Page 5 THERE'S A NAME FC.7 PEOPLE WHO DO USE CJC" pOf Padberg fined After throe hours of dcliber ation in Justice Courl Thurs days jury of five men and one woman failed to reach a verdict in the trial of William Padberg, LexinRton rancher, : charged with two counts of driving while under the influ ence of liquor, careless and reckless driving. Afler his exoneration on the VT IT. 1 ' '4-l ' i mm 1 l . I TI-II5 1'; (AMI' l(i--Tliis billboard on the llenimer-l.exiiiuton highway under cut a significant ctiaiiKf niht I'lst week, either. Subodv has confessed, Desert Hills to boost population Preliminary approval fur llie first phase of the $:i.H milliiiii planned community to lie named Desert Hills, was given Tuesday night of last week In the Unardman city council and lite city plaimmg cnniniissinii. It will mean a sizable increase in the population of the city within the next six to eight miles The liniising development will he sponsored hy the Desert Magic farming com plex which raises potatoes on i'. imi acres of irrigated soil east ill here The planners approved a preliminary plat lor a 44-lionie subdivision located on III acres ill land It also recommended rcoiiiug a '.' acre tract from larniing to commercial, and graining a conditional use (MTnni for 150-unil mobile home park. Moth actions must he approved by (lie city council 'Pin-council also accepted a request for annexation of 40 acres of the proposed com plex, and sel a public hearing on ih' proposal lor Jan 22 at 8 p.m . Cecil Conlev. who manages the Desert Hills development, said the complex could double Itoardman's population dur um the summer . I-'irst phase ill the project trails for immediate construction ot a ":t unit mobile home park. Hy March. Desert Hills hopes to tie working on the 44 -unit subdivision for conventional homes, and installation of off-site utilities Tin planning commission and city council members balked at the protect s under- How water, sewer will be financed The city of Hoardman is still HMiig to come to a solution to Us water and sewage problem and last week seemed nearer lo doing it ssislance was pledged by the Desert Hills housing development and the Port of Morrow . I'oiiMilnng engineer Stanley Wallulis said Desert Hills lias agreed lo drill a city well on the soul li side ol here and lie repaid through reduced water anil sewer hook-up lees. They will drill the well near the piopoM'd housing develop ment and will lie reimbursed In the cit through a per lot ' credit" to ( lie lirm when it begins ting into the water and sewer system The credit wold reduce llie Desert Hills hook-up lee Wallulis said a proposed agreement belween the cit and llie developer is being worked out by City AMormw Van Valkenlnirgh. Desert Hills Manager Cecil t'oolev said Desert Hills also has ulb-rcd to build a sewer ireaimenl plant lo serve the area to be developed. Wallulis explained Honrdinau may elect lo tem porarily increase the capaeiiv ot Us existing sewage treat ment plant h -adding a mechanical treatment process lo handle the added Desert Hills elllueul and continue clloiis to build a new plant. bin Van Donielen of the Oicgoii Department of Kn uronnieutal Quality said ex panding the existing plant is a heller plan than building a new plant to serve the south Mill'. 'die Women's Activity I'uiiiniillee ol (Ireenfield Grange met Wednesday ol last week at the grange hall, starting with luncheon at 12::t0 pin Mrs Walter Maxes was hostess ( aid party lor the. next live weeks were as lollows .km t.V Mrs Mill 11 s; Jan :'l Mrs Tom Harrison. .Ian Lti.inght parly. Hael Miller and Mrs Hoy ball. .Ian .Mrs. Larry Phillips. Keb. ,"i. Mis Chub Warren. Keb 1:'. Mrs lien Donovan Announcement was made that llie Home Kmciimoii l ull will hold a training meeting and business meeting at the Hall .bin starling at ! :to Hoardman recently re ceived a Sloti.iMHi grant from the Oregon Emergency Hoard to upgrade iis sew er system. Howard Karlchner. pies) dent and manager of Desert Magic. told the fort of Morrow commission last Thursday that he is running mi' ol time and had to know by Jan 15 whether they are going to get the sewage in the new proposed bousing develop ment south of (ow n He said Ins tirin xvill help fund the sewage disposal sy stem lo get H gomu iminediaie-lv. sized lot dimensions. Most home lots in Hoardman are about Hi. two square feet. The desert Hills building lots are about 7.200 square feet. Archi tect William McCue explained ihere is a nation-wide trend lo smaller lot sizes because they are earier and less costly to maintain. It would also reduce water consumption on lawns Coolev assured the com mission members the lots are adequate lor the homes, and could be made attractive through landscaping Coolev said creation of Desert Hills is needed to provide homes lor families of men to work the Desert Magic soil and staff the production lines at the Desert Magic f resh pack plant and ''the new (iourniet Foods French fry plant Chinook Hoardman 's snow disap peared in a matter ol hours Sunday night and Monday morning alter the tempera ture went up from Y. above to -)-! ahoxe in an hour's time Sunday nigh' about p.m. A Chinook wind bleu lor a short tune, and temperatures slaved above Iteeing all night Ham fell all morning Monday and ibis helped do away xviih the snow also. Freezing ram bad fallen Saturday night and streets and roads were slick for traveling. Monday afternoon the sun xvas shining and the temperature was up to 4K above. The snow was all gone In shoi'llx alter noon. two basic counts, Padberg was found guilty of reckless driving, fined $.r05 and given a 30-day suspended sentence by Justice of the Peace Charles O'Connor. Defense Attorney Donald Morrison. Hermislnn, con vinced the jury that a question of reasonable doubt existed as to the intoxication of Padberg, when he claimed that too much time has elasped be tween his last drink and the time the breatholizer test was given. The total time elapsed was slightly over one hour, and Morrison contended that the alcohol content in his client's bloodstream would have been greater after that length of time. After his arrest Oct. 8, Padberg was given a breatho lizer test and the result was a 0 2ii registered reading on the machine. According to Oregon law, a reading of 0.15 on the breatho lizer, in most cases, is all that is needed to convict a person of drunk driving. Church officers named Harold Hash xvas elected elder of Boardman Com munity Church for a three year term and Alan Akesson to a ihree-year term as trustee at the annual congregational meeting Sunday afternoon at Hie church following a potluck dinner. Other elders are Leo Potts and Everett Struckmeier. and trustees are Tim Haugen and Dewey West Jr. Mrs. William Bates xvas elected Sunday School super intendent for one year, and assistants will be Paslor and Mrs Neil King. Mrs. Pete Peterson was elected social chairman for one year, and Carroll Donovan as head usher for one year. Mrs. Dexvey West Jr. xvas appointed treasurer by Hie board for one year. Kverett Struckmeier was moderator of the meeting and departmental reports were given by Pastor King. Struck meier and the Ladies Aid Society The budget for next vear xvas submitted and accepted. . I: ) ' . 1 Naffziger analyzes his Mustang team DEAN NAFFZIGER Decoration winners The Boardman Tillicum Club met last week at the home of Mrs. William Bates with Mrs. Joe Bartletl as co-hostess. Carolyn Davis, director of Region 5 which includes Morrow County, for the Alli ance of school age parents, held a discussion on the program and left some ma terial for distribution. The program needs a represen taiive from this area. A report was given on the results of the unlighled Christmas decoration contest. In the commercial division first place went to the Inland Empire Bank and second to the Richfield Station. Larry Phillips won first in the residential division and Ru pert Kennedy was second. For the paintings on the windows done by Riverside Junior-Senior High students, first place went to the Shell Station, painted by Mark Mesteih, Keith White, Don Russell and Kike Kennedy; second place to Hick's Mar ket, painted by Terri and Pam Hodson, Julie Zielinski and Tammv Zemliska; third to Chevron Station, painted by Denise Henkle and Gracie Hixon. Mrs. Bartletl was appointed to the Children's Library committee, replacing Mrs. John Harvey. The next meeting will be al the home of Mrs. Ben Dono van, Jan. 22. with Mrs. Stan Henkle as co-hostess. E-2 Jerry Downey left Sunday for Fort Riley, Kans., after spending the past two weeks on leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Downey. He has been sta tioned at Fort Riley the past vear. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bock and daughters. Dana and Danette, have returned home from a three-week trip to Corpus Christi, Tex., where they spent the holidays visiting at the home of Mrs. Bock's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young. Heppner High School Coach Dean Naffziger had some good news and some bad news for listeners at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon Monday. The bad news was that Naffziger started the season with only three boys with past varsity experience and has molded a team made up of boys who played JV ball last year. During non-league play in the Columbia Basin League the Mustangs had a 5-1 record, losing only to Blue Mountain Community College frosh. Afler losing the opener to Condon, the Mustangs bounced back to play a good game against Riverside. Then it happened. Monday and Tuesday nighl only seven players showed up for prac tice. The rest of the team was out because of illness. Two extra players did show up for the game with Umatilla Fri day night. With the weather cold and the Umatilla team "hot;" that was part of the bad news. "They hit 55 per cent of their shots from the field, and when a team is hitting from 20 feet oul there is very little defense against it," he said. Then the Mustangs lost a close one to Sherman County in overtime play, 84-78. Now for the good news. There are 12 games remaining in the league, and "we will have an uphill climb all the way," Naffziger said. "We hope lo finish close to the top when the season ends. He recalled thai last year the two district berths were not de cided unlil the last two weeks of the season, "and we think we have a good chance of ending our season toward the lop." Next week's chamber guest will be Joyce ISergstmm. Morrow County tax assessor, who will show a film dealing with methods of tax assess ment entitled "You've (Jot to he Kidding." She asks that any group wishing lo see the film contact her al G7-942l. . WEST END Mobile Homes Featuring Broadmore Glenbrook Princeton 12-14-ft. double-wide "Let your search end at West End" 567-5388 Hermiston Hermiston-McNary Hi'.vay ti4 rrrrt frip califs i1 Mailing Address: (i 1 1 P.O. Box 23039 i1 Portland, Oregon 97225 ' Rett's CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING BEEF-Mondays and Wednesdays P0RKFridays. HERMISTON PH. 567-6651 AJ.LIS CHALMERS FREEMAN FAhM MACHINERY NEW USED RENT LEASE or BUY MOUNTAIN MACHINERY CO, AIRPORT ROAD PENDLETON PH. 276-6222 Flaking plant Magic eision Desert Magic is eoiiidermn locating a $2 7 million flaking pi. ml ill Hoardman to handle the firm's "snwill potatoes."" Howard Karlchner. Desert president, said a de an Ibe tin plant is expected lo he made m about a week Kartclmer said the plant would employ alioul loo pe sons and would process pota toes too small lo be shipped hum the firm's new lresli packing plant. lacilllv would te lo ll the Port of Morrow's Diiicessme park east of Hoardman. adjacent to the lresli pack facility . The plant will produce potatoes lor both institutional and retail con sumers. Karlchner said He said the product has been used lor years as instant mashed potatoes and recently has been processed into recon stituted potato chips . I ilia I'.leclnc Coopera tive recently received an easement lor a high voltage line that would pro ile power irocessni epnpineni in Ibe Making plant C & R Mobile Homes For The Lowest Pricei and SERVICE After The Sale STOP AT C 1 It Fleetwood Concord Greet Lekee Modyllne THURSDAY IS LADIES' NIGHT! ; DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF THE BRANDY WINE ;Also live music Friday and Saturday! I at Columbia Cafe 3-Cs Club Umatilla GREEK SPAGHETTI DINNERS, SUNDAYS;: ONLY i Tin caled lood lor Ibe invoh eil THANK YOU f Ue wish to thank all the many people who patronised : us this past ear. We are looking forward to seeing you in the future. uw wDJMM-o. i.Mi OPEN SUNDAYS i FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermi8lon to Pendleloa n Aftrft)V' HMKMISTOV ORE. Hr miston-McN try Hiwty Hiway 11 Rivridt l lA JjX If .. 567-3876 276 7385 , p fifpJZZA !! Sherrell Chevrolet WHEAT j! . H.,mis..n For Man Bfl V " ii J I "The time will come when gold will hold kJv. j Yy J no comparison in value to a bushel of Jf 1 Y fi(.ntffiL7 1. Better Nutrition H j il 2. Usable Food Storage "The Best in j let us help you with your j i; 3. Financial Savings j Umatilla Count" ii transportation needs. !! ! umarma county j SALES SERVICE LEASING jj Jfc 17 DIFFERENT PIZZAS ! PH. 567-6487 j j; ff II j innnjuaDDQDDQocjt ;i mVlLul CHICKEN AND OTHER SHORT ORDERS mw w M s a CTnvv Fi.orrt An crural grinder 8 I , HAMBURGERS AND TACOS TO GO! I; PATRICIA A. M00RE j ;!. 449-3361 j Phone 922-3811 ; P.O. BOX 1067 uuuuuuuuLuuum!au"!!u?ini!i" .J Umatilla, Ore. FRONTIER IRRIGATION & SUPPLY Box 62 (Interstate 80N at Tower Road Exit) Boardman, Ore. 97818 Telephone : 503-481-2255