Page 2 Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Thursday. Aug. 15, 1974 cimssRnAns Horso sense priestesses By LESTER KINSOLVtVG By ERVESTV.JvHVEJt 1 w w - 0 .(v The nation Mii the world should take heart a: the historic and imsrecedented events of last week. The res.rr.ahir of Richard .Vatoe shook! restore mads of fee !aa the .American people bane lost in tha repubbcaii form of goier-ament. The system stJl works, a spite of the decades of erosion of our liberties arid imdermnurg of r msctruDOis by those II! poer. The last time I was 3ed rids pride for and poTifidenee a: the fcadershjp of this country was daring Worid War II ar-d its immediate ar.ermati Bo: as I watched he televised hear-cgs of the Bouse Judbeary Cfexsuttee dehrmg the articles rf nreactenen: agamst Mr. Saars. I mas impressed with the caliber of the -members Their fairness and handling of the issues was heartenmg They . r..r. cues-tax. reflected the mood of the people they mere ejeced 10 sen For the frst toe is mary years Ciriress st-.vd -ta2 b the sadSe," and America was treated v a aenwestratM of ihe gxfass and soundness of the Araencai: system of There s not as Ajaencaa "x has ro pned from the ordeal .-est ended. It b Lke i treat of fresh air through a pttocal shim thai has tae krf beer permit-ed te fester. I: shouid pi renewed faitii and c-rde-nc e a system tha had grow shaky became of public apathy and fitter fcarxry leaders, t sbouid msd! ir-erer msr ir. the adnsnstratxir of Amencar justice which ms beer faermg kesg. Other nations mast have seer, bcw the ttpjzkk was gm-no Jt had falies rate die hands of es 'tetters and bc it was becoming st Jar removed from the peopie-and be equaly impressed by the basse Siaadnss of I A-rercar sy-sresr,. Feopie m other countries, sta under ix? ve rf their nwers, cat now be satsfwd that jenca & s'-- imoue. st-JI resporsn se the people and that eves the vivs mer hi gernmesK are not immaae irwa the p rse.jer'ces rf tk it a wwrtabie Canstrauoc If TV- ffber CTXEitry has the trasstwe of utxsal ppr reer trassferred so q-judtlj and sraowthiT. Mr, Jcxae res-ied or isy. Mr. ford was president e nert There mas w deriJicstratjfsa. ie sosxni of farre ae natK&al i.m-z:r. Iz grareEt aSces acras Ae lad E was boxness as isaai. The country wens about its considerable busawss. The si act rvartet. that sessrte ecooortic er. went b? a few posts.. .V trails were T&bsied The ry-s-ers was warfare Corstrasr this transfer u jx-wer -e wta: happeoed as Athens a norith afs. ar c Bars! beore that. Contrast k wj what happened m Cr.fie Ciitsa. .Arfer.trre-ary cwntrj e recest years where as ahrtEf ct-rxe k ieaderstey has corae te pass, fc tsakes tae ?rtad to be as .Azaencar We Eay see she day wheas prrwss" wiB be respectahie oece acais cstead of the dr"y mwrd it has bees, far ts feraf Rep AI t"Lrr the re ctas-rar of the Bscs Buawt Cortrrj-e. iod "Sie Gaiette-Tsaes Tkirsday that the ra'Kr s desperateiy :inx i ae Coagress e cope wx thewwes chaooc eraoaraic srssatMc He sxid he wouid lead i e-ou? ctarged w-.ts cssstmErsf Ae feaera! budps tad. se-TTf spesdrsf ceilags Jcr eaia ita f cnersse-E iency " cusr swd a SigTii toad asd aear i the peopie," ITcaas swt "that me are tta2y cprr.riir.ed a the new budget c-epf If l"Lrr.a s teSing is Cacsgress s sicw dedicated febera; sperjfcrf -fcat news s receirwd wSk freat jcy. Cs r thitif we cas be sare, mcr cangresscseE are pustmg fx- e-er sire teaeral spnar. Far exairwe, Saeaser af the Hxse Car! .Albert s de-r.an2r a lrr House Office Baiirf .. e &nuga me fcan jsac eeapueted die F-iyhsn H.vse Cf k a; a cos: of $12 rJiiac Corress man's retwa-e the Iteises Senate CQc Esisidiaf at a ctS? rf SS rriEKEi. A new Library af Carcress hafiii s mm imrx ba3 a x cast f S rJjasL ad di eacressiDeE fct s:red a ?Cj"ix faiwirf that be-kaag besr taaez wer by -be rf Representstrres far tser pwt use Concress wars u spend VJ rrZbx. far ax erpandinf. US. To Cox. The DeparTrer af Labor js beffif fte a new Eg ciSac biiildrf Ei. gerir i Vt eHjchs baidsrf These are aS dLa-s . Just ttus kst aiarie arr9its se r&are dux one bsHwe' dollars fc s a he (fcfLcur Se see bpw AI dkruffi and tus t-ew K.iuse Eadse? s gassg a carati feaeral soenfeif wfees .Mesnbers of Congress are heTtMt oe prt'ir cwre and hennas ip-art.ers fros wiixdi tc send oa: arpeais for ecanccry n f rernrrrfss .And wtsje aras rfikc-doliar r.arbie carstrartjac spree s a:3er way s few homes are bearf tniJ: je 5acetpr. USA. Congress tatsjf care if itsef vbiie other Araencari fa-r-ijes. wtk car.'? aSors J3. Saf.sef fx a reasceatije swehsig. are isreed rr.t traier homes, jsacfcu crate sr-arres ard subsr.a3tdari. kws2$ Vpw that osr spesdchrsfr presden' t-as resxae ha office, perfcape we sswaid cassider jrr;;aetnTiesj? aarges against as eqaaly speadttnft cirres& E - tirr tre cry cousei meets I expeo a baa of rapeachraeir afirsst Chief cf Poace Deaz Guaaa-4or -!r jnj-irf if tr wastrictiaE of justroe. fc happened tba way Greg 5ry was prepana ta kat Jar Be? ScikT f"? '-tie Bakwa Mauxairs jas we.. His lather. Lord Higk Ki-ycr Jerry $weaey. was u:ikdisf Gregf's far irons tht faatfy statioe wafae k fraos af tae Oa Outs After T5n tre esrered a resnajraca iar a cap of coSee .Aaif as. arae rax hef.i EAteg ha nrx lc tjcaet cars at erarea nrers. TYe iLay-nr. ibis have joined "ne Gasese-TBries" crssaae u rlaw the twt-rieaaed badr.s. haai 1 btiened st pa a coa hs ft partr &eter. Greff ww 3at cosijijf aac rasbed on it pa nosey a tae meter u snt ta Jatrier a partus rtoatnc te- -'.and i that isr.! a &ry Scott faoi deed II rae the meanest iwl at the radec.. Gref foxd iunjsif eweuest. bi aoe wrtlwu: rewxres Ke rushed le CteK and asked , harrow a pear f tewitf tSuc jjtk was ahotf u- he prwtnr.ei. Dear kiaried tun a pesary. Grei fcairjjy i-aerted e a, the fnc.-er beirre rtt mid pet fass tcte? isuk oat af hs pocke ! 3.r. ktKHi -tea- 6 law .has hees served s tfcs case, b .kjs k sbcre tjh ' EiE CaLus. Bepprier's ieadnf oeaaer and presser axd resor mt-.crx. was teHrjg wit a strata fae how ae Dptr.cra-s hae ir. i? ot X:k. it fact, be oid a charmed w!ct r the Wag x Vbeei, That the Democrats are $ mr - p tt Jnnrer presidesr a 1ij parry . -After wtsich." &J sid. "Ser.. Ted Kennedy s gtanf u &mt tea Ban.'" A Sew w-eets agt I co-rJDeiwerd m the rattiessat bunts heKi d;mT. a Texas and prociaared t a $m far the country ir get three iirajnts cieaned oat Howard Carrw-eE of Ea!s". T t has beei a refaiar rattiesLake tvjotoQ par .jcspaffi fur rrare tUcc J yean, se&s me Sje cjctrof dowm . "tie racier pcipattmE has semwsiH nripaired the baiaace of na tre n pjoes lite E4; Sprm Tex, where have ift shinned r.. Carrw-ei said wMiik studies show that ra-tiers ear ra s With rartjers gar. ?he rats are timx As ra are rrKre aestractri has the snake,, fie gave as ruiriie one ra car eat r destrry tnore f atd that t takes to sas-ait s.i head f artie. Or rancner far ZttcxcnL, Tex became ajr-ued because ae oaaJ appeared ai ha rand.. Be taTirt b a wiiiie specialist rhe reported that the whuuesaie ' kiHiTif rf rarjers has permitsed rats u mcreate. and ae rats amf fMd had rajoetd acid iessvytd the sa sestz S sber W8 are.. Maybe Corrwel m ngt a behensf Saat aJ Sbewecreaires, inwever pesky, serve a parpwsreuetbev wii:,l be here. TW r3 i LrI pJ it swtkff the aeaC e juie a musqom oties hs Sranf ta the tck of rry neck., f ga .tujfr. A aYiNG SHAME . REPORT DEAR EDITOR: I see where lit it is the works to set up another vast government agency te protect us consumers from ur gen eral stupidity. This new f asf wifl be is additwc t the army of $J68 to f-G tW-a-year pobtical par asites already prsenng the producers who make their hvtr4 by making Lie easier for us 4- .Apparentrjr we are dooraed te enihre and pay these peociie to protect t&s and we may have to try te make a deal with then: to doubie their pay if they win keep thor noses out of cur business DE. SCOTT, Crossroads. USA. quoteunquote "If fl hadn't beea for fhal and the fact That I got try leg broke and had to go k'o the meories to eat. wty. who knows I might have tamed out to be a libera Democrat." Jaha Wayne, acsar. Mayor of Hardman DEAR MISTER FPITOR: The feiiers ' the coantry store studied the sna-tiae 19 one side aoi ten the other Saturday nih. and they was of a sand tha- :xr.m gr..d ke the er-. r.artet ss a bad TTfOe Frs: off. r wic&d mreck a Qmfrsse- record Gxwd s the enh- tijirsf the Gw-ersswnt ccaitroo aat aa1! feS apart. Secorsl whes eerbcdy cats bs.n and se gtvd the price s ceraiS: te ge so hip the Government wi haw t ssep m and se the price cwtroj$ oc the st'jff Tr.:s ine of fgenrjg pu! the feljers ir a p.;tKir it perpws a strar-e cmrse of art fer GsvramQt Let wie2 er.aff akme. Ed Gntry was s-rws ir fax of the, to irien-ary ox gaid resenes at Fort Koos a: Seast t a year. If a C gaid piece s wwtt- S3t 01 the torr market. Ed aliped me 0143c 1 mate sbtce er speck me gat s accounted 5er . And wits a" gair$ ot m wasrnrtse. these days me better creck e-er marrcsg i make share Fort Eata stSS Swre AcrsaL west oc Ed. there's SKtriepsjc aJt Gwierrmerf prnpery thai brrr-xs vx the wjirsr a Jlks. He 'bad saw where a hewse m New York Csry had stood fer nearr year wraxsi: bemg bothered But state bought it as a hissnncai Si-e. and nr three mor,s tr.fet es tad made 3 wtth eerthitsg as c. and had e $r.ce tr manties. skcrknstfK and boards off the waS. FrrvrAL JLsrer Editor. I o: t kar-w nothing abme gold sraridaras and warid money prtCfier:;s and I gr that mated sc. The way &mf leas sees thai if feiier had a bit of gd i' d be heaey ss ha ptcket and he's fee! Lee he had swmepxt. Paper money is grtmg as cheap as is is ight. I saw rber some feiier m Fknia g atcd of a t: tn3 wttfc she fcp are prated upside dewx. The wander is that he c-.Uid hoid oe s the biS kmg eaaff t notice tne ume Speacr af paper. Oem Wehsrer had ths re-rt on Gwernraew; papermwt perpared by Set. Thomas Mcintyre The seMGor said that eer year the federal Gsver&mes Lies erawagi! paper in O S'.adjxi -tram tae piayxsg fd u die top of the standi" SI tune. x&iy Jw the good set'!-fered thaoa-wasct said. Ed alicwed. irx the p s rwe bulitc forms. ;t pieces fer nery mar., woman and ch3d a the country . The seratar said trie cost of processrg ttus ptper s PM teSixm, or 18 per cess of the entire !deral budge' With that as nasi Ed west nr.. you can see miar kind tif pi&K r. tarowed ttie federal Guernme is i iearc thai we are rxmmg srior rf ptper clps Fer m an sficit piper is k. fer want rf a paper 3 tai re" an s ker and se or. tmc ox red tape kmfiam. AX Ans farms woaid bkw mz of Variiee S'adixr. and the coxr.ry mniji be k unn the litter. Yours tnrr. JCAYOB F.OY DM a SI,. -'.a - o po rrj la I-fA-JC. t nrr.? of S ws owe ccnirfoi- a eas for 7 u-;ipi . COW POKES By Ace Reld UMJKELY LETTERS DtudM tTtiRjuko 1 Fuje a &c2et 1 9 wi it upiF2f ec9 it sct A 1 titodita fiui tuUi sitii t fMf,ffiM w1 &ti txhh u &4 $u t &stln )Kax; Ejl I 4 kakruca tlul uiri MvtSl-4 9 &4I i&m ii M bi Sul eaubif cmU claul uk m aucM. J 7737 C Errrc'Rt This a f apprecsatjoe t a2 those peopie who ge of thrsr tar. errgy. and money la support oar peotwe orrve ta put am Bu'A'.nt m tre Ntneir.ber baSot to change our oew liberaJ marjuana law. We fed that with more lane we woaid have bees successfai as senrr rjse necessary cumber of signatures. Persians passtng perxwrs athised that 9t per cent of the peopie cwr red were willing t ssgt. There seemed t be a lack of knowledge about &e law and partieuarry about the tjcastxy of as ounce of manjuama.. When they understood that as ounce of mar.juarut s not as experrriental amount, but ax amount tha can make up ts St enough ta pat from 15 38 perKins a a tnmd altered tegh" rate, and couid ceracty be a "pushers' amount, riex there was great cfmcerx and inters s supporting our prutjae Time was our mass detmuent. Jtary cosrimeaKs were received that we mre stiS ivo liberal te our mruatn. Amorjg !t&ose. the Portland Cffy Police Dept.. admsed. "We cannot compromise and agree to ary law authoraed hmra oc ary drug or zutcotJC. Shouid yftx irgaru2atK stme la eimusate 8 teas and make a2 amounts egualh Ciegal. we w-ouid be mterested Your efiorts .are m tf rxt durectior. but just no! Strang enough for is. We are not unaware of the attempts t kfalae lursjuasa en'.ireiy, or ii the pious iiberas wepmg far &e users f swiAl a.mounts. We realuse there s a -general feeiaif" amai the unmfnrmed ctraseary that t a ""too hard"" c thai poor pe-.ipie that get arrested for "onry havmg a coaaje" f manjuara carete .Vowrhe. we are mformed and we kww ae eiis of mart-rjau. and we w2 nat cocromise our pcrior " The receptaE and treatstient acenrded us ox our rsj wsh police through the state w as trearjesitkus. but for the Pubc Deps rfEugeaadWoodB,rwhBeouMnotfj4tmieto us We intend to have leather petitwa dm far the next genera eiectKm. With the ground work already laud, we fed cerans of success. Aryone wzshong Is he'ip. contact The Committee Agamst Liberal Drag Law. PO Ba C3. HermisnMi. OregaE tTSL TlkS CALAL. Secretary, CorrjEinee Against Libera! Drug Laws.. National attention has been focused for some time upon California's illiterate, but ingenious ordination-by-mail magnate, the Rev. Dr. Kirby Hrnsley, of Modesto. Among other intriguing activities. Dr. HensJey, founder of the Universal Life Church, has managed to ordain an estimated two million people - well s number of Siamese cats. Not to be outdone in the realm of innovative liturgical adventure, three prelates of the Episcopal Church (all retired 1 recently staged an ordination sen-ice in North Philadeiphia. which, in some respects upstaged even the Rev. Dr. HensJev's feline sacramentary. Bishops Daniel Comgan. Robert DeWitt and Edward Weles. formerly of dioceses in Denver. Philadelphia and Kansas City, on July 29 carried out their announced -in-advance intent to defy an impressive segment of the very same church law which they once swore to uphold and to disregard the earnest pleadings of their fellow bishops urvrenredi by conducting a sen ice of ordination to the priesthood for 11 eager-eyed ladies The three bishops announced piously that their action in this regard was -obedience to the Lordship of Christ," winch terminology, under the circumstances, constitutes what might be called a holy mystery For 8 a indeed mysterious that Christ allegedly waited until all three of these particular bishops were safely retired or guaranteed pensions before issuing what they announced was -fits command" - to produce priestesses. It ts indeed remarkable, for example, that pnor to his rfirement yust 10 months ago. Bishop DeWitt, while is charge of "tie Diocese of Pennsylvania, declined the repeated reoaews of Deacon Suzanne Hjatt for ordination to the pries bewd But things were very different then. For such an ordma would have caused trouble in DeWitt 'i own diocese not to mention a national crisis for De Wirt's dose friend J.-hn E Hines, mho recently retired as the ranking preiae. or Presiding Bishop, of the 15 million -member devw.ira'MT. Such an ordination would have been a major prfinem and embarrassment for Hones. But now Hines has been succeeded by a much less liberally way -out buAop named John Ailm. While Hines and DeWitt are busy trying to resurrect a defunct church magazine cad "The Witness" which (dare we say it) wi3 ur-kiBbed!y become known as "The Witless." And what be-er way ? attract national attention and publicity for a revned be Isberal sheet than to drop the female ordination ha-d grenade m the new Presiding Bishop's Up? even if h: tears the dtenommatioa apart, as it probabiy wiH uuess A2s takes a ftm had The ordraK service at the enormous Church of the Ahware m the heart of Philadelphia's black community was opened with a sermoo by layman Charles Willie, rice-presoder.' of the denomination's House of Deputies, a proSesKr and biack militant abrasion-artist from S.vraruse Utsnersry As the climax of what seemed Lke a minute ncB-s?9 beficw. Dr. Wilbe cried: I Kind ready la sutler the consequences of my action, tar i teww. tie Dr Srsg, that unearned suffering is rede-pre'"" Ttie dea that Dr.. WC s Syracuse U salary will "suffer' by as muds as eves or dime ts almost as comic as this !feiary-eiied Krrrce of Charles Will and Martin Luther Eirig Jr. Bat es tfcs chutrpah mas exceeded by one of the Epitacsipal far left whs were present, and ready With hisses and boos, whes f ie ctiergy dared to offer un shouted protest whes st was called for ra the service For the P-ev Damd Graoe of Philadelphia, the Episcopal edrje. of Abtwe Huffman as one of this occasion's marshals threaerd to evict LTI photographer Michael Fejd-taa from tr chxch Graceless Davie" has a mmrrry wfeicfc runs the gamut from refusing to pay his mcoxs aies t stjutL his negat:e comments with &Kensries m putjc. Thea. JCKe-jy after this encounter, the lady clergy were a,sied the swestwe trora the Ont&al of the Book of Common Prer : W'iS yoa reierestrj obey your bishop ..." an m-erevrng gaestjota indeed, because at that ery hour most of them were dsobeytsf-g their bishops who had asked them no 5 participate in tha traesy But a tr precise mstant ea: th embarrassirx question was asked bj one of the rebel bishops. scneooe or sie-.fcg fell m the organ keyboard, which caused a bass bas. The urscfeedjied music was brief But it was ominous e-Mweh to suggest the possibility the Holy Spirit might hi bees preer,t arid not pased Lexington bonds are approved LertnroB residents went to ft pedis Tuesday and apprsned a 1205 . general otiigaKs bond issue. SO-30, to tujfgrade the water s.vstera. They plar : buiid a new reservti-r t approximately mm galkw capaaty , instail a new pump and nearly or mi of disrnbu'K hot within the cry It a expected that the Farm Bmt Administration will purchase the bonds. Flood (CmouawH (rwwm page 1 1 VA.M. was borne by the Nafwrial Weather Service Sabas. who has installed the alarm $stem$ all over the nation, said he had oeer encountered the hospitality, friendliness and cooperation that was snomii htm during his meek's stay m Heppner. "I knew tha hospitality when I mas a child and lived to small ttmns." be said, "but 1 thought it had disappeared " He was ur.pressed by the operatK received from the hospital staff, Mr. and Mrs. Qaude Buschke, city and county officials It s fantas tic." he said, "and af I spent another week here I d pro bably settle oVmn " It cJea't loci & I am leep yoj fro rWr tr eff 4! tf f'm. tvt I bef rhtrn eW krrrtrs 1 1 i 7HZX I WMiiamax.vTir'tXTn&Attn I v'-Z (DO I I Publis every "Thursday, and entered as a seesod-ciass ; 1 KiareratthepoB &ceal Heppner, Cregw. wider the act i v EcS I KarcSs X. :C1 Secundas postage pajtf at Heppner. I A