Page JO AfX !1 1 x r I i r ' Bra I 3 Trophies for 4-H events 4-H youths from Morrow, Wheeler and Union counties competed for trophy awards Saturday at the Morrow County Invitational Livestock Judging and Tractor Driving Contest. Trophies were awarded to the 'following high scoring 4-H'ers in the livestock judg ing contest: junior division, The budget for pprt of Morrow summarized in the accompanying schedules was prepared on an accounting basis consistent with that used in prior years. Major changes, if any, and their effects on this budget are set forth in an accompanying statement. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. at 1 Marine Drive BnArrlman, Oregon- A meeting of the Port Commission will be held May 9 , 1924 At 1 Marine Drive (Governing Body) 4 ; 00 P-m- at Rnarriman, Oregon for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any person may appear to discuss the budget, or any part of it. Levy Within 6 Limitation ? Levy Outside 6 Limitation Levy Outside 6 Limitation (Serial Levy) Not Subject to Limitation Total Proposed Levy Total Budget All Funds FUNDS REQUIRING Total Personnel Services (Includes all Payroll Costs) Total Materials and Services Total Capital Outlay Total All Other Requirements Total Requirements (Including Transfers) Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied Ad Valorem Taxes Received Ad Valorem Tax Required to Balance Estimated Tax Not to be Levied Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied Levy Within 6 Percent Limitation Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation Not Subject to Limitation M3T Dan Akers takes aim on the inside of a course stick as he competed in last Saturday's 4-H tractor driving contest at the fairgrounds. Julie Grieb; intermediate di vision, Michelle McEUigott; senior division, Karen Rich ards. In the tractor driving con test Evan Troyell, Spray, was the high scoring individual in the junior division. Stuart Keene won the intermediate division and Skye Krebs the senior division. NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Car Mnrrow THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BALANCE s (enai Levyj Published April 25, '"'"lllllllii REBEKAH DISTRICT MEETING, JUNE I2 At the Holly Rebekah Lodge meeting Thursday night it was announced the Rebekah 1974 75 district meeting will be held June 12 at the Lexington Lodge Hall. Chairman Donna Papineau, assisted by Ruth Bergstrom, vice-chairman, plan an infor mative afternoon. Four members of the Lex ington Grange attended visi tation at Greenfield Grange in Boardman. for the fiscal year 19741975 Beginning land Swanson (Chairman of Boardman (County) Total Tax Levy to be Certified to the Assessor on Form LB-50 Last Year This Year Next Year 27.500.00 29.750.00 30,060.75 60.258.00 1 56,898.00 I 62,900.00 GENERAL Last Year This Year 14f808.Q0 16.45fl.QQ 12.95Q.QQ 2n,2in.nn 32.5QQ.QQ 20, 218. on 60f258.00 56.fi98.nn 32,758.00 y?s.nn 7,) May 2, 1974. 4-H clinic, horse show at Hermiston A 4-H Clinic and Horse Show will be held April 27-28 at the Umatilla County Fairgrounds, Hermiston, with Gregg Shrake, professor of horse manship at Mount Hood Com munity College, as instructor and judge. The Columbia Trail Riders 4-H Horse Club is host group. The clinic on April 27 is free to all 4-H horse club members and their parents. Members are encouraged to bring their horses. By using video tape instant replay members will be given instructions on showmanship, western and English equita tion and pleasure classes. The schedule will be 9 a.m. for intermediates 12 to 14, 1 p.m. for juniors 9 to 11, and 3 p.m. for seniors 15 to 18. Following church on horse back, the horse show April 28 Horse workshop coming A horse training and judging workshop will be held this weekend at the fairgrounds for all 4-H leaders. 4-H youth. Wranglers and other inter ested horsemen in the area. The workshop will be di vided into two sessions: 4-H leader training Friday night at 7 o'clock and 4-H youth training and judging Saturday morning a! 10. Both sessions will offer training with a trail class, horsemanship patterns, a colt training class, showmanship and all aspects of horse training. Guest trainer for the ses sions is Dick Meuret of Madras who will be leading the sessions. Participants are asked to bring their horses to the sessions to aid in instruction. There will be a small admission charge to defray costs of the sessions July 1, 1974 as detailed and Governing Body) (City) THE BUDGET FUND OR PROGRAM Next Year 18, 4)0 .Hi) ?n, 7.00 ?i,nnn.'n will include classes featured in the clinic with trophy and ribbons to six places in each class. A small fee will be charged for the full day. For entry blanks and fur ther details members are asked to contact their local county agent or 4-H leaders or phone 567-5971 or 567-6272 evenings. Automotive SHERKELL CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales & Service 3rd & Main flermiston Guide and Seats Installed, Valve Jobs Cracked Heads repaired, Valve Springs Tested. BILL'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE (next to Gordon's Hideway ) 6th St. UMATILLA 922-3412 JERRY LEVIS LEXINGTON STANDARD GARAGE Minor and Major Tune ups. Complete Overhauls You need it We do it. Lexington Auto Body across the street. 24 hour towing 989-8511 Lexington UMATILLA TOWING SERVICE for 24-hour Dependable Service 922-3534 Umatilla HIGG'S ALTO SUPPLY Your jobber for seal power rings bearings, valves and Speed-Pro Products. 21-hour towing service. 92-6th St., Umatilla 922-4318 Breeding: Service Artificial Insemination Service-beef and dairy American Breeders Rep resentative. JOE YOCOM Lexington, Ore. 989-8134 Bikes, Repairs NEW AND USED BIKES Repairs and parts for all makes Open 8a.m. -6 p.m. HERMISTON CYCLE SHOP Ph. 567-6675 805 S. 1st PI. Hermiston, Ore. Cafes-Lounges CAL'S LOUNGE & CAFE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. 016-5015 Heppner Construction RlVERBEND RUHD ROCK DRAIN ROCK ASPHALT HI-WAYS, BY-WAYS & DRIVE-WAYS For Any and All Excavation Jobs John C. Poyfion, Manager Hamilton, Orogon Phoao 567-3649 Drugs, prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG Free Prescription MailServire Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar 114 Main St.... Ph. 567-3072 Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Thursday, April 25, 1974 Career education endorsed Morrow County Schools will become more involved in career planning and voca tional planning. The Morrow County School Board voted at its April meeting to apply for a vocational planning grant of $2,750. A Career Education Con cepts class is currently being offered to teachers in the county by the school board. The board voted to contract the class and pay up to $350 in costs. The course, which deals with career education and development of career con cepts, can be taken for three graduate credits. The class will cost upwards of $50 for TV, Radio, Audio Repair UMATILLA RADIO AND TV SERVICE for. Ham tiear-CB rJtt Repairs TV and CB 922-3534 Robinson and SBE Catalina We Buy-Sell-Trade We have used Walkie-Talkles Floor Covering, Heating M&R FLOOR COVERING Linoleum, Carpet. Oil Burner Service. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. 676-9418 Heppner KEMIG FLOORCOVERING Carpet, araperies, linoleum, counter tops, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries . Sales & Installation 330 SW 11th, Butter Creek II wy. 567-2565 Hermiston Food Wrapped and cut the way you want it. Custom slaughtering beef, pork, lamb. Beef days-Mon. & Wed. Hog day-Fri. We sell pork and beef, half or whole. We aim to please. Call 567-6651 HERMISTON, ORE. Rt. 3, Box 34 Funeral Home SWEENEY FUNERAL HOME Pre-arrangements, distant re movals. Serving lone, Hepp ner, Lexington. Licensed fun eral directors. 676-9600 Heppner Furniture See us before you buy your color TV or stereo svstem WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES W. Hermiston Ave. 567-2201 Hermiston New Used Furniture It Appliances Authorized Norge Dealers 2200 N. First, Hermiston 567-8960 BOB'S ERECTION POLE BUILDING REMODELING & HOUSE BUILDING BuySeIITradeFix Furniture k Appliances Phone 922-4214 . 5066th St. Umatilla 1. In ILftl i L of career education, and priority of establishing cluster programs in agriculture, of fice occupations, metals, mechanics and building con struction as well as a need for work experience programs that relate to student occupa tional goals. Both Teal and Daniels pointed out the need for the development of career awareness in lower grades. Under the program addi tional courses would be of fered during the 1974-75 school year in career education as well as visitations by local teachers to schools which have cluster programs in operation. WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory General Merchandise Clothing for all the Family. Housewares. Gifts. Toiletries. General Merchandise. -Visit Our Friendly Store- E. L. KNOX CO. 215 E. Main Hermiston Insurance TURNER, VAN MARTFR & BRYANT General Insurance 676-9113 lleppneri RUGGLES -BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY C76-St25 Ray Bovce.. Heppner, ..676-5.184 Insurance Special Ranch Package Coverage Life, Auto, Home, Farm & Ranch DELL RAY ZIMMER Agent Bus: 567-5745 1035 North First St. Hermiston, Ore. 97838 Mobile Homes B&E Mobilehomes Sales Inc. Bud and Skee, new owners 27 years in Hermiston, Umatilla area. Featuring Sequoia, Frontier, Nashua, Skyline and New Moon. From 12 to 28 feet wide. "Our service can't be beat" Hermiston-McNary Hwy. Hermiston, Ore. ph. 567-2360 Monuments Eternal Markers-bronze, granite. Installations. Vases. Cemetery grave markers. SWEENEY MORTUARY Serving lone, Heppner, Lex ington 676-9600 " HeDoner Hobbies, Crafts ANITA'S CRAFT CENTER FOR Craft and Hobby Materials (formerly Anita's Floral Arts) NEW LOCATION N. of Hermiston Round-Up, next to Horse Trailers on Hermiston - McNary Hwy. Ph. 567-5357 Optometrist DR. E.K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Next to Hotel Heppner Jentrance. ,1676-9465 Heppner Pets TROPICAL FISH PALACE & PET CENTER We carry a complete pet line. 216 Court St. The Dalles 298-5628 each participant plus $25 for the credits. Individuals, other than currently employed teachers, may enroll In the. class. They are asked to contact Ernie Teal at the district office. County school curriculum director Ernie Teal discussed goals of the vocational plan ning grant with the board. The application for the grant states that follow-up studies of graduates in 1962, 70, '71 and 72 indicate that former stu dents feel a definite need for more career education. Study of current community, student and educator opinion indicate a need for development of a cluster program, coordination Welding CALL B.J.NOONAN Anytime Anywhere Anything WELDING Portable Equipment Over 30 Years Experience Phone 922-3388 In The Welding Trades IRRIGON. ORE. Physicians-Surgeons DR. L.D. TIBBLES Osteopath physician and surgeon. 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 WALLACE H. WOLFF, M.D.. P.C. Family Practice. Week Daysj by appointment and emer gencies. 576-9253 Res. 676-9620 GERALD A. JONES, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, 116 E. Hurlburt. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs., 9 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. -5 p.m.; Fri., 9 a.m I p.m. DR. K.D. PETERSON Chiropractic & Naturopathic Physician 893 N. First St. Phone: 567-6277 Hermiston, Ore. 97838 Sewing Machines Singer Sales & Service New Zig-Zag Machines 'rom $89.95 GRodAN'S Approved Singer Dealer 243 S. Main Ph. 276-2352 Pendleton For Local Service call Elma's Apparel. 676-942Q Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office in Peters Bldg. 676-9912 Heppner Body and Paint ANNOUNCING! HERMISTON BODY & PAINT Frame straightening Body Repair Painting Auto Glass Over 50 years' Experience John Williams and Darrel Brown IPhone 567-2140 1440N. First HERMISTON Insulation Insulation and roofing Special attention to Morrow County owners, residential or commercial. i Lfndhorst Roofing & Insulation Don Lindhorst, Owner Hermiston .... 567-2425 The Dalles ... mh.ivsq Hood River .... 386-2633