HEPPNER OKE.) CAZETTF..T1ME8. Thursday. November IJ. 173 BOND NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION ON DECEMBER 3. 1973 IN THE CITY OF HEPPNER. OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election has been called to be held in the City of Heppner, on Monday. December 3. 1973. The polling place for the election shall be the former library room of the City of Heppner. on Willow Street in the Citv of Heppner. and the polls will be opened from 8:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time. The election has been called for the purpose of submitting to the voters of the City of Heppner a Charter Amendment authorizing $450,000.00 general obligation bonds to be issued to procure funds for the improvement, reconstruction, and extension of the water supply system of the City of Heppner. as provided in the following resolution: RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR SUBMISSION TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER OF A CHARTER AMENDMENT AUTHORI ZING $450,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE TO PROCURE FUNDS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT. RECONSTRUCTION. AND EXTENSION OF THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL: Section I. That a proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Heppner be submitted to the legal voters of the City of Heppner. Morrow County, Oregon, for their adoption or "rejection and a special municipal election be held as herein provided. ... Section 2. That the date of the special municipal election when the proposition to authorize the sale of $450,000.00 general obligation bonds shall be submitted to the voters is the 3rd da v of December. 1973. and the polling place be and is designated as the former library room of the City of Heppner, Citv Hall on Willow Street of said City and the polls for the receipt of ballots shall be opened at the hour of 8:00 A.M., Pacific Standard Time, and closed at the hour of 8:00 P.M.. Pacific Standard Time, on said date. Section 3. That the following qualified persons are hereby appointed judges and clerks of said election, to-wit: Margaret Siewert. Judge: Laurel Van Marter. Judge; Marjorie Worden. Clerk: Hazel Bauman, Clerk: Margaret Dubuque. Clerk. . Section 4. That the recorder by and she is hereby instructed to publish notice of the election of the proposed charter amendment in the Heppner Gazette-Times, a newspaper published in the City of Heppner, once a week, for two successive weeks, the first publication thereof to be more than 15 davs prior to the election; namely. November 15, 1973. The Recorder shall also post notices of election in at least six public and conspicuous places in the City at least ten davs prior to said election which posted notice shall state the time, place and purposes of the election, but need not contain the full amendment. Section 5. That the proposed charter amendment referred to the City of Heppner by the Common Council be as follows: AN ACT To amend the Charter ot the City of Heppner, Oregon, by adding thereto Article VIII, authorizing the improvement, reconstruction, and extension of the water system of the City of Heppner for the purpose of providing adequate and more equitable distribution of water in the City of Heppner; and the issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed $450,000.00 to provide funds therefor. Be it enacted by the people of the Citv of Heppner. Oregon, that the Charter of said city be amended by adding thereto Article VIII to read as follows: ARTICLE VIII a The Common Council of the City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, is hereby authorized, emposered ! and directed to sell and issue general obligation bonds of the City in an amount not to exceed $450,000.00. The bonds are to be used for the improvement, reconstruction and extension of the water supplv svsiem of the City of Heppner. The bonds shall bear interest at a net effective rate not to exceed 6 per cent per annum payable semi-annually, each of the bonds to be a general obligation of the City of Heppner, to be dated at a convenient time to be fixed by the Common Council, to mature as determined by the Council, but in no event later than twenty vears from the date of issue, and to contain such additional terms as the Common Council deems advisable. The principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable at the office of the Treasurer of the City of Heppner, and the bonds shall be known as the -City of Heppner Water Improvement Bonds-1973" and shall be advertised and sold as provided by the laws of the State of Oregon. b That the debt limitations contained in the Charter of the Citv of Heppner shall not apply to the bonds hereby authorized nor shall any other provision in limitation of said Charter apply. c The Common Council shall each year at the time of making the annual tax levy for city purposes, include such lew in sums sufficient to be used jointly with other funds as mav be received from operating revenues to pay the interest due on the outstanding debts of the issue and to retire the principal thereof at maturity. Section 6 That the proposed Charter amendment here referred to the people of Heppner by the Common Council shall be voted upon under the following ballot title: CHARTER AMENDMENT Shall the Charter ot the uty oi neppn. viw. amended bv adding thereto Article VIII. authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Fifty Thousand & no-100 Dollars ($450 000 001 to provide funds with which to improve reconstruct, and extend the water system of the City of Heppner. the bonds to mature over not to exceed 20 years . too .yes) 101 (No) Section 7. It is necessary for the peace, health and safety of the Cit v that the election herein provided shall be held at as earlv a date as possible and in order to do so. this resolution shall take effect immediately, now therefore. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this resolution shall go into force and effect upon its adoption and Adopted by the Council this 8th day of November. 1973. by the following vole: Q Yes: 6 Approved by the Mayor, this 8th day of November. 1973. J.F.SWEENEY. Mayor ATTEST: ELAINE S GEORGE. City Recorder Published November 15. November 22. 1973. 4 --- 1 - CTION . ww r ,-. . UA public Notice TRENCHER FOR SALE The board of Director of Heppner Cemetery Mainte nance District will receive sealed bids for the purchase or one M-4, t h p., Ditch Witch Trencher ith one extra chain with teeth and one et of new teeth. May be teen at Heppner Masonic Cemetery. Minimum acceptable bid 1750.00 rash. The Board reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Mall bid to Elaine S. George. Box 38, Heppner, Oregon 97)136. Rids will be opened at 7:30 p.m.. Wednesday. December S. 1973. at 125 E. (Juaid Street. Heppner. Oregon. Published Nov. 15 1973. Public Notice NOTICE OF MEETINGS Heppner Cemetery Mainte nance District regular month ly meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 125 E. Quaid Street at 7:30 P.M. ELAINE S. GEORGE, Secretary. Published Nov. 15. 1973. Lee C. Cantwell claimed Lee C. Cantwell. who was born in Heppner May 30. 1900, died Thursday in a Walla Walla hospital at the age of 73. Mr. Cantwell lived in Walla Walla for the past four years, moving there from California where he had lived for 20 years, working as a security guard. Survivors include the wid ow, Emily June, Walla Walla: a daughter, Mrs. Jack Thomp son, Pendleton; two sons. Robert of Monument and David of Vancouver, Wn.: sister, Mrs. Clarence Bauman of Heppner; three grandchil dren, four great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Monday in Walla Walla with interment in the Mountain View Cemeterv there. e Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowman became parents of a daughter, Erika Dawn, Oct. 31. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Bowman, Kinzua. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hesla, Portland. Great -grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Miles. Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Lvton Strom, Castle Rock, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Esponiala of 11 For Friends and Family ... Home and Hearthside . . . Be Grateful! Pause in the midst of the fun and the feasting ... reflect for a moment or two... and count up the things you're glad about. Probably they're the same things that inspired the Pilgrim Fathers: food, fellowship, and a sense of caring, sharing and purpose. rxn Boardman Mrs. Hazel Miller was re-elected president of the Ladies Aid Society of Board man Community Church at the meeting Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Ben Donovan. Other officers In clude Mrs Ralph Earwood, vice president ; Mrs. Leo Root, secretary; and Mrs. Seth Russell, treasurer. Mrs. Root was in charge of the devotional program, as sisted by Mrs. Roy Ball. Dedication services were held Sunday at the morning service at Boardman Com munity Church for Kristin Elain Bates, who was one year old Nov. 8 She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bates. Mrs. Jack Flug of Mon mouth was a recent visitor at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Flug Mrs Eldon Shannon is in Seattle, for a week's visit at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Parsons. Mrs. R.B. Rands was in Arlington Sunday as a dinner guest at the home of her nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gronquist. Mr and Mrs. Roy Ball were dinner guests in Hermiston Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kress. Mrs. Frank Marlow was in Pendleton last week at the home of her sister. Mrs. Clarence Thomas, due to the r Heppner Elks Lodge presents Dining & Dancing this Saturday, Nov. 17 Live music by Snow Exotic, unique, versitile, and modern band. A CORK lllneuand death of their aunt, Mrs. Etna Knudson of Weston, who died Nov. 10 In the MiltonFreewater Nursing Home. The funeral was in MiltonFreewater Monday, with burial at Weston. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Ball Monday were Ball's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ball, and son Tony of Pendle ton. There were five tables of pinochle in play at the card party held Tuesday of last week at Dodge City Inn. with Mrs. Joe Tatone hostess. It was sponsored by the Wom en's Activity Committee of Greenfield Grange. High prize was won by Mrs. Tom Barnhart and second high went to Ruth Bentley of lrrigon. Mrs. Barnhart and Mrs. Glen Smith received the traveling pinochle prizes. Mrs. Verne Minnich received the door prize. Larry Phillips, weather ob server for Boardman, an nounces that Boardman had .51 inches of rain Sunday night, making a total since the first of the month of 2.52 inches, which is more rain than the community has had in a long time. Joseph H. Tatone Jr., Boardman, a liberal arts student at Oregon State Uni versity, is among 195 univer sity juniors recognized for outstanding scholastic a-chievement. m ana Cafeteria menus for River side Junior Senior High School for the week of Nov. 19- 21 are as follows: Monday-Fish sticks and tartar sauce, potato, buttered spinach and pudding with top ping, and bread and butter. Tuesduy-Oilli and crack ers, corn bread and fruit. Wednesday-Spaghetti, sal ad with dressing, garlic bread and upple crisp. Thursday & Friday-School dismissed for Thanksgiving holidays. Milk is served with all meals. Automobiles SHERRELL CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales & Service 3rd & Main Hermiston Breeding: Service Artificial Insemination Service-beef and dairy American Breeders Rep resentative. JOE YOCO.M Lexington, lire. w-ki:u Cafes-Lounges CAL'S LOUNGE & CAFE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. 676-5015 Heppner Drugs, prescriptions HERMISTON' DRUG Free Prescription Mail Service Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. difts for all occasions. Snack liar 114 Main St.... Ph. 307-3072 Exterminating Service DOBYXS PEST CONTROL Rodent and Insect Extermina tion: Termite (ontol; Grain Fumigation; Cattle Spray; Fogging. JOHN JEPSEX lone 422-71x0 Food J4armtslon jbainj Queen Umatilla County's newest drive-in 204 E. Hurlburt Hermiston Floor Covering, Heating M & R FLOOR COVERING & HEATING CO. Williams furnaces, complete installations. Linoleum. Car pet. Oil Burner Service. Eree estimates. All work guaranteed. 676-9418 lieppner KEMIG FI.OOHCOVEKI.NG Carpet, draperies, linoleum. counter tops, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Sales & Installation :J30 SW 11th. Butter Creek Hwy.5(i7-2.i65 Hermiston Funeral Home SWEENEY FUNERAL HOME Pre-arrangements. distant re movals. Serving lone. Hepp ner. Lexington. Licensed fun eral directors. r,7-9MMi Heppner The U.S. Postal Service has proposed higher postal rates to take effect In January. If The Wagon IV heel Restaurant & Lounge will be closed every Sunday until further notice WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Furniture See us before you buy your color TV or stereo system. WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 2.VI W. Hermiston Ave. 567-22(11 Hermiston COLUMBIA FURNITURE CO "Mix'em or Match'em" 154 W . Hermiston. Ph. 567-6495 HERMISTON Home of Whirlpool, Hotpoint, Gibson. Speed Queen, Tempo. Sylvania, Bassett, Chiroprac tic, Kannwski, RCA. HOUStWSCOONTSS-; New & Used Furniture & Appliances Authorized Norge Dealers 2200 N. First, Hermiston 567-8960 General Merchandise Clothing for all the Family. Housewares. Gifts. Toiletries. General Merchandise. -Visit Our Friendly Store- E. I.. KNOX CO. 213 E. Main Hermiston Insurance TURNER, VAN MARTER & BRYANT General Insurance 676-9113 Heppner HIGGLES-BO YCE INSURANC E AGENCY 676-9623 Heppner Ray Boyce 676-5381 John Goehnauer, Agent FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO. Fire, Casually, Life & Health (OPS). Pendleton 276-2732 Heppner 676-5X62 Monuments Eternal Markers-bronze, granite. Installations. Vases. Cemetery grave markers. ttll'L'VL'V MllfTI'AUV Serving lone, Heppner. Lex ington 676-9600 Heppner Optometrist DR.K.K.SCIIAFFITZ Optometrist Next to Hotel Heppner entrance. 676-9165 Heppner Physicians-Surgeons DR. L.I). TIBBLES Osteopath physician and surgeon. 1st National Bank Bldg. Rrv676-KI Off. 676-9616 7T I ItBfli -.1. approved, first class mail w.H Jump to 10 cents an ounce and "r mall r 13 cents. Physicians-Surgeons WALLACE II. W OLFF. M.D.. P.C. Family Practice. Week Days by appointment and emer gencies. 576-9233 Res. 676 -9620 GERALD A. JONES. M.I). Physician and Surgeon, 116 E. Hurlburt. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs., 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: 1 :30 p.m. 5 p.m.; Fri., 9 a.m. I p.m. Sewing Machines Singer Sales & Service New Zig-Zag Machines from $89.95 GROG AX'S Approved Singer Dealer 243 S. Main Ph. 276-2352 Pendleton For Local Service call Elma's Apparel. 676-9126 One stop for: "Professional Dry Cleaning" Knit and Stretch Febrics Sewing Machines & Vacuum Kepair Service PIERSOL CLEANERS & SEW AND SEW CENTER 176 W . Hermiston Ave. 567-3014 Hermiston Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office in Peters Bldg. 676-9912 Heppner TV, Radio, Audio Repair Ron Wools ton Certified Electronic Technicia SIGHT AND SOUND (503) 276-3307 333 S. Main St. Pendleton Sales & Service Repairs on all makes Open 6 days. 9 to 5 PENDLETON 435 SW Dorion 276-0703 LEE'S RADIO & TV CLINK Specializing in Motorola, Syl vania, Zenith Complete Sales & Service 200 S.W. 11th Hermiston 567-8412 Watch Repair PETERSON'S JEW ELERS Latest jewelry and gift goods Watches, clucks, diamonds Expert watch and jewelry repairing. 676-9200 Heppner Wholesalers-Mfgs. "Pride of Oregon Ice Cream butter, Kraft food lines. DudTash. products specialist Clay Phillips, assistant. MORROW CO. CREAMERY Bill Cox. Mgr. 676-S244 Heppner MR. T.V.