mrs. Mary Kay Bellamy, Moro; Mrs. Carol Collins and Tony, Boardman; John Parker, Mr. and Mrs. David Denning, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Thacker, Mrs. Jim Thacker, Steve and Tim, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Huff, Mr. and Mrs. T. Stanton Ford, Mrs. Francis Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bobbin, all of Portland. House guests over the week end at the Paul Jones home were Mrs. Jon Blake, Shawn and Shane, Renton, Wa.; Ray Jones, Baker; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jones, Holly, Guy, Teresa and Tracy of Hood River; and Mrs. Chuck Car ter, Fremont, Ca.; a niece of Mrs. Jones. TIEGS-TI CKER WEDDING AT IONE. OCT. IS Friends and relatives are invited to attend the wedding ceremony of Tanya Tucker, daughter of Eidon Tucker, lone, and Robert Tiegs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tiegs of ; Palouse, Wa., on Oct. 18. The ceremony will be read at the United Church of Christ, lime, at 7:30 p.m., with the Rev. William Arthur officiat ing. COUNCIL CANDIDATES FILEiSWEENEY TO RUN The Oct . 4 deadline for filing as candidates for Heppner Common Council include Paul Arbogast. Ernie Ceresa. Jim Rogers, Tom Wilson and Lerice Martin. They will be seeking four city council posts being vacat ed by Clyde Allstott, Jerry Hollomon, Rita Hedman and Bob Jones. Jones has also filed for re-election. Running unopposed for his second term as mayor is incumbent Jerry Sweenev. Two potluck dinners for. family and friends of 4-H Club members will mark national 4-H Week here in Morrow County. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH New Winter Schedule as of Oct. 13 8 a.m. Holy Communion 1 1 a.m. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion As of Oct. 20 there will be an Adult Education Class at 10 a.m. r 162 N. MAIN Sears ALFRED Public relations man hired by PGE Alfred B. (Bus) Clough, Arlington, has been employed as a public affairs representa tive for Portland General Electric Co. He will represent the company in the Gilliam and Morrow counties. His assignments will be oriented toward solutions to growth situations occurring in connection with PGE's plans lo construct up to six nuclear plants and a possible coal generating facility in the two counties. It is expected that Clough will work with cities, counties, planning groups and the port districts in coordinating efforts in areas of housing, water and sewer services and other community needs stem ming from the impact of the construction effort. Clough' is currently an Arlington City councilman. To avoid apparent or real con flicts of interest, he will not be a candidate for reelection. His term expires at the end of this year. Employed as of Oct. 1. Clough will set up an office in Arlington. The Standard Oil Distributor in Arlington for the past 25 years, until joining PGE, Clough graduated from Arlington High and Oregon State University. A U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II he is Commander of the Lebush Girl's Maverick Jeans sizes 7-14 Beat inflation with our ORBIT PANTS 9.95 Misses and queen sizes Halcyon and Sidney Gould Sweaters Ladies thermal underwear, in prints and solids j lebush Washer SALE! Make Sears your washer and dryer headquarters during October BONUS BUYS! JACK VAN WINKLE Sears Authorized CATALOG SALES MERCHANT B. CLOUGH American Legion Post, a Mason, an ex-Scoutmaster and City Planning Commis sioner. He has credits toward a masters degree from East ern Oregon College and has been a substitute teacher in junior and senior high school. Clough and his wife Carol Anne have two sons and a daughter. BECK II A MS BACK FROM YUGOSLAVIA TRIP Recent visitors at the home of the Jodie Morrisons were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Beckham of Corvallis. Mrs. Beckham spent five weeks in Slovenia, Yugo slavia, this summer attending seminars on -behaviorial sci ence, after which Mr. Beck ham joined her for a tour of Yugoslavia, Greece and the isle of Corfu. Mrs. Beckham teaches spe cial education in Corvallis and Mr. Beckham is now associat ed with a law firm in Albany. .. . . 1 A writing contest is a new feature this year for the 48th annual Oregon High School Press Conference to be held Friday and Saturday, Oct. 11-12, on the University of Oregon campus. , Specials S ho ope - Dryer 676-9106 2 I I j Doctor search begins Word was received this week that doctor recruiter, Helen Chenoweth of Idaho, will travel to the Midwest the week of Oct. 21 on her recruiting trip for Heppner. Her' tentative schedule in cludes stops in Houston, Tex.; Albuquerque, N.M.; Omaha, ' Neb.; Wichita, Kan.; Chicago, III.; and Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Chenoweth told the Doctors' Search Committee that the schedule is tentative and there may be some changes in the schedules by the end of this week. Colored pictures of the area were sent to Mrs, Chenoweth early this week. Mrs, Cheno weth will use the 30 to 40 pictures in describing (he area to prospective doctors. THE A.A.U.W. Artefactory DEC. 7 Those desiring to donate BOOKS to this outstanding annual event may do so by calling Daryce Franzen, at 676-5068 General information regarding the ARTEFACTORY may be had by calling Leese Martin, i S3 s 1 1 FkstLoaa Ifsagreat faousewarmine There's an energy shortage. That's a fact. And that means higher heating bills in the coming months, especially if your house isn't properly winterized. Things like proper insulation, a new roof, a modern, efficient furnace, and storm doors and windows can make a substantial difference in your heating costs. 'Rummage sale a big one' Members of the Soroptomist Club report thai the dance hall at the fairgrounds Is filling up with a variety of rummage for the big sale, Friday and Saturday. The doors will open at 8 a m . Friday morning. Hours for the two-day sale are from 8 a.m. TRAFFIC CITATIONS ISSUED BY POLICE The following persons were cited for traffic violations by City Police, Oct. 4 to 8: Violation of basic rule: James Gualco, The Dalles; Larry Anderson, Heppner; Larry Paluck, Portland. Illegal U turn: Joseph Kent, Portland; Timothy Robhen, Portland; Teresa White, lone. Illegal Y turn: Steven Acock, Irrigon. 1 ,., B Hit t , ' UN.. Br- ' f.'- n In fact, they'll more than pay for themselves over the years with the energy they save. And, a great way to finance all your housewarming needs is FirstLoan. FirstLoan is a simple interest consumer loan. That means you save on interest every time you make an early payment. In fact, you can pay off the entire loan ahead of schedule and really save money. On the other hand, if you make a late payment, there's no penalty charge. You simply pay a little more interest for holding the money longer. And we'll always make sure you know exactly where you stand, with detailed monthly statements. Hcppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, to 6 p.m., both days. Soroptomist President Mar lone Peterson says the sale looks like a "big one," Some of the" items that have been coming during the past week are a bed, chairs, a high chair, a barbecue set, suit cases, a TV set and stand, a desk, a daveno, end tables, numerous lamps, small electrical ap pliances and formats. She said the selection of clothing is good. A SPECIAL OCCASION IN YOUR LIFE? Compliment your LOVED ONE with a beautiful DIAMOND. X JEWELERS Stare Heurs: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. 177 MAIN ST., HEPPNER PH. 676 9200 mi Branch Manager Ken Belcher, inspecting building materials at Pettyjohn's Building Supply Co. Hll you. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON Thursday, Oct. 10, 1974 Legion honors Mrs. Krebs The American Legion Auxi liary met Oct. 1 at the Helen McCabe home to present a certificate of appreciation (o Mrs. Henry Krebs for service rendered lo the lone unit. Plans were made for the special politick dinner honor ing the American Essay winners, to be held Monday, Oct. 28, 6:30 p.m., at the Legion Hall. Reports from Girl's and Boy's Slate dele gates will be given, and everyone is invited to attend. Details for the election day dinner, Nov. S, were also discussed. c "Something from the wUrs Is alwayi omethlng ipactal" luiimaicug "'"' -''If-J" SI' FirstLoan. It's a better way to borrow money, And it's avail able at every branch of First National Bank of Oregon, Wcid like to f get to know Heppner Branch ouu HOUSING LENOIR