Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Thursday, June 6, 1974 . Page 4 Academic awards at Heppner High r Wl BOB NASH. Heppnw High School's Teacher of the Year. Outstanding students receive scholarships Heppner High School's graduated class of 1974 re ceived honors and awards during the graduation cere monies. May 23. at the high school. Honor students of the class. Cyde Allstott. Greg Davidson. Patricia Hughes. Gary Hunt and Robanai Riddle, were represented by class Vale dictorian Kristi Haguewood and Salutatorian Charma Marquardt. Both the Oregon Scholar and the "I Dare You" awards were won by class leaders Kristi Haguewood and Char ma Marquardt. Kristi also received the Reader's Digest Award. Inducted into the Society of Notice of Special Levy Election Not Lee i he r by bL .r. that at tht Boardnan Rural Fire Pr: tvctiun District special t lection hereby called to be held on Tuesday, the i.-tn day or Jufit-, 197-, Lt;w.cn th :wur. of ?:0D A.M. an;! :00 P.M. Pacific im li;ht TL:Tit, in and fcr the- Baard.r.fin Rural Fire Pre tec t ion District, then- wi ! I o-.- submitted to the qualified volt rs thereof the que iion of authorizing a -.rrinl lax levy for the Boardman Rural Fire Protection District in the sir- oi t- ,0tH'-.iV annually pursuant to Section 11, Article XI of the Ott-gji Constitution, tt be effective for the f iscal year beginning July I, ! -i7-, and continue for 10 consecutive years. The votes shall be by ballot in substantially tbr following forr.: QUESTION SUBMITTED TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF THE BCARDMAN Rl'RAL i IRE PROTECT LON DISTRICT Measure No. 1: r i. ) Yes, I vote for the serial levy. v ' ( ) No, I v te against the serial levy. f The c-lectio'i i s to be Id at the Carroll Donovan residence. The polls shall be open at the .our of c:0v' A.M. and remain open until the hour of s:00 P.M. of the same day, at wnich time the polls will be closed. j, By order of the Board of Directors of the Boardman Rural Fire Protection L District made this 4th day of April, 197-. Published May 30, June 6, 1974 Outstanding American High School Students were Cyde Allstott. Greg Davidson. Knsti Haguewood. Gary Hunt. Charma Marquardt. Luke Padberg and Robanai Riddle Other awards presented were the Soroptimist Club Citizenship Award to Greg Davidson and the Jim Barratt Award to John Boyer. Blue Mountain Community College full tuition scholar ships, which are provided by the college, were won by Gary Hunt and Judy Bennett. The Soroptimists presented two scholarships, an academ ic scholarship to Patricia Hughes and a "vo-tech" scholarship to Jean Christ man. Jean also received the Warren Williams Memorial Shall the board of Directors of the Boardrr.an Rural Fire Protection District be authorized to nake a serial tsx levy in the amount of $6,000.00 for the fiscal year 1974-1975 for the purposes of purchasing equipment and operational costs. These proposed taxes are outside and in addition to the limitation imposed by Section 11 of Article XI of the . Oregon Constitution. The maximum rate of levy deemed necessary to raise Six Thousand Dollars ($b,0OO.OG) is the sum Kinety Cents Per Thousand (90c per $1,000.00) of true cash value of taxable property within the district, to run for ten consecutivt vear?. The voter shall place an (.X) or (v before the words "Yes, I vote for the serial levy" or before the words "No, I vote against the serial levy" to signify choice. Students and teachers at Heppner High School were honored with academic and dramatic awards Thursday night when the school's annual Awards Night was held. The banquet marked the end of activities and announce ment of awards for the 1974 school year, "something we've been looking for all year," Principal Jim Bier said. The awards began with the "tapping in" ceremony for the new National Honor Society members. Local Chapter President Greg Davidson led the formal rites and installa tion of new members. Honored were: seniors. Jean Christ man and Dyrk Dunlap; Kathy Hedman; juniors, helwavne Haguewood. John Roark, John Kilkenny, Dena Struthers, Mary Healy and Joe Kenny; and sophomores, Tim Skow, Steve Jones, Lori Dunlap and Elizabeth Hel iums. The physical science a wards were presented by instructor Duane Neiffer for academic excellence in his science classes. Award win ners for the classes were: physics. Luke Padberg and Scholarship. Dyrk Dunlap received the Masonic scholarship and was awarded an Elks scholarship, along with Kristi Haguewood and Greg Davidson. The Kmzua scholarship and the Associated Girls League scholarship were both pre sented to Kristi Haguewood to further her education. Eleven students were given Carl W. Troedson grants-in-aid to meet higher education expenses: Cyde Allstott. Jean Christman. Greg Davidson. Dyrk Dunlap. Patricia Hughes. Gary Hunt, Charma Marquardt. Barry Munkers, Randy Morris. Robanai Riddle and Patricia VanSchoiack. Dyrk Dunlap; chemistry, Anita Davidson and Mike Mills; earth science, Tim Skow and Rhonda Harris; and "Rockhounds," Chris Rauch and Steve McLaughlin. Madge Thomson presented the library awards for the year to Patricia VanSchoiack and Jim Marquardt. As with many of the other awards, the library honors went to the students who gave just "a little more than was re quired." Mrs. Jane Rawlins handed out awards for the language arts department at the high school. The literature award went to Charma Marquardt and John McConnell captured the award for creative writ ing. Marjie Roberts was awarded a scholarship to the Shakespearean Festival which has been presented the past two years. The biology awards were given by Instructor Stephen Brownfield to outstanding students in his classes. Out standing teacher aides se lected were Mike Mills, Cyde Allstott and Sandra Palmer. John Roark was selected as the top Biology II student and Sharon McCarl was honored MOO million in bonds to back veteran loans The Department of Veter ans Affairs will sell $100 million in loan bonds July 9 as the result of passage of Measure 5 in the May pri mary, according to H.C. Saalfeld. director. Measure 5. approved by the voters by a 70 per cent majority, increased the limit of bonds that may be issued to obtain Oregon veterans' farm and home loan funds. It raised the limit by $497 million. Saalfeld said veterans ap plying starting June 3 may have to wait until proceeds from the July bond sale are received in the first week of August. Earlier, May appli cants also were informed they would have to wait for funds until September if Measure 5 failed. Saalfeld said, but pas sage of the measure permitted as Biology I student. The ornithologist award winner was Steve Peck and Cyde Allstott was selected as the best all-around biologist. Chuck Starr gave the mathematics awards to: Albegra I, Sharon McCarl, Algebra II, Anita Davidson, Advanced General Math, Greg Clow, and Geometry, Shannon Kelly. For the commercial and business departments In structor Walt Pilgrim gave shorthand awards to Jean Christman, Anna Coulter and Elizabeth Heliums, and Anita Davidson received the book keeping award. The social studies awards were presented by Bob Nash for excellent work in that department. Those receiving the social studies awards were Greg Davidson and Brian Sweeney for current news. Cyde All stott for modern problems sparkplug. Knsti Haguewood for modem problems out standing student, and Jim Wilhelm for Mr. Dependable. Nash also presented the Spanish awards which went to Tim Skow for best Spanish I student and Shannon Kellv for take care of May applicants. Veterans have been bor rowing from the program at an unprecedented rate of nearly 1230 loans a month averaging $26.5 million, ac cording to Saalfeld. Meanwhile, more than 15.000 petitions are in circu lation over the state seeking placement of a measure on the November general election ballot that would extend the veterans' loan program to the National Guard, which would create 60.000 additional vet erans eligible for loans. 1 First Federal UllAL HOUSING best Spanish II student. Kristi Haguewood was formally presented with the Betty Crocker Award which she won earlier in the school year. Bier gave out this year's awards for perfect attendance to Sandra Palmer and Jim Ployhar. Anita Davidson formally received the Odd Fellows Award for her trip to the United Nations, an honor which was already an nounced. The Boy and Girl of the Year honors were presented by Bier to the top students in the high school for 1974. Matt Greenup was selected as Boy of the Year and Kristi Haguewood, Girl of the Year. The Drama and Thespian Awards were presented by Linda Slusher. Selected as best actor and actress in a supporting role were Randy Morris and Anita Davidson for their parts in this year's two HELP FIND JACK, EARN A REWARD Sunday evening Ann and Ray Chenhall and their cat "Jack" reached Heppner from Tucson. Jack had not been out of the Volkswagen van for four days and was not at all happy about the plan to keep him confined until early Monday when he was to move up to the Blake Resort with Ann and Ray. So he squeezed himself out the two-inch opening in the van window and toured Hepp ner his first night here. The Chenhalls hope some alert Heppner school-freed youngster will find him and earn the $5 reward they will pay for his return to the WAV. Weatherford home between Court and Gilmore Streets t phone 676-55WU Jack is a tiger-striped, neutered male and is two years old He is wearing a clear plastic flea collar. He isn't too good about answering to his name V v s Because the coin of the land won't go as far as it used to, you should think more for your money. And think of our savings and loan. You need the high interest rates on savings accounts that we provide. Maybe we can't eliminate the problem com rjletelv. But one of our hieh return savings accounts p V Q can make you more com- -n (p fortable. Try us. & C$ J Ratebook Accounts HERMISTON plavs. For most improved actress, Cheryl Turner re ceived a trophy, as did the other award winning dra matists. For their work in leading play roles, John Myers and Toni Toll received the best actor and actress of the year awards. "The Thes pian awards were based on total Thespian points earned by members. Greg Davidson , and John Myers each received a top honor for their work. The awards presentations did not go to students only. The faculty was rewarded for Introducing; The Toro Grassmaster A rear bagger that's three mowers in one "Quick -Change' rear bugging system Removable side discharge chute goes here FiMi'd-iiee(l blade cuts grass cleanly Haven't you done PETTYJOHN'S Farm and Builders Supply -.-.-...-.-. . ........ .... ..v...... .-.-. w.'.,.v.v..'?rc:x-x,!x' its efforts. Receiving Teacher of the Year honors was Bob Nash, for his excellent teach ing practices in the social studies department. Special awards for the faculty went to Mrs. Elizabeth Daggett for her work in the office and to Mrs. Madge Thomson in honor of her retirement and in apprecia tion for her help to students in her role as librarian. Mrs. Jane Rawlins received a gift from the Honor Society in appreciation for her work with the organization this year. Folding handle fur storage High-Torque 12 cubic inch engine "AutoMagic" carburetor for easy starts r without a I jTlYjj VfJ Model 20(160 HEPPKZH I i I Attwef :$ ,i V;