Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Thursday, June 20, 1974 Page 7 (Frompage2) Pt uinzua news EDITOR: We ve all Just been informed by Tuesday night's East Oregonian that five new doctors are due to arrive in the Pendleton area this summer. I couldn't help but look at this report with envy. Imagine what even two new doctors would mean to this area. Our hospital would not have to worry about tax money for support to meet its expenses. We would not have to go out of town for anything other than minor surgery. If things continue as in the past we may not even have either a hospital or a nursing home. Something can be done if young doctors do not choose to practice in our area privately. The National Health Service Corps is a federal health manpower deployment program established pursuant to Public Law 91-623, The Emergency Health Personnel Act of 1970. This act authorizes the assignment of commessioned officers and civil service personnel of the Public Health Service to areas where health services are inadequate because of critical shortages of health personnel. Application for Corps assistance may come from a state or local health agency or any other public or non-profit private health organization. The local government for the area, the state and local medical and or dental societies, and other appropriate health groups must certify to the secretary that a critical shortage of health manpower does exist in the area. There must be evidence that the community is willing to furnish support to the assigned personnel. Such support as office space, equipment, supplies and availability of other health personnel other than physicians and dentists. People in the communities covered by the Corps will have a voice in determining the types of health services they receive and the manner offered. The establishment of a community health committee will give voice to consumer views and mobilize support for the program as well as development of a permanent solution to the communities' health needs Recipients of these health services provided by the Corps will be charged a reasonable cost, those unable to pay will not be charged for services. Corps personnel are salaried employes of the federal government. Monies collected will be returned to the federal treasury in accordance with the law whether the operation makes money or not. I would gladly serve on any organization willing to spearhead this thing. I can't do it alone. We just can't sit back and do nothing. The next heart attack or ruptured appendix may be your own. In the event that there is interest in exploring the possibilities offered by the National Health Service Corps the regional program director is: Mr. Coy D. Gainey 5IM5 Arcade Plaza Building 1321 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 Area Code (206 ) 442-7240 I dont like the idea of the federal government providing this service for us, but when it concerns the life and well being of the loved ones I have left I get less choosey. PAT WRIGHT, R.N., Lexington. EDITOR: Just what the hell is going on with respect to law'n order back there in Washington, D.C.? It boggles the mind. Spiro T. Agnew, while in various offices of public trust from a County Honcho to V.P., fraudulently gets paid off to the tune of about a quarter of a million. So he gets a slap on the wrist; St-cret Service protection until an incensed outcry forces its discontinuance; a $10,000 fine and a suspended sentence. What about income tax on those ill-gotten gains? What about it, IRS? If the IRS knew that I or anv other average taxpayer hadn't'fessed up to say, $2500, illegally -gained or not, they'd be banging at the door demanding their share. What the hell is Agnew's tax liability on those funds? Our ex-Attorney General, Richard Kleindeinst, commits perjury on at least one, and possibly more occasions. Flat-out lying under oath! If that ain't perjury then I'm going to trade in my Webster for Orwell's Doublethink. What happens? He cops to a misdemeanor! A misdemeanor, mind you! That's akin to overtime parking or exceeding the speed limit by 10 MPH! They practically had to invent a brand new crime in order to swing that bit of jaundiced jurisprudence. The refuge employed to enact this neat bit of legal legerdemain has been called by one authoritative source, "a creative use of an inapplicable statute." Meanwhile, back at the farm, and in the cities and suburbia, the populace in general and the "moralists" in particular bemoan the seeming fact that "people" have no respect for the law anymore. Whose law? Theirs or ours? Is The Law which applies to people in high office of a different value than the rest of the citizenry? If Mr. Average American gets busted for perjury will they euphemize the charges to "being less than candid under oath" and Jet him off with a suspended sentence? I think not. MIKE WELLS, Spray. . 28i mm 10 new Datsun Pickups 4 speed, various colors. $3095 (radio and bumper extra) come see... Just Arrived J First shipment of New I Datsun 710 Station Wagons j This is a new model added to the Datsun line of cars. j A going-away party was held June 3 at the Church Annex for Mrs. Wilma Mabe. Wilma was presented with a blue throw rug to use in her new home. The choir enter tained with some songs. Hostesses for the party were Mrs. Molly Day, Mrs. Rayetta Watts and Mrs. Wanita Hub bell. Wilma will be making her new home in Heppner. A bridal shower was held June 5 for Theresa Vader at the Church Annex. Games were played, after which Theresa opened her gifts. She was assisted by her mother Mrs. Rose Vader of Fossil and her mother-in-law-to-be, Mrs. Mary Woods, also of Fossil. Refreshments of lime sherbet punch and cake were served. Hostess were Mrs. Marion Tripp, Mrs. Rayetta Watts, Mrs. Molly Day, Mrs. Lynda Nyseth, Mrs. Wanita Hubbell and Mrs. Linda O'Neall. Bunco was held Wednesday evening at the grade school with Sharon Bell as hostess. Winning prizes were Pat McMinn, high, Becky Ostrander, second high, Sally Wright, low, the traveling prizes to Pat McMinn and Dinah Jackson and the Most Buncos to Pat McMinn. Others enjoying the evening were LaVelle Jellick, Naomi Rice, Vi Slinkard, Dutch Gubser, Edith Bell, Sharon Asher and Barbara Heim. Mrs. Rita Bowman returned Friday from Stanfield where she has been staying the past two weeks. The Camp 5 Women's Club held its regular meeting Wednesday with President Wanda Dunlap in charge. Pat Van Arsdale was appointed as new member to the Wheeler County Medical Board. A clean-up day and fire drills were discussed. There were seven members present. Next meeting will be July 10, with Pat Van Arsdale as hostess. Friday a potluck picnic was held at Shelton Park with several families from Camp 5 present. Also attending were Pastor and Mrs. William Mai and Eulalia Spoor. Arriving Wednesday from Portland was Sarah Bowman. She returned to Portland Tuesday and graduate June 14. L.D. Lorengal is home for the summer. He attended school at LaGrande. Thresea Hyatt is also home from school in Monmonth. Mrs. Irene Portner went to Vancouver for the weekend to attend the wedding of her niece. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Booker and their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sue Booker of Portland, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Luper and family. Also visit ing from Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Luper and Mr, Jeff Sparks were Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks and Terry. The Boy Scouts spent the weekend at Lake Creek for a 'camp out. Those going were Robie Hulett, Curtis Day, Bruce Pike, Randy Zimmer man, Steve Van Arsdale and ' their leader, Vic Wallis. Ira ue3m I Yes, we have CAMP TRAILERS FOR RENT also a fine stock of Dayton Steel Radials Itj.OOO-mile guarantee, Tires to fit most imports. Garden Plowing-Roto Tiller Rentals Cal's Arco 676-5062 (JAYMES) C 333 1 MAIN K BUSINESS WNOUTON. OREGON machines """"" FURNITURE typewriters Richard Wellman Owner - Manager CASH REGISTERS .copy machines Jerry Haines ADDING machines Co - Owner DICTATING EQUIPMENT J ' ATM whirlpool; Specialty Distributors Phone 395-2553 Box 305 Maupin, Oregon 97037 GAS ON! THERE'S A SHORTAGE SAVE THE FEET & POCKET BOOK. COME IN, REST THE TIRED FEET, SEE HOW FUN & ECONOMICAL A HODAKA 125 WOMBAT STREET MOTORCYCLE CAN BE !!!!!!!!!!! LEONARD'S MOBIL SERVICE Heppner Ph. 676-5800 PLANNED USE REPORT GENERAL REVENUE SHARING General Revenue Sharing provides fadtral funds directly to local end state governments. The law requires each government to publish a report of its plans for the use of these funds to inform its citizens and to ancourag thtir participation in deciding how the money ought to be spent. Within the purposes listed, your government may change thia spending plan. PLANNED EXPENDITURES CATEGORIES (A) t PUBLIC SAFETY 2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 1 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 4 HEALTH I RECREATION t LIBRARIES 7 SOCIAL SERVICES FOR AGED OR POOR I FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION I MULTIPURPOSE AND GENERAL GOVT. 10 EDUCATION 11 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT U HOUSING B COM MUNITY DEVELOPMENT II ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 14 OTHER I! CAPITAL IB) "H1 II TOTALS Heppner Cemetery The budget for Maintenance Dletrlct NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING ,aL f3 OPERATING MAINTENANCE (C) TMiaovtRNMiirro' luNE cm ANTICIPATING A GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PAY MENT OF 2 5)33 FOR THE FIFTH ENTITLEMENT PERIOD. JULY 1. 1974 THROUGH JUNE 30. 1975. PLANS TO SPEND THESE FUNDS FORHE PURPOSES SHOWN. Y account no. 8 2 023 i-2 I ONE CI TV CI TV RECuftOER I ONE OREGON 97642 (O) The rwwn ffttdbi hp bmn advfaid to I copy of tft report Nm ben pietrfWMd h 9 IdoI nvwvpspv of svnprej ckciieMon. I hew rejoorti tfNwwMlng tit ootiMW of tNi f ore opon tor puMc osnreViy 1 MRtaMlnniefkB (El ASSURANCES I I Mmre tfw Socntofy of tw TrwMiy tfiot tfw norvbcrfrnAnO" ton md otfwr MMttofy fOoutrajnojiM BoaOd In Port K of tfw be WMJ. - lh 1 1 TO fO0DIMe9DV0rapnVI( WW MP-HP- IB s kmc o Qm( Cjwculm Ofto summarized m the accompanying schedules was for the fiscal year 19741975 Beginning July 1. 1974 as detailed and prepared on an accounting basis consistent with that used in prior NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING for the fiscal year 1974-1975. Beginning July 1, 1974as detailed and summarized in the accompanying schedules was prepared on an accounting basis consistent with that used in prior The budget lor City of Lexington ycjii Maiot changes, if any. and their effects on this budget are set forth in an accompanying statement. A copy of the cjrs. Vljior changes, if any, and their effects on this budget are set forth in an accompanying statement. A copy of the and 5 . at budgei document may be inspected or obtained between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM at budget document may be inspected or obtained between the hours of 9 A.K ate j I W meeting of the Board of Dlrectora will be held July 10 rtSffiAtt Cjy rfAn (Governing Body) JiQSL P-m. at it budget document may be inspected or obtained between the hours of Lexington 19. At City Hall A meeting of the Conmon Council will be held July 9t,h (Governing Body) for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any i:JO XXX p m. at Lexington Llty riaJJ. for the purpose of holding public hearing on this budget. Any , 19 74 At pel ion may appear to discuss the budget, or any part of it. person may appear to discuss the budget, or any part of it. j 7 f JCflairman of John A. ffeiffer Governing Body) Mo rr pu rse inner Morrow (7, (Chairman of Governing Body) Gene OrwickiHayor Lexington (County) (Cn) (County) (City) Levy Within b'k LimitJliun Levy Oulside 6 Limitation Levy Outside t Limitation (Serial Levy) Nut Subject to Limitation Total Proposed Levy Tolal Budget All Funds Total Tax Levy to be Certified to the Assessor on Form LB SO Last Year This Year Nut Year 11.024.00 11.665.00 12,86.CO 11.024.00 11.685.00 U.386JC0 47.365.001 45f125.00l ,76200 Levy Within b"e Limitation Levy Oulside 61 Limitation Levv Ouiude o'S Limitation (Serial Levy) Nut Subiect to Limitation Total Proposed Levy Total Budget All Funds Total Tax Levy to be Certified to the Assessor on Form LfrSO Last Year This Year Next Year 1,126.00 1.193.00 1.264.00 1r126.00 1,191.00 1.264.00 14,500.00 I 41. 030.00 35.625.00 Outstanding July I Authorued. Not Incurred. July I TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS 1 ' ' This Year (Actual) Next Year (Est ) This Year (Actual) Next Year (Est.) Bonds Interest Beating Warrants Short Term Nuies Total Indebtedness None None tone Hone Outitandini July I Authorised, Not Inclined, July I TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS 1 ' ' 1 1 This Year (Actual) Next Year (Est.) This Year (Actual) Next Year (Est.) Bonds Intercut Beating Warrants Short Term Notes Total Indebiedness Nona None None llone FUNDS NOT REQUIRING AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BE LEVIED FUNDS NOT REQUIRING AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BE LEVIED mUr-UiiL CAhB .. FUND OR PROGRAM W jJjfl FUND OR PROGRAM Tolal Personnel Services (Includes all Payroll Costs) Tolal Material and Services . Tolal Capital Outlay Total All Other Requiicments Total Budget Requirements Tolal Budget Resources Last Year This Year Next Year 24.984.50 25.ic25.00 26.P37.oT 24.984.50 25. 225. CO I 2blo37.00" Total Personnel Services (Includes all Payroll Costs) Total Materials and Services Iota! Capital Outlay Total All Other Requirements Tolal Budget Requirements Total Budget Resources EcjUIPMBNT Wii;KVE FUND OR PROGRAM Total Personnel Services (Includes all Payioll Costs) Tolal Materials and Services Total Capital Outlay Tolal All Other Requirements Total Budget Requuements Total Budget Resources Last Year This Year Next Year 7.00C.O0 3.00C.00 1,000.00 7.000.00 3!ooo.oo 1.1700 Tolal Personnel Services (includes all Payroll Costs) Total Materials and Services Total Capital Outlay Total All Olhet Requirements Total Budget Requirements Total Budget Resources SUffUMKNTAL BuPCCT FUND OR PROGRAM Tolal Personnel Services (Includes all Payroll Costs) Total Materials and Services Tolal Capital Outlay Tolal All Other Requirements Total Budget Requirements Total Budget Resources Last Year This Year Next Year Tolal Personnel Services (Includes all Payroll Costs) . . Tolal Materials and Services None 1.000.00 None Total Capital Outlay T otal All Other Requirements None 1.000.00 None Total Budget Requirements Nona ' 1,000.00 1 None 1 Total Budget Resouices Last Year This Year Next Year 540.00 1.020.00 1,020.00 15.006.98 4.620.0O 6.600.00 None 20.860.00 13r380.00 None None 15.546.98 26.500.00 21f500.00 15.546.98 1 26.500.00 I 21r500.0O GflfcHAL JiflApg FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year I Next Year Nona None None 1.18675: 6.200.00 ' 3.70O."0O None None itone V-y f None 6.720 6f 200.00 3.700.00 6.720.61 6.200.00 I 3r70O.0O BgyEWE .SMftjHj FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year Next Year NoiS None Nona None 1,700.7JO 1.500.00 oa Nona 1.700.00 1.500.00 I 1 1700.00 I 1.500.00 FUNDS REQUIRING THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BALANCE THE BUDGET FUNDS REQUIRING THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BALANCE THE BUDGET Stop by today and take a peek! GENERAL FUND OR PROGRAM 8-7 weekdays I I 8-5 Saturday I I Gea Imra Mai Walls Oscar SIwmi - hmd ImmH Marbro Datsun L: : : Last Year This Year Next Year 10.800.00 10.700.00 ... 5.768. 6.100.00 7.C25.00 101-00 1fU00.C0 1,000.00 ... None 1,000.00 1,000.00 1C m on m Dim rn ic "7? fm Q.Or.TS I fl.lW-Olx 8.72.00 n.ouu.W it w. ini ij Wf,.nn Limitation KSSfl Published JaneH. 174 Total Personnel Services (Includes all Payroll Costs) Total Materials and Services Total Capital Outlay Total All Other Requuements Total Requirements (Including Transfers) Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied Ad Valorem Taxes Received . . . Ad Valorem Tax Requited to Balance Estimated Tax Not to be Levied Received Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied Levy Within 6 Percent Limitation Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation Levy Oulside 6 Percent Limitation (Serial Levy) Not Subject to 0KNUL FUND Total Personnel Services (Includes all Payroll Costs) . Total Materials and Services Total Capital Outlay Total All Other Requuements Total Requirements (Including Transfers) Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied Ad Valorem Taxes Received Ad Valorem Tax Required to Balance Estimated Tax Not to be Levied (ftaceiyec) Tolal Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied Levy Within 6 Percent Limitation Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation I MV ni.tciiw, & P.ro.nt I imililm. C.rial I , v viwin V-" V, .... NW Not Subject to Lumtation FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year Next Year 60.00 360.00 30.CO 4.150.93 6.270.00 7.065.00 None None 1.500.00 None 22.aO.00 None 4,210.93 28.630.00 6.925.00 ,,,1: sMk mHk 1 .070.00 VOO.OO SS 1.1Ql.m 1OQ I Published June 2. mi.