rauuc hotke WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL FUND FOR NOVEMBER, 1173 Employment division-emergency f 100.00 Patrick Cutaforthetal-Cir.Ct.Jurora 402.44 First National-Assessors field work 28.25 Gazette-Supplies Assessor 412.00, sheriff 23.30, JPS 67.50, Off. Pub. 43.20 648.00 Pettyjohns-cthsesuo 1.80 Standard Office Equip.-JP6 sue 5.67, H. Nurse sup2.32.. 7.99 IBM-clerks sup 426.00, Planner sup 150.00 576.00 Chamber of Commerce-brochures 8.00 E. & H. Machine Works-sheriffs car exp 161.14 Herman Green-Vets rent 45.00 Heppner T.V.-sherlffs ofse sup 8 00 Cit v of Heppner-cthse sewer 8.50, Vet sup. 5.00 13.50 Heppner Garbagrcthse sop ; 6.00 Columbia Basin-cthse power 159.60 Ernest Jorgensen-JPS phone 23.96, rent 33.33, sup 36.55 93.84 Carolyn Davis-Juv. Travel 16.56 M.iR.Co-cthsesup 64.15 Multigraphics-emergency 144.50 Lotts Electric-cthse sup 3.06 Kilhams-Assessors ofse sup , 58.99 Tschcu Publishing-Co Ct.sup 35.00 Carl King-JP6 witness 14.60 Rentex-cthse sup 10.00 Del Smith-Planner travel . 62.75 Olive Sweeney-H. nurse travel 56.95 Herman Winter-DA phone 24.85, CD 100.00, Secy 152.50, sup 33.83, travel 54.05 365.23 Multigraphics-mach. mtse 242.80 Singer Business Mach.-mach. mtse 103.50 Murrays Drugs-Supplies planner 4.08, sheriff 5.75, Treas .93, cthse 1.16, paper .49, Co. Ct. 2.94. Assessor 2.47 ' 17.82 Standard Oil Co.-Co. Ct. travel 8.79, Juve 15.14, sheriffs car 10.79 34.72 St. Dept. of Agric.-'i Pred. Control 3,402.50 Union Oil Co. -sheriffs car exp 436.73 Leonards Mobil-Co. Ct. travel 14.70, Planner travel 22.60 37.30 Coast to Coast -cthse repairs 18.55 Max Harris-cthse sup 30.00 Sears-Assessors ofse sup 5.94 Marriage 4 Family Coun.-Juv. sup 4.00 DobynsPestControl-cthsemaint 38.00 Robert James Co.-cthse sup 35.40 Blue Cross of Ore.-DA 55.50, Sal 246.10, Ins 421.20 722.80 Pasadena Map Co.-Plannr Sup 11.45 Phillips Petroleum Co.-Co. Ct. travel 2.25 Dept. of Gen. Services sheriffs ofse sup 6.00 Gazette Times-Planners sup 11.60 MCGG-sheriffs car exp 58.00 City of Hermiston-jail exp 5.00 Texaco-sheriffs car exp 2.00 Ore. St. Sheriffs Assoc.-sheriffs dues 50.00 Pacific NW Bell-sheriffs comm 117.00 F. H.Oman-cthsesup 16.69 First National Bank -Assessors field work ' 45.45 I.B.M.-paper postage 30.15 Pacific NW Bell-sheriffs comm 14.50 Wheelers Comm. -sheriffs comm 75.00 Pacific NW Bell -sheriffs comm 5.37 Pacific Mutual Life-Sal 517.78 St. Dept. of Revenue-Sal 516.00 First Rational Bank-Sal 1,603.00. . Public Emp. Ret. Br.-Sal 767.55, ss 767.55 1,535.10 St. Accident Ins.-Sal 30.95, Ins. 324.05 355.00 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND FOR NOVEMBER, 1973 Murrays Drug-parks $ 1.51 Standard Oil Co.-gas & oil 29.55 Walter Hayes-Comm. exp 53.70 Cornett Green Feed-supplies 41.40 Phillips Petroleum-gas 4 oil 4.77 Central Ore. Welders-supplies 16.30 City of Heppner-misc 7.95 Union Oil Co.-gas 4 oil 1.70 Uion.Oil Co.-gas & oil 3,058.67 , Wheelers Comm-misc 75.00 Pacific NW Bell-misc; 10.76 Blue Cross-Sal 273.85, Ins. 245.70 519.55 Coast to Coast -park 1.29, sup .89 2.18 Pacific Mutual Life-Sal 416.00 St. Dept. of Revenue-Sal 330.60 First Natibnal-Sal 1,035.30 Public Emp. Ret.-Sal 611.04, ss 611.04 1,222.08 St. Accident Ins-Sal 18.00, Ins. 707.91 725.91 Standard Uil Co.-gas 4 oil 444.54 Labor 7,695.40 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS : Order of refund on personal property to Northwest Pipe 4 Casing Co. Correction BPA rate not CB's The Heppner Gazette-Times incorrectly reported last week that there would be a power rate increase of 20-30 per cent . beginning on Jan. 1 with 25 per ; cent selected as the average. "Such is not the case, according to Dave Harrison, manager. Columbia Basin Electric received an "impact study" of BPA proposed rate increases ' two weeks ago. There were also news releases by BPA which indicated BPA was . considering a rate increase 20 to 30 per cent effective Dec. 20, 1974. For purposes of their study, they used an increase of 25 per cent. The BPA study generalized by saying that a 25 per cent increase in wholesale power costs would result in a 10 percent increase in total expense for the utilities, such as Columbia Basin. This is because the cost of power is generally 35-40 per cent of total utility costs and that portion would be attributed up 25 f rate directly to increased costs. In other words, 25 per cent increase of 40 per cent of costs results in 10 per cent increase required by the utility, Harri son explained. Over the last several months Columbia Basin has had information in the news papers and in the "Annual Report" telling about plans to consolidate rates. There will be an increase in revenues of lhe Co-op orabdUTS percent as a result of the consolidation. There will not be an increase of 25 per cent as of Jan. 1, 1974. There has been no change in the plan approved by the RE A, BPA, and the board of directors of Columbia Basin. The change in the irrigation rate will be effective with the first billings in 1974. The changes on all other rates will be effective as of May, 1974. The Gazette-Times regrets tlie error. Hbzca Merry makers Card Club was held Wednesday evening t the home of Linda Shaw. High was won by Lord Hire with second high going to Hallie Splvey. Grand high was won by Hallie Spivey and second grand high went to Barbara Helm. Pinochles were won by Sue Mattison and Bonnie Campbell. Other players were Irene Samples and Darlene Bartlett. There was gift exchange afterwards. The Camp Five Womens Club held a card party Saturday evening at the Camp Five Community Hall. High was won by Charlie Smith and Irene Portner; low, Jerry Samples and Camilla Sam ples; pinochles, Lorri Hire and Don Slinkard. The door prizes were won by Charlie Smith and Dorothy Wright. There were 52 people present. Wanda Dunlap was chairman, with the rest of the Camp Five Womens Gub Assisting. Cake and ice cream was served. The Camp Five Womens Club met Wednesday at the Community Hall. Secret pals were revealed for the year. Carol Norris, Francis White, Betty Murdock and Marge Stanton will be on the audit committee, and Sandy Wil liamson, Betty Murdock and Wanda Dunlap will be on the inventory committee. Betty Murdock and Pat VanArsdale will host the January card party. The door prize was won by Francis White. Refresh ments were served by Wanda Dunlap. Mrs. Larry Braham and Mrs Al Portner went to The Dalles Wednesday on busi ness. Pastor and Mrs. Mai went to The Dalles Thursday on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Mai brought Les Mallory home. He had been in The Dalles General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cecil went to Heppner over the weekend and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cecil and Kevin. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Rogers went to The Dalles Saturday off business, as did Mr. and Mrs. Don Pike. Mrs. Raymond Reid and Mrs. Chuck Mitchell went to Hermiston Friday on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Samples of Heppner were here this weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Adams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Samples and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jones and Bobby went to Bend over the weekend on business. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Todd and family went to Grass Valley over the weekend to visit relatives. Going to Portland over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Bowman and family. Rita and Ronny returned Sunday with Jiggs remaining through Monday to keep a medical appointment. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMinn and family went to Portland for the weekend and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Copeland. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stan Benson last Wednesday and Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Miller and Todd of Portland. Good Neighbors will meet Dec. 21, 12:3e-pm-ai--the- church annex. It will be potluck and gift exchange. If possible, the gift exchange should be a home-made item. Boardman Mayor and Mrs. Dewey West Jr. and Councilman and Mrs. Bill Nelson flew to San Juan, Puerto Rico, last week to attend the National League of Cities Convention. There were six tables of pinochle in play at the card -party ast-weck at the Green field Grange hall, sponsored by the Women's Activity Committee of the grange. Mrs. Hazel Miller was hostess. High prize was won by Hazel Carpenter and low went to Mrs. Walter Wyss. Faye Anderson and Mrs. Verne Minnich received the travel ing pinochle prizes. Roy Ball is a patient in the Good Shepherd Hospital in Hermiston, having suffered a light stroke. , The Ladies Aid Society of Boardman Community Church met Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Hazel Miller. Mrs. Leo Root was in charge of the devo tional program. The group was to be guests at the annua Mystery Sister Party lb be held at the Greenfield Grange hall, Dec. 12, at 2 p.m., hosted by the Women's Activity Committee of the grange. Irrigon Pastor Robert Schmoll of the Irrigon Assembly of God went to Turner Sunday where he spoke at the Assembly of God there. He gave a report and showed colored slides of his trip to Arizona in October, when he took a truck load of gifts and supplies to the Indian Home Mission Churches. The Turner church started this program many years ago. Don Smith of Umatilla spoke at the Irrigon Church Sunday evening. The Irrigon Assembly plans a Christmas fellowship dinner for Dec. 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the parsonage basement. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Jones have started building a new home. It will be on their home place, but on higher ground than their old one. They will have a 14-mile view of the Columbia River from their new location. Lexington The Amicitia Club met Wednesday for its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Delbert Piper. Winning prizes were Anita Boyer, high, and Juanita Carmicheal, second high. Mrs. Gene Bissinger's home in Pendleton was the scene of an open house Christmas sale for the tole painting group. Driving over from Lexington were Mildred Davidson, Phyl lis Piper, Eileen Padberg, Linda Padberg, Jean Teal and Anita Davidson, , : Mrs." Frank Robinson and" Mrs. C.C; Jones were host esses at the Jones Ranch Wednesday for the Christmas luncheon for the Lexington PNG Club. Dinner was served from card tables with Christ mas mats and centerpieces with favors for each. .An election of officers was held. Elected were: Mrs. Ken Palmer, chairman; Mrs. Wayne Papineau, vice-president; and Mrs. Frank Robin son, secretary-treasurer. A revealing of secret sisters and an exchange of gifts were enjoyed. After the drawing of names for, 1974 the group adjourned. Mrs. Justine Weatherford and Mrs. C.C. Jones attended the Lung Association meeting Tuesday in La Grande. The meeting was a luncheon affair held at Pat's Alley. They were accompanied by Mr. Jones, who visited his sister, Mrs. W.I. Miller, and Mr. Miller. Mrs. Venice Hendrickson and Mrs. Florence McMillan were Pendleton callers Sunday. llnATl TTTin . 10 off on all Small Appliances Sunbeam electric fry pan reg. $26.94. $24.95 Sunbeam coffee maker reg. $14.95 $13.95 d UK iilM: 6'rin. Skilsaw COLEMAN two-man lantern reg. $25.20 $19.93 Min-Mac McCulIoch chain great for cutting fire wood PETTYJOHN'S Fern & Guilders Supply HEPPNER Last rites for Alean Calvin, 84 Alcan Rodney Calvin, 84, Lexington, died Dec. 10 in Condon. Born Oct. 8, 1889 in Rich mond, Va., Mrs. Calvin had been a resident of the Lexing ton area since 1939. Her husband, Charles, preceded her in death in 1944. She is survived by two daughters, Anetta Klinger, Lexington, and Bertie Pappas, Fresno, Ca.,; two sons, Archie Barnett, Honolulu, Hawaii, and Landon E. Barnett, El Sobrante, Ca.; 12 grandchil dren, 28 great-grandchildren and 16 great-great grand children. Services were held today. Dec. 13, at 10 a.m. at Sweeney Mortuary Chapel. Rev. Mark Johnson, Hope Lutheran Church, officiated. Vault in terment was at Hermiston Cemetery. Sweeney Mortuary was in care of arrangements. DOCTOR HERE RETAINS MEMBERSHIP IN AAFP KANSAS CITY, MO. - Wal lace H. Wolff, M.D., of Heppner has completed continuing- education require ments to retain active mem bership in the American Academy of Family Physi cians, the national association of family doctors. The A cademy formerly was called the American Academy of General Practice. Mrs. Lee Palmer, lone, brought her father, Lincoln Nash, home to Heppner re cently. Mr. Nash had been staying at the home of his youngest daughter, Mrs. Bob Parsons, in Beaverton while ( he received nine weeks of radiology treatment. Mrs. Parsons and two daughters brought Mr. Nash as far as The Dalles where they were met by, Mrs. Palmer. . Si IV WV -. , , t' IV ., ' . HELP FOR THE CALVING SEASON Since Morrow County live stockmen are busy now with the calving season, hints on calving may be helpful reports Mike Howell, Morrow County extension agent. In the December issue of Livestock Notes, Howell offers helpful hints and ideas during the calving season. Ranchers may obtain a copy of Live stock Notes by contacting the extension office. 2ND IMMUNIZATION CLINIC HERE TODAY The second immunization clinic will be held at Heppner Elementary, Thursday, Dec. 13, at 9 a.m. The clinic is sponsored by the Morrow County Health Department and headed by Dr. L.D. Tibbies, health offi cer. In compliance with Ore gon law, required immuni zations will be administered at this session. $27.99 iin saw U wood, F $139.95 V PH. 676-9157 Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Tlmei, Thurt., Dec. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES: THE CHRISTMAS STORY On Sunday, Dec. 16, the Heppner and Lexington Chris tian Churches will be pre senting their Sunday School Christmas programs. At Lexington, the program will be at 9:45 a.m. and at Heppner, 7 p.m., preceded by a potluck dinner. The public it invited to see the presentation of the Christ mat Story. Mrs. George Steagall, Heppner, is home after sur gery at St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton. While she was in the hospital, her daughter Vicki and her son-in-law from Portland visited her. Her son, George, also flew from Ft. Hood, Tex., to visit. Automobiles SHERRELL CHEVROLET? INC. Complete Sales Service 3rd & Main Hermiston heeding Service Artificial Insemination Service-beef and dairy American Breeders Rep resentative. JOEYOCOM Lexington, Ore. 989-8134 iCafes Lounges CAL'S LOUNGE & CAFE I Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. lfiZk-5015 Heppner Drugs, prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG Free Prescription Mail Service Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar 114 Main St.... Ph. 567-3072 Exterminating Service DOBYNS PEST CONTROL Rodent and Insect Extermina Ition; Termite Contol; Grain I Fumigation; Cattle Spray; Fogging. JOHNJEPSEN llpne 422-7180 Food J4erimlston 2)atV Of ueen Umatilla County's newest drive-in 204 E. Hurlbuxl Hermiston Floor Covering, Heating M & R FLOOR COVERING & HEATING CO. Williams furnaces, complete installations. Linoleum, Car pet, Oil Burner Service, Free estimates. All work guaranteed.. 1676-9418 Heppner. KEMIG FLOORCOVERING I Carpet, draperies, linoleum, counter tops, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Sales Installation 133 SW Uth, Butter Creek Hwy.567-2565 Hermiston Funeral Home SWEENEY FUNERAL HOME Pre-arrangemeaU. distant re movals. Serving lone. Hepp ner, Lexington. Licensed fan-1 I eral directors. I676-96M Heppner I Homemade candies, either boxed or by the piece; pies, cakes, breads and cookies will be the holiday fare offered for sale Saturday, Dec. 22, at Turner, Van Marter A Bryant office. Member! of the Hepp ner Soroptimlst Gub are sponsoring the sale, which begins at 9 a.m. r.lor Theeter Week FRI. Legend of Treasure Island WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Furniture. See us before you buy your color TV or stereo system. WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES' 254 W. Hermiston Ave. 567-2201 Hermiston New & Used Furniture & Appliances Authorized Norge Dealers " 2200 N. First, Hermiston 567-8960 General Merchandise Clothing for all the Family. Housewares. Gifts. Toiletries. General Merchandise. -Visit Our Friendly Store- E. L. KNOX CO. . 215 E. Main Hermiston Insurance TURNER, VAN MARTER & BRYANT General Insurance 676-9113 Heppner RUGGLES BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY . 676-9625 'JRayBovce." Heppnex; ..676-5384 John Gochnauer, Agent FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO. Fire, Casualty, Life & Health (OPS). v Pendleton Heppner 676-5862 276-2732 Lumber RICHARDS PAYLESS LUMBER CO. ( Not to be confused with Payless Drug) Call Mike Schneider, 567 2226, COLLECT. Open ( days a week: 8 -5 weekdays and 8-1 Saturdays. HERMISTON-McNARY HIGHWAY HERMISTON Monuments Eternal Markers-Bronze, granite. Installations. Vasesj Cemetery grave markers. jWEENEV MORTUARY Serving lone, Heppner, Lex-, ingtoa ' C76-9600 Heppner. Optometrist DR. E.K. SCHAFFfTZ Optometrist INext to " Hotel Meppner entrance. 7i-946S Heppner U 1973 Pag 9 Mrs. Lincoln Nash, Hepp ier, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palmer and two daughters, lone, had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parsons, Beaverton. The Palmers returned to lone Friday and Mrs. Nash rode home with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Connor and children. UMATILLA of Dec. 13 8AT. - SUN. Sleepy Hollow also t Physicians-Surgeons DR. L.D. TIBBLES Osteopath physician and surgeon. 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. 676-9210 Off. 676-9611 WALLACE H. WOLFF, M.D.. P.C. Family Practice. Week Days by appointment and emer gencies. S76-9253 Res. 676-9620 GERALD A. JONES. M.D. Physician and Surgeon, 116 E. Hurlburt. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs., 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; 1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.; Fri., 9 a.m ; 1 p.m. , Sewing Machines Singer Sales & Service New Zig-Zag Machines from $89.95 GROGAN'S Approved Singer Dealer 243 S. Main Ph. 276-2352 Pendleton For Local Service call Elma"s Apparel, 676-9426. ..One stop for; ; , "Professional Dry Cleaning" Knit and Stretch Febrics Sewing Machines & Vacuum Repair Service PIERSOL CLEANERS & SEW AND SEW CENTER 176 W. Hermiston Ave. 567-3014 Hermiston ' Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office in Peters Bldg. 676-9912 Heppner TV, Radio, Audio Repair Ron Woolston Certified Electronic Technician! SIGHT AND SOUND (503)276-3307 333 S. Main St. Pendleton MR. T.V. Sales & Service Repairs on all makes Open (days, 9 to 5 PENDLETON 435SWDorion 276-0703 Watch Repair PETERSON'S JEWELERS Latest jewelry and gift goods Watches, clocks, diamonds Expert watch and jewelry repairing. C76-I264 Heppner 3