IIMT.NMt MIUF.I ;AZKTTKTIMKS. Thurdv No fitter I. It; 1 - . - .Mary Bryant looks over (hp shoulder nf Mayor Jerry Sweeney. s lie sinus a proclamation dccliirine an Offieial lav in Court' for legal secretaries. Proclamation WIIKUEAS. legal secretaries, along with the judges and lawyers in our country, participate in one of life's most satisfying endeavors - the doing of Justice; and W'HKUEAS, many legal secretaries have never had the ilMr!unity to see al first-hand the inner workings of the judicial brunch of our government with which they are so closely associated hy reason of their profession as legal secretaries: and WHKItEAS. one of the aims and purposes ol the National Association of Legal Secretaries is to increase the skill, competence and usefulness of legal secretaries, not for their sakes alone, hut in order that they may better serve their employers: and WIIKHKAS, it is the belie! of the National Association of Legal Secretaries that a DAY IN-COl'IiT for each legal secretary would further her understanding, interest and elticiencv in her job; NOW. THEKEFOKE. I. .J.F. SWEENEY. Mayor ol the Cits ol Heppner. do hereby proclaim and designate Saturday. October 27. 1973. as the Official OAY-IN-COURT FOR LEGAL SECRETARIES OF THE PENDLETON AREA i Sixth Judicial Bar). v DATED this 25 day of October. li)73. . J.F. SWEENEY, Mayor of the City of Heppner 'Lindstroms spend six weeks abroad 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Lindstrom have returned ...from a six-week vacation that took them to England, France, Italy, greece and Spain. Their daughter. Susan, ac- con i nan ied the m f urDact of the trip. The three took in most of the usual sight-seeing attractions of London, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London and the crown jewels, Piccadilly Circus atwl Buckingham Pal ace. They attended a stage play, "Gypsy." starring Angela Lansbtiry. One of the features . of the theatre was coin operated opera glasses. Kath erine said, "the glasses work ed very well, after she enlisted the aid of a Londoner to figure out just which English coin was required to get them into operation." Roy visited with Les Mad- - rieib who was i: Londea-- altending Videl Sasson School of Beauty. Paris was another round of sightseeing. Eifel Tower. Uiuvre. Notre Dame Cathed ral, sidewalk cafes, and other attractions The thing that was most noticeable to the lonians was the great number of people who were traveling. Italy was experiencing a cholera epidemic while the Lindstroms were there. In some areas, they never got off their bus. In Naples, they confirmed that much laundry is hung to dry between the buildings. The "flags" of Naples were flying the day they visited there. Hoy kept looking for tractors, but re ported most of the farm work is still done with draft animals, horses, mules, don keys, and in one case oxen. katherinesaid. "We went to the Vatican, us and 50 million other people. You can t be lieve the crowd." She was impressed with the statuary, specially the Pieta. which is now restored and behind protective glass. Susan left her parents at Athens and returned tn her home in Sail Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Lindstrom took a boat tour of the Grecian Islands, Crete, and Rhodes, and also Turkey. Ephesus was termed the highlight of the Ldp Katherine expressed her desire to return to that particular area. They visited the tomb of St. John but time did not permit them to visit the tomb of Mary. While in Greece, the Lindstroms were able to spend two days with Monica Circle from Roseburg, an IFYE student in Greece. It was Columbus Day when the Lindstroms arrived in Madrid. It was a time of celebration with bull fights and pageantry. Toledo, Spain, was a town that interested the travelers. It is an old walled fqrtress city that dates back to the 1st Century. It was also the adopted home of EI Greco, the famous painter. In a little - wayside --eh-arefr- the Lmd stroms visited, there were three El Greco paintings on the wall and the altar was "made from silver from the colony of America," accord ing to the nun guiding the tourists. The Lindstroms remember Madrid well because the Spanish health officials re quired them to lake cholera shots. They had been informed that cholera vaccinations were not necessary, but found the Spanish government felt differently. New York was the first stop after leaving Madrid. Then to Los Angeles and Palm Springs where they visited Roy's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs Otto Mortensen. Susan joined her parents again in San Francisco and the three went to Tacoma to visit Christina, who is attend ing Pacific Lutheran Univer sity. The group watched PLC defeat College of Idaho in a football game. Susan flew to San Francisco Monday and Mr. and Mrs Lindstrom returned lo lone Oct Teenagers attend meet Teenagers and the law, pre marital relationships and family patterns, childbirth, and rnenlrtl u hex mil prob lems were topics discussed by more than NX) Morrow County seniors during the second annual Youth Conference on Responsible Adulthood held last week at the Methodist Church in Heppner and in the Boardman Grange Hall, Roardman. The conference was spon sored by the Morrow County Juvenile Advisory Committee and the Oregon Stale Hoard of Health. Juniors and seniors from Heppner, lone and Riverside high schools attended four out six sessions on responsible adulthood Earlier in the school year, these students chose six topics to be discuss ed in Hie conference. Each participant received parental permission before attending the day-long session. The six sessions were led by resource people from the community and from state tgencies. The topics and leaders included; Pre-marital relationships and family pal terns, led by r'nisters Will iam Arthur, lone, and Edwin Cutting. Heppner; teenagers and law, Dennis Doherty. Heppner. assistant district attorney, and Corporal Han zell of the Oregon Slate Police; mental health for young adults, Dave Milchum, Morrow County Mental Health Service program director; mental and sexual problems. Dr. Sal Laurie of the I'malilla and Morrow County Mental Health Clinic; responsible parenthood, led by Claudia Webster, of the Oregon State Board of Health; and child birth, Edyth Connolly, also of the Oregon State Board of Health. "The two conferences al most doubled last year's attendance." Carolyn Davis, Morrow County Juvenile Di rector, noted. "I saw a great improvement over last year by the students enthusiasm in participating in this program." Festival actors to appear here Nov. 2 The work of "Poets and Players" will be combined to create the special magic of theatre for the Heppner com munity at Heppner High School Friday. Nov 2. at 7 :.' p.m. Actresses Mary Turner and Margaret Rubin from the Oregon Shakespearean Fes liwil in Ashland will present a potpourri of scenes and readings from the works of Shakespeare and his con temporaries, as well as modern American writers. The program is a new facet of the festival's education project, which sends teams of actors into high school class rooms to assist teachers in illustrating the difference be tween reading dramatic lit erature and seeing and hear ing it performed. "We want to give adults in the community, particularly parents, a chance to see what we do in the classroom," explained Festival Education Coordinator Margaret Rubin. "We hope it will encourage parents to bring their young sters to this family theatre in Ashland and to support the school's eflorts to bring stu dents to plays at the festival." Mary Turner is a veteran of lour festival seasons. She has also acted with the Pacific Conservatory of the Per forming Arts, Salem's Pen tacle Theatre and the Albany Little Theatre. A community-type potluck dinner will be held at 6 p.m. Friday at the' 'high school cafetorium. It is being held just before the performance in order to allow Heppner resi dents to eat dinner and visit with the professional actors. Each person attending the potluck is asked to bring a food dish and his own table 3 i f AA MARY Tl'RNFR "STORM WINDOW IN A BOX" KEEP OUT COLD WINTER DRAFTS MP -if "if ' 1 MM Transparent Plastic Storm Kits STORM WINDOW KIT only QQC STORM DOOR KIT only .QC Complete Kit in a bot CompMf Kt( m a bo tc shfvt IS f l!ve lc shct. 21 ll f.bre moulding imI n.Mtv moulding iHf nti WARP BROS Chicago 606 M Porx, m P,M: Since iJ4 AT YOUR HARDWARE. LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLY STORE Clark heads Grange Education can also be fun and games Barton (lark was elected Master of Pomona Grange Saturday. Also elected for 1974-75 w ere Bryce Keene, overseer; Ken neth Smouse, steward; Na than Thorper, assistant stew ard; Pearl Wright, chaplain; Charles C. Jones, treasurer; Irene Dalzell, secretary; Art Dalzell, gatekeeper; Mary Ia Marlow, Ceres; Hazel Carpenter, Pomona; Delpha Jones, Flora; Frances Smouse, lady assistant stew ard; Archie Bechdolt, Anna Warren and Mary Lindsay, executive board members. The visitation count for Pomona was announced by the lecturer, Mrs. Graves, as a tie between Greenfield and Rhea Creek. Duplicate prizes will be awarded. Installation of Pomona and sulxirdinate officers was planned for Lexington Grange on Dec. 9. with installation at 1:30 p.m. followed by a potluck dinner. Introduced were Bob Coble, state deputy, Berl Akers. state grange gatekeeper, and Joe Dupuis of Stanfield Grange A car race and an egfl losa are not usually asseiated with junior high school science curriculm, unless the classes are instructed by Inei Mead or Mrs. Meador. Heppner 7th and Bth grade teacher, chal lenges her students with thought provoking projects that are fun as well as educational. The car race, dubbed "Carwirubbi Derby" by the 7th grade participants, will be staged Tuesday, Nov. 6, in the grade school multi-purpose room al 9:30 a m. Although the cars may be any size, the only materials allowed in construction are cardboard, wire coat hangers, string, glue and two No. 32 rubber bands. Kntrants will be exposed to practical application of fric tion, balance and propulsion in order lo design a winning vehicle "Project Omelet" will be launched al the rodeo grounds the same day. at 1 p.m. Kighth graders will attempt to loft a raw egg over a barrel 20 feet high, landing it without breaking. The egg may be propelled by any means other than muscle power, such as helium balloons, catapults or rockets. Packaging is unlimit ed. If this feat sounds a little dubious, Mrs. Meador report ed a former class dropped raw eggs, packaged in various ways, from an airplane with 51 per cent success. Tuesday's spectacles are open to the public. Group holds dinner A spaghetti dinner prepared by members was served at the (VI. 23 Mother's Club meeting at the Nazarene Church. Prospective members, Linda Johnson and Jean Howell, both of Heppner, were guests at the evening social. The Nov. .5 meeting will be held at the Nancy Brownfield home at 8p.m. Dave Harrison, Columbia Basin Electric Co op manager, will speak on the energy crisis. Mrs Lee Pettyjohn pre pared the lone club entry in the district show of arrange ments She called it "Bull in A China Closet," KziJJtuiuinraugmiimmntnmwtiiil School Lunch Menu llrppiirr Flruirnltiry inri Heppner High School Thursday, November I - Pol pourri, salad, dessert, rolls, butter, milk. Friday, November 2 -- High School, Soup n' sandwiches Grade School, Rice, gravy, cabbage salad, frosted cake, peaches, milk Monday, November 5 -Spaghetti, ground birf. tossed salad, green beans, pudding, milk. French bread, butter. Tuesday, November fi - Sloppy Joe, home-made buns, cole slaw, cheese stix, fresh apples, milk. Wednesday, November 7 -Brown beans & bacon, vege table salad, fruit crisp, rolls, butter, milk. HEPPNER BRANCH I FIRST NATIONAL BANK iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim CENTRAL MARKET These Prices Good Friday and Saturday Tin I LOIN ? -' . I 51 riihjp m USDA Choice Round Steak I lb. PORK CHOPS Oregon Chief WEINERS 12-oz. 79 0JB COFFEE 31b. $279 6-oz. Instant $ 19 ! i Nabisco 15-oz. GAIETY FUDGE or 0RE0S GAIN SOAP King 29 PUREX Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper 5-q.. (g, (3) MIXED JUTS n.Cj)g) MINCE MEAT YELLOW Onions jCabbage " 10; jCelery 2staiks39b S & 28 4 t Sweet Potatoes t No. 1 lh. no i u v Prices effective Nov. 2-3 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET ml GREEN STAMPS