Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 03, 1974, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Pag 4 HM'PMU
Mr. and Mrs, Rolli Ek
lrom visited ith his parents,
Mr. and Mrs Herb Ekstrom
Sr., and other family mem
bers during the holidays.
Pastor William Arthur an
nounces he will hold an
introductory confirmation
class Jan. 6 at 7 p.m. in the
church basement. Assign
ments, expectations, and ma
terial to be covered will be
Mrs Elmer Ladd and Mrs.
Kenneth Smouse were co
hostesses for a luncheon held
at the Ladd home for the
December meeting of the
Topic Gub Each member
brought a Christmas food and
the recipe for it. There was a
gift exchange of handmade
gifts. Mrs Smouse played
some musical selections on
the violin. Mrs. Ladd pre
sented some Christmas read
ings. The group sang Christ
mas carols following the
program. Mrs. Milton Mor
gan, president, conducted the
short business meeting.
The lone Schools Long
Range Planning Committee
will meet Jan 7 at 8 p.m in the
school library. This meeting
will be for review of the career
education evaluation team
report and for final approval
of the lone committee's report
to the county committee.
The lone City Council will
meet Jan. 8 at city hall.
Don Bristow attended the
wedding of Nancy Berrigan
and William Flechtner held at
Longview Community
Church. Longview. Wn.. Dec.
702 SW Dorion
Beecher's Cafe
Akers Motor Service
Jordan Elevator Co.
Bristow's Market
B Cr C Repair
KK. GAZKTTKTIMKS. Thursday. January J. 1974
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Nelson entertained Mr. and
Mrs Leo Crabtree, Cecil, for
dinner. Dec. r Jean prepared
Swedish hot cakes and saus
ages. Mrs. Mary Lindsay and
Mrs. Helen McCahe were in
Silverton to attend the funeral
of Mary's mother-in-law, Mrs
Ida Lindsay King. Mrs. King.
95, was born in Denver and
came by covered wagon to
Oregon. She had lived in
Silverton 45 years. She was
buried in Rose City cemetery
on Saturday.
Vic Peterson, brother-in-law
of Omar Rietmann, died
recently at The Dalles. The
funeral was held Dec. 31.
Mr and Mrs. Leo Crabtree
spent four days at the home of
their daughter and family.
Mr. and Mrs William Gelinas.
Caldwell. Idaho. They en
countered snow and ice on the
highways all the way on the
return trip.
Ray Heimbigner returned
home last week after a
two-week stay in Holladay
Park Hospital in Portland.
Ray went in for a routine
checkup and the doctor per
formed major surgery in the
afternoon. He is reported
doing very well.
John Stefani severed his
little finger in a recent
accident. After receiving
medical aid. he returned home
and completed the project he
had been working on when the
accident occurred.
Loans for your
production needs
crop, dairy, livestock.
Home Games
Jan. 4 Echo
'Jan. 12 Arlington
Jan. 26 Helix
Feb. 1 Umapine
Feb. 9 Helix
-Feb. 23 Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Doherty had several of their
children and their families
home for the holidays. Roger,
Maureen and Becky, Eugene;
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Doherty
and son, Heppner, joined
Tony, Martha and Mr. and
Mrs. Doherty.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davidson
had as Christmas guests a
daughter, Mrs. Harlan Flint,
and family of Beaverton; Mr.
and Mrs. Vern Viall and
children, and a son, Herbert,
all of Milton-Freewater; and
Greg and Anita.
Alvin Standley of Portland
visited his mother, Mrs.
Venice Hendrickson. Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cool and
children of Pendleton spent
Christmas Eve with her
mother, Mrs. Florence Mc
Millan. Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Messen
ger Sr. were Portland visitors
last week.
Mr. and Mrs G.E. Irvin and
son Bill of Pendleton and
Vicky Walden of Portland
were Christmas Eve guests of
Thursday, Jan. 10
Heppner Elementary Cafetorlum
Showtime: 6:30 & 8:30 p.m.
Product of i American National Enterprises. Inc.
Dobyn's Pest Control
John W. Jepsn
Murray's Rx Stables
Bod Murray Io" Oregon
Bank of Eastern Oregon
Morrow County Grain Growers
Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Jones.
Other visitors were the Sluarl
Smith family of Hermiston
and Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Whitnev and daughter Kimm
berlee of Portland. Kimmber
lee remained for a two-week
visit while her parents are
vacationing in Hawaii.
Mrs. Cleo Van Winkle of
Hiersche's Nursing Home in
Pendleton spent several days
recently at the home of her
son, William J. Van Winkle,
and family. Bill, of Hermiston
is also visiting with his
Mrs. Erda Peiper had as
Sunday dinner guests her son,
Elmer Peiper, and family of
Hermiston and Paul Morey of
Delpha Jones was surprised
Thursday afternoon when a
small coffee hour she had
planned turned into a surprise
birthday party for her. The
afternoon was spent in visiting
with her neighbors. Mrs. Ken
Palmer. Mrs. Marion Palmer,
Mrs. Clell Rea, Mrs. Harold
Shearer and Mrs. Lee Palmer.
Refreshments were served
later in the afternoon.
We're behind you Cards
William R.
Scolt dies
on Dec. 27
William Ralph Scott, 81,
died Dec. 27, 1973 in Kenne
wick, Wn.
He was born Dec. 4, 1892 in
Horseshoe Bend. Wn.
Survivors include the wid
ow, Elma, Kennewick, Wn.; a
son. Bill Scott, Heppner; three
daughters, Erma Scott, Ken
newick, Wn., Mrs. Clayton
Davis. Pendleton, and Mrs.
Gerald Nisbet, Wasco, Ore.;
nine grandchildren, five
great-grandchildren and
numerous nieces and neph
ews. Funeral services were held
Saturday. Dec. 29. at the
Heppner Christian Church
with Rev. Earl Soward offici
ating Sweeney Mortuary was
in care of arrangements.
Donations may be made to
the Heart Fund.
is at it again!
Honey Buttered
Chicken Fried Steak
Opening league game Jan. 4
lone vs Echo at lone
Away Games
Jan. 5
:Jan. 11
Jan. 25
Feb. 2
:Feb. 16 Arlington
Feb. 22 Umapine
"denotes non-league games
Independent Garage
Chos. O'Connor, Insurance
Rietmann's Hardware
lone Lions Club
Anna Ball
dies al 87
Anna Ball, 87. died Dec. 18,
1973, in Hermiston.
She was born July 30, 1886 at
Broadheard, Ky the daugh
ter of Martha and Ransom
In 1908. she was married to
Matthew Ball and had three
children. A son. Lester, died in
Mrs. Ball was active in the
Baptist Church and taught
Sunday School.
Survivors include two
daughters, Cecile Genise,
Escondido, Ca.. and Helen
Bull. The Dalles; three sis
ters. Olive Raines, Apple
Vallev. Ca.. Sarah Bryant,
Portland, and Vi Ball. Victor
ville, Ca.; two grandchildren
and six great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held
Dec. 22 at Sweeney Mortuary
Chapel. Rev. G.E. Nikander
officiated. Interment was in
High View Cemetery, lone.
Sweeney Mortuary was in
care of arrangements.
Agenda for school board
. ,1.. .n,,rnv .....ii..li.uliiin in 0
Alternatives to the energy
crisis will be one oi me inn...
items of business l
special h'x'l "rd n,H'linR'
Jan. 7. 7:30 p.m., at the
district office In Uxington.
Other business items on the
agenda Include: report on
Jan. 3 collective bargaining
meeting, methods for financ
ing unemployment insurance.
-Heating & Ventilation
Experienced in all types of automatic
and electronic control systems.
Box 500, Rt. 3 Ph. 567-8048
J Hermiston, Ore. mm!m:m!m!
nmnii P" "innnnnnnn
1974 is Here
and so is
Lynx II
340 Lynx II $1155
440 Lynx II $1255
Sit the Lynx II "d tht other
Arctic Cats nt
Cotnrie Cats
511 SE Court Ave. 276-1921
While you're there. Glenn Walker
will show you the "Cut Skiller"
I In
Varsity coach-Del
JV coach-Gordon
Ham's Truck Line
422 7277
The Office
Paul Pettyjohn Co.
narlidiwlion In Occuputlnnul
Information lTIM
custodian al A C. Houghton
Elementary, disposition of
unused sick leave under SB
622, Implementation plan for
new graduation requirements,
1974 75 salary schedules for
confidential and supervisory