Page 4 BEACON DAAOniBfli VOL. I. NO. I ItlCIIAKI) II UJKIU.ACH. Editor Desert Magic enters housing picture Desert Manic, according to its president. Howard Kartch ner. plans to enter the housing picture at Boardman as a means of insuring accom modations for farm workers on 40,000 acres of irrigated farmland which will be in production this year. Desert Hills is the name of the corporation Kartchner has set up to handle the housing complex that will occupy 40 acres on the south edge of Boardman. It will contain a shopping center, three 50-unit o r , FT 0060000009000000000001 CAROL'S CAKOCSEL BEAUTY SHOP " JUDY J 8c L Motel 567-2528 567-5583 HERMISTON juuu-if cwnriorirnninnnnnnr camerawork gallery presents photographs by louis bencze january 13 to february 9 p mobile home parks, a mobile home estate which will be sold, a 60-unit apartment house and 60 acres to be subdivided into about 130 single family dwelling lots Irelimmary cost estimates for the project is $3,136,000. Construction may start in February, pending the ap proval of the DEQ and the ability of the Fort of Morrow and City of Boardman to furnish adequate sewage dis posal Addition of a S33.0OO aerator at the sewer plant. ' ' 7"' ' , ";" r - - ENERGY CKISIS? These two I'nion Pacific diesel engines pulled into (leppner about 10 p.m. .Monday night and went out of service, with the engines running. At three p.m. Tuesday the engines were still running, and hadn't been shut off during the almost lX-hour idle period, an observer reported. FRIENDSHIP INN RIVERYIEW MOTEL P.U.Iio:.i) Front & lsi S.on 1-80 N. Boardman. Oregon 97818 Area Code 503-48 1-2775 plus the ability of the port and city to arrange for $152,000 to revamp the plant, will deter mine whether immediate con struction begins. Kartchner says Desert Magic's entrance into the housing business is to take care of the influx of workers needed for the corporation's giant potato and farming operation He predicts that several thousand workers will come to northern Morrow County as a result of his corporation's operation, plus that of Gourmet Foods potato ''LUJlLLlJ 'I seem to be getting a tw signal!" C 3 T 1'' ' i t .'. 0 f K O :": '? f V ;.cr::ar;f: ca-.;jn i 4 -s "-T. 1 1 1 HI i f processing plant and the l'(!K power plants scheduled for Boardman and Pebble pnngs. regardless of wheth er the latter are nuclear or fossil fuelded. The City of Boardman has been unable to provide mass housing facili ties for a thousand workers expected in the area within the next two years As an indication of the economic impact of the new workers, it is estimated that they will have an annual income of $8,000 to $9.oon a Irrigon 2nd well The first council meeting of the year was held in the city service building, which has been equipped for use as a council meeting room with heat and facilities. Future meetings will be held in the same location, which is at the entrance of Ordnance Road on Highway 730. and known as the old Standard Station Chester Wilson was re elected as mayor for his l-'th term by a majority vole of the council Vernon Stewart wa elected mayor pro-tern. Mrs Ted (Mary 1 Wilson was re appointed as city recorder for the year by acclamation, with the entire council present. A letter from the Portland District Corps of Engineers stated that the city's request for a site for sewage treat ment plan! was being given consideration along with other governmental unit requests. Mayor Wilson reported that a call to the office of State Engineer Chris Wheeler has cleared some misunderstand ing regarding rejection by his office of a permit tor a second well. A sufficient amount of water is available from the present well, under the puriip ing conditions now in use, to meet the needs of expected normal growth lor a number of years, if backed by an adequate storage supply ', Wheeler was also optimis tic, although no guarantee was given that a second well might Mel Boyer Aerial Application Aerial Survey and Photography :s!t-x n Lexington. Oregon C and I Furniture ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES WE BUY WE SELL , WE TRADE PHONE 276-0655 424 S. MAIN PENDLETON HERMISTON J Vitamins and minerals, dried fruit, herbs, vogurt, nuts, food for special diets, allergy foods, natural cosmetics by La Vi and Marley naturals Mail orders accepted 567-4M4 Mr. and Mrs. Frazier, Owners 20 UVst Ht-rmiston Ave. HERMISTON year Frank Kogan, project en gineer for Portland General Electric Company's giant power plants at the McCarty site at Boardman and at Pebble Springs, told lleppner business men last week that Morrow County's towns will bo counted upon to furnish facilities, such as housing, for an estimated 1.800 workers at the PGE project. Boardman ias found difficulty in pro viding sewer, water and lousing for the expected outlook encouraging be sunk near the same location and in the same water-bearing strata as a stand-by unit only in the event of pumping failure in the existing well. The city's engineer's re commendation will be sought to determine if the need will outweigh the cost of a standby source and equipment. An ordinance covering water line improvements and assessment costs was read and referred to the February Meeting for passage. McCrae enters politics Wallace McCrae, the only president Blue Mountain Community College ever had, will relire June 30, 107-). He announced the end of a -lo year career in education in a meeting recently of college faculty, stall, and student leaders, plus representatives of the news media. He was accompanied by Bob Zerba. Athena, chairman of the college ixjard of education. A Republican, McCrae said he will file for the Slate Representative posilion to be vacated this year by Stafford Hansell. also a republican, from llerniision. McCrae was named presi dent of Blue Mountain Com munity College in l2 when the college was organized. At the time, he was superinten dent of schools in Pendleton, a post he had held since 1949. In more than 11 years of his administration, the college has grown from an initial enrollment of 2.'il vocational students to more than 3.000 students in the liberal arts, applied sciences, and evening programs. The full-lime equivalent (FTEi enrollment last year was 1.128 An FTE is one student carrying 15 credit hours of study fur three terms. Zerba announced that the college board will meet soon to set plans in motion for selecting a replacement. He said college faculty, staff and students will be involved in the selection process. MOBIL Boardman number of workers until Desert Magic entered the housing picture. So far, llepp ner has no prospect of furnishing needed facilities for expected workers al Boardman projects, for those at the proposed power plants, for workers at the expanding Kituua Corporation complex ,r for construction workers on Willow Creek Dam. However, the planning commission is now studying a proposal hy Kiiuuu Corporaiion to build 2(1 single-unit dwellings and u Police Chief Perry Pummel was appointed to a County committee to evaluate County jail facilities under newly adopted legislation. Pummel also brought to the councils attention the need for a jury panel within the city. The need for adoption of a building code, which would require permits for any type building, was discussed. The location of mobile homes should also require a permit. This will be discussed with the city attorney and will boon the agenda for February The Hev. Dunne Trillin, who is pastor of Christian Center in Yuba City. Ca., will minister at the Assembly of God in Irrigon, Tuesday llirough Fri day and Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p. 111 services. He will leach concerning the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the individual believer and to the church. Morning meetings will be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at Hi a.m. at the Irrigon Assembly of God, located on Kill St. Pastor Kobert Sclinioll ex tends a welcome to all. The CA. Millers have re turned home after spending a month over the holidays visiting at the home of her son, CPU Robert llolden, and family in Guam. They visited many historical places winch were occupied by the Japa nese during the second World War. Miller made a three-day cruise on a ship on the Philippine Sea. On their way home they spent several days in Honolulu. They made a cruise to Pearl Harbor and toured the Island of Oahu. AH.SprYiNG 53 J' 1 1 1 J it. large apartment building on properly above Pioneer Me moriiil Hospital. Thus Kituua may he placed in the same role Desert Magic has assumed al Hnanlnian, of entering the housing picture in order to guarantee accom modations for its personnel. Action hy city planners tin the Kinua proposal is ex necled in a few iluvs Allen Nislad of Kinua said yesterday that his firm hopes to start development of the Hi acres nliove Hie hospital next The Boardman Beacon announces a New Look to ni:. o suisntiiiFits With litis issue the Hoard man Beacon will appear regularly in the Gazelle Tunes The Deacon section will continue to carry news and advertising nl imeresi In Hnanlnian residents, with Hie added advantage of having more couiiiy wule news of interest. The change is prompted hy Hie necessity to conserve newsprint, now 111 short supply, and also to enable the edilur to more adequately cover Hie fast breaking news m Ihe Hoard man area, and tokeepahreasi of Hie rapidly changing growth picture for nuiiisiry 111 the area. Beacon subscribers will receive this newspaper on a weekly basis, every Thtirsdas . for the remainder of their subscription lime. Hoardman advertisers will be glad lo know that in addition to the Hcacon cir culation, their advertisements will go into ..nun additional homes, (!." per cenl nl which are in .Morrow County The Hcacon will alsn be able for the first lime In do your commercial pruning -letter heads, envelopes, statements, business forms and all other types of commercial printing Florists WEDDINGS GIFT IDEAS CUT FLOWERS LIVING PLANTS FTDSpeed-A-Gift Quality costs no more Jimmy's Flower Shop Main Street f)(i7-(i472 Flowers -stem Mowers, arrangements, rentals lor weddings, corsages, wreaths and ribbon, ,v;7-(i:'i;-l, I'KN Dl.KTON FLOWF.K CHAIT. 21! W. llerniision, llerniision. Ore. IK 47c FOK SAI.K--7:! Chaparral Snowmobile, 7ti miles, demon slralor, jike new Increasing size of our family so must sell 1 I'll 022 :l8.w. " 4!!c VACCL'M CI.KANKHS; Most powerful machine you've ever seen anil the best guarantee of any vacuum cleaner. All parts and labor up to 24 years. See al I'lcrsol's, 17li W. llerniision iii7-:tul4. VACITM CI.KANKIt ItK I'AlliS: All makes, one da service. Local repair shop Piersol's. I7li W llerniision .')(i7:iUI4. SEWING MACHINE HE PA IKS: All makes, one day service, local store Piersul s 17(i W llerniision. 5U7 :int4 MOBILE HOME SITES Soon Available Wilson's Park NEAR CAFE, SCHOOLS. SHOPPING RECREATION Hwy. 730 week, peuiliil iiinival of local and leilenil tigi'iicies. Nislad alsn ciiiilirmed Km zua's purchase of I7IIII;iitcso( l.inil hclou I he null on Willow Creek known as Die Michos place The I, mil was pur chased Dec 111 finin the First Naiional I!, ink of Oregon, I'oril.ind. al a cosi o( $j:.ii,ihhi. The corporaiion hopes 10 exchange the land for parcels ndjaceni to the mill There are no plans loi plain expansion or lioiising 011 this properly, he saiil that we have Huts far been unable lo provide mi a local basis Headers may submit news ileitis and advertisements by calling 4111 jo'il, and I tirtte that Mm do so in order that we can publish a better account of life and times in the lastesl growing fit in Oregon. -KICIIAIiDIIAl'.KKI.ACH. Ediior whom: th Mint Sieei,ilie in lamp--and parts, glass. Iiirniinre waiioirs Open 7dasa week MllilhSi I malilla I II. I. It I l Mll'KIII l liTII STIiKKT I'maiill. 1. Oregon !Wi.' Phone 922 :i2.iii VF.Iil.ING i MAKIK ('lAJIK Managers MOORE'S TEXACO 21 Horn si:k it I-: Kxcepi l-'nd.n SiiHn (l;i Evenings I'honc ISI-.'I.!.', Knarilmaii HIM (,ll CAFE I .1 1 1 1 1 1 v llining I calm ing cliickciuv Short Orders Hamburgers All llll.ine lli-.isini is Mini hosl III del s logo Itlj.'i Y 1st. Him iiiislon I'll .(;;! Umatilla SELF SERVICE Speed Wash Laundry 20 - 12-Ib. Automatic Washers 10 -Dryers 2 Dry Cleaners -PARKING AREA- ath & 1 st. across from Drug Store Umatilla. Ore. Ph. 922 -3W IRRIGON