FOUNTAIN ru1ACC3irJERY CO. Xf7 v V ; a ., t I! ! i r m mm m w m"1 ,"", F""""V I .-J t - ML i jr A I ' I UNA U r i- 1 H l: f : ' i f i i Mountain Machinery Co. I having the greatest tale ewer to hit Umatilla County. NEW and Used farm machinery drastically reduced for this sale. Such famous names as ALLIS CHALMERS, JOHN DEERE, INTER NATIONAL HARVESTER. HESSTON AND OTHERS. This Is your opportunity to save hundreds, even thousands of dollars on this equipment. Take advantage of these reduced prices now ... cut your cost for next year. EASY FINANCING AVAILABLE. c : 1 Stock Number WHEEL TRACTORS 50-50 Parts Warranty For 6 Months Was 30115 AC 220 FWA DIESEL With CabAir Conditioning. SN 2287. Dual 18.4 x 38 Rear Tires $ 13.UUU.UU 30106 JD 620 TRACTOR Wide Front, 13.6 x 38 Tires $ 1 895.00 30135 AC 170 GAS TRACTOR. . c7cnm Rental W13.6 x 38 T.res. SN 5878 $ 5750.00 30130 AC 200 DIESEL TRACTOR. $12 000 00 Rental W18.4 x 34 Tires. SN 3540 3 I !,UUU.UU 50114 FORD 3000 DIESEL TRACTOR. t ,m m Only 1550 Hours. SN 190068 $ 32UU.UU 50105 SET OF 15.5 x 38 DUALS FOR WHEEL TRACTOR $ 150.00 50,06 WC1894 ?34DTiresL Cab. SN 24387 ..$ 8750.00 CRAWLER TRACTORS Stock Number Was 50301 I H TD14A CRAWLER - WCab $2750.00 50314 CAT9UD6wCab $4390.00 503 19 AC HD 6E CRAWLER WHyd. Holt Dozer $7500.00 52309 HOLT ANGLE DOZER SOR AC HD6 Tractor $ 1 500.00 NOW $13,750 1650 $ 5250 $10,750 $ 2900 $ 125 $ 7250 NOW $2250 $3250oo $6750 M25000 te-- " AU. -v il Li e-t 1 0 u PLOWS & DISCS Stock Number Was 50911 I H 309A 3 Bottom - 16' - 3 Pt $ 650.00 J D 66A 2-4 Bottom 16" WithHitch $1000.00 J D 66A 4 Bottom -16" $ 300.00 OLD 5 Bottom Plow $ 150.00 J D 66 5 Bottom 14" Plow $ 250.00 1 H 314 3 Bottom 2 Way 3 Pt. Plow $ 600.00 J D 77A 5 Bottom Plow $ 300.00 Melrose 7' Disc Offset With25" Blades $ 325.00 2 NEW AC 85 5 Bottom Plows WithTrip Beams $2500.00 NEW AC 3663 7 Bottom Semi Mounted Plow $2500.00 NEW AC 74 4 Bottom 16" 3 Pt. Plow $1225.00 $3250.00 50921 50922 50923 50928 50931 52333 50910 1606 1617 1611 1619 - 1601- NOW 500 900 150 100 150 350 200 250 1604 AC 2100 9W Disc Harrow 3 Pt $ 895.00 FIELD EQUIPMENT Stock Number $2100 $1750 800 $2850 $ 74900 50908 51312 51315 1620 1661 1925 1618 1646 1647 NEW 8 Sel AC SPIKE TOOTH HARROW 5 Flex, each Was NOW $1300.00 $1050.00 $ 175.00 $ 100.00 $1250.00 $1050.00 $ 725.00 $ 500.00 $1400.00 $1200.00 $ 58.00 $ 47.50 $ 975.00 ' $ 700.00 $1775.00 $1400.00 $3100.00 $2400.00 : i 1 .'if. 9 1 i Stock Number Wa 50502 HARRIS 88. SN 5336 $ 650.00 50508 AC C 14' HEADER, Chaney Reel. Field Ready. SN 10393 . . . $6500.00 50518 50519 50520 50521 50522 50523 50524 50527 50533 50542 50543 50545 30200 30210 AC C 18' Header, sn 5724 $4000.00 AC CH 16' or 18' Header, SN7807 $7000.00 AC CH 16'or 18' Header, SN6002 $6000.00 AC CH 16' or 18' Header, sn 589i $6000.00 AC CH 16' or 18' Header, sn 5324 $6000.00 IH 151 Header, sn 10016 $2500.00 AC CH 16' or 18' Header, sn 5325 $6000.00 JD 95H 18' Header, Eng. o.h. sn 13741 $7500.00 MH 92H Header, sn 152741 $2250.00 JD 95LL 18' Header, sn 118790 $4750.00 JD 95H 18' Header, sn 6209 $6500.00 IH 151 18' Header $2500.00 AC CH 18' Header, Chaney Reel - Canopy. SN 18495 $1 1,000.00 AC CH 16' Header, Cab & a.c $7000.00 fir -2d f-7cy (I Stock Number 50715 50716 50718 50719 50720 50722 50723 50727 50729 50730 50714 50742 HAY BALERS Was I H 56W BALER PTO - SN 2536 ..; . $ 500.00 I H 57W BALER, PTO - SN $1 100.00 CASE T BALER, ENG V $ 500.00 N.H. 28 IT BALER. ENG VG4D - SN 9988 $1600.00 N.H. 285T BALER, ENG VG 4D - SN 60580 $2250.00 N.H. 290T BALER ENG VG 4D - SN 2472 $2500.00 285W BALER, PTO - SN 76788 $3600.00 N.H. BALER. ENG TFD - SN 13627 $ 500.00 N.H. BALER, ENG V - SN 3502 $ 350.00 I H 55W BALER. PTO - SN 4491 F $ 500.00 FREEMAN 330W BALER, ENG VG 4D - SN 33064 . . $4750.00 I H 55W BALER. ENG - SN 13689R $ 475.00 WINDROWERS Stock Number Was 50701 I H 275 12' AUGER WCond $2500.00 50725 I H 201 12' AUGER WCond $2250.00 50735 HESSTON 260 12' DRAPER $1750.00 50743 0WATT0NNA I 80 -12' DRAPER WCond. SN 1 1912 $ 900.00 v 50746 HESSTON PT 12 1972 MODEL SN HS 32-423 $3750.00 30500 HESSTON 620 620 GAS 12' AUGER WCond. Rental SN N3 1-3 14 Soon , $8000.00 1314 NEW AC 390 MOWER -Cond. 10 -SN 170... $3295.00 MISCELLANEOUS HAY EQUIPMENT 50713 AC DIRECT CUT HEAD FOR 780-782 SN 587 $ 250.00 30505 HESSTON 20001 50 FORAGE HARVESTER W2 Row Com Head & Windrow Pickup. SN FH 3-539 $4500.UU AC FORAGE HARVESTER 782 (DEMO) nic... W2 Row Corn Head & Windrow Pickup. SN 5956 0 1 5U.UU NEW AC HAY RAKE 5 Bar - Rubber Mounted Teth. SN 28430 $ 975.00 2 NEW AC TWINE BALERS - SN 316 & 317, Each $2900.00 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Stock Number Was NEW AC No. 86 REAR BLADE, 6' 3 Pt $ 325.00 NEW AC ROTARY MOWER, No. 160 - 5 - 3 Pt. . . $ 860.00 HANCOCK 12E-4 SCRAPER $8000.00 McCOLLUM 2 ROW BEET LIFTER $ 900.00 ANDERSON ROCK PICKER $2250.00 PUMP & MOTOR - IRRIGATION $ 450.00 HESSTON BEET TOPPER $3000.00 PLANTERS 50925 (LI) I H No. 185 PLANTER UNITS 150.00 Ea. 1650 I i 1301 I 1302 I 1302 L 1-" 52330 d . mm 50316 50310 2 JD No. 70 PLANTER UNITS $ 1 00.00 Ea. 3 OLIVER DRILLS WHitch $450.00 4 AIRPORT ROAD kdJ Li 1 Li u uUliXi PENDLETON 276-6222 NOW $ 42500 $5250 $2950 $5500 5000 $5000 $5000 $1850 Scnnnoo JVWV 6000 $ 950oo $375000 $525000 $1750 $9500 I $5000! 1 I NOW 300.00 950.00 350.00 $1350.00, $1800.001 $2000.00, $3000.00 $ 375.00 $ 250.00 $ 325.00 $4000.00 $ 325.00 NOW $2000.00 $1750.00 $1250.00 $ $ ??? 750.00 $7000.00 U $ ??? $ 100.00 1 $3750.00! $ ??? $ 850.00 $2400.00 NOW $ 275 $ 725 $6000 $ 300 $1700 $ 300 $2250 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 $125, $ 50 $300. 00 00 00