Page 8 & I lf I a A rfVi ga U Bid WWI I ID- I I l M I O I I I V V4 1 Cards of Thanks I would like (o thank all my friends and relatives for their calls, cards, flowers, prayers, and visits during my stay at St. Anthony's Hospital. I especially want to thank Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Bob Lowe and Maxine Schmidt. Hopefully, I will be home soon. MRS. MADGE THOMSON 48c We wish to thank the Pioneer Memorial Hospital Board of Directors, nurses, staff and especially Dr. Wolff for the fine care and kindness shown Sue and baby Nicole during their stay in the hospital. Thank you Heppner merchants for the fine "New Year's Baby" gifts. We ap preciate your thoughtfulness. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT DUNCAN 48p 2 Notices WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish, ph. 567-6065. ltfc MENTAL HEALTH Office Hours. Mon. Fri.. 8:30 5. Closed noon hour. MORROW COUNTY Museum Hours: Saturday, 10 a m. - 12 p.m.; 1p.m. -5p.m.; Sunday 1 1 - 5 p.m. LIBRARY HOURS: Monday. 1 - 5 & 7:30 - 9 p.m.: Wednesday, 1 - 5 & 7:30 - 9 p.m.; Saturday. 1 - 5 only. Heppner Public Library. CLEAN expensive carpets with the best. Blue Lustre is America's Favorite. Rent shampooer Si. Coast to Coast Store. HAVE HEAVY JACKET ZIPPERS, WILL INSTALL At Farra's Shoe Service 413 X. Main St. Heppner, Oregon 48-49p 3 Lost and Found Found-key ring and three keys, two Chrysler and what appears to be a house key. Owner may claim at the Gazette-Times. 47ttc Lost-female liver and white Springer Spaniel. 8 months, answers to Cher. S25 reward. Call 676-5045. evenings or 576-9288. days. 48-49c Lost --one Tovota key on a key chain. $25 reward. Call 676-5855. 48p 4 Help Wanted Part time bookkeeper, learn posting machine. Call Petty john's Farm and Building Supply. 676-9157. 48c Applications are now being accepted for school bus drivers. Application forms may be picked up at the school district office in Lexington or Heppner High School's main office. 48-490 TEXAS OIL COMPANY has opening in Heppner area. No experience necessary. Age not important. Good character a must. We train. Air Mail A K Dickerson. Pres.. Southwest ern Petroleum Corp.. Ft. Worth. Tex. 48c Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. TUESDAY SALE Januarv 15. 1974 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls Commercial Cows Utility Cows Canner & Cutter Cows Old Thin Cows 40.00 to 44.20 32 onto 35.00 29.00 to 32.00 27 00 to 3o 0o to 25 50 FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers 700-8tm pds Steers 500-tiOopds Steers 48 5o 10 52 00 54 25 to 58 00 Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, 5 Work Wanted Need Help1 Addressing, stuffing envelopes, typing, stencils, ditto, etc. Neat, experienced, reasonable. Barbara James, 676-5837. 48-490 7 For Rent One bedroom apt. for rent in lone. $80. Call 422-7587 . 29tfc 9 Livestock. Poultry HERMISTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION, INC. Livestock sold 12:30 sharp every Satur day at 10th & Main. Carson Vehrs 567-6644. office ph. 567 3149. 45tfc 12 Furn., Appliances I960 deluxe model Singer Sewing machine with attach ments, in good condition. Call 989-8176. after 5:30p.m. 48-49c 14 Automotive IB' COURIER PICKUP ON DISPLAY Ford's Courier is ideal economical driving. for Used Cars: 1971 Plymouth Road Runner 1971 Chev. -Sta. W'gn.. air cond. 2-1970 Buick 4 dr. clean, power equip, and air cond. 1970 Buick 2 power equip. dr. H.T. clean, air cond. 70 Volkswagen, omy car. 69 Ford Torino, clean unit. good econ- 2 dr. H.T. 69 A.MX I96.S Chev. Caprice 4-dr. HT air conditioner m: chev-,n,pala - dr- Bonmille H.T. Rebuilt motor, air cond. radial tires. I'sed Pickups: 7(1 International P.C. 4 wheel drive. 1970 Scout, half cab. 1967 CMC '.. ton pickup, good unit 4-speed School Driver Education cars 11174 Pontiac 4-dr. sedan. Power equip. Iiisii miles. and air cond. 11174 Buick 4-dr. sedan. Power equip, and air cond. 4.llii miles. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC -- BUCK FORI) GMC TRUCKS May and Chase. Heppner Phone 67ti-!M IK I!)73 Old- Omega hatchback. Ku-tury air. g""d tires. V-8. automatic. g"ri gas mileage. 422-7278. evenings- -Mlc Joo-400 pds Yearling Heilers tiim-wiupds 58 50 to 61.25 38 00 to 42 00 Heilers 500-O00 pds 42 Heilers 300-400 pds 48 ou to 52 oi Heavy HnUiem Stews Wm-Koopds. 41.75 tu 43 25 Ynung Stock Cavs. calves at side jyo iviin 405 00 Old Stock Cows, caives at side 34o 00 in 300 00 BabvCahe.Beef 77 5o COMMENT: trie market Butcher cw s. All classes "I aeadv Hm.-e Butcher bulls. was steady $1 lo $2 lower leedi-r cat'ie. Sale, tins Sun- d.i. Jan 2o lo a m OON MINK t ')"' EVEVETT txrOEH. E. MM" fewrmf I MICH Thurs., Jan. 17, Classified rales: fl minimum charge for up to 3 Hum. Semis :$ lor each word over J line. Figure 5 words lo aline. Display $! classified ads. It.Mt per column Inch. Cards of Thanks. $1.50 minimum. Deadline for classifieds noon Tuesday. Not responsible for errors in classifieds if not reported within 7 minimum. Deadline for classifieds, noon Tuesday. !ot responsible for errors in classifieds if not reported within 7 j . !v 14 Automotive iMUUBiuunnHinnminiiniririmnniri $65.95 a month 36 months MEL WINTER Volkswagen Hw. 395 S. Pendleton 276-3611 (pen 7 days a week llllllinillllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1970 Chevrolet Caprice. 38.000 miles, light green. 2-door. vinyl top. radio, heater, air conditiomng. white-wall tires; power brakes, power steering, power windows: luxury up holstering, rear-seat speaker, new tires; one owner, he being a little old newspaper editor who's scared to drive over 60. Uses no oil between changes. Has had lender, loving care. Blue Book says its worth S2300 on dealer trade-in Accept best offer over $2,000. Ernest V. Joiner. Gazette-Times. 676 9228. 15 Real Estate 3-or 4-bdrm. home, garage, on 3 lots. 1 blk off Linden Way. Owners transferred, available now. See Jack at SEARS or phone 276-0803 eves. 45tlc Within city limits. Approx. V acres, with 109 ft. of frontage on Minor St. Easily accessible for public utilities. Contact Blanche Brown lor further information. 331 1 c Building lots in city limits. Various sizes, underground utilities, nice view and out of flood area . 676-5866 or 676-581 1 . 31tfc 16 Mobile Homes 24x65 Metro-deluxe mobile home. 3 bdrms.. fam. rm.. 1:14 bath, fully carpeted. Alaskan insulation, electric neat on l-;i acres plus a 2 rm. shed. 989- 8537, 331 ic bile ii-iliii' 2 bdrm. . air f in - 174 Tamarack n ill I -nr. 1464. inchnir- appliai (liM-'iitng. 1 -, er pa;, n: iw ('fOi' and lake I 471 tc oosooooooooooooi ARROW CHEVROLET Mobile Homes Security 'Traveler Champion Buddy Rex Circle J Horse Trailer 2280 SW Court HI. Pendleton Phone Collect 276-6508 oooooooooooooocx Gnomes Home of Great Lakes Fleetwood Olympian Concord 8', 10', 12', 14' widths ' Also used Mobile Homes Hermiston-McXary Highway or Hwv. 11 Riverside PENDLETON Lease a Beetle 1974 16 Mobile Homes WEST END Mobile Homes Featuring Broadmore Glenbrook Princeton 12-14-ft. double-wide "Let vour search end at West End" 567-5388 Hermiston Hermiston-.McNary Hiway CALENDAR OK KVKXTS January 17 Jr Kodeo meeting. 8 p.m., Columbia Basin Electric. January 20 Coffee hour to welcome Father O'Brien, after 11 a.m. mass, St. Patrick's Parish Hall. January 21 Chamber of Commerce, noon. Klks Lodge. First aid course. 7-10 p.m.. Heppner High School, Room 7. Morrow County School Board meeting. 7:30 p.m., district office. Lexington. Lexington Grange Men's Night, pancake feed. 6:30 p.m.. meeting and program lo follow. January 22 Bookworms, Budget committee. Morrow County School District office. 7:30 p.m.. Lexington. First aid coup HI IS Room 7. e. 7-10 p.m. January 23 First aid course. 710 p.m., UHN Kooin 7 Farm -Labor Management Workshop, lo a.m. -3:30 p.m., Heppner Elks Lodge. January 24 Willow Creek Little League meeting lor coaches, oflicers, directors and interested per sons. 7:3n p m.. 1st National Bank conference room. Buying or Selling Property? Let me help you. ED HUNT Lexington 989-8452 - daily except Saturday I am associated with Mathews Real Estate Agency of Pendleton C. OID STOCKDALE REAL ESTATE "H 1050 N. 1st Hermiston, Oregon LLsl Office Phone 567-KH6 BfcAUOR CALL EVENINGS & WEEKENDS Marge Powell, Saleswoman 567-3600 C. Oid Stockdale, Broker 567-3907 WEST SIDE RESIDENCE Beautiful 3 bedroom ranch-style home located close to grocery store. Nice sized living room with fireplace, dining room and utility in kitchen. Fully carpeted and drapes. Price: $21,500. INCOME 313 acres, zoned C-l, 9 rental units with good cash flow. Price: $45,000 with terms. ACREAGES 20 acres with a 14 x 64 expando trailer in excellent condition. Price: $26,000. 1.62 ACRES with a 3 bedroom expando trailer. Price: $10,500. In Heppner Every Thursday at Lott's Electric T.V. SERVICE VIDEO-TECH, INC. 461 A E. Main St., Hermiston rnri1R J . iPVinPnT I WJlU Vlll is dead Graveside funeral services were held Tuesday, Jan. 15, for Carl E. Leathers, 75, 734 Dakota, Medford, Ore,, form erly of Heppner. lie was born June 27, 1898 in Hardman, the son of pioneer family Hollie and Dillie Cramer Leathers. On July 13, 1921. he was married to Frances Pyle in Heppner. In 1942, they left Heppner and lived in Portland where Mr. Leathers was a mechanic and welder. In 1973, Ihey moved to Medford. Besides the widow, survi vors include three brothers, Lloyd Leathers, Long Creek, Wayne Leathers, Monument, and Archie Leathers, John Day; three sisters, Mrs. Audra Allen, Hermiston, Mrs. Mabel Roach, Pendleton, and Mrs. Grace Duncan, Port land; and three grandchil dren. One daughter and one brother preceded him in death. The services were held at Memory Gardens Memorial Park in Medford under the direction of the Perl Funeral Home. Medford. The sophomore class of lone High School is sponsoring a movie. Ocean 11, Saturday. Jan. 19. 7 p.m., at the high school cafetorium. Admission is $1 for adults, 75 cents high school students. 50 cents grade school students and pre-school children will be admitted free The Heppner Mustangs host the Wasco County Redsides Friday night at the gym nasium. The JV game will hegin at 6 p.m. with the varsity game following at 8 p.m. Specialize In Tiack layei Tractor Repaii Automotive Welding H & C Repair Shop 422-7409 Bill Asiiurst Cleo Childer-122-7121 422-7423 IOr ?5tf MOVING?? Local or Long Distance Ftee Estimates Call Gene Orwick 9S9-8S86 Condon 334-2292 or Agents for Vmted Van Line. RCA 'TRAINED TECHNICIANS 567-3882 AKEA STUDEM ON DEAN' LIST Among 216 students quali fied for the dean's list for the fall term at Eastern Oregon State College, I .a Grande, are the following from this area : Evelyn Black, Boardman; Tami Meador, Heppner; Thomas D. Stewart. Irrigon; and Idee Lorengel, Kinzua. To be on the dean's list an undergraduate must have a better than 3.5 grade average. ivoamcri Hi Low I'rec. Wednesday 11 -12 Thursday 9 - 7 tr. Friday 8 -7 Saturday 40 3 .13 Sunday 54 12 Monday 5fi 44 .03 Tuesday 65 51 Snow HOSPITAL NEW S Patients admitted to Pio neer Memorial Hospital this week are Jerry Gentry, Linda Connor, Judy Hoaly, Sheridan Tarnasky, and Una Gilliam, all of Heppner; and Margaret Nichols, lone. Sue Ellen Greenup, Heppner was dismissed. Automobiles SHEHKELL CHEVROLET. INC. Complete bales & Service 3rd Main Hermiston (Breeding Service Artificial Insemination Service-beef and dairy American Breeders Hep resentative. JOE VOCO.M Lexington, Ore. 9SH-SI31 CafesLounges CAE'S I.Ol'NGE & CAFE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. B7-5UI." Heppner Drills, prescriptions HEK.MISTON OKI (i Free Prescription Mail Service Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Oifls for all occasions. Snack liar 114 .Main St.... Ph. 5B7-3072 Exterminating Service DOHY.NS PEST CONTHOL Hodentand Insect Extermina tion; Termite Conlol; (.rain Fumigation; Cattle Spray; Fogging. JOHN JEPSEN lone 122-7 IW) Food Jl. rmiilon l)airif Qui in I matilla County's newest drive-in 201 E. Hurlburt Hermiston Floor Covering, Heating M & It FLOOH COVEHINO & HEATING CO. Williams furnaces, complete installations. Linoleum. Car pet. Oil Burner Service. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. S7K-91IK Heppner KE.MIO ELOOKCOVEHINO Carpet, draperies, linoleum. counter tops, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Sales & Installation t:Ml SW llth. Butter (reek ll. 567-2565 Hermiston Mr. and Mrs. Al Former spent the weekend visiting relatives and friends In Hood Hiver. Notice Lexington Machine Works will he closed from Jan. I thru rch. 4 due to moving into a new shop. The gas station will he open N tu 5, Monday thru Friday-closed Saturday 11 ml Stimlav. saiMiliMaHBai fc Tri-County Hereford j Range Bull Sale I I 70 Ik'rt'fovd bulls, horm'tl and polled, i clt'i.r iKMliLTewl uuar;mti'id ly con- B . I e siirnors. I Sale k-uivH 1 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. Fairgrounds, La Grande, Ore. I show is at !':'.(' a.m. Lunch will he I .fcvt'd iy Union County Cow Belles. For further information write or call 1 Ralph I). Hart. V. 0. Hox TtiO, La 1 Cnincle. Ore., Hi. i)(!..-L'127. SiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiiiniiiiiiHiiimmiiii WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Funeral Home SW EENEY Fl'NEHAI. HOME Pre-arrangenienls. distant re niovals. Serving lone. Hepp ner. Lexington. Licensed fun eral director 67fi.!HiOO Heppner Furniture See us before you buy your color TV or stereo system. WILCOX Fl HMTl HE AND APPLIANCES iji W. Ileriuiston Ave. ,V7-22UI llerniistnn 72tctiA r ; HOUSt'WSCOUNTS.TV-: New & I sed Furniture & Appliances Authorized Norge Dealers 2200 N. First. Hermiston 5117-SiMU) General .Merchandise Clothing for all the Family. Housewares, (iifts. Toiletries, (ieneral Merchandise. -Visit Our Friendly Store- E.L.KNOX CO. .'l.'i E. .Main Hermiston Insurance 'IT ' It N EH, VAN MAKTEK & Hit Y ANT (eneral Insurance i;7fi-!lli:l Heppner Itl OOLES- liOYCE INSl HANCE (.EN( Y 7-)i;2.' Ha v Itovce... Heppner ...Ii7li-5.SI City Council HEPPNEH CITY COl Mil, Meets first Monday of each month, ( iliens having mat ters for discussion please present them lo the ( ity Kecorder one week prior to regular meeting, or bring them before the ( ouncil. 7li-tilH Monuments Eternal Markers-bronze, graniie Installations. Vases Cemetery grave markers. SWEENEY MOIt lT AHY Serving lone, Heppner. Lex ington (hI.-imi Heppner Optometrist DH. E.K. SCHAFEITZ Optometrist Next t Hotel Heppner entrance i,;i, 'in;:. Heppner . f SECOND NOTICE OE llt'DGFT IIEAHINfi A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budg et for the Heppner Cemetery Maintenance District for the fiscal vear I!t7;i-I!7l will I"' held al the District Office. 125 East Qiiuid Street, llepiiier. Oregon, al 7 p.m. on January III). l!l"l. The First Notice mid Hiidget were published in the Heppner (iaette-Times on Jan. IU. I!)7I. JOHN rEEIEEEK. Chairman Published Jan. 17. HIT I. imiiinimiiminiiiimiiini iiiiiiiiiiiini m Watch Kepair PETEHSON'S JEW El. EltS Latest jewelry and gift goods. Watches, clocks, diamonds. Expert watch and jewelry repairing 67H-9200 Heppner Physicians-Surgeons DH. L.I). TIHHI.ES Osteopath physician and surgeon. 1st National Hank Hldg. lies. i;7(i-!)2lll Off. fi'lWMilli WALLACE II WOLFF, M.D.. P.C. I-'tt m ii Practice. Week Days In appointment and emer gencies. 'iTIi-!..:! Ites. f;;ii-(M2 (.EHAl.l) A. JONES. M.I). I'hsiciau and Surgeon, I Hi E. Iliiilliurt. Hours; Mon. thru Thurs., a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; 1 :3u p.m. - .I p.m.; Fri., !l a.m. - I p.m. Sewing Machines Singer Sales & Service New Zig-Zag Machines from jH!l.'j: GKOOAVS Approved Singer Dealer 2 i:i S. Main Ph. 27li-23.2 Peiullelon For Local Service call Lima's Apparel. Iiill-ll2li One stop lor: "Professional Dry ( leaning" Knit and Stretch Fein it s Sewing Machines Vacuum Itepair Service PIFHSOL I.EANEHS A. SEW AND SEW ( I N I Fit 17li W . Herinislon Ave. .)li7-3iMI llerniislcin Title Insurance MOKHOW COI N TY AHSTHACT& TITLE CO. Title Insurance Oft ice in Peters Blilg. IhI.-'I'M2 Heppner Welding CALL B.J. NOONAN ntime Anvwhere Anvlliing WELDING Portable Euipnu-iil Over 30 Years Experience Phone 22 -3.ISH In The Welding Trades MtltlGON.OItE. HtfMMy X. MrMn (