Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Thursday, Sept. 19, 1974 Lexington Mrs. Agnes Nichols is visit ing relatives in Boise, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beason of Goldendale were recent visitors at the home of her w daughter, Mrs. Morrow Way, and family. Sam McMillan of Milwaukie was a recent overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson. Three Links Club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Palmer. Plans were made for fall activities-a dinner, card party and bazaar in late November. Refresh ments were served to Ruth Robinson, Elsie Fox, Irene Padberg, Florence McMillan, Dimple Munkers and the hostess. Mrs. Padberg won the door prize. Holly Rebekah Lodge met Thursday night for the first meeting of the season. Plans were made for an initiation to be held Sept. 19 jointly with Bunchgrass Lodge of lone. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Jones visited on the Oregon coast last week. Mrs. Betty Orwick is a patient in Walla Walla Gen eral Hospital. T.E. Messenger Sr. has returned home after two weeks in Community Hospital, Pendleton, where he under went major surgery. Mr. and Mrs. William J. VanWinkle went to Salem over the weekend to see their daughter, Glenda Kay, who is a hospital patient there. Mike Kane and guest of San Francisco is visiting this week at the William J. VanWinkle home and enjoying fishing in the Wallowas. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Whitney of Portland and Vicky Walden of Pendleton were Lexington visitors two days last week. Carolyn Howard is a patient at Pioneer Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Dean Ausmin of Kamiah, Idaho, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Eldon Padberg, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harrison spent several days at Wallowa and Mr. and Mrs. Keithley, her parents, Heppner, stayed at their ranch during their absence. Greg Davidson spent Mon day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Munkers spent several days in the Willamette Valley where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Larry Groves and family and other relatives. Irrigon council action Plans for a 23-space addition to the Riverview Trailer Court were submitted to the Irrigon City Council, Sept. 10. They will go to the planning commissions next meeting, then will be returned to the council for action at a later date. Donald Eppenbach was appointed to the planning commission to replace Perry Pummel, who resigned a month ago. Barbra Byrd," recorder, was instructed to set up a meeting date for the planning commission at which a chairman would be selected and current business conducted. HERMAN ROBERSON DIES IN IRRIGON Herman Roberson, 72, was found dead Tuesday morning by a neighbor at his home in Irrigon. Mr. Roberson had been reported in poor health. Oregon State Police and the County Medical Examiner are investigating the case. Survivors include a son, William B. Roberson, Bothell, Wa. The body was taken to Sweeney Mortuary. Labor Day guests of Mrs. Scott Furlong were her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stark of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Matthews' guests for the rodeo were their daughters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCleod and Scott of Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griener and Jenifer of Fossil. Dorothy Irish was appointed to represent the city at both the Land Use Planning meet ing at Pendleton, Sept. 18, and the Roundtable meeting in Boardman, Sept. 19. A letter was read from the highway traffic division indicating the 50-mile speed zone from the west city limits to 13th St. would be reduced to 40 MPH except for 500 feet each side of 8th St., which would be a 20-mile zone during school hours. The city had asked for a 35-mile zone through the area. Mayor Chester Wilson reminded the council that it's less than two months until election, when three vacan ies will be filled. The terms of , Mayor Wilson, Felix Friend and Dorothy Irish are expiring. Wilson and Friend will not seek re-election. Irrigon residents who wish to be on the ballot for election to the city council will need to sign an affidavit with the city recorder, Barbra Byrd, stating that they are willing to run. A petition should then be circulated for signatures and returned 15 days prior to election, in early November. A liquor license application renewal was approved tor Clark's Tavern. OREGON FEED LOT P.O. BOX A MADRAS, OREGON 97741 CUSTOM CATTLE FEEDING PHONE 475-3846 RE-ELECT JOYCE BERG5TR0M ASSESSOR A PAST PRESIDENT Now serving as Secretary-Treasurer of Eastern Oregon Assessor's Association. CHAIRMAN for 6 County District. INCTMBENT With 9 years' experience in the Morrow County Assessor's Office, and familiar with individual properties. CERTIFIED As required by statutory regula tion, to appraise both urban and rural properties. I HAVE knowledge and experience to keep Morrow County within the statutory require ments of the State, and to help make taxpayers aware of advantages available. (This advertisement paid for by Joyce Bergstrom) J CB directors to be nominated A nominating committee has been named by Columbia Basin to name nominees for directors to be voted on at the annual meeting to be held Nov. 1. The committee will meet Sept. 26. The following are districts to elect directors for a two-year term: City of Condon incumbent is Paul Jaeger. Zone 2-of Gilliam County, which is the area west of the Morrow-Gilliam County line and south of the township line dividing Townships 3 South and 4 South incumbent is Walter Jaeger. Zone 6-of Morrow County, which is lying south of the township line dividing Town ship 2 South and 3 South and East of the range line dividing Range 24 East and 25 East incumbent is Walter Wright. At Large entire rural area incumbent is Floyd Anderson. The following committee members will meet to make the nominations: Len Haldor son, Frank Dyer, Dorris Graves, Otto Steinke, DX). Nelson, Roy Lindstrom and Herman Winter. Library statistics mailed to Salem Page 3 wmmmmmmmmmm. Roofing and Painting lone man to Thailand The Oregon Public Library Statistical Report from the Heppner Public Library has been compiled and sent to the State Library, and copies are also filed in the city office and the library's files. . This report covers the year which ended June 30, 1974. It lists members of the library board: Randall Peterson, chairman; Pauline Winter, secretary; Rita Wolff, Aloha DeSpain, all Heppner, and Ed Struthers, Lexington. It indi cates the exact hours the library is open. The number of catalogued books held on June 30 was 9,525, both adult and juvenile; at least 1,000 more volumes are uncatalogued paperback books. Transactions during the year included 2,905 books circulated to adults and 1,832 circulated to juvenile readers, for a total circulation of 4,737. An increasing number of books have been obtained from the State Library for local borrowers. Special events before June 30 included the autograph party for Mildred Searcy and the series of story hours for children held during the 1973 summer months. The report also gives a financial state- -ment showing that the total operating expenditure of the library was $2,900 in 1973-74. m New roofs, roof coating, built up-roofs, shingles oiled and stained. Home, farm, and ranch painting, including elevators and grain storage. 30 years experience Call Claude Pettey 989-8184. eves. Glendale, Ariz Capt. Ger ald G. White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White of lone, Ore., has completed pilot training at Luke AFB, Ariz., in the F-4 Phantom fighter bomber. He is being assigned to Udorn Royal Thai AFB, Thai land, for duty with a unit of the Pacific Air Forces. A 1956 graduate of lone High School, he received his B.A. degree in economics from Willamette University and is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The Captain's wife, Sally, is the daughter of Mrs. Bruce Swift of 1208 Highland Circle, Salina, Kan. Thanks! t TO ALL WATER USERS FOR THEIR CO OPERATION DURING THE CONTROLLED WATERING SEASON. RALPH MARLATT, City Foreman, City of Heppner. II nri u viz jv vrv mm ft' m -Fashioned Dance Hardman Opry House H Saturday, Sept. 21 till 2:30 a.m. Music by THE SIDEWINDERS HOT SANDWICHES LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES BATTERY FEfJCE CONTROLLER PACIFIC STOCK TAUKS Made of 20 -gauge prime quality galvanized steel with "Double Life" bottom reinforced with a 2-oz. Seal -of -Quality zinc coating to resist rust. , ,., RE224 RE225 RE226 RE2528 RE3210 100-gal. 128-gal. 156-jal. 272-gal. 406al. Rag. $40.14 Reg. $48.49 Reg. $59.80 Reg. $79.92 Reg. $108.00 'Si A sauna ;2875 Reg. $32.15 NOW $36.19 NOW $43.69 NOW $53.79 NOW $71.89 NOW $97.19 HOT SHOT" Keeps water at about 40F. even in freezing weather. Inside thermostat. Water tight, rust & corrosion proof. Plug is grounded and moisture sealed for safety. Reg. $23.55 .1 u (Ft i 'ihbv; UL listed and approved. Premium quality 6-volt battery controller with enclosed battery compartment. Superior circuitry Ground clamp and instruction manual ipcluded. EVEREADY FENCER BATTERY 6 VOLT Reg. $6.95 HOTSHOT tolMMiMemwi FENCE POST DIGGER Sturdy and strong, made to last! Handles are 4' long, blades are 914" x 6-'.". PACIFIC 14-FT. PANEL GATE Top quality all the way I Solidly riveted ?l V " V joints for strength and rust resistance, superior hardware engineered to last longer and work better Reg. $46.43 j! "I asked you $500 (or him and you said you'd (ive $50. Well. I tint H f one to quibble over a few hun'erd dollars." M 4) 59 Reg. $11.99 400 GOLDEN ROD FENCE STRETCHER ' fV 111 1 RITCHIE Variable-Flow YARD HYDRANTS Top choice for dependability since 1P.9RI Ynu npt full flow summer and winter ... no freeze-ups ever. V bury depth 2' bury depth 3' bury depth 4' bury depth 5' bury depth 6' bury depth Reg. S21.95 Reg. $22.95 Reg. $23.95 Reg. $24.95 Reg. $25.95 Reg. $26.95 NOW $19.75 NOW $20.75 NOW S21 55, NOW S22.45 NOW $23.35 NOW $24.25 RITCHIE 3E CATTLE VATERER j49 Reg. $13.40 48" ELECTRIC FENCE POSTS Round W diameter tubular steel. Completely coated with rust inhibitive orange acrylic! enamel, 4" anchor plate. 70' Reg. $.80 EACH ! Designed for the smaller C ft ft JLC farm. Serves up to 40 I I .Tt "J head. Rugged, well built. Two trough covers. 400 watt electric unit. Reg. $126.28 ljDi? (By to GEiAOCJ SK LEXINGTON, OREGON Phone 989-8221