PafelO Classified 1 Cards of Thanks A great big thanks to Karen Holland, Shirley Belcher, Linda Padberg. Diane An derson, Teresa Naffziger and Lorraine Ball for their help in making the Lady Elks' Bake Sate so successful. I, would also like to thank everyone who baked or bought our goodies. Because of your generosity, some child will be able to go to the Meadowood Speech Camp, who otherwise could not have done so. SHERREE MAHONEY 13c We would like to thank the workers at Kinzua Corpora tion of the planing and the sawmill crew for their ap preciation at the retirement dinner last Saturday. A spe cial thanks to Nona. Betty, and Dovie for their efforts. Thanks to all of the contri butors to the money tree. ELMER AND ROSE MOE 13p I would like to thank all my friends who sent cards, gifts, and plants during the time I was in the hospital and recovering at home. Also, thanks to the many friends who came to visit and cheer me up after my recent injury. JOHN LUCIANI 13p I wish to thank friends and relatives for the flowers, prayers, cards, plants and all acts of kindness while I was in the hospital. MARY E. BLETTELL 13c My sincere thanks to my many friends for the cards, gifts and flowers sent to me while I was in the hospital. And to Murrays Drug and the First National Bank for the daily papers. Special thanks to Dr. Tibbies and the entire hospital staff for the excellent care which I received. MRS FRANCES CARLSON 13c We wish to extend our sincere appreciation to all our friends and neighbors for all their masses, cards, flowers, gifts of food and kindness during the recent loss of our beloved Mary Macado. Special thanks to Drs. Wolff and Tibbies and the wonderful staff of Pioneer Memorial Hospital for their superior care and consideration given to our mother and wife during the long months of her illness. Also special thanks to Father O'Brien, the choir, and altar society of St. Williams Church, and members of Willows Grange. MANUEL MACHADO. MR. AND MRS. ELMER LADD MR. AND MRS. RICHARD LADD MR. AND MRS. DONALD THOMSON 13c 2 Notices NEW RINSE-N-VAC steam cleaner prolongs carpet life by keeping them cleaner longer! Rent at Case Furniture Co. 13c Housecleaning? Give all those unwanted items to lone United Church Auction. For pickup, call Bill or Mark Rietmann 422-7296 or Jerry Martin 422-7535. 11 13c Back-hoe and dozer work. No job too small. Phone Wesley Wise. 422-7409. 10-13p Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. Tl'ESDAY SALE May 14. 1974 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls 34.00 to 41.00 Commercial Cows 27.00 to 29.90 Utility Cows 26.00 to 28.00 Canner & Cutter Cows 24.00 to 25.00 Old Thin Cows 16.00 to 21.00 0tCHtwMMM4U Hlfkwar N. NirMltHM Notices LIBRARY HOURS: Monday and Wednesday, 12:30 5:00; Saturday and Sunday, 2:00 -4:00; and Thursday, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Gosed on legal holidays. WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish, ph. 567-6065. ' ltfc MENTAL HEALTH Office Hours. Mon. - Fri., 8:30 - 5 Closed noon hour. MORROW COUNTY Museum Hours: Saturday, 10 a.m. 12 p.m.; 1p.m. -5p.m.; Sunday 1 1 - 5 p.m. Does your dog heed spring grooming? Call Bonnie Clow . 13c Notice: All refigerators in the back of my business have the doors removed for safety as of City Ordinance, and are of suf ficient distance from creek as per Corps of Engineers speci fications. Dean's Second Hand Store. 13c If my people which are called by my Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Bible. 13p I love you. Is that OK? Jesus Christ. I LuvU. 13( I put a dollar in the church offering. It was worth it ! I Luv U. 13p 3 Lost and Found Whoever borrowed chains and binders off the 1966 Inter national that broke down by Anson Wright Park, please return to Joe Carr. the rightful owner. Return to Monument, third trailer up the line or Hollis Owen's shop, no ques tions asked. i3p 6 Wanted Wanted: 25-35 Winchester Rifle. Call 676-9752. ntfc .Wanted to Rent: house, pre ferably in country, but will rent in city. 989-8184. 13tfc 7 For Rent For rent: two room apart ment, uiilities furnished, $75 month. 422-7587. lOtfc 8 Services Chimney sweep, furnaces, oil stoves, fireplaces vacuum cleaned by John Davis. Call 676-9919 or 481-4715. 12tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry HERMISTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION, INC. Livestock sold 12:30 sharp every Satur day at 10th & Main. Carson Vehrs 567-6644. office ph. 567 3149. 45tfc CHAROLAIS BULLS for sale. Performance tested sinch 1960. DORIC CHAROLIAS. Dick & Doris Gerttula. P.O. Box 1106. Stanfield. Ore. 97875. Ph. 449-3580. 9-20c 12 Furn., Appliances For Sale: one leather love seat. $30: one desk. $10. 422-7270. 13p For Sale: one used refriger ator, in good condition. 676 9953. 13-14p 13 Misc. For Sale Calf tip table for left side branding. Good conditon, $150. 676-9761. 13-14p FEEDER CATTLE Steers 450-500 pds. 44.00 to 47.80 Yearling Heifers 550-700 pds. 34.00 to 36.00 Heifers 350-400pds. 38.00to41.40 COMMENT: Prices steady with last week's decline. A few light yearling steers, $1 higher. Horse Sale, Sunday, May 19. Starts at 10 a.m. 2 ..-T5&miMKK;Mr. Wt.Ul iW ViKTTSNYDBIt.Cvt.4 - Ji;. tM rlaf PwM4c MM sssssssssms Classified rates: $t minimum charge for up to 3 lines, S cents !for each word over 3 lines. Figure 5 words to a line. Display rlassified ads, $1.35 per column Inch. Cards of Thanks, 11.50 minimum. Deadline for classifieds, noon Tuesday, Not responsible for errors in classifieds if not reported within 7 days. 13 Misc. For Sale C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam, Starcraft, Caldwell and Mar lin boats. Mercury motors and E2 Loader trailers. Ph. 567 8419, Hermiston-McNary Dam Hwy. 9tfc Girls 24" Single-speed Sting Ray bike, in excellent condi tion, $25. Call Paula Hein richs, 676-9415. 13p USED BOOK EXCHANGE We Buy and Sell Dean's 2nd Hand Store 200 N. Chase 676-5018 1316c For Sale: two boys' Sting Ray bikes, $15 each. Call 676-5514. 1314c For Sale: 13 HP, 4 HP, anu V- HP electric water pumps, good garden pumps. Child's saddle. Call 676-9760. 13c 14 Automotive 1973 Olds Omega hatchback, factory air, good tires. V-8, automatic, good gas mileage. 422-7278. evenings. 46tfc For Sale : 1967 Dodge one-ton flatbed 318. 4-speed, $1300. Ph. 676-5003. 9tfc For Sale: 1973 Dodge station wagon 318, V-8, automatic, PS-pb. radial tires, take over payments. 676-5003. 9tfc For Sale: 1954 Chev. pickup. Call 676-5800 between 5-8 p.m. 1213c For Sale: 1972 Blazer, power steering, power brakes, V-8, automatic transmission. Ed Struthers. 989-8248. 13-14c For Sale: Late model Hodaka Ace 100. $395, consider trade for pickup canopy. 676-5573. 13-15p For Sale: 1967 Mercury Cou gar. 2 dr. H.T., 4-speed, air cond. Call eves, or weekends, 422-7529. 13c .4 L-78xl5 tires, used for $50. Call 676-9493. eves. 13tfc School Driver Education car 1974 Buick 4-dr. Sedan. Power equip, and air cond.. 2890 hiiles. Used Cars: 1972 Pontiac 3 seat sta. wgn. Auto, trans., and air cond. 18.687 actual miles. 1971 Dodge Challenger 2 dr. HT. bucket seats and air cond. 1970 Buick 4 dr. clean, power equip, and air cond 1968 Chev. Sta. Wgn. 27.000 miles on new motor. A bargain. 1967 Chev. Impala 2-dr. Used Pickups: 1970 Scout, half cab. 1965 Ford F-100 4 by 4 pickup. 62 Scout, full cab. 57 Chev. truck. Harvest ready. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC -BUICK FORD CMC TRUCKS May and Chase, Heppner Phone 676-91 16 THERE'S A GAS SHORTAGE ON ! SAVE THE FEET & POCKET BOOK. COME IN, REST THE TIRED FEET, SEE HOW FUN & ECONOMICAL A HODAKA 125 WOMBAT STREET MOTORCYCLE CAN BE !!!!!!!!!!! LEONARD'S MOBIL SERVICE Heppner Ph. 676-5800 ic Mobile Home 14 Automotive Specialize In Track. layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding B & C Repair Shop 422-7409 Bill Ashurst Cleo Chllders 422-7421 422-7423 LEASE OR BUY A NEW BEETLE $140.98 initial payment $62.99 per mo. 3-Year Lease MEL WINTER Volkswagen Hwy. 395 S. Pendleton 276-3611 Open 7 days a week 15 Real Estate For Sale: 3 bedroom brick home, carpeted throughout, on 4'2 acres, large metal barn. Must move, will consider best reasonable offer. Call Don Bellamy, 676-9723. 12tfc For Sale: Marlette Mobile home 12x60 with 8 ft. expando. Paneled throughout, wall-to-wall carpeting, 2 bedrooms, utility room, $6500. 676-5557. ' 12-13c For Sale: 3 bedroom home in lone. 2 baths, carpeting, drilled well, large fenced yard Write Darrel James, 5125 Boise, Turner, Ore. 97392 or call 743-4206. 11 -15c House for Sale: Duplex on Center and Main, Heppner. Phone 333 2560, Grass Valley. lltfc Within city limits. Approx. 3'i acres, with 109 ft. of frontage on Mihor St. Easily accessible for public utilities. Contact Blanche Brown for further information 33tfc r or Sale: two bedroom house, carpeted throughout, excel lent condition. Includes garage, paved driveway, fenced and landscaped yard. Call Ottilie Hunt, 676-5894. 13tfc For Sale: building lot, 100' x 672 or 8 platted lots, on hospital hill. Elwayne Berg strom. 676-9900, after 5 p.m. 13c Real Ks tale Buyer for operating cattle ranch, ( and or grain land). Minimum size 230 pairs to 1,000 cows. Prefer ample deeded land, equip ment, and cattle in pack age. Confidential Inquiries, call Land Dep't. (509 ) 838 6166. REALTY INVEST MENT SERVICE CO., S. 400 Jefferson Bldg. No. 399, Spokane, Wn. 99204. 1113c 16 Mobile Homes For Sale: 1971 Fleetwood 12'x64' with expando, 3 bed room, 12 bath, skirting and awning. 384-6821, Condon. 1114c HaOOCreCHXJtKiUUOOCM ARROW CHEVROLET Mobile Homes Security Traveler Champion Buddy Rex Circle J Horse Trailer. 2280 SW Court PI. Pendleton Phone Collect 27&fi&oa, FOR SALE: 1 bdrm. ipx50 Wilshire mobile home at lone Trailer Ct. Includes 6x20 ft. expand, living rm. and dining rm., new carpeting through out, small wood burning stove in liv. rm. Call J.R. Bloods worth, 422-7278, eves. 6tfc mobilo Snomos Home of Great Lakes Fleetwood Concord 12', 14' widths Also used Mobile Homes Hermiston-McNary Highway or Hwy. 11 Riverside PENDLETON Ph. 567-3676 or Ph. 267-7385 Open 7 days a week. WEST END Mobile Homes Featuring Broadmore Glenbrook Princeton 12-14-ft. double-wide "Let your search end at West End" 567-5388 Hermiston Hermiston-McNary lliway k (community) j K CALENDAR J May 16 BMCC Choir, Elks Club, 12:30-1 p.m. May 18 Methodist Church lawn sale, 9:30 a.m., luncheon 11:30a.m. May 20 Chamber of Commerce, Elks Club, Ron Daniels, guest speaker. Morrow County Red Cross luncheon meeting. Wagon Wheel. 1 p.m. Budget Committee Hearing, City Hall. 8 p.m. County Planing Commission Meeting, County Courthouse, 7:30 p.m. Meeting, Lexington Grange Hall, 7:3fl p.m., Judge Paul Jones speaker. May 21 7th and 8!h grade Science Fair, Multipurpose room, 9-4 and 7-10 p.m. Winter and Spring Athletic Awards Banquet, Heppner High School, 7 p.m. May 23 Graduation, Heppner High School. 7:30 p.m. May 24 Graduation. Riverside High School, Boardman Com munity Church, 7 p.m. May 25 Graduation, lone High School, 8 p.m. WALKER'S FARM MARKET for Groceries Bedding Plants -Produce Frozen Foods Garden Seeds Gas on Sunday Local Asparagus Open from 8 to 8 Hermiston Ph. 567-6203 Butter Creek Hwy. at 80 N We're In Morrow County every Monday StBtfBtt S fl0?' cov9rin Decor Center 'drari" when wf Call 37-5324 KIT, MARTIN Colltctfor lCSON.Flrtt Appqintmmt HERMISTON GRAIN PRICES White Wheat 3.59 June New Crop 3.68 July Red Wheat Barley HOSPITAL NEWS Sarah Adkins was admitted as a patient to Pioneer Memorial Hospital this week. Don McConnell went to The Dalles Sunday to visit his wife, Margaret, a patient in The Dalles Hospital. Public Notices NOTICE OF ACTION UPON BOND ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given and published that action upon an Ordinance authorizing the is suance and sale of $1,500,000 principal amount of Revenue Bonds of the Port of Morrow, Oregon, for the purpose of constructing and equiping a domestic water and sewage system to be located on real property owned by the Port District will be taken at the meeting of the Port Commis sion of the Port of Morrow, Oregon, at the office of the Port of Morrow, 1 Marine Drive, Boardman, Oregon 97818, at 2;00 p.m.. Friday, May 31. 1974. (s) GARLAND SWANSON, President, PORT OF MORROW, Oregon. Published May 16. 23, 1974. NOTICE OF ACTION UPON BOND ORDIN ANCE NOTICE is hereby given and published that action upon an Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of 91.850, ooo.OO principal amount of Revenue Bonds of the Port of Morrow, Oregon, Series 1974 A and Series 1974 B, for the pur pose of constructing and equiping a new manufacturing facility for the manufacture of food products owned by the Port District will be taken at the meeting of the Port Commission of the Port of Morrow, Oregon, at the office of the Port of Morrow, I Marine Drive, Boardman, Oregon 97818, at 2:00 p.m., Friday. May 31, 1974. (s)GARLANI) SWANSON, President, PORT OF MORROW, Oregon Published May 16, 23. 1971. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING , Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday. May 29, 1974, at 10:00 a.m. the Morrow County Court will meet in the Office of tne County Judge in the Courthouse, Heppner, Oregon, to consider a pro posed zone change from "Farm" to "Farm Residen tial" in an area near Irrigon described as follows: IOOOOOOOOOUOOOUOOOOOOCH A-l Upholstery Furniture recovering. Auto Upholstery, .Truck and tractor cushions, truck tarps, awn ings, patio covers, carports. Ph. 276-4781 613 E. Emigrant PENDLETON, ORE. mtuuooouomiooouuuoooor art Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Public Beginning at a point on the Umatilla-Morrow County line 3.73 July where the West Extension 95.00 July Irrigation Canal enters Mor row County (Sec. 21, T 5 N, R 27 EWM), thence westerly along said Canal to the point where it crosses Paterson Ferry Road (Sec. 3. T4 N, R 26 EWM), thence north along Paterson Ferry Road to the point where Paterson Ferry Roud enters the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Refuge (Sec. 27, T 5 N, It 26 EWM), (hence east and north along said boundary to where it Intersects the "taking line" for the Corps of Engineers property (Sec. 26, T 5 N, R 26 EWM), thence east northeast along said "taking line" to the northwest corner of the Irrigon city limits (Sec. 24. T 5 N, R 26 EWM), thence around the west, south, and east city limits to the north east corner of Irrigon city limits (Sec. 20, T 5 N, R 27 EWM), thence east along the Corps of Engineers "taking line" to the Umatilla County line (Sec. 21. T 5 N, R 27 EWM), thence south along the Morrow-Umatilla County line to the point of beginning. The Morrow County Plan ning Commission has recom mended to the Morrow County Court that all private land within the above described boundaries be re-zoned from "Farm" to "Farm Residen tial" and the County Court will consider oral and written testimony during the hearing scheduled herein. PAL I. W. JONES, Judge. Morrow County Court. Published Mav 16, 1974. NOTICE OF SALE OF HEPPNER, OREGON. GENERAL OBLIGATION WATER IMPROVEMENT BONDS, 1973 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that written, sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder of the City of Heppner, Oregon, City Hall, on or before the 3rd day of June, 1974, at the hour of 2:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Savings Time, and imme diately thereafter publicly opened for the purchase of 1150.000' general obligation bonds of the City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. Said bonds shall be in denomina tions of $1,000 each, to bear interest at the rate, or rates, not to exceed 6 per cent per annum in any one year as shall be specified by the successful bidder, payable semi-annually on April I and October 1, principal and interest to be payable at the office of the Treasurer of the City of Heppner, Oregon. Said bonds shall be dated April 1, 1974, and shall mature serially as follows; Dayton ITs5 000-mile guarantee, Tires to fit most imports. Garden Plowing Gal's Arco 676-so62 Ranch Aero Airplane Spraying Co. Dusting, spraying, seeding, fertilizing. 25 years evperience snow aircraft for maximum pentration and crop coverage. -YEAR-ROUND SERVICE- Paul N.Hansen Owner and Operator P.O. Box 371 676-9925 Heppner Dooouuuooooociuunoouuuuuooooooooooeoooooooooooi 1 Phil's Auto Repai r4K UuToij f Engine tune-up to major overhaul. . Front-end alignment . . . Full brake and muffler service. . . We specialize in auto glass. 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 676-5595 Located at CEGLIA AUTO WRECKING W. Riverside Ave. Heppner Thursday, May 16, 1974 Notices Maturity Date: Specified as - Below Bond No. Amount; 4-1-75 1 15 H5.000 4-1-76 16 30 15,008 i.i-77 31 - 45 15.000 4-1-78 46 - 60 I5.P00 4-1-79 61 75 15,000 4-1-80 76 - 95 20,000 4-1-81 96 - 115 20.000 4-1-82 116 - 135 20,000 4-1-83 136 - 155 20,000 4-1-84 156 - 175 20.000 4-1-85 176 - 200 25,000 4-1-86 201 225 25,000 4-1-87 226 - 250 25,000 4-1-88 251 275 25,000 4-1-89 276 300 25,000 4-1-90 301 - 330 30,000 4-1-91 331 - 380 30,000 4-1-92 361 - 390 30,000 4-1-93 391 - 420 30,000 4-1-94 421 - 450 30.000 Said bonds shall be sold to the highest responsible bidder for not less than their par value and the entire amount of accrued interest thereon, and to the bidder offering the lowest effective rate in mul tiples of 'h or one-tenth of 1 per cent to the City of Heppner, taking into consideration and account such premiums as are offered, and such items of cost as have been, or shall be, charged by the bidder in connection with the purchase and delivery of said bonds, with interest being computed to the respective maturity ' date. Supplemental coupons will not be permitted. A certified check or a. cashier's check on a Bank doing business in the State of Oregon equul to 2 per cent of the par value of said bonds1 must accompany the bid as evidence of good faith on the part of the bidder. The opinion of Rankin, Walsh, Ragen, and. Roberts. Attorneys at Law. Portland, Oregon, shall be deemed sufficient as to the legality of the issuance and obligation of said bonds. The bid must also contain notice of ' the total interest cost of the issue under the terms of the bonds. The City of Heppner, ; Oregon, shall make the award of the sale of the bonds at 8:110 o'clock p.m.. Pacific Daylight Time, on June 3rd, 1974, but reserves the right to reject any and all bids received. DATED at Heppner, Ore gon, this 7 day of May. 1974. CITY OF HEPPNER By MARSHALL LOV GREN, City Recorder. Published May 9. 16. 1974, MOVING?? Local or Long Distance Free Estimates Call Gene Orwick 989-8586 or Condon 384-2292 Aqents (or United Van Line. Don't forget to have your car tuned up for summer driving. Maybe even get a set of those Steel Radials -Roto Tiller Rentals r