Page 6 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND FOR JUNE, 1974 Turner, Van Marter ft Bryant-Ins $4,079.00 Bankers Life-Ins 63.82 Standard Ins -Ins 37 44 Assoc. of Ore Co -Ins 46.72 Heppner Auto Parts-repairs 240.45, park 6 34 246.79 Waller Hayes-Comm. Exp 62.72 Dobvns Pest Control-weed 1,319.31 Petrvjohns-Material 4 41, park 117.41 121.82 C O W S -shop sup 15 55 BankAmericard-misc 3.35 James Scarborough-gas & oil 442.20 YicGroshensSr.-parks 56 00 Heppner Nor Gas-gas & oil 141.80, park 237.85 .... 379 65 Western Auto-parks 6.24 Standard Oil Co -gas 4 oil 165.77 City of Heppner -misc 6.60 Ralph Thompson-misc 80.00 Pacific NW Bell-misc 45.64 Farley Motor -repairs 20.00 Chevron Asphalt Co -materials 1.699.20 Arrow Transportation-Fr. on Asph 343.54 Si one Machinery Co-repairs Ba nk Americard-misc St . Accident Ins. -Ins Pacific NW Bell-misc John Mollahan. Trustee-misc Clyde Equipment-repairs 301.12 Rietmann Hardware-repairs 1.12 Rentex Service-misc 34.26 Fords Tire Service-tires 232.10 Oregon Motor Service-repairs 220O0 Wheelers Comm-misc 75.00 Union Oil-gas & oil 647.75 Court St. Mkt. -park 1.24 Columbia Basin Coop.-park 17.20. misc. 85 85 103.05 MCGG-repairs 105.70 Coast to Coast -parks 6.17 Arrow Transport -Fr. on Asph 364.11 Chevron Asphalt Co. -materials 1.729.80 Standard Oil-gas L oil 11.71 Blue Cross-Sal 191.20, Ins. 196.35 387.55 Assoc. of Ore. Co -Ins 32.12 Dept. of Human Resources-Ins 766.35 St . Dept. of Revenue-Sal 296-20 First National Bank-Sal 940.10 Pacific Mutual Life-Sal 326.35 St . Accident Ins. -Sal 25.04. Ins. 689.03 714.07 Public Emp. Ret. Br -Sal 543.29. SS 543.29 1.086.58 Labor 6.964.49 Sadie Pamsh. Petty Cash-Sup 21.02, repairs 4.60, gas 5.25. misc. 39.93 70.82 Standard Ins -Ins 33.44 Turner. Van Marter-Contig. fund 251.00 BankAmericard-misc 75.20 Dept . of Commerce-misc 25 .00 Chevron Asphalt Co.-matenals 3.476 40 Baker Mach . Co.-repairs 136.22 Clyde Equip. -repairs 2.295.37 BankAmencard-misc 18.37 Arrow Transport -Fr. on Asph 1.125 26 Pacific NW Bell-misc 46.26 Hubert Wilson. PM-misc 5.40 Traffic Safety-material 35.92 Homer Hughes -Comm. exp 12.05 Walter Hayes-Comm. exp 69.84 Bankers Lafe-Ins 55.36 Columbia Basin-parks 57.10, misc. 43.80 100.90 Pettyjohns-material 62.32, parks 129 66 191.98 Miles Tire Service-tires 71 .08 COWS-supplies . 7.90 General Tire Service-tires 891 .80 General Fire Equip.-misc 22.50 Gontys-misc 19.95 Farieys-repairs 78.12 Stone Mach.-repairs 37.27 City of Heppner -misc 7.55 Rentex Service-misc 54.32 Arrow Transport-Fr. on Asph 1,118.27 Heppner Nor Gas-supplies 94 42 Heppner Auto Parts-repairs 1E2.65 Chevron Asphalt-material 10.363.80 W ARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL FUND FOR JUNE. 1974 Pacific NW Bell -current exp 377.56 Sadie Parrish-elections 17.02 Sherrie Bahr et aJ-JP6 jurors Mary Lee Marlow et al-elections Assoc. of Ore Co -ins. Standard Ins. -Ins. Bankers Life-Ins Kilham Stationery -H. Dept. 5.56, Union-sheriff s car exp 315.65 Gazetie-Times-Off . Pub 24.40 BankAmericard-sheriffsconv.exp 75.60 EastOregonian-Br.of Equfl 145.92 C.J.D Bauman-Vet. travel 9.90 Del Smith-Planner travel 125 48 Ernest Jorgerisen-JP5 phone 25.19, sup. 28.55, Conv. 116.73. rent 33.33 203.80 Grays Repair Shop-Planner travel 18.20 Ore. Emergency Service-sheriff's Olive Sweeney-H. nurse travel Umatilla Int. Ed. Dist.-H. nurse Public Welfare-S. Food sup 11.06 Heppner Garbage-cthse sup 6.00 City of Heppner -cthse 8.50, Vet. sup. 5.00 13.50 Pettyjohns-cthse sup 2.79 V. W. Emimicks Assoc. -Brochures 13 45 Childrens Services-Juv. Boys Ranch fund 200.00 Kiplinger-Co Ct. sup 52.00 Wallace H. Wolff-Med. Inv. Fund 52.00 ' Herman Green-Vet. rent 45.00 Umatilla Co. Sheriff-jail exp 262.50 Books by U. S. News-Brochures 23.90 Heppner Auto Parts-Sheriff's car exp 21.03 Carolyn Davis-Juv. seminars 7.15, travel 15.51 22.66 Mobil-Sheriff's car exp 10.26 Herman Winter-DA phone 42.21, mileage 9.40, CD 100.00, Secy 152.40 304.01 Turner, Van Marter 4 Bryant-Ins 2,178.00 Standard Oil-Juv. travel 40.21, Seminar 15.00, sheriff 34.79 '. 90.00 Kilham-assessor's sup 5.14 Lex. Auto Shop-Contig. fund 250.00 Sadie Parrish, Petty Cash-sheriff meals 5.10, Election 2.36, postage 6.53, Cir.Ct. 10.97 24.96 Heppner Nor Gas-Vet sup 40.71 Murrays Drug-assessor's 10.27, Co. Ct. 6.43, sheriff's 1.40 18.10 Hubert Wilson, PM-postage 200.00 Dept. of Revenue-assessor's St. mdse 118.02 Rentex Service-cthse. sup 12.00 Elections Division-elections 5.22 Case Fumiture-cthse sup 15.00 William Holcomb-Contig. fund 41.75 Grays Repair-Planner 22.10, Co. Ct. 10.70 32.80 Nudelman Bros. -sheriff's uniform fund 24.00 3M Business Products-paper 190.84 MCGG-sheriffscarexp 2.60 Coniett Green Feed-cthse sup 18.00 Columbia Basin -cthse power 97.84 Shell Oil Co.-sheriff s car exp 10 44 Jaynes Business Mach.-Treas. sup 300 County Court 1.353.51 11.55 7.50 10.76 15.00 266.40 1,219.20 67.54 76.52 73.35 9.32 Co. Ct. 3.76 . conv. exp. 5.00 62 42 13.06 Imm. sup. Proceedings Wagon Wheel Cafe-jail 33.30, Cir. Ct. 40.65, Co. Ct. 26 85 100.80 Patnch Smith-assessor's field work 1.65 BankAmericard-Co. Ct. travel 77.20 St. Accident-Ins 7.50 Pacific NW Bell -sheriff 's comm 5.37 Sheriff of Umatilla-jail exp. 82.50 Blue Cross-Sal 208.90. Ins. 392.90 601.80 Dr. Mary Garlinger-H. nurse Imm. fund 100.00 Central Mkt.-ECOCA 1.92, cthse 9.32 11.24 Dobyns Pest Control -cthse sup. .' 41 .00 Dunham Printing-paper 161.10 Carolyn Davis-Juv. travel 5.40, Seminar 34.00 39 40 Harry O'Donnell et al-Br. of Equil 130.00 . Pacific NW Bell-sheriff's comm 117.00 United Off. Supply-paper 59.99, H. nurse sup. 14.08 . . 74.07 Sadie Parrish, Petty Cash-sheriff's ofse sup. 14.64 Union Oil-Planners travel 4.30 Pacific NW Bell -sheriff's comm 14.50 Murrays Drug-planners sup S.01 Kilham-Co. Clerk 7.36. sheriff's 6.50 13.86 Zellerbach Paper Co.-H. nurse Imm. sup 8.70 Gazette-Times-Clerk 29 80, Assessor 5.00, Broc. 6.25, Off. Pub. 70.50, Elections 350.40 461.95 Singer Business Mach.-mach mtse 103.50 Hachler 4 Ridgway-Sp. Any. Fund 296.79 Greenfield Grange-Election 2.50 Wheelers Comm. -sheriff's comm 75.00 Union Oil-cthse fuel 259.55 Court St. Mkt.-ECOSC 3.21, Co. Ct. 1.97, cthse 7.15 : 63.52 Dept of Human Resources-Ins 633.93 Public Emp. Ret. Br.-Sal 704.87, SS 704.87 1,409.74 St. Dept. of Revenue-Sal 474.20 First National-Sal 1.485.20 Pacific Mutual Life-Sal 437.32 St. Accident-Sal 47.76, Ins. 211.63 259.39 Sadie Parrish. Petty Cash-Cir. a. 6.63, Clerk 7.20 ...13.83 Standard Ins. Co.-Ins 62.95 Eric Anderson et al-Cir. Ct. jury 273.12 William Holcomb-emergency 94.26 Leonards Mobil-Assessor's field work 38.90 Hubert Wilson. PM-Planner 5 40, Assessor 5 40. Co Ct. 7.20 18.00 Herman Winter-DA secy 152.35, CD 72.15 24.50 Carolyn Davis-Juv. travel 8.06 IBM-mach mtse 57.06 Rachel Harnett -museum sup. 31.34 Pitney Bowes Mach. Mtse 34.50 Olive Sweeney-H. nurse sem. 55.36. travel 81.67 137.03 C.J.D. Bauman-Vet. travel 9.90 Herman Green-Vet. rent 45 00 Paul Jones-Co a. travel 36.70 Pacific NW Bell-current exp 298.74 Dept of Revenue-Assessor's St. mdse 101 40 Dunham Printing Co.-Treas. sup. 200.65 Texaco-Shenff s car exp 1' . t 4 48 Mobil-Shenff'scarexp 18.48 Turner, Van Marter-Contig 673.00 BankAmericard-Co. Ct. travel 59.81 Dept. of Commerce-cthse exp 40.00 Ernest Jorgensen-JP5 rent 33.33, sup. 48.30. phone 31.08 112.71 Bankers Life Co.-Ins 66.03 Turner. Van Marter-jail exp. 40.00, sheriff 's car exp. 97.00 137.00 Del Smith-Planners travel 45.20 Gazette-Times-Off. Pub 8.00 Byers Avenue Clinic-jail exp 32.25 Dept. of Revenue-Assessor's St . mdse 51.04 Herman Winter-DA phone 39.51, sup 34.72 74.23 Rentex Service-cthse sup 12.00 Pettyjohns-cthse sup 26.19 City of Heppner-cthse sup 13.50 Kilham Stationery-paper 85.46 Farley Motor-Juv. 68.74, Planner 68.75 137 49 Columbia Basin-cthse power 134.66 Public Welfare-S. food exp 10.36 3M Business Produets-mach. mtse 243.00 Singer Business Mach-Mach. mtse 339.50 Pacific Mutual Ins-Ins 3,113.00 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR JUNE, 1974. Order calling for a serial tax levy election. Order transferring motor license funds to General Road Fund. Order in matter of the formation of the Morrow County solid waste disposal district. Columbia Little League All-Stars of the Columbia League returned Saturday from Hood River where the Sub-district 5 Tour nament was held. July 17-20. These are 11-12 year old boys. Columbia Little League in cludes the towns of Echo, Stanfield and Umatilla and a team from the combined Boardman-Irrigon area. The All-Star team was composed of boys chosen from this area. They lost their initial game to The Dalles American Lea gue team, 6 to 4, to forfeit the championship but came back in two games, one each on Friday and Saturday to clinch the consolation spot. The Dalles team was one of the finalist in the championship play-off. THERE'S A GAS SHORTAGE ON ! SAVE THE FEET & POCKET BOOK, COME IN, REST THE TIRED FEET, SEE HOW FUN & ECONOMICAL A HODAKA 125 WOMBAT STREET MOTORCYCLE CAN BE !!!!!!!!!!! LEONARD'S MOBIL SERVICE Heppner Ph. S76-58W vjins 'consolation' One highlighf of Frjday's game against the Mt. Home Air Force Base team came in the 6th inning. The score was 4 to 2 in favor of Columbia with Lerry Wilson at bat. There were two outs and Wilson had two strikes, when he singled to center field and set the field for David Cooley, who hit a home run, resulting in a grand slam, ending the game 9-2 in favor of Columbia. Saturday's final play for Columbia saw John Borchert of Umatilla pitch a no-hit Equipment 1 D4 Cat and Dozer. 1 Farmall M and Farmhand. 1 International Plow C-16". 1 Grahame Plow, 11". 3 John Deere Weeders, 10". 1 HC Model 47 Baler. 1 International 151 Combine. 1 John Deere Grain Elevator. 2 International Deep Furrow Drills. 1 Calf Table. 1 Ei-Flow Fertilizer Spreader. 1 Livestock Scales, 1-ton, New. KEiiliETH SPRAY, ORE. By The Condon -Kinzua visit ation was the event of the week at Willow Creek, with 80 golfers teeing off during the day. Plans for the day were made by Dave Harrison and Dee Gribble, assisted by many of the gals in our group. A big "thank you" to everyone who so willingly lended a hand to make Sunday a great success. Taking home honors for the Kinzua men were Herb Wright, low gross; Ron John son, low net; and Frank Bailey, long drive. On the distaff side, Joyce Johnson had low gross; JoAnn Craw ford had low net; and Wanda Dunlop won high gross. Condon winners included Dave Barnett. low gross and long drive, and Dale Ashen feller, low net. Dorothy Close shot the low gross score for the Condon gals; Kathy Ammous had low net, and Bethyl Bums took high gross. Locally, the Gundersons took their share of awards, with Doug Gunderson posting the low gross score and Eddie Theatre troup at Irrigon Willamette University's Summer Theatre Troupe will transform themselves into the loveable characters of Winnie the Pooh and his friends July 26 for a 10 a.m. performance at the county park in Irrigon. The free production of A.A. Milne's "The House at Pooh Comer" will be presented by eight Willamette University students under the direction of Robert Peffers, assistant pro fessor of theatre at Willam ette. The troupe, which presented the play at Spokane's Expo 74 on July 23 and will perform in 16 other Eastern Oregon cities during its tour, is sponsored by the university. As a part of their summer work, the students are re modeling Willamette's old gymnasium into the Willam ette Playhouse. The official opening is scheduled during Parents' Weekend, Oct. 18-20. Before leaving Salem on tour, the artists performed five times : twice, "The House at Pooh Comer," and three times, "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown." The Golden Age Club will hold a potluck picnic Tuesday, Aug. 6, in the Heppner City Park. Club President Sara Adkins invites all members to attend. no-run no-error game against the Deschutes League, win ning 11 to 0. The Eastern Oregon Com munity Mental Health Center, Inc., board of directors will hold a regular meeting on Aug. 2, 1974, 11 ajn. to 3 p.m. to be held at the Indian Hills Motor Inn, Umatilla Room, South Pendleton Interchange, (Milton-Freewater Exit) Pen dleton, Ore. For Sale E. RUSSELL PH. 453-2524 Heppner, OverTT.2 Tee Cq) R & L Gunderson shooting low net. Lowell Gribble made the long drive. Bev Gunderson 's 38 was the low score of the day for the women ; Norma Harrison was the low net winner; Monica Jones won high gross. A dozen women played the course last ladies' day and did their best to improve their putting, the new challenge for the women. The eclecta is over ; we hope to announce the winner soon. Kristi Hague wood was the winner of Tuesday's play. Her high gross score netted her a golf ball. A barbecue is scheduled Sunday, July 28. Tee-off time is 4 p.m. Remember to bring a salad or dessert, something for the grill, and clubs. Should be a fun afternoon. Aug. 4 we're invited to play at Kinzua. If . ou need transportation or more infor mation, contact Dave Harri son. If you haven't ventured out of town yet to golf, this would be a good time to go. Automotive SHERRELL CHEVROLET, INC. I tVn'',qL Complete Sales ft Service Building Supplies SEE IS FOR ALL YOl'R BUILDING SUPPLIES. We feature Boysen Paints. TVM-A-Ll'M LUMBER CO. Tim Moore, Mgr. 432 SE Dorion 276-6221 PENDLETON Cafes'Lounges CAL'S LOUNGE A CAFE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. 676-5015 Heppner Construction RWERBEAID' Concrete Aggregate Crushed Rock Drain Rock Asphalt Paving Excavating and Grading Hermislon, Oregon Phone 567-2124 Drugs, prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG Free Prescription Mail Sen ice Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar 114 Main St Ph. 367-3072 Floor Covering Heating MIcR FLOOR COVERING Linoleum, Carpet, Oil Burner Service. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. 676-9418 Heppner KEMIG FLOORCOVERING Carpet, draperies, linoleum, counter tops, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Sales ft Installation 338 S. W. 1 Ua Butter Creek Hwy. Hermistor Food FoHetTs Wrapped and cut the way you want it. Custom slaughtering beef, pork, lamb. Beef Days Mon. ft Wed. Hog day Fri. We sell pork and beef, half or whole. We aim to please. Call S674651 HERMISTON, ORE. Rt. 3. Box 34 Ore., Gazette-Times, Thursday, July IS. 1 Irrigon Frances Rose Wilson Mrs. Al Partlow and Sherry of Irrigon, Ron Berg of Vancouver. Wa., and Ron i Zielinski of Boardman have returned from a two-week vacation in Hawaii. While there they visited Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial, the Poly onesian Culture Center, East man Kodak Hula Show and many other points of interest. They attended a large July 4 celebration at the Honolulu stadium, which ended with a large fireworks display. The . celebration was the first of it's Ir hmlH M.Nfr-mile guarantee, Tires to fit most imports. Garden Ptowiag-Boto Tiller Rentals' Cars ArCO! 3676.5062, WHO 1 DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Funeral Home SWEENEY FUNERAL HOME Pre-arrangetnenU, distant re movals. Serving lone, Hepp ner, Lexington. Licensed fun eral directors. 676-9608 Heppner Furniture E55i See us before you buy your color TV or stereo system. WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 254 W. Hernittlop Ave. 567-2201 Hermistoa New ft Used Furniture It Appliances Authorized Norge Dealers 2200 N. First, HermhUon 567-8S69 insurance Insurance Special Ranch Package Coverage Life, Auto, Home. Farm & Ranch DELL RAY ZIMMER Agent But: 567-5745 1035 North First St. Ilermiston. Ore. 17838 TU RNER, VAN MARTER ft BRYNT General Insurance 676-9113 Heppner RUGGLES-BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY 676-9625 Heppner Ray Boyce (76-5384 Monuments Eternal Markers - bronte, granite. Installations. Vases. Cemetary grave markers. SWEENEY MORTUARY Serving lone, Heppner, Lei- . ingtoa. (76-96M Heppner Optometrist DR. E.K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Next to Hotel Heppaer' entrance. ' 676-9465 Heppner kind, and Included celebrities from all over the United States. It was given in preparation of the Bicen tennial. Another bicentennial pre sentation was "Tavawa's i i m. Polynesian spectacular, jne group noted that newspapers carried many articles on the Bicentennial celebration, and there seemed to be a strong feeling of patriotism, along with their aloha spirit of friendliness. Sell it with a Gazette-Times want ad. Yes. we have CAMP TRAILERS FOR RENT ; . . . . also a fine stock or , - DaBt,m) Steel Radial Physcians-Surgeons DR. L.D. TIBBLES Osteopath physician and turgeoa. 1st National Bank Bldg. Ret.676-9219 Off. 676-9616 WALLACE H. WOLFF, M.D..P.C. Family practice. Weekdays by appointment and rmrt-. grncles. 676-9253 Ret. 676-9626 GERALD A. JONES. M.D. Physician and Surgeon. 1 16 E. Hurlbnrt. Hours: Mon. thru Tburv, 9 a.m. - 12:39 p.m.; 1:39 p.m. -5 p.m.; Fri., 9afm. lp.m. " Hermiiton. Ore. 97838 ' DR. K.D. PETERSON Chiropractic ft Naturopathic Physician 893 N. First St. Phone: 567-6277 Hermislon, Ore. 97838 Pets TROPICAL FISH PALACE ft PET CENTER We carry a complete pet line 216 Court St. The Dalle 298-5628 Radiator Service FARMERS! JONES RADIATOR SERVICE Now It the time to get your harvest equipment ready before the rush season. Sewing Machines Singer Sales ft Service New Zig-Zag Machines from $89.95 GROGAN"s Approved Singer Dealer 243 S. Main Ph. 276-2352 Pendleton For Local Service call Elma'i Apparel. 676-9426 Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT ft TITLE CO. Title Insurance ffice la Peter Bldg. (76-9912 Heppner SPACE FOR RENT Put tito work for you