Pcge 2 Horse sense I rxxsrtx jcvvti Veeresi.aeat GeraOi Ftrd ta pcoem 5i wina be prestasrc and I President Xisar jEeacbsd and rerawei tOot. be wtX he. Bat nnH frr a biianr of Mr Karax we af i&s Be wnaid fcre a powerful iwe? t wtrarr a naruMr-Kc as the Rezalicaa: adt. and 213 ? fas hii jrtCuers ia Prtibabh snuct party Iryaxy "r certiEr. awt periHAl ir?ur u tr presides whs hax w$resaeEt. S few carsstsrcy argaed -jc 2 president to uEEStesd jEpjpjK&aii afsnses. Be has pubic? km: at Kr . Xsar s muxes, am: As: a Baas Jjlc;a- CuEmrti js i ATicie eaart fx harmg braagsc rr pachsie! c&arges i r prsserred t: r Kaus rf EegnsotiGm a Aawrjeat ptco ims -ofiK whs ha puiikfT: idssoded !?. XsaL vfe; d&a be s anruceo! of rrr;fiiii5e ctzms. ar wy hats cia-arter-ire; rer-.tters tr jjiszmrj arjzj- a a Ucxirx- cuar TntAii? aw... Tr .Arjerjcar perciw live had easier, of Mr , Xm. aad -V!u3 anauurted? jye ary mas war has pat hs sracrj srf accrw-al e As scaksdalaas unsxx&. Gsrtii Fori oi be ese.ed Pre&asK af tr United Safes, acid i$ i EfpabLcsa. fee w2 make ar sd ic 'i-j:r-'3f tejeri&ar. I tar re arear? Trtir. ha scrre. Se s ire a as . w.thajr credit Here s r g:es: -IS? Jelkm .taerxira. E easted pre&aeaL. 1 rl Sr-1- Yoe wil se ausaJa-ft-j ikoe. Tbert &t at Vp -JI t ac hps aeeep-s. aa: -2 see i irwMatas nee iiMpf-ffil ae aaS tErrapcaf nca; pnnisas.. ! tril iead a msiiiiH.. Y;n fca-if ktir; k-s. r:cti rf j-ax sarjtnt ari m- c-a of yar perKoaJ rwat. Yai need a jsresaa irccr t&e earrnj rzlueac a :n--rr aerii 2 crsc it Ht is y?it f t. Snce IS y tn r- i Esjxa-K ire frse-aas-ris.. etsria-i Yw :-:4r pr-jaseff I jfcg; r yri cstrt ap aod as al ts crasriirf tsrass :rjr yoc tf ta.pe-r cpir yu I a tr Cxsrs i Br-4rr Carxris a:. I ajorrt. Tbers il res'xsjr'irj beceis -fj r ctr y.m mi rure asZt mspved rneE c&c t tr7 !aJi irara frce . I wiZ -zzzmmi m fans rc-rf tn-urx-j aad I yurra tk ike jk1? . Yoo are g.cr ts be tie a iacj:ir ira p-?s;.3exjt pir arc tr.rz cirrqrKC 2ac sr?rra irtes rs is I il - spesca.. rwr btas ad care, acs- -ae Viae &aase iswt ami afiii'i-e ry ?asiit ns&dz$i S C-cczress ws VJac CtKiiis a. ra; presass h ta: be ?'23r . lie wt-f: a pre&aere awtiirc r pue are e a ief: aiar 1 w.l crease ne s?w ajnirErMEe tsexaes.. twrea.js .cr DfCArrr-i I - hire se ac arj- tssija; Yts sd ej tens ff if jce m repa :jr sa.r-j-. ;t TfCT-r fraa tfaa ?:n-errira: tls- daoe yj- s res-.-x y;.jr fi3 aai ctnfie3e e: tae Eepfoijc aad i far??; Ik ck yvs cir '.i becrenrif rrnii! liva rf a persrjeffi Aac as te&aed e dsspfass. Tha a i a av I tiff rti3 :r L-res af aJ3 .rrtentara: ao in tK eai pa csasriirj for iryself.." - tLa- i lutmi Cx." Far is spr. is pfrrza vut rfic-.r-g steae af ries f rnr r:e aA af 4-E tc FTjI ? a szj . Las: year, ass it p&e years, the sm anasii were s-id a" tr prwairf zairter: prjce pis or X ces:s a pcerid ilaed Tha esuoisrj a ceu pm fir e lTs-.yJt. aad oie tac!!. s tcralj arr-eths-jc I se aware af ae arg xrjerjt m favar of k-riri prce wr pay? far !e y:xxsun' s"'-' aasijili iat ir enetaras tse ycar rajsers i& coe cerrrrace tc the tare and feeirr r2- tsar ti thk n icte d wta- tr arEai rl temaj e r.xn . Ast ary msctas if he cat vtrre Ejanej froo car A&c fcrs tew kKf be csa: tic.-ir-je is rasrrss if re selis is e-jcc f:r ksj trs'ae c-jtr ki 'it irt g'jts jstt- rrsra.. Y&sr&,ert Lae beer; arsie s be fcapfn' wi'tfc s biae rfioQE. "Great. If tae feed srore acre?' ria! rtoa a excbasEfe fee- ioxi for tae aajinai. amd yoxre-? cats ndjtrse ae biiie nbjE far ctirfg tarjx. fc. &r a ocean ic se its! oae of tbe ejok cttJir'acn' iesvxa a young rascher cacc jears a Has of profe ana a faur re-arc m tia. esffcrt arid nicoey cres-ed. Ori- rw& eoxjj ji CreoiL Ueioc aad Marrew. bare r.ii rrerr. t rewardae ynurf peie fcr Eiosnis of hard wsrt spr-,- is prvdxini SiTjenor arEais. Tbe otrier rxi-y fars aeruaiy aarjos; off tae acsuua to 3 .fcgbes: bidden" Rla e fceve here a ae nactioi!. Is a s iie. r tbe ceding price pegad bekw tae K of rsaag tbe aciEaas . Trat. to rr. as crnmraJ arid iHagjcal ne. Wax a rerocne tbe ceiirf oc all irvessodt te be atariooed a? tbe faur A! las! year i oe rrry peewit went fa-.irr tLigar.ed becaase tbey tad cscrje to btd w. at aajraJ ofiir to tear the aactiarjeer aiaaamet. "Ibe ceHaif price has jjs bees afiered far fts aaiEal. aod i fact Kr ard Kn Joe D&akes " Ir Eary caws this was aane rx tfae arjEai eres fcanrjf beer brwjgn irj:& the arera I Lav tee-d 44f Gut rrr.:eri tay that ariiesi triey are ab to refiffi the erperse of rais:r tr:r aaiEais they are rv hp tbeir prtjects" Tbey have cwugfc melleac to reaoe tbey cacnof corr.mae 5c pay the ming ctirs of Jries-xt prwlacritBi. rr.aLif.aa, tedicea recons. care fw and grume tr amiriis--teE sdi !be-r at a kss. 7ta3"f a poor iattmt fx a yv.cgs'er i eirer a basae&s tbe work! so desera'e.' reeds 1: wouid be e! if tbe -aac-jctt"' &a$ year were trxy as aacttwi, wr.b fhe Rack s so the highest bidder, wiucfc is ar- aaerxe is a abou? . Bx if the saue procedure a to be Mkfed again. ty a? aliw tie prtiKpesrtrve biryers lo deal djrc?;y with the owners f the amiaaa? G.-ve'tbe yuieig rers a cfcanee to bargair wi tine bujers. a&d kr. tbe'yoai w-bfc raes the anurais oeprte the price I: vm4 save a k wf turie and adS tbe wxiherj vA ha vu wbat I consider to be a mock a tic kit.. I; would also pnn-td a needed incentive for yourif pecipie te enter tr coro petition, aad tbey cannot be exposed ioc earh lo :be pr&cevs u cwr.perjtjc m the EArket piace. Oniiie Cutsfortit a a Earn of aacy siilis. accortpiisiv rrien's and taients He flies airpia&es'is lEpassibie situa wrns. keeps polr rns mtwi aer. arid has been known to buiid a dam niie gferrjrf,erj re-cra; npe&ed. Bj? be cas t whirie a canoe out of a log for peaxiiits. Up a? his Eiountaui cabin he has carved a canoe ou of a big log w-jtb on.'y a cbab saw arid an axe He saJ be saw one. sorriewiieTe JI wtntebrh' can make or I car niake or, be reasoned Well. Jus cam is afoat. Tbe troubJe is. it bas a round bottom, and arryone to gets mil ts automatically raued into the water. If he can find a way to keep it upright, "Noab ' CutsforJa nil! be ready for tbe next flood In I6. tJ-i-n fkiwitf jumpf-d off lite Eruulfyn Bndt lo win f tw Wf ! . , at W .... Heppoer, Ore., Gazette-Times, Thursday, Aug. 8, 1974 CreSrt0ADS yor of Hardman DEAR MISTER EDITOR : I Intend To Fight It Out Along This Line If It Takes The Rest Of My Term..." The mail pouch DEAR EDITOR: I se wfeene a pcw-wacty zaaird rie Cry DaXas la bt3 a new Sis.jxB jt-3 kr SSe cacixi ef its incarcerated cstarjs. - VYsicb a fav saz;ue today's kwibes" prwlfa y wt'ta tibe kard-earned Bfwj bekcjpnf Earr.ur fy r prsdjKn pewns. A faacaer jai wtdr:,j acrart ary better class cast:crier. aad bf cstarts tan fcwse s fast wnaiajs Sfcat !E$ fxilaft sperd icuA CKCiey e Dcrt knnctas acKrrjrjfdaticirs fee latreakers DZ.SOOTT. 0ar:ds.lSA quoteunquote "Krr-erKars are ik c:c eernpi abnx fettrf we-2 ary ire Tbey are c;exrrd sixr wtat it $ f:inf coa rhesa wJJ as sSaess r irixy barifcri? feea. A. JkVatKfc. Presi-r(t. .Arrr cas Kas?r,a2 Asss ""I jjif. act or wrd oe n:y iisfcssBe: E ' I w as t:rt , artd I wart ! ps oat '" Jc Ltius. f:rrrr txstirsg eKa:paa. EXITC'S : I as or of ytor sta. arts e Se-bastopc and have f jlkw-d yjt aT tr way StTprter . Yr :aral$. I beLeie. afewss vrxkru- are sisrb arid I estdxse trE cios: beart: . Trre a ar. bt.r. wrjr.es Jie 13. 1?74 or Eeicoe r.r. Sbcs I take issue aod Kit becaas I an a d'-mor. but because trrt.jt beir ESirJarme-i voa EaderterrV seri" tbe sitiiatiCBi. Firs: of a Essrepre- I art tKf. a rEbeT it. tbe AMA despite besg t ttbe eeirmi wet aB sarrt af pr.s!T oaaIcaj:ea. I dn?e-d s of 2as orfarxatKir: tiecaui. as w3.- st E.ary 2 irftacaatioB sacb as mary araoas. ex.. a grea- e-i-ii Las perraaed trus both' I3 hjerarcty has iaawej itself w;rt tna" s;calrx gwrmseeist arid ss discard.' ereryoar feeid sacred in me-ial chaameis. 2 Yob sr.ate jm have ac dixnar e Beppoer. Oregon. I he Krry fcr Sbs. ax I arr. a Kaxicfe beijeier m fl rr-arte-pla:. arid jt as yoa have not tbase featares t attract a Sears a F-oos-Ataurs or a J C. Magrxt. do tbctx aad r trtboaor.tst has cbases yvor coEEaraty. Is as es as &s a a coxitry perEjttEg rJ3 tbe freedxr of gecraprjcaJ Eftn-errjerjt. I am ashared tbat you wavered x one iiTtie brt by suzestxig that pertaps there be a law re-jcrrsf a doctor to cor to your coEEanrty. If yoc rerrt or -r.3 1 am sure you wouid na you d neer ncade that ra-emerr.. for there are E.ary naltures teverirtg a bene as a astEf tc impose more aad more laws sact as thai. Jast Eake ytw tows a bS more attractive m sorae way. let voar ne2s be kupwu. and ywiU have a doctor. 3 Tbere a no a-.err.pt to suppress tbe number of doctors as Arsenca. As a E-ar.er of fact, populatior-wise. tbe perrentage is a i-ery eqaatafaie one. Tbere a no qaestK. rr.'wener. that tbe doctors, as in ary otber fidd of esoeavor. do tend 10 congregate ic the most attractive areas wea-her-wise. rxutwrx-wise. need-wise, and tbere is ao-rur wrong witu that. Cfeie of trie reasons wiry fewer people are going nio rrtedicme is the inroaas tbe govemraen! a Eaking eIo Eca3 practice I know Easy doctors wbo are now so diSilliBioaed by tins harassment of govemEent that tbey are actuary cascoaragEg their chadrec from entenng' tae aedicaJ fieid I eus? tell yon that I aE not one of these doctors, principally because I continae to be enchanted with EjetLorie despKe these burdensorne discouraging features. This phikistfpfcy- does not nike me saintly and oc tbe odier hand doesx "t Eake mr colleagues unsaintiy. That's just tbe ay it ts My tolerance is being tested though, and any day I Eay joas tre "'ant:" doctors. A F oreigr. doctors are not denied tbe right to practice in America Should they have the medical qualifications iEposed by tbe State &wirds and wbo is better oua&fed to decide on the qualifications than dociorsi ften thev are perEutted licensure. In Santa Rosa, for example, we' have two bie doctors and tbey are doing a good job. Many foreign doctors are no! coEEg to America because the opportunity ftaf exs ed bere in many lines of endeavor are now being suppressed by governmental regulations and for that reason perhaps then Switzerland might be more appealing. Matter of fact, I am thinking that ihaT wouldn't be a bad place to go myself. 5 You make reference to tbe tremencious income of pcysKTiaris Let me point out that in a survey made several years ago by Medical Economics the average income for a prysiciao in the United States approximated J2C.000 This amouHt. for the number of hours put in by the average pcywcjan. is ludicrous. I can say unhesitatingly that do doctor ever became wealthy from the practice of medicine. He may have lived comfortably but be could not be wealthy. If you know of any wealth doctors, you can be assured that tbey came by this wealth from investments that were wisely made. As for tbe requirement that one belong to tbe AMA before he is accorded hospital privileges, this is not true. A doctor mus? meet the eligibility standards evolved from the AMA sources, but memoership is not mandatory qualifications are. As proof of this, I recite my own status wherein I have sa?ed I dropped my membership in tbe AMA and state and county medical societies because of their intertwined coercive efforts, and yet I function in the highest surgical capacities and occupy respectable positions in all tbe local hospitals 7. Yob damned the AMA. and in many instances I agree that it needs damnation. However. let me eulogize the little known and purposely un mentioned medical organizatioD known as the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, which is a group wbo a directly opposing tbe AMA and trying valiantly to restore medicine to the high level of esteem it once possessed and deserved. 8. Finally. I unhesitatingly rate that tbe bulk of phvsicians are altruistically inclined and pretty damned' noble creatures; that their leadership which had once also been ntitwe hats mm scored should ox satyrs josl kg te2 tr ha walk of Idea there w that has not bees affected is tiiis marine? by the cancerous evil of fsipra!jBJ that is ik expkr.ag us I as sore you're happy to know that I ars- ace a sorehead and as not cancelirjg ej subscsptxe. Yob do a g:d ycfe but . at with all of us. once a: a utile soraebod; has ta keep as sra gr. In tha issae 1 hae felt tr need tc erpose joa to more accura'.e mfarEatioa TKEO . S S7 ASHAK, MD . Santa Rosa.Ca. J w 1 1 , i 1 EDITOR - Tr rc maun powers that ti citaens have left ra th.s coantry are pnpery rxtr.s and voter nghts. If we kis either or well sure lose tbe other us a very short tur. The real basic deference betwees a free 'society and a slave sooery today is nothifig more tras tr rsght t ownership of a prna-e business, tbe nght to decide far oneself his occupatjosj and we would bepe ti freedom of travel, freedom of speech, freedom of tr press, and tr nght to assemb. a tnal by jxy . freedom of rehgioe and tbe treeacKs of tr baau box to elect our owe g?errzn! and sys'em of pur.ist.Eient 'rr; we check voter tam-outs across the country it seems '-a far too mary are xicoaterried and do tnt. realae tr real value of the rigw 1 vote. It may soon be a thing of tbe past wit Iittj decisMiE making left to the mdmAa! ataee a this computerized and managed sccety by 23 according to Cokiraao s Governor John Yanaerboof 'Ey JS5 only tr genernor arid lieutenant governor w-J be elected officiais." be said -All others will be appointed by the goenwr and confirmed by the seriate." Governor Vanaerbaof then west on to say. "Counties wlD be ic the process of consobdation Thev will ill be under borr ntro role County corriEissioners will be a thing of the past " ' will be eiectirg five directors, you mjgrit caH them, who will serve as policy-making directors. County Ic this context the goiernor had reference to tbe training directors, as well as the sheriffs, assessors and so on " In tins context the governor had references to the training and piaceire-ii of appointed public administrators produced by the Public Administration Ceanrg House in Chicago better known as "1513." This RockeftiSer-fmnced center has been responsible for tr dev ekjpment of a new tjpe of pubbc administrator who nt controls all levels of domestic government. Graduates of "1315" include Colorado s Gov. Vanderboof and most public officials throughout tr nation. State lam -makers wbo have been corrupted by rev enue-shanng funds and other "free" money are engaged m illegally reorganizing state governments, passing land use laws, and establishing controls to transform citizens into landless serfs This nofi-eiected. centralized form of government, called "The Federal Regionalism Concept.' promoted m violation of the US Constitution, must be exposed and neutralized or the state will be moved into extinction. The sheriff, county judge and county commissioners are Continued on page t n "You've Been Charged With Being An A!! Around Bad Person. How Do You Plead? I al-u k?vd that 4 a feller kept his clothes 00 long enuff he'd be is stile kx or late. rViuble-tireasted suits has been discovered at least twxrt m a last years. ard seckt ses has gone from wide to narrow 10 sor. And new I see by the papers wfcere my kxad of ; Lairrj: a pallirig barters from depresso to boom. Mamas 1$ seer;g their beys ears and eves fer the first time ia five v-ar. and now hea a feller veils "crary woman driver" be can be pntty shire that's what it a. The styles corr and go. Master Editor, and that's the way it 's bees ssace Eve figgered out fig leaves wasal the only thirig & wear Rut I can"! rec&B.ft arty tun in our history ' when ever soepos wen! out of style somebody fomed a ss:ciatwn to remember it by. Ever troe )o pick up the pa per you see here a cwsventioc has been held by some Dew outfit. The r I saw the other day was the Funny Book AssoratxBi. and Rug Rooktsn saw that one to. Ejg brarig a chppirg to the store Saturday night, and be w as te!iL3g the fellers about old lucent comic books that was brrigirg $2.X apiece at the contention of tbe Funny Book AssxiatKin Fi.rr.rmore. they bad folks there that pU.ved H fxiry t: characters in the movies and on the radio, and they ere peddling aotograph pjctures of theirseJves -.Aitaal, Maser Editor, the pnee 'en! up cause tbe name was changed A3 this stuff a ca -led nostalgia now, and the ' best the fellers could figger it. nostalgia a to funny books and -old rrxmrg pictures what yx.k is to antiQue dealers. CJera . websier said if a mas had a g:ft fer locAing ahead a! what faLs want be mild git nth without turning a hand All he'd "' have u a? ss leaie everhirg oa his place jest like it a fer 3 -year and then have a antique auction General speaking, west on Cera, a farmer or rancher cnji-d ase hs t:ls and harness till s! wore out and sell it fer four ires what it cast, penide-d heU wait 15 ear. ha? ojgrit 10 do. declared Oern. is built a aging bam or ever farm where we could store junk while it becotnes. ar-iaaef A barrial of ;x.k would be a better invesmvut ,. tas stocks and btods. cause aC tbey pay you is mosey and that gits cheaper ever day. was deal's words. Be said art3jf dealers cas s ap with or another and double their yxx at trw retrgs neia an ov er it country this summer, Ed r:tiL:tle said he had lea foiienng the convections to. and r hai sa w where rEters of the oldest perfessios had a first tA-H'isa! meeting . Zete Grubb said la y ers meet ail the tirr Zekt said law is older thAn the other cause here else dd the crjtas trat as here ic the begmnxrg come from. - Ed and Zete argjed their pertesswns. I recalled , seesng a ad that sa.d fenng a antique friend to the sale, . Vt trrg era t. ti store ever week MAYOR ROY. 'Something beautiful for G of " . B LFTERKI-OLIG Ir, England si has lieen desenbed po.grar'ly as 's.:je-.r..rg bea utifal l.c God " .Arid this s-Eraer ws lit- visaed the US., a widely" dsJiusioned zat ton appeared bnefiy sanctified by the suit of " Mo-her Teresa, foondrr 4 tbe M.issiianes of 'Chanty. ' ' Her devoted ministry to tr d.virg in the horrifying slums of Caiarta has awed and endeared the world One adxirer seat her a check kr SjifO.m. r.spulating that it ta-rot t kiuched w.ltx maw be used fcr security for the sis-ers Mner Teresa retamed the check, with thanks and the obsenatKCi tiat Gid w,a provide and they must not be erty coocerned fcr the fixure. ; ; 'IVjn't dnft from fcuEbie works," she advised the recently founded Co-Workers of SSotber Teresa, "Many people would Lie to do big thirds, few are willing to do small things." Tais obsenatjc.c is es.pecalJy perceptive in view of the fact 1 that tbe 5e pec? Lke Mother Teresa can make the rest of us suffer by compansioG. almost to the point of guilt. Vet this is the antithesis od what is desired by the genuine saint, who realizes that from the exam pie of the founder of Chrisany Lhere is a wide variety of needs and tipa-rturjts of service ' Jesus spent nearly 10 times as much of his life in busiriess carpentry as in the preaching ministry 1. And if ail people were either ordained or moras" k. who would then manufacture tbe medicine, food and biar tets with which Mother Teresa is able lo alleviate so mint suffering Yet there is a problem in many denominations who do not la claim or. almost all of one's social life ( like Mormons and Jehovah s Witnesses. All too often when a person has had a moving cociersKin experience and wants desperately to serve God. his ardor is absolutely quenched by such as offer as : ' Fir' We can use you as an usher, or during the every member canvass." While both of these functions can be important, there is relatively new organization founded within the church which 1 is proving to be wonderfully simple and simply wonderful Ji has no dues, no constitution, no national structure, and no politics, li also has an odd name: FISH, (the Greek word kr fish is Khthus. whose letters compile an abbreviation for: Jesus Christ, God s Son. Saviour 1. The telephone number for FISH is listed in most city directories - because it has grow n, just since 1961, to more than l.OOO chapuas. in the U.S.. Canada. Africa. Australia and New Zealand. Most of FISH $ services are on an emergency basis, such as transportation to hospitals, or baby sitting, or overnight lodging Rut there are other invaluable services 00 a continuing basis, such as keeping in contact with elderly persons who live alone, meals for shut-ins. reading to the blind, errands for invalids, food and clothing for disaster , victims and even pet care. Founded in Oxfordshire. England. FISH was brought to the US. by the Rev. Robert Howell of the Episcopal Church of tbe Good Shepherd in West Springfield. Mass - wbo edits the intematKmal FISH newsletter. This priest had often asked himself: "What action of the Church will give credibility to its words of love for a world which has largely already discounted " those words as inconsistent with what it has seen in us'" What can be seen m the devoted labors of thousands of " FISH members, as well as Mother Teresa, is a leading justification of organized religion: the miraculous ability amidst the faults of all human organizations, to produce occasional saints. me GAZE1TE-TIMES MORROW COUNTY'S NEWSPAPER Box 337, Heppner, Ore. J7836 Subscription rate: $5 Oregon, (6 elsewhere. per year in Ernest V. Joiner, Publisher Entered as a second class matter at the twst nftw m Heppner, Oregon under the act of March S. 1879 W-w class postage paid at Heppner, Oregon.