Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1974)
Page 9 jffeppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Thursday, Mar. 14, 1974 aidboq A slumber party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Samples for their daughter, Dianne, who was 11 years old Wednesday. Those attending were Patty and Brenda Kendall, Susie Brooks of Fossil, Cindy Bowman and Angie Jackson. Merry Makers card club was held at the home of Barbara Heim Wednesday evening. Prizes went to Bon nie Campbell for high, second high was won by Linda Shaw, pinochles were won by Linda Shaw and Irene Samples. Others playing were Laura Hire, Darlene Bartlett, Molly Day, Mel Bailey, Melba Mit chell, Julie Davis, Hallie Spivey and Dinah Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Rogers and Pam were in Hood River Saturday on business. Pastor and Mrs. William Mai and Mrs. William Mai Sr. went to Myrtle Point to visit their daughter, Pat Palmer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Conner went to Baker Wednesday morning, upon receiving word of the dealth of Mr. Conner's mother, Mrs. Albert Conner. Mrs. Omer Stubblefield and Mrs. John Nelson went to The Dalles and Portland Thursday where Mrs. Nelson entered the Good Samaritian Hospital for surgery Friday. John Nelson and Omar Stubblefield went to Portland to be with Mrs. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bell and Jeannette went to The Dalles Wednesday evening where Jeannette was an overnight patient at The Dulles General Hospital. John Murray and Don Slinkard went to Baker Friday evening to attend the Saturday funeral services for Mrs. Albert Conner. .Mrs. Paulellc I'eterson and Cheryl were here visiting this weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Muzzy and Mr, and Mrs. Billy Joe McMinn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond itejd and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mitchell and family went to Hermiston Saturday to visit the Robert HeicI family, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Coulee and family were also in Hermiston visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and family and the Floyd Wilson family. Mr. and .Mrs. Herschel Murdock and Mr. Glenn Perkins went to lone Saturday to square dance. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mike Todd and family for the weekend were. Virginia, Gary and Duffy Winebarger from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hardwick returned Thursday from a to-day trip to Eugene for a logging convention. They re turned to Portland Saturday with the rest of the time spent for business and shopping. Mrs. Sidney Knopp returned home Saturday from Bend where she had been a patient for a week in Saint Charles Hospital. Mr, Bill Roberts arrived Saturday from Gridley, Ca., to visit -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hire and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mattison and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts relumed to their home Sunday. Mrs. Roberts had been here on business the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cody went to Baker Friday for the funeral services of Mrs. Al bert Conner. Kathy Nelson was home from her studies in Portland to visit her family, Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Simms and Mike. Ed Vaughn was home from Bend this weekend to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Vaughn. A birthday party was held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Guy Williams for her daugh ter. Penny, who was 8 years old. Those attending were Debbie McRoberts, Patty and Brenda Kendall. Debbie Grassel, John and Jeannette Bell, Richard and Marva Rai and Colleen Bryant. After gifts were opened, refresh ments were served by Mrs. Williams. 8v D tl i'' i fV-. )1 t i Jim 0 Now ways to prepare eco nomical beef dishes and new appliances will be demon strated at the Mini-Beef-A-Rama, March 27, 1:30 p.m., at the Heppner Elk's Lodge. Beef cookery on a smokeless broiler will be included in demonstrations by Linda Baker. Kathy Jamieson will show how to get the most from time and money using a microwave oven. The big door prize drawing will be for a smokeless broiler. , " JVWVVWVVV ones From The Past ': 1 This is a picture of Hardman, taken some time between 1890 and 1900 by an amateur photographer named Guy Chapin, who lived in Hardman and had no known vocation. At this time it was a thriving community with hotels, three dance - ckni i,,...,.h flnnr mill anil rptail businesses. The 11(1113, CI 3CIIVV1, IIIHIVU, . ...... town was originally named Rawdog, and later became Dairy ville. The area's post office was on the David Hardman ranch, and Hardman moved the post office to the community which later became Hardman. Down the canyon beyond Hardman, about where the Adams place is now, was another community, a rival one, known as Vallerdog. ABC Service l matilla Rt. 2. Box 275, Ph. 922-3H96 AL POl.LOC - BOB LORENCE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Walla Walla Hwv. ! ; Under new management ; I Bucknum's Tavern ' Glen and Ethel Mulkey, the new owners would like to j I ; meet you Saturday, M arch 16 ; when we will be serving 50 beer 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ; Free Sandwiches ! Before you buy or lease telephone equipment remember: we have complete communications training programs and the flexibility to change equipment when you change. And we guarantee that equipment for as long as you need it. rt 11 f rL ) L 1 . (O) New York Store's Ends Saturday, March 16 Insulated Laced RUBBER BOOTS 4 Steel Shank it Rugged it Pliable ft Multi-Ply Dork grn uppsr, extra haavy marin grn sole and foxing, fully lined cushion intol. Slies: Boys' 11-2, Youth 3-6, Man t 6-12. Reg. $6.99 NOW while they last MEN'S Western Shirts Fiist Quality. H Bar C, Millers, Wrangler. A terrific assortment of colors and patterns, Permanent press fabrics. Regular from our stock, no special purchases. Regular price $8.95 to S12.9S ' Cowboy Boot A complete clearance of all 1973 discontin ued styles of men's, women's, youths', boys', girls' and infants' Acme, Durango, Justin, Tony Lama and Wrangler Boots. A terrific selection to choose from. These boots are all first quality, and all boots from our reg ular stock. There are not all sizes in every style, but there is a complete run of sizes In the selection. Note: Quantities are limited to the existing stock. I Sale prices start as low as '44 (Boys' and Girls'sizest fL . files' u. Void Hfc 'e " 7e,oi SulQr th (or. All 00 All irst est era (So 1 ' ' "0 an 0 ces) Pacific Northwest Bell Ladies' AII-Wool Ranch Pants ( First Quality all-wool elastiques manufactured by H Bar C. Regular $22.95 Now Only M1-97 Use the free parking lot one block away at S.W. Main and Frazer MEW YR S.W. Emijjront and Main Ptndltton 276-4351 Li the Muiet. Repjtrnwn