Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 01, 1974, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Pcfe 4
VJ :
Mr. and Mrs. J;m Refers
would Lie to ar.rvxrK tie
f'.rtbforr.rtz wedirg of their
daughter Ten to Tracy
W2sob. Satjirday. Aust I?,
at Han Tiie Is wa ceretDocy
be perfsrtr.ei at rx boat
of Mr r Mrs. Dick Gortats.
Mr. and M-s Ketae
3ekrtha. Terretccr. as
aoace the er.pgemeiit of thesr
daaghter Mama Mane to
Gary Lee Kerrp. Heppser;
son of Staa Kerr.p. LexrxtDC.
and RSee Kerr.p. Heppoer.
XLss Bedortha graduated
trom Tbarsi.0E Kgis Sdol is
ISS and earned an Agri
culture Joarr,alans degree
irxrz Oegoc State University
in 1S73. Sfce was fonseriy
enspAoyed at the Heppner
Gazette Tttses
Kerrp a 19 graduate of
Heppner Hzit SchooL served
-.tfc tbe L'S Artry and
NatHJsai Gsard. He js err.pkjv
ed by B23 Heaiy. P-t. 2.
An Oct. IS weddirg is
plaaed in Rectnond. Oregon
Mr. and Mrs George
Laciani. Butter Creek, an
nounced toe engagement of
'resr daughter, Patty, to
David A. Mathecy. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Orval Mathecy.
Pasty, a gradiate of Hepp
ner High School, recently
received a certificate in gen
eral business at Biue Moun
tain Continuity College. Also
a graduate of Heppner Utgh
School. David recetved his
degree in Agriculture from
Oregon State University, and
a currently employed by
Western Empires. Corps.,
The couple are planning a
November wedding.
Specihj Diitnlmtori
Phore S95-2553 Bex 505
Kiirpin. Oregon 77C37
I ft )
Soroptimist members
hear reports
A! the last My meeting held
d the Courthouse Part last
Thursday doob. Scropsaist
members beard several pro
gress reports. Vice-President
Eveiys tjweek presided in the
absence of Presjdest, Mariene
Jsscse Weatberford read
information about the farm
assessnent petition currently
being circulated. Hazel
Mahoney give a quick report
oe the latest plans for ofocaia
Kg doctors for Marrow.
GJljra and Wheeler Counties.
Kinzua couple
exchange vows
Larry T. Mxiey S of Mrs
N T M;rie acd tne late X T.
Mariey of Kimsa and Dori"y
Jean McE.iberts daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Miltoo Siea of
Fossil were united m rjjri
age. The doubie r.rg cere
raocy was perfonsed cy Mrs.
Isobei Ecards. Jstsce af the
Peace, a: her tene in Fossil
on JuJy 15. 1ST4 at : X p tn.
Present fcr tbe cererr,ocy
were relate e d tbe bride and
Tbe bride ware a blje street
iengtfc dress i 1ue sbces.
and a patk and wfeite Cama
rxr, corsage .
A receptwe sas held a! tbe
bnde's borr. wfaere a three
tiered e-3irg cake and
Class of 1964
holds reunion
The class of 1964 graduates
of Heppner H43 Served, held
tbe ID year reprice July -7. at
tr.e Elks Cub. Heppner.
Satxdiay July 6. a tianer
fc?Ik ed by a dance as held
with ntiBiC prwided bj"
Ackiey arsd Greenup.
Aar2s were presented to
Gmrry Mxre Pamsh. for
chaLgag tbe least. Dan
Creswjck for changing tbe
most and Darjl Dick for
having the most children, a
grand tocai si three.
Jury 7. a potluck dusner was
held at tbe Morrow County
FairgroiiDds with all of tbe
famihes ievned. followed by
an excttir.g baseball game.
One of tr only comments
beard as. " Hope to see yoa
all in another 10 years."
1 . ..J A t I.". . .
ne www wrkji you re fooiung for.
124 s. Main
Sale thru Saturday onfy!
, taroart to fw mmMmI Maw. too Wfrtaa of
..-5r- bafl'ft Bfc toBn( too aV twsu
( Ss!3 4,or $4
US. RModriawwKparhcw.
I QyMRrta.ra8.1JB, Mi 4 torM
Sate 4,or$6
j I ) I O)MStPto0.S2.Ma4tort
Gayie Hughes spoke ft the
pre wet chairman Mary
Eleanor Giiman about the
plans for this years parade
Elaine George and Evelyn
Sweek began their official
reportmg of the Soroptunist
lstercatraal Corvee two held
in Portland early in July.
Elaine attended the workshop
or puhbc relations tod Evelyn
attended one oa leadership.
Elaine will conclude ber
detailed report at a future
punch was served.
Tbe weddssg cake was
baked and decorated by Mrs.
Linda O'Neill of Kirrua.
(Xf of town guest were; Mr.
and Mrs. David Seix of John
Day. Ore .brother of the bride
and Mr and JErs David
Messerger and Chrxtxie
Mariey of Hood River, sisters
of tbe groom.
After a two ee tnp
thmigh parts of Oregon and
WashirgtoE the coupie will be
at home m Kmrua. They bodi
are en ployed by Kinzua
Corpora twe.
Bocis bnde and groom are
graduates of Vbeekr Hh
Fair starts
A full week of actmbes
begins this coming Saturday
at the 1JT4 Urr.atilla County
Fair at the fairgrounds in
Hernustac. Leading off the
events are those entered in tbe
horse events. Showmanship,
equitation and other horse
Korrse Economics and 4-H
events will highLgbi the first
part of the week and tbe
Junior Rodeo will start its
three day run on Thursday .
The Rodeo tfca year promises
to be better than ever.
Arena shows will feature
Pat Roberts and Tbe Drifters
who are back by popular
demand. Alocg with Roberts,
a fanaEar teievmac person
ality. Glenn Ash wiU entertain
also. Ash has appeared 00 a
nam ber of television shows.
nfii Aiflr
Mrs. Lli M. Laadran H tHe sew peratMos Wficer at
the FkrM Nauenal Eink f Oregoe Heppner kraftck.
Se replares Rkcfcard S CaKert biH I the
Osuri ffce as operations rffcrr Mr. Lamdntn
hi bees ai empire of First National since a4
ram? fcere from the bank's Mt. Ange! branch,
acrardisg U kei Rekber. m a eager.
Officers have been nomi
nated for the newly formed
Biue Mountain Ostomy Asso
ciation. Those ootr,ira,J
were Iva Sturm. Hermistor...
president; Laura Waters.
Henr.iston. vice president;
Rick Curtis. Heppner. secre
tary, and Mike Kilkenry of
Pendleton, treasurer. An ad
hoc committee met July IS at
the Chic Recreation Center m
Hemtiston for the purpose of
organizing the group.
Opal McCrae. director ts
Home Health .Service l.r
Umatilla County, and Fred
'Lehman of Portland. State
Representative of the Oregon
Ostorr.v Assoaation, met with
the group.
All Osiosrates are invited to
attend the meeting a! the
Herrr.tston Ovic Recreaioc
Center on August 26, at 7:30
The Rev Mark Johnson is
scheduled for Monday's
story hoar at tbe library.
Children acquainted With hira
krww of h:s abiLty to tell good
s'Ties Hoars are 10 00 to
10; am. at the library is
AUG. 3
Music by
Muddy Creekers
9 p.m to 1 a.m.
Alpha Thela
has barbeque
Heppner Alpha Theu
chapter of the ES A. hosted a
barbecue July k. for members
Heppner Alpha Tbeta
chapter of the ES A basted a
barbecue July t, for
members, family and friends,
at the Wayne Harris re
sidence. Attending from the lone
Beta Omega chapter were.
Mr. and Mrs. John
EdmundsoB and M r and Mrs.
Marv Peterson.
From the Gamma Nu chap
ter of Pilot Rack were Mr. and
Mrs. Hairy Margraff, Miss
Jan Fnedie and Mrs. Tom
Attending from Heppner
were, Mr. and Mrs. David
Hamsoti, Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Parks and John Hanna. Alpha
Tbeta members and husbands
Mr. and Mrs, Wa.vne Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kennedy,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Marshall. Mr. and Mrs
Hubert Wilson and Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Heath.
Eight Willamette University
drasna students and their
director. Dr Peffers. put on
A A Milne s "Tbe House At
Pooh Comer" in three county
iocations last Friday. Before
noon they performed in Im
gm beside tbe park the
sprmkiers prevented and in
park performance J
Children and adults enjoyed
the Heppner performance
held in the city a! 2 30
At 5 p m. the troupe drew its
largess county crowd in lame's
city park. That evening they
were guests of several Hepp
ner families at a potiuck
dinner in the Courthouse park
Mary Abrams supervised
arrargements for the Morrow
County stay of the trateLrg
Ore., Gazette-Times, Thursday, August 1, 1974
installed at
This week the Heppner
Public Library took a giant
step a telephone was install
ed ,
When Oregon State Lib
rarian Ekvsse Ebert isited the
library last spring she was
shocked that there was no
telephone in the Museum-Library
Librarian Justine Weather
ford told her that the Library
Board w as requesting a phone
in the 1974 75 budge!. She
suggested that if the request
was approved a story should
be run in the local paper with a
headline saying that at last
'the irbrary moves ir.to the
h century."
It has come to pass M;ss
Ebert or any one needing to
reach this center of mforma
iwc and pleasure may now
d.a! S7fr94
Mr and Mrs Stanley Cox
and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Davis extend a cordial in
vitation to relatives and
friends to attend the wedding
ceremory and reception of
tre;r children. Dianne and
Gary. Saturday, August JO. 2
pm.. at the Stanley Cox
16c lb.
14C lb.
For slicing or lreeiin.
Bring Con'amers
jf;f' S"
Honoring Princess
Cassy Chapel
library has
big month
July has been the busiest
month ever for the Heppner
Public Library. Over 660
books were checked out. More
than 100 children between 4
and 8 years of age accom
panied by some mothers and
baby-sitters attended the four
story hours on Monday morn
ings. The enrollees from the
Tupper Youth Camp and some
of their counselors swelled the
Thursday evening usage.
Tw enty eight persons filled in
patron cards as new bor
rowers during the month.
Many gift books were cata
loged Tw o of special interest
are the new books on handi
capped children which were
purchased by the O W.
Cutsforths. "Art for Excep
tional Children" and "Help
Them Grow ."
Rand McNally's "1974 Out
door Recreation Guide" which
was ordered early this year
finally arrived. It includes
sections on hiking back
packing, trail riding, spe
lling, canoeing, rafting,
rockhounding, and camping.
Mr and Mrs. Don Hardwick
and Dannie left Friday for
Eugene where Donnie re
gis-ered for college. On Satur
day and Sunday they visited
their daughter and son-in-law
in Portland. Mr. and Mrs.
David Armstrong, and return
ed home Sunday.