Page S' The mail pouch (Continued from Page 2) representatives of the people who reside in the county. They are the greatest potential challenge to the misuse of authority by a central government in Washington and in the federal regional capitols when they are informed. Many are misdirected and confused. Three informative and factual books that have been shedding much light on this power of control over America are, "The Naked Capitalist," "Wake Up America and "None Dare Call it Conspiracy." For facts behind this national crisis, anyone can write for a free copy of, "NARC Plan programmed America bv 1985," from Committee to Restore the Constitution, 990 Savings Bldg., Ft. Collins, Colorado, 80521. CARLM. MARQUARDT, Lexington. EDITOR: The Department of Revenue setting the standards for farm use values is nothing new. They have always supplied every county with the interest rate to be used in capitalizing net income. The rate is a large factor in the computation. The Department of Revenue has been providing statutes for the counties to follow in hopes for uniformity since 1909. They audit the counties, make inventory checks on personal property, set standards for market value appraisals, ratio studies, order increases if an area is valued low according to the ratio study, set the standards for mapping and account numbers. They appraise the public utilities, industrial properties and, in Western Oregon, the timber and timber land. They supply a methods manual and the cost factor for guide lines in appraising buildings and mobile homes. They help with legal advice in all county offices. The counties do make many decisions, but this farm use land value difference between Oregon counties and the problems it could have created is a definite indication of the need for uniformity. I'm glad despite the fact it has helped cause a write-in campaign against me that we chose to use the methods used by other counties in figuring farm use values. Otherwise Morrow County could be faced with the time and expense of making a change also. While there was never any argument between the counties, it was a matter of a problem existing and a decision had to be made. It was a hard one to make, and Mr. John Lobdell, director, Department of Revenue, and the attorneys for the state gave tneir tuil consideration to all matters Involved. The decision will make some land classes of tillable land in Umatilla County increase as much as 55 percent. JOYCE BERGSTROM, Assessor. v ,n Joe A. Peralta, carman welder in Los Angeles, We can th Union Pacific unufflunHuunmiuiuiBmiM How to Select the Right Ventilator Seiecting the ugh; powpre.T H VI an'c space ventilator s mrwe simple and rehabte by stivoaros for certified performance ratings and ventilation rates Trie Home Ventilating Institute -HVI;. a recognized Quality control agency, certifies air delivery of powered attic space ventilators m cubic feet per minute 'CFM;. at .03" static pressure HVI standards recommend 10 air changes per hour or a minimum of .7 CFM per square foot of attic floor space, plus 15 for darK roofs Only fans bearing the HVl-ceiified label car be compared m performance. All such fans are tested the same way in tne same independent laboratory at Texas ASM University Roof-type venti lators do not reouire lcuvers Gaoie-type ventilators require louvers wmcn must be tested and certified as an assembly Look for the HVI certification when purchasing a powered attic space ventilator. Fo' safety assurance all HVl-certified attic fans must be tested and hstec with Underwriters Laboratories ;UL) Fights Moisture Damage Too Protection against damage from excess attic moisture aiso is provides by powered attic space ventilators with recommended controls Attic moisture poses the greatest threat in winter months, vnen moisture- California. handle it. railroad paoc4 'UNI' Columbia Basin Electric Co-oi Improved Heppner bows to Baker Swim Team The Baker Swim Team came to Heppner Monday evening and dunked the Hepp ner team, 212 to 154. The Heppner swimmers have improved since last week's meet with Hermiston. Here are the results: 12 and under girls medley relay, Baker; 12 and under boys 120 medley relay, tied, Heppner swimmers were Doug Holland, Berry Jones, Harry Groshens and Rick Smith; boys 13-14, 120 free style, Ronnie Ward 1st; girls 8 and under 30 meter freestyle, 1st, Colleen O'Leary, Baker; 2nd, Kelli Bergstrom; 3rd, Ellen Arbogast; boys 8 and under 30 meter freestyle, 1st, Bruce Mack, Baker; 2nd, Greg Connor; girls 10 and under 60 meter freestyle, 1st, Jolynn McGaughey, Baker; 2nd, Karen Kenny; 3rd, Lottie Laughlin. Boys 10 and under 60 meter freestyle, 1st, Harry Gro shens; 2nd, Terry Seal, Ba ker; 3rd, Shane Laughlin; girls 11-12 60 meter freestyle, 1st, Dee Shean, Baker; 2nd, Dondi Fraw, Baker; 3rd, Sonja Biddle; boys 11-12 60 meter freestyle, 1st, Rick Smith; girls 13-14 60 meter freestyle, 3rd, Rosanna Mar latt; girls 8 and under 30 meter breast, 1st, Colleen O'Leary; 2nd, Kelli Berg strom; 3rd, Shelly Biddle; boys 8 and under 30 meter breast, 1st, Greg Connor; 2nd, Bruce Mack, Baker; 3rd, Cam George; girls 10 and under 60 meter breast. 1st, Clndl Berg strom; 2nd, Lottie Laughlin; 3rd, Sandra Ward.' Boys 10 and under 60 meter breast, 1st, Doug Holland; 2nd, Shane Laughlin; 3rd, Harry Groshens; girls 11-12 60 meter breast, 3rd, Bonnie Arrington; boys 11-12 60 meter breast, 3rd, Perry Wilson; Irrigon Pastor Robert Schmoll of the Irrigon Assembly of God and Pastor Don Smith Jr. of the Umatilla Assembly of God attended the World Evangel ism Deeper Life Crusade in Seattle, Wa., Tuesday through Friday of last week. Each morning they joined 600 ministers and laymen at Seattle Pacific College for the School of Evangelism. In the evening, services were held at the Opera House where three or four thousand attended the meetings each evening. The Good News Singers have been on tour for a month with singing engagements in many towns on the coast, including Coos Bay and Lincoln City. They sang for a youth camp last week. They plan to return soon before going to the World's Fair, where they have been asked to sing. laden air from the living area escapes into the attic. Condensed moisture can soak insulation, impairing its efficiency. It can stam or crumble ceilings and blister outside paint Frozen and thawed, it can damage roof boards and shingles Refer to individual manufacturer s product literature for optional controls required. All-Season Protection Your attic can get too hot or too humid at many times during the year. Automatic controls for a powered attic space venti lator will provide positive temperature and moisture control in this remote and inaccessible outpost at all hours in all seasons, thus conserving air conditioning ene'gy. improving living area comfort, and protecting your home from moisture damage Information Sources Information herein was prepared by the Home Ventilating Institute (HVI), 230 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. 60601. Fuiner information about attic ventilation and certified powered attic space ventilators is avmlaWe from local dealers, contractors, electric utilities, manufacturers, or the HVI, Serving Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties CONDON - 384-2023 3844349 FOSSIL 761-4355 763-21 IS HEPPNER - 676-9146 676-9269 girls 13-14 120 meter breast, 2nd, Rosanna Marlatt; girls 8 and under 30 meter back, 1st, Colleen O'Leary, Baker; 2nd, Kelli Bergstrom; 3rd. Ellen Arbogast; boys 8 and under 30 meter back, 3rd, Greg Connor. Girls 10 and under 60 meter back, 1st, Jolynn McGaughay; 2nd, Karen Kenny; 3rd, Cindi Bergstrom; boys 10 and under 60 meter back, 1st, Barry Jones; 2nd, Doug Holland; 3rd, Cindi Bergstrom; boys 10 and under 60 meter back, 1st, Barry Jones; 2nd, Doug Holland; 3rd Harry Groshens; boys 11-12 60 meter back, 1st, Ron Ward; girls 8 and under 30 meter butterfly, 1st, Kelli Bergstrom; 2nd, Colleen O'Leary, Baker; 3rd, Ellen Arbogast; boys 8 and under 30 meter butterfly, 1st, Greg Connor; 2nd, Jim Mc Gaughey, Baker; 3rd, Cam George; girls 10 and under 30 meter butterfly, 1st, Judy Ward; 2nd, Chris O'Leary; 3rd, Sandra Ward; boys 10 and under 30 meter butterfly, 1st, Doug Holland; 2nd, Barry Jones; 3rd, Harry Groshens; girls 11-12 30 meter butterfly, 3rd, Sonja Biddle; boys 11-12 30 meter butterfly, 1st, Rick Smith; 2nd, Bernard Thomas, Baker; 3rd, Perry Wilson. Girls 13-14 30 meter butter fly, IsLRosanna Marlatt; boys 13-14 30 meter butterfly, 1st. Ron Ward; boys 11-12 ind. medley, l3t, Rick Smith; girls 12 and under 120 meter freestyle relay, 1st, Baker; boys 12 and under 120 meter freestyle relay, 1st, Heppner; Rick Smith, Doug Holland, Barry Jones. The Heppner Swim Team travels to The Dalles tonight for a meet there. District competition will be held in Hermiston, Aug, 11. Mrs. Lloyd Berger of Irrigon joined their daughter, Judy Berger of Portland, for a two-week vacation in Hono lulu. They returned to Port land Aug. 3. n Mrs. Bertha Catlow, form erly of Portland, is now making her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. Berger. Roofing and New roofs, roof coating, built and stained. Home, farm, including elevators and grain 30 years experience Call Claude Pettey Flush Out Attic Heat.l, Conserve Cooling Energy City appeals to Ullman on Willow Creek The following letter has been sent to Cong. Al Ullman by Mayor Jerry Sweeney urging his support for the Willow Creek Dam which passed the Senate last week: DEAR SIR: This letter is written in an attempt to re-emphasize the need for speedy approval of the Willow Creek Dam Pro ject, and to ask for your support in this endeavor. As we have told you In past correspondence, we have a critical water shortage in the City of Heppner, and have had building restrictions placed on us by the Oregon State Health Division because of this short age. We have prepared a plan of proposed improvements, passed a $450,000.00 bond election, sold the bonds, and have the money in the bank. We have partially completed certain portions of the water improvement project. We now need to complete our plan of improvements in order for our town to grow, Because of the fact that two portions of the improvement project, our transmission line and our major reservoir, lie directly in the path of the proposed dam, we are hesitant to improve them at this time. We feel it would be foolish, and a waste of the taxpayers money, to improve these facilities this year, and then have the Corp of Engineers come along next year and relocate these new facilities. It would be much more logical to relocate and Improve these facilities at the same time. This is why we need your support. We are ready to move, and are awaiting con gressional approval of the reauthorization of the Willow Creek Project. The dam Itself Is obviously badly needed. But if authorization of the project occurs within the next two months, the additional benefit of cost sharing, with an estimated savings of about $400,000.00 to taxpayers, can be realized by cost sharing on our water system improve ment project. Please help us in any y, you can. We need your support for speedy approval of this project. JERRY SWEENEY, Mayor City of Heppner. KW::x,X'X-:Ay:"-v.w.".v.'.v;- Painting up-roofa, shingles oiled and ranch painting, storage. 989-8184. eves. Heppner, No housing . . (Continued from Page 1) that utility franchises will soon be expiring and they should be renewed at 3 per cent rather than the 2 per cent presently charged by the city. , This is based on the League of Oregon Cities franchise data. "Cities are renewing fran chises for a period of from 3-5 years only, rather than the 20-30 year franchise granted by the city," he said. Progress of Well 3 is stymied because the con tractor has lost priority for the shaft to the motor and has been delayed repeatedly. One time extension was granted for a 15-day period and another has been granted for another 15 days, the latter to expire soon. The only other discussion to come before the council was between Mayor Sweeney and Randy Lott when Lott asked when he would be able to have service connections to the Lott-Rassmussen Addition No. 2. Sweeney told Lott that pressure tests had been taken in his subdivision and they Automotive SHERRELL CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales It Service Hrnin Hrrmliiltiii Building Supplies SEE US FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING SUPPLIES. We feature Boysen Paints. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Tim Moore, Mgr. 432 SE Dorlon 276-6221 PENDLETON Cafes 'Lounges CAL'S LOUNGE & CAFE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. 676-5015 Heppner I Construction RlVERBENO STRUCTOA Co Concrete Aggregate Crushed Rock Drain Rock Asphalt Paving Excavating and Grading Hermiston, Oregon Phune 567-2124 Drugs, prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG Free Prescription Mail Service Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar 114 Main St Ph. 567-3072 Floor Covering Heating M& R FLOOR COVERING Linoleum, Carpet, Oil Burner I Service. Free estimates. AU work guaranteed. 676-9418 Heppner KEMIG FLOORCOVERING Carpet, draperies, linoleum, counter tops, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Sales 4 Installation 330 8.W. Uth Butter Creek Hwy. Hermiston Wrapped and cut the way you want It. Custom slaughtering beef, pork, lamb. Beef Days Mon. k Wed. Hog day Fri. We sell pork and beef, half or whole. We aim to please. Call 567-6651 HERMISTON. ORE. Rt. 3. Box 34 Follett't Ore., GazetteTimes, showed only 22 pounds pres , sure, and the State of Oregon requires that 30 pounds of pressure be maintained at all times prior to any new water connections. Sweeney told Lott that if he KM Dayton 40,00O-mlle guarantee, Tires to fit most imports Garden Plowlng-Roto Tiller. Rentals' Cal's Arco 676.sos2 MawaMaMWMMasi (JAYMES) JBHHK. 332 1 MAIN BUSINESS NOTON. 0WON MACHINES MON,a7"4" isic. PUHNITUH! TYfiwaiTiM Richard Wellman cofY MACHiNfi jerry Haines' ADOINO MACHINES Q OwiW . DICTATINO NUIMMNT J WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Funeral Home SWEENEY FUNERAL HOME Pre-arrange mend, dlatant re movals. Serving lone, Hepp ner, Lexington. Licensed fun eral directors. 676-9600 Heppner Furniture See us before you buy your color T or atereo svatem. WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 254 W. Hermiston Ave. 567-2201 Hermiston New & Used Furniture & Appliances Authoriied Norge Dealers 2200 N. First, Hermiston 567-8960 Insurance Insurance Special Ranch Package Coverage Life, Auto, Home, Farm & Ranch DELL RAYZIMMER Agent Bus: 567-5745 1035 North First St. Hermiston, Ore. 97838 TURNER, VAN MARTER & BRYNT General Insurance 676-9113 Heppner RUGGLES-BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY 676-9625 Heppner Ray Boy ce 676-5384 Monuments Eternal Markers - bronse, granite. Installations. Vases, Cemetary grave markers. 8WEENEY MORTUARY Serving lone, Heppner, Lex . Ington. 676-9600 Heppner Optometrist DR. E.K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Next to Hotel Heppner entrance. 676-9465 Heppner iiMot'WscMT5ir444 Thursday, Aug. 8, 1974 i wanted to call the Department of Health and ask for permits for additional building, the city would grant him the permits when the city re ceived notification from the state office. Yes, we have CAMP TRAILERS FOR RENT io a fine stock of Steel Radiali Physcians-Surgeons DR. L.D. TIBBLES Oateopath phyilclan and surgeon. 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. 676-9210 Off. 676-96161 WALLACE H, WOLFF, M.D.. P.C. Family practice. Weekdays by appointment and emer gencies, 676-9253 Rei. 6 76-9620 GERALD A. JONES, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, 116 E. Hurlburt. Hours: Mon. thru Thuri., 9 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; l:30p.m.-Sp.m.;Frl.,9a.m. lp.m. Hermiston. Ore. 97838 DR. K.D. PETERSON Chiropractic Naturopathic ' ' Physician 893 N. First St, Phone: 567-6277 Hermiston, Ore. 97838 ' Radiator Service FARMERS! JONES RADIATOR SERVICE Now is the time to get your harvest equipment ready before the rush season. Sewing Machines Singer Sales & Service New Zlg-Zag Machines from 189.95 GROGAN" Approved Singer Dealer 243 S. Main Ph. 276-2352 Pendleton For Local Service call Elma's Apparei, 676-9426 Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office In Peters Bldg. 676-9912 Heppner SPACE FOR RENT Put ittoworfe for you 3,......1i.f,.,m.,Mm m,.M iiuriimimiiiiiioimiituuiia