Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Ralph Crum new GOP chairman Ralph, Crum, lone, was elected chairman of Morrow County Republican Central Committee at an organiza tional meeting at the Kenneth Peck home in Lexington Wednesday. Slate Central Committee Chairman Dave Green, Madras, met with the group and outlined activities of the party on the state level. Other officers elected were: vice-chairman, Avon Melby, Heppner; alternate chairman, Kenneth Peck; alternate vice-chairman, Lou Crum; secretary-treasurer, Pauline Winler, Heppner. Plans were laid for a county-wide rally to be held with a tentative date of Oct. 2. All persons interested in working in the Republican party are invited to attend. X 1 " We have a Gibson Freezer at a special price x jm r We have more than 300 Small A I Appliances; good chance to 7 f insure having one to give for j Christmas! fil ff- in J- ' ' - III TV & , lAoyt 's LECTRIC Thursday, Sept. lone news The Committee for Wo men's Activity met at the Grange Hall Sept. 20. The date was set for the Fall Festival on Sunday, Nov. 24. CWA's next meeting will be Friday, Oct. IB. The American Legion met Sept. 17 at the Legion Hall to install Commander John Jep son for 1974-75. Other officers installed were Gene Lan caster, vice-commander Charlie Doherty, adjutant Jerry McElligott, chaplain Bill Rietmann, sereeant-at arms; Harold Rietmann, post historian; and Don Peterson, service officer. In other business, Legion naires set Friday, Oct. 4, as a work day at the Legion Hall. Plans are to "winterize" the hall and do some painting and minor repairs. The lone Rainbow Girls met Sept. 19 to hold initiation -An n NJO C mm' 4 1 1 I 676-581 lfc 26, 1974 ceremonies for Paula Lind strom, Tammy Shimp, Darcy Rea and Donna Rea. Special guests at the ceremony were Mrs. Hazel Graham, supreme inspector, from Tillamook; Miss Emma Groat, grand deputy, also from Tillamook; and Kristy Kiser, worthy grand advisor, from Joseph. The lone Advisory Com mittee will meet Thursday, Oct. 3, 8 p.m., in the high school library. Discussion of the outdoor educational pro gram will be led by Cliff Williams. The public is wel come. The Legion Auxiliary will meet Oct. 1, 2 p.m., at the Legion Hall. The lone High School cheer leaders have re-set the date for their traveling bake sale to Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 3:30 p.m. The lone Junior High foot ball team showed spirit and a great team effort with their win over Arlington, Sept. 19. Kevin McCabe scored the only points of the game in the 4th quarter, making the final score 6-0. The team faces Slanfield here, Thursday, Sept. 26, at 2 p.m. The lone Girl's Volleyball team participated at the Fossil Invitational Saturday, Sept. 21. Fifteen schools were represented a! the all-day event. The lone "A" team won its first game against Culver but lost to both Dufur and Helix. The "B" team lost a game each to Arlington and Wheeler. lone volleyball games scheduled this season are: Oct. 1, lone vs. Riverside at lone, 7 p.m.; Oct. 8. lone vs. Wasco at Condon, 4 p.m.; Oct. 15, lone vs. Condon at Rhea Creek Work was the order of the day when the ladies of Rhea Creek Grange gathered for their first fall meeting on Sept. 19. They cleaned the hall and planned activities for the month ahead. Those to serve at the neighborhood center during the month of October are Mrs. Bob Stevens, Mrs. Waller Wright. Mrs. Elmer Palmer, Mrs. Harold Wright, Mrs. Ray Drake, Mrs. Adrain Bechdoll, Mrs. Glenn Farrens and Mrs. Oma Cox. On Oct 11 Mr. and Mrs. Waller Wrighl will be hosts for regular Grange. Visitation will be at Willows Grange on Oct. 19, and refreshments were planned for this. The menu was planned for the luncheon to be served at the Columbia Basin Electric Cooperative annual meeting the first of November. A special vote of thanks was given to Marion Hayden and Archie Bechdolt for the paint ing they had done on the hall and to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Babb and Mr. and Mrs. Adrain Bechdolt for their assistance. Those attending the meeting were Mrs. Glenn Farrens, Mrs. Oma Cox, Mrs. Harold Wrighl, Mrs. Walter Wright, Mrs. Ray Drake, Mrs. Cleve VanSchoick, Mrs. Leslie Babb, Mrs. Elmer Palmer, Mrs. Bob Stevens and Mrs. John Graves. Rhea Creek Grange met for their monthly meeting, Sept. 20 instead of their regular meeting night because so many were absent at that time. Mrs. Hal Sunday, a member of the Doctors' Search Com il's Auto WE REPAIR RADIATORS AND WE BUY JUNK CARS. Engine tune-up to major overhaul.. Front-end alignment . Full brake and muffler service.,.We specialize in auto glass. 2MIOIR TOWING SERVICE We sell used cars and pickups. Located at ('EG LI A AUTO WRECKING W. Riverside Ave.. Heppner JOHN CEGLIA, Owner 1 676-5595 Condon, 4 p.m.; Oct. 17, lone vs. Riverside at Riverside, 7 p.m.; Oct. 22, lone vs. Sherman at Sherman, 4 p.m.; Oct. 23, lone vs. Heppner at Heppner, 4 p.m. The lone Rainbow Assembly honored their mother advisor, Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, with carnations and gifts at their regular meeting Monday, Sept. 16. Mrs. Halvorsen has been chosen grand executive committee member of the Oregon Grand Assembly. Mrs. Esther Barnett has returned home from an ex tended vacation in Juneau, Alaska, visiting her son, Joel. Highlights of Mrs. Barnett's visit include a ferry trip to Skagway; a sea-plane trip to the native village of Angoon; and a tour of the ice fields. Mrs. Barnett was a special guest of the Alaskan Youth Village, a children's home, on two occasions. After leaving Juneau last week, Mrs. Barnett visited in Seattle with her daughter, Mrs. Vernon Aune, and family; . then traveled to Portland to visit two sons, Paul Barnett and family, and Sam Barnett and family, before returning home. Mrs. Henry Krebs attended the executive meeting of the Oregon Sheep Growers in Salem, Sept. 20. Mrs. Vic Rietmann, Mrs. Van Hubbard, Mrs. Henry Krebs and Fred Martin went to Pendleton Sept. 18 to attend the special "land use" con ference held at Blue Mt. Community College. Alice Nichoson has recently returned to her home in San Francisco after a 10-day visit here with her mother, Mrs. Edith Nichoson. Grange mittee, explained what the committee had been doing and ils progress to dale. The Grange supports this com mittee. Leaving Sept. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer traveled through Central Ore gon by way of Cove Park, Diamond Lake, the famed lown of Jacksonville, the Oregon Caves and then to the coast, taking the mail boat ride on the Rogue River and gelling a glimpse of the ocean now and then through the fog as they traveled up the coast. The women enjoyed the blackberry picking along the way, and even more the pies that followed. CLl'B PLANS 4-H WEEK OBSERVANCE The Two Trackers 4-H Horse Club met Sept. 17 to work on-record books. A discussion was held about putting a display in a store window during National 4-H week in October. The club is planning a weiner roast some Friday after school. The next meeting will be held in Oct. with an election of officers for next year, accord ing to Nancy Miller, club reporter. Elsie Fox has been visiting relatives and friends in Wenatchee, Wa., the last week. Repair Scouts working at community service Boy Scouts who aspire to gain the Eagle rank must put in many hours of work on a community service project. This last weekend some Hepp ner citizens noticed activity up on the East Hill, and a few became aware that something was being done to the cross thai tops the hill. As a community service, Mark Piper, Lexington, con ceived of the idea of cleaning up the cross and refinishing it. He enlisted the aid of a fellow Life Scout, Ron Ward, Hepp ner. The two boys are scrap ing and sanding and repaint ing the cross. The first cross in that localion was erected in 1929, according to Mary Case Nikander. Mary recalls that a Chris Construction Co. "Homes by Chris by Cracky" CUSTOM HOMES BY CHRIS. LOCAL NUMBER 676-5816 OR CALL CHRIS AT: Rt. 1 Box 224 AA Aurora, r"RJfi iaue CENTRAL " " MAttlAELI Country Style Spareribs ib. 'I09 Western Family 1-lb. Pk8-51139 Sliced Bacon H Hygrade Chunk BOLOGNA FREE Whitman Children's Classic when you purchase one 2-Ib. can oi Folger's coffee Standby 20 oz. Chunk Pineapple 390 SUGAR TWIN Lo Calorie Sweetner PREMIUM CRACKERS BANQUET FRIED CHICKEN 2 ib 1.89 Prices effective Sept. 27-28 group of young people from the Methodist Church that included John Franzen, Duane Brown, Billy Cochell and Mary and Gus Nikander put it in place. Scoutmaster Piper said Bruce Young has already completed his community service project and has passed the Board of Review of the Blue Mountain Council. He will become an Eagle Scout soon, Bruce spent many hours working on the Hager Park site, clearing debris and removing old fencing. Two other Scouts, Charles Rawlins and Steve McLaughlin, have community projects in mind. Charles is considering working on a baseball diamond at Hager Oregon 6785049 or 678-1188 . . . inese Knees uooa 29 Hurry! Supply Limited See our special display. 530 NABISCO Mb. ! 570 MARKET Park, and Steve may work at improving , the pioneer cemetery on Little Butter Creek. Charles has his Life rank; Steve has a little more to do to gain his, and is now serving as the (roup's senior patrol leader. TAeneJs ijp PENDLETON BRANCH Earl Moroni, Vice rriaay, aaiuraay Family Pac 4-6 to pkg. Pork Chops f 1" Betty Crocker Snackin' Cake Mixes 590 Ginger Bread Mix 550 Gold 25 lbs. 439 Heinz 20 oz. Cool Large Cantaloupe 490 Seedless Grapes i. 430 LettUCe 4 heads 890 Phones: (Groc.) 676 Page 7 place like 157 Main - President & Manager v beef lb. 65C Medal 10 bs. 1.89 Catsup 550 Whip 590 - 9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps GREEN I m m 1 lii i HEPPNER fen PJ1II1