Page 10 Seminar on death education An introductory seminar discussion on death and dying and related problems will be held in the basement of the United Methodist Church Wednesday evening, May 29, at 7:30 o'clock. Anyone of any age is invited to attend. Because the dying process involves so many aspects, this introductory could lead to further discus sions of specialized, related problems later if community response indicates interest in further consideration. Rev. Edwin Cutting, who has been making a special We're In Morrow County every Monday Starrett's Decor Center dn'ri" where we Call KIT. MARTIN Collect for Appointment 5S7-3324 Sears Multi-Stage Deep and Shallow Well Pumps Sale HP Single-Stage Shallow Well Pump ... Our Finest $00.00 pump is rated H HP, .95 actual HP. Sale price on same ry (l9o pump with 6 and 19 gal. Captive Air Tanks. Immediate dallwy V 8aai Kaay Payment Plan Priea la Catalog Price a Daliwy, Inetalletion Iitra Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Jack Vcn Winkle's Sears Authorized CATALOG SALES MERCHANT t 162 N. Main Heppner l 676-9106 MOVING?? ; Ranch Aero Locol or Airplane Spraying Co. -y Dusting, spraying, seeding, fertilizing. 25 years Long UlSiQDCC J, .pTience snow aircraft for maximum pentration and i 1 1 crop coverage. i ' free Estimates (i -YEAR-ROUND SERVICE- Call Gene Orwiek , S 989 8586 Paul N.Hansen ' , i Owner and Operator , i or Condon 384-2292 , P.O. Box 371 676-9925 I' Agents lor Heppner ' ! United Van Line, : ' . mmmmmmmmmmmTBH I THERE'S A GAS SHORTAGE ON 1 SAVE THE FEET & POCKET BOOK. COME IN, REST THE TIRED FEET, SEE HOW FUN & ECONOMICAL A HODAKA 125 WOMBAT STREET MOTORCYCLE CAN BE !!!!!!!!!!! LEONARD'S MOBIL SERVICE Heppner Ph. 676-5800 study of death and dying, and who has attended many lec tures and read widely on the subject, will be assisted by Barbara James in introducing the problems involved. It is expected that the evening will include consid eration of the Biblical refer ences and theology of death, Dr. Kubler-Ross's theory of facing death, some aspects of terminal illness, and the involvement of physicians in the death process. Rev. Cutting wraps the whole matter up as "death education." floor covering are HERMBION 4 C Sale! Save $20 to $30 Ends June 17 119 95 IUtl hi BP Actual HP For welU 40-280 feet deep. Sale prices on larger HP multi-stage jet pumps. Same pump with 36-gal. Captive Air Tank outfit 18395 Btd H HP l.U Actual HP Sale prices on larger HP pumps with Cap tive Air Tank outfits. 9:00-5:30 Mon. thru Sat. PENDLETON P.CA Agricultural, Livestock, Machinery Loans PHONE: 276-5352 P.O. BOX 1088 Don Pike and Lance took Grady Rogers to Bend May 6 to enter the hospital for surgery. Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Pike went to Bend Tuesday morning to be with him. Mrs. Herb Luper and Marc and Mrs. Marvin Lucas and children of lone went to Pendleton Monday to keep doctor appointments for the children. Dale Sinclair arrived Tues day afternoon from Caldwell, Idaho, to spend the next few weeks visiting his daughter, Mrs. Raymond Reid, and family. Mrs. Raymond Reid, Mrs. Marty Wallis and Dale Sin clair went to The Dalles Wednesday to visit Mrs. Anderson, who had been a patient in The Dalles General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Williams returned home Tuesday from Prineville where he had been a patient in the Pioneer Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Betty Murdock was in the Dalles Wednesday for business and shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Todd and family went to Portland Friday to attend the wedding of Clifford Todd in Troutdale. Sarah Bowman came home Wednesday to spend the remaining part of the week and weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Bowman, and Cindy. She returned to Portland Sunday. Kent Bell and Darryl Spivey went to LaGrande Friday to visit the College for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cantrall of Likely, Ca., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oyler and Don of Bend were weekend visiters of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Barzee, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Don Slinkard. Vick Bowman and Sandy Leonetti of Pendleton were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Bowman. Coming from Portland for the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowman and Erika and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Myers of Hermiston. Mrs. Pat Van Arsdale took the track team to Culver Friday for a track meet. Friday afternoon Mrs. Sharon Kendall, Mrs. Carolyn Headley and Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMinn took the Junior Girl Scouts to Kah-Nee-Ta Hot Springs for a campout. They camped in teepees and did WHIRLPOOL' SATH Specialty Distributors Phone 395-2553 Box 305 Maupin, Oregon 87037 702 S.W. DORION PENDLETON, OR. some swimming. There was a surprise birthday party for Sherri McMinn. Mrs. Evelyn Maddux, Cadet troop, also joined in the festivities. They returned Saturday by way of Spray to have an all-day hike. The Junior Girl Scouts are working on their needlecraft badge, which will be displayed at the Court of Awards, May 28. Raymond Yeigh arrived home Friday from Army duties in Colorado to spend the next two weeks visiting his family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Yeigh, and Dan. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jellick and Cathy spent the weekend in Roseburg visiting Mark's mother, Mrs. Katy Jellick, and his brother, Perk Jellick. Mrs. Doris Gollyhorn of lone recently spent a week in Kinzua visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hazel Jackson, and her nephew, Johnnie Jackson, and family. Mother's Day weekend guests of Mrs. Hazel Jackson , were her sister Mrs. Dan Aarstad, and family of Gresham, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Benson and Mr. and Mrs. David Lovell of Albany were here for the weekend to help their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Conner, celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Orveal Head ley and family have moved to Klamath Falls where they will be making their new home. On Thursday evening the Good News Club held a going-away party for Lisa and Orveal Headley. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Omar Stubblefield went to Bend Sunday for Mrs. Nelson to enter the hospital for surgery. Several hundred 4-H and FFA members, parents and friends are getting ready for the 28th annual Oregon Wheat Growers League Junior Live stock Show and Sale opening at The Dalles, June 2, entry day. Yes, we have CAMP TRAILERS FOR RENT r TOW l Li TltSGf. C3 Steel Radials 40,000-mile guarantee, Tires to fit most imports. Garden Plowing-Roto Tiller Rentals Cal's Arco 676-5062 WALKER'S FARM MARKET for Groceries Bedding Plants Produce Frozen Foods Garden Seeds Gas on Sunday Local Asparagus Open from 8 to 8 Hermiston - Ph. 567-6203 Butter Creek Hwy. at80N WANTED Little League uniforms! ' Any boy who has Little League uniforms he Is not using ( J in Little League play this year, or who has All-Star i 1 1 uniforma, please return the uniform to one of these J , Little League coaches: i ' ! TOM WILSON. Braves , 1 TKD TOLL. Giants i 1 1 JACK GRAHAM. Dodgers , JERRY STEFANI, Indians i Please return these uniforms as soon as possible as i i ' they are badly needed. i 1 1 LINDSAY K1NCAID, President, ; i Willow Creek Little League. Summer school for 4-H youth Twenty one 4-H youth from throughout Morrow County have been selected to attend the 59th annual 4-H Summer School to be held at Oregon State University, Corvallis, starting June 10. Two of the older delegates, Tom Wolff and Mary Healy, both of Heppner, will serve as county representatives and will participate in the business and planning sessions at the summer school and will have responsibility in assisting the other delegates. The other delegates from the county are: from Heppner, Linda Bier, Janice Healy, Ruth Ann Keithley, John Myers, Shelley Thompson, Joan Warren, Lynne Goch nauer, Melody Marlatt, Cathy Palmer, Kathy Wolff and Lori Turner; lone, Clint Carlson, UCOMMUNITYlJ W CALENDAR fl May 23 Heppner Graduation, school gym. High School 7:30 p.m., high Heppner Library board meeting, 8 p.m., at library. May 24 Riverside Graduation. High School Heppner Elementary School graduation, Elks Club. May 25 High School Gradu- lone at ion. May 27 Chamber of Commerce, Elks Gub, noon. May 28 Bicycle Safety Inspection, 3:30 p.m.. Bank of Eastern Oregon parking lot. May 29 Mothers Club meeting, Linda Stookey home, 8 p.m. Bike-O-Rama Skill Test, 3:30 p.m., elementary school playground. May 30 Kindergarten graduation, fair pavilion, 10 a.m. Heppner, Debora Palmer, Jan Peter son, Joan Doherty and Donna Palmer; Irrigon, Scott Acock, Wayne Huwe and Robert Richards. Karen Richards of Irrigon will be attending a 4-H Marine Science Camp at Newport which will be held the same week as the summer school in Corvallis. Marge Shade, County Ex tension Agent Mike Howell and Birdine Tullis of the extension office will be at tending as chaperones for the Morrow County delegation. The delegation will be broken down into three age group sections which will make the 1200 member session easier to handle. The dele- I ""wrK Re-Elect I ' LJl Ralph Thompson I I ft ) tJv I YOUR WISINT Hi wv County Surveyor I R.,PhTho,p,on "Conrmuinfltohelpth. S 37i5wiiBt Taxpayer ;8 ; 8 Ptndllon, OR 7-574 FOR ENJOYMENT IN EATING OPT 5 I Smitty's Pancake House COMPLETE DINNERS Chicken Sea Food Open 6 a.m.-9 p.m., every day Banquet Facilities HERMISTON Stand up and take a bow. Your performance has merited you a di ploma. Lots of luck ! GONTY'S Sponsored June ly noon Pit-cooked barbecue beef, baked beans, salad, french bread, dessert, punch and coffee. Ore., Gazette-Times, gates will attend three dif ferent classes which they selected from a list of ap proximately 25. These classes would cover a variety of subjects such as advanced photography, batik art, elec tric arc welding (which will be taught by County Agent Howell), environmental engineering, radio and re porting instruction for 4-H, square dancing, military science, medical self-help, community development, mobile home living, 4-H Club leadership, outdoor cookery, and equitation. During the school, delegates will stay in dormitories and will have afternoon time for free choice activities. wmsmmsmmemm tone's annual .wwwwvwHKMJCirjuouaMFlrtrK 1 ml m Til I 567-3669 Auction and Barbecue by tone's United Church of ChrisU Children 6-12 1.25 Over 12 2.75 Under 6 FREE Auction All day, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Antiques, country store, arts, crafts, needlecraft, handmade articles. ENTERTAINMENT-FOOD-FELLOWSHIP DANK OF D pastern Oregon lone MEMBER. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Thursday, May 23, 1974 ;iqqcH m..nnhrii thp npsi!(iro;-thre will be assemblies witlf sub jects of interest to youth. Evenings will be taken up With programs that will &'WfP entertainment for FirrWtn- bers. The school will provide a combination of education and entertainment 1 IV NOT FOR SALE mjASCtl LEE 1 ' COURT Of AMIMt PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE (See voters' pamphlet) No Debts to lawyers 30 YEARS LEGAL , ' EXPERIENCE YOU be the JUDGE ;, Y My opponent has J . appointed as his 1 fam EliaU TiSSL urer the Director ut the Executive Department of the State of Oregon who disburses votir tax money for my opponent's judicial salary. Their names appear on letters sent to certain lawyers soliciting cam paign funds for my oppo nent. Does this have Watergate overtones??? :- BULLETIN: My oppoV nent, he present Judge, CANNOT VOTE in the May 28, 1974 Primary Election because he FAIL ED TO REGISTER in Marion County where he now resides according to his official declaration made to the Secretary oT State. 0RS 247.290(b) SMILE TUESDAY (May 28th) YOU can VOTE for Pd. bv Jston L. 1 500 Ul.v StrMt SE Salm, Omgon 970.2 At at 51 k I JASON Ijjfc fiiH'iiiitiJI