Page 10 Classified 1 Cards of Hianks I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors for their many cards, letters and espe cially their concern over the recent loss of Becky's horse, Rikka Tews. Now for the good news, Rikka Tews has been found and returned to Becky after having spent a few days in a riding academy stall. We want to thank all of the officers who helped in locating Rikka. ROICE FULLETON 3c We wish to express our deep appreciation to the many people who indicated their concern through their calls, flowers, gifts and visits, while Gladys was a patient at the hospitals and since her return home. For those who brought us spiritual help through their prayers, we shall be forever grateful. MR. and MRS. PAUL JONES and FAMILY 3c NOTICE of APPRECIATION To our many friends and customers. Alice and Grace of Miladies Apparel shop have sold their store to Virginia and Hal Whitaker. We have en joyed serving you for the past 15 years, and hope our friends will continue to trade with Virginia. ALICE AND GRACE 3c 2 Notices WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish, ph. 567-6065. ltfc MENTAL HEALTH Office Hours. Mon. - Fri., 8:30 - 5. Closed noon hour. MORROW COUNTY Museum Hours: Saturday, 10 a.m. -12 p.m.: 1 p.m. -5p.m.; Sunday 1 1 - 5 p.m. LIBRARY HOURS: Monday and Wednesday, 12:30 - 5:00; Saturday and Sunday, 2:00 -4:00: and Thursday, 7:30 -9:30 p.m. Closed on legal holidays. CLEAN expensive carpets with the best. Blue Lustre is America's Favorite. Rent shampooer $1. Coast to Coast Store. Help send Bluebird Girls to camp. Buy our Russel Stover candy, mints or assorted chocolates, $1.25 a box. Pick up at Western Auto or call 676-9443. 34c Due to conflicting dates, and activities, the Soroptimist Irish stew dinner planned for March 17 has been cancelled. 3p Have a great and dance. Rod Essletyn, lone Legion Hall, March 23, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 3c 3 Lost and Found Lost : dark green goose down jacket at Hardman Dance, Feb. 16. 676-9955 or 676-9694. 2-3c Reward offered for informa tion leading to whereabouts of hand tooled clutch purse lost in vicinity of Letts Electric on Aug. 27. 1973. Phone 422-7574, ask for Bonnie only. 2-3p Lost: While canvas-backed horse blanket between Hepp ner and Echo Junction. Re ward. 676-9235. 3p Lost: key to safety deposit box, number 5139. Return to First National Bank or Ab stract office. 3-5p Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. TUESDAY SALE March 5, 1974 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls 38.00 to 42.00 Commercial Cows 28.00 to 31.50 Utility Cows 26.00 to 28.75 Canner & Cutter Cows 24.50 to 27.25 Old Thin Cows 14.00 to 17.00 FEEDER CATTLE Steers 450-550 pds 44.00 to 47.50 0HiCMMMtt;-ttS Highway M, HtnwiM. 3 Lost and Found Lost: one crutch on Main St. Linda Shuman, 676-9791. 3p Found: Poled Hereford bull, approximately 2 years old, strayed to Oscar Peterson & Son's place, lone, about a month ago. Both ears cropped or frozen, no visible brand. Call 422-7101. 3c 4 Help Wanted Stenographer-receptionist. Take dictation, file general office work. Send resume to Box 337-A, Heppner, Ore. 3c 6 Wanted U.S. Mail truck driver desires sleeping room or bed in private home during daylight hours. Contact Paul Lee, 676-9494. 51tfc Wanted to buy: twin-size or bunk beds. Ph.' 676-9943 after 4 p.m. 34c 7 For Rent 1 room with bath and cooking facilities. 422-7587. 2tfc 8 Services SAW SHARPENING, scis sors, knives, small tools. Mark Samples, 465 Linden Way, 676-9445. 524p 9 Livestock, Poultry For Sale: choice weaner pigs. Call Don or Scott, 676-9269, eves. 2-3p HERMISTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION. INC. Livestock sold 12:30 sharp every Satur day at 10th 4 Main. Carson Vehrs 567-6644. office ph. 567 3149. 45tfc 12 Furn., Appliances For Sale: one solid oak dresser, $150. Ph. 676-9786. 3-5p 13 Misc. For Sale Fat? Overweight? Try the Diadax plan. Reduce excess fluid with Fluidex no pre scription, Murrays Phar macy. 51-5p 1971 Fox Trac Snowmobile. 399 Kohler 2 cyl. eng., elect, start. Licensed for next two years. Low mileage and in good condition. $295. Ph. 676-5306. 3c4c 14 Automotive Lease a Beetle $65.95 a month 36 months MEL WINTER Volkswagen Hwy. 395 S. Pendleton 27&3611 Open 7 days a week 1973 Olds Omega hatchback, factory air. good tires, V-8, automatic, good gas mileage. 422-7278. evenings. 46tfc Steers 350450 pds. 47.00 to 50.00 Yearling Heifers 600-800 pds 34.00 to 37.50 Heifers 50O-6O0pds. 37.50to 41.00 Heifers 300400 pds 42.00 to 46.00 COMMENT: Butchers cows and bulls, $1 to $2 lower. All classes of feeder cattle, steady with last week's decline. Already consigned, 6 regis tered 2-yr. old Angus bulls; 6 registered Angus yearling bulls. OOM IKK,Mr tt. W-W EVERfcTT SNYDE. tv. Ml-ti SUM rn ( MK M'-VM Classified rates: tl minimum charge for up to J lines', 5 cents for each word over 3 lines. Figure 5 words to line. Display rlassified ads, 1J5 per column inch. Cards of Thanks, f 1.50 minimum. Deadline for classifieds, noon Tuesday. Not responsible for errors in classifieds if not reported within 7 da vs. 14 Automotive School Driver Education car 1974 Pontiac 4-dr. sedan. Power equip, and air cond. 1080 miles. Used Cars: 1972 Pontiac 3 seat sta. wgn. Auto, trans., and air cond. 18.687 actual miles. 1971 Plymouth Road Runner 1971 Dodge Challenger 2 dr. HT, bucket seats and air cond. "2-1970 Buick 4 dr. clean, power equip, and air cond 1970 Buick 2 dr. H.T. clean, power equip., air cond. 1968 Chev. Sta. Wgn. 27.000 miles on new motor. A bargain. 69 Ford Torino, 2 dr. H.T. clean unit. 1SC7 Chev. Impala 2-dr. 1966 Bonnvflle H.T. Rebuilt motor, air cond. radial tires. Used Pickups: 70 International P.U. 4 wheel drive. 1970 Scout, half cib. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC-BUICK FORD CMC TRl'CKS May and Chase, Heppner Phone 676-91 16 15 Real Estate Within city limits. Approx. 3'2 acres, with 109 ft. of frontage on Minor St. Easily accessible for public utilities. Contact Blanche Brown for further information. 33tfc Building lots in city limits. Various sizes, underground utilities, nice view and out of flood area. 676-5866 or 676-5811. 31tfc 16 Mobile Homes Nashua Mobile Home 12x43 almost new. Completely fur nished. All electric. Can be seen at West End Mobile Homes Sales, Hermiston. 567 5388 or 567-6138. 2-5c mobile w homos Home of Great Lakes Fleetwood Olympian Concord 8', 10', 12', 14' widths Also used Mobile Homes Hermiston-McNary Highway or Hwy. 11 Riverside PENDLETON OQOOQOOOQQQOOOa ARROW CHEVROLET Mobile Homes Security traveler Champion Buddy Rex Circle J Horse Trailer 2280 SW Court PI. Pendleton Phone Collect 276-6508 OOOOOOOOOOQPOBC Roving?? Local or Long Distance Free Estimates Call Gene Orwiek 989-8S86 or Condon 384-2292 Agent for United Van Lino. Community Billboard March 7 Music Concert and One-Act Plays, Heppner High School, 8 p.m. March 9 4-H Mini Forum, 10 a.m Morrow County fair grounds main building. March 10 Bill Gates Benefit, spaghetti dinner, 5 to 6:30 p.m. at lone High School. March 11 Heppner Garden Club, Karl Urban on "Eastern Oregon Wildflower Heritage," Hepp ner High School Cafetorium, 7:30 p.m., no charge. Ruth chapter. Order of Eastern Star, regular meet ing, 8 p.m., Heppner Masonic Temple. Chamber of Commerce meeting, noon, Elks Lodge. March 13 lone Garden Club March 14 Hospital Board meeting, 10 a.m. Port of Morrow. lone PTA. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to Pio neer Memorial Hospital this week are Fred Hoskins Jr., Norma Morgan, Gladys Bec kett and Alberta Johannes, all of Heppner. Dismissed were Patrick Doherty and Geatta Cox, both of Heppner; Christine Thom son, lone; and John Steagall, Lexington. "Great little word . . . enabled u to double our prices." Hi Low Free. Wednesday 47 33 Thursday 55 40 .02 Friday 53 35 .16 Saturday 47 32 Sunday 41 27 Monday 55 35 Tuesday 51 34 .03 Total Prec. Feb. 1.39 Normal 1.16 1973 1.09 THERE'S A GAS SHORTAGE ON ! SAVE THE FEET & POCKET BOOK. COME IN, REST THE TIRED FEET, SEE HOW FUN & ECONOMICAL A HODAKA 125 WOMBAT STREET MOTORCYCLE CAN BE !!!!!!!!!!! LEONARD'S MOBIL SERVICE Heppner Ph. 676-5800 Area bank debits up Bank debits for the 18 reporting banks, including Gilliam, Grant, Morrow, Umatilla, and Wheeler coun ties, were up in January 1974 compared to January 1973, the University of Oregon Bureau of Business Research has reported. Debits for January 1974 totaled $170,396,000. For De cember 1973, the total was $124,773,000 and for January 1973, $107,114,000. GRAIN PRICES White Wheat New Crop Red Wheat New Crop Barley S.59 4.99 5.60 5.02 116.50 Public Notices NOTICE OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, In compliance with Chapter 259, ORS. to the qualified voters of School District No. R-l. of Morrow Countv, State of Oregon, that the SCHOOL DIRECTORS ELECTION of said District will be held at Heppner Elementary School, lone School Cafeteria. Lexington District Office. A.C. Houghton Elementary School, and Riv erside High School, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March OIL BURNER SERVICE -Heating & Ventilation Experienced in all types of automatic and electronic control systems. MARTIN "MARTY" CRAIG Box 500, Rt. 3 Ph. 567-8048 Hermiston, Ore. Calumka UfJuUltetf Auto Furniture Boat Kelvinator Appliances - Cuetdm Uphdubtehv Dwner-Dperatdr. John Dyer Bus. 567-523 1 MIHMiSTON. OHEODN I Free pickup and delivery to I all Morrow County residents Now Open For Business Lexington Auto Body featuring body and frame repair 24 Hour Towing Service Jerry Levis, owner Ph. 989-8511 Hav 43fi f.AvinTtnn 1 To choose from . . . Iflai&m penthouse Vestige PARKWAY uEsran Quality Homes in all sizes at Bargain Prices. Many ways to finance and placement services, i 1 I MEL WINTift Mobile Homes 8 C-vT V 26, 1974, for the purpose of electing one director from Zone I, Boardman, for a four year term, and various advi sory committee members. Dated this 5th day of March, 1974. SADIE PARRISII. County Clerk DR. W ALLACE W. WOLFF, Chairman. Board of Directors Published March 7, 14, 1974. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION Upon Question of Levying a Tax Outside the Limitation of the Oregon Constitution Notice Is hereby given that an election will be held in School District No. R-l of Morrow County, State of Oregon, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on March 26, 1974, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said . district the question of levying, a tax for the fiscal year 1974-1975 out side the limitation of Section 11, Article XI. Oregon Con stitution in the amount of $1,071,178. The reasons for such levy are: 1. Increases in retirement. Social Security, and Workmans Compen sation. 2. Increase in salaries for certificated and classified stuff. 3. Increase in costs of gasoline, heating oil, electricity and supplies. 4. Increase of students in North Morrow County. 5. Addition of Kindergarten programs and unemploy ment insurance. 6. Present tax base of IU4.K79 is inadequate to operate the schools. I lO S.W. I ITM it?;-- Ml Highway 395 South Pendleton, Ore. 276-3611 OPEN 7 DAYS A Week Watch for our . . . Spring Opening Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Polling places: Heppner Elementary School lone School Cafeteria Lexington District Office A.C. Houghton Elemen tary School Riverside High School Dated this Sth day of March, 1974. SADIE PARRISII. County Clerk DR. WALLACE W.WOLFF, Chairman, Board of Directors Published Murch 7, 14, 1974. NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Heppner Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on a Conditional Use Application of Kiniua Cor poration to place six multi family units, four units to a building, on property adjneent to Thompson Street. The hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday. March 19, 1974, at Heppner City Hall. CITY OF HEPPNER, BY J.F. Sweeney, Mayor HEPPNER PLANNING COMMISSION, by Randall Peterson, Chairman Published March 7, 1974. LEGAL The City of lone, Oregon, will receive bids until 7:30 p.m.. March IK, 1974, at the lone City Hall for the con struction of water system Improvements. Plans and specifications may be obtained after March 1 from Engineer Stephen C. Anderson & Associates, P.O. Hox 1:I01, LaGrande. Oregon, for a payment of $10.00. The estimated cost is under $ unri includes 9o ft. of 8" water line, WH) ft. of 6" water line, pump house piping modification, and reservoir inlet-outlet structure. Bidders must be prequalified. Published Feb. 2K. March 7, 1974. THE INCOME PEOPLE a good place to place your confidence In Heppner Every Thursday the INCOME TAX peopu 27H Main Heppner G76-S960 (Old M A R Building, same location as last year.) Thursdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ) m tmmrum naxun f in The new Volkswagen Dasher does everything you want a car to do. and does it on about 25 miles per gallon. That s why it s the ideal car for today. Dasher does a powerful 0-50 in only 8.5 seconds. It holds five comfortably. It has front wheel drive and gives you control you've never felt in any conventional car. It has the amaiing Skidbreaker. which prevents most skidding under adverse conditions. It needs maintenance at only 10.000 mile intervals. And it's covered by the Volkswagen Owner's Security Blanket. Nobody else is even close. A new kind of Volkswagen. MEL WINTER VOLKSWAGEN Hiwoy 395 South Pendleton 276-3611 Qfi OPEN 7 Days a Week Thursday, Mar. 7, 1974 LEGAL Heppner Water Control DIs-' trlct will hold its annual neeting March 12, 1974 at 7:30 i.m. at the Conference Room at Gilliam & Bisbee Building, Heppner. All land owners In the Water Control District are eligible to attend. Purpose of the meeting Is to discuss the budget for the 1974-1975 year. ROSE MARIE BUSCHKE, Secreta ry-Treasurer. Published Feb. 28; March 7, 1974. PUBLIC NOTICE Umatilla Electric Coopera tive Association, 2135 North First Street, Hermiston, Ore gon, announced that it pro poses to construct 1.6 miles of 115 KV Transmission Line with 7.212.47 KV Underbuild and a 20 MVA Substation. The proposed line runs West from the Bonneville Power Admini stration Boardman Substation to the Port of Morrow indus trial Park. These facilities will make it possible for the cooperative to provide service to meet the increasing power demand in the area, particu larly those associated with the Desert Magic and Gourmet Foods Inc. processing facili ties. If there are any comments on environmental aspects of the proposed construction, they should be submitted in writing to the cooperative within 30 days of the publica tion of this notice. Route map of the proposed line may be seen at the office of the cooperative. Published March 7, 1974. Specialize In Track -layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding B & C Repair Shop 422-7409 Bill Ashurst Cleo Childers 422-7121 422-7423 ionf. r." YM tLXA