IIKPPNKK tOHK.t Classified 1 Cards of Thanks I wish to express my appreciation for the good nursing care I received at our Pioneer Memorial Hospital, and to Dr. Wolff, during my recent illness. Many thank yous to our friends for their i nought fulness, gifts and cards CLYDE NUTTING 1 want to thank Dr Wolff. Dr Tibbies and the hospital staff for their wonderful care and consideration: and our friends and neighbors for their thoughtful acts of kindness during the time mother. Mary Machado. was in the hospital. LORRAINE AND ELMER LADD AND FAMILY 2 Notices WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish, ph. 56763. Ufc MENTAL HEALTH Office Hours. Mon. - Fri.. 8:30 - 5. Closed noon hour. MORROW COUNTY Museum Hours: Saturday. 10 a.m. 12 p.m.: 1 p.m. -5p m.; Sunday 1 1 5 p.m. LIBRARY HOURS: Monday. 1 - 5 & ":30 9 p.m.; Wednesday. 1 - 5 & 7:30 9 p.m.: Saturday. 1 5 only. Heppner Public Library. CLEAN expensive carpels with the best. Blue Lustre is America's Favorite. Rent shampooer SI. Coast to Coast Store. To Give Away-one 5-month old male kitten, litter trained. 422-7430. 37c 3 Lost and Found r OL'ND-black & white kitten, well cared for. Call Heppner T.Y.. 676-9663. 37c 4 Help Wanted Part-time household help. 676-9178. Edna Hutchens. 37 38c TEXAS REFINERY CORP. offers high income opportun ity to mature individual in Heppner area. PLUS regular cash and vacation bonuses, fringe benefits. Regardles of experience airmail A. N. Pate. Pres.. Texas Refinery Corp.. Box 711. Port Worth. Texas 76101. 37c 6 Wanted KITTENS. 676-5594. 37p Bargain deal-mixed treated seed wheat, suitable for pasture seed. Crum Ranches, 422-7247. 37-38C WANTED fence posts, call 676-9414 - Contracts for For information 15tfc Donate your old books to the AAUW Artifactory. call 676 5068 or 422-7489 or leave in box at Bank of EO. 36tfc For Rent One bedroom apt. for rent in lone. S80. Call 422-7587. 29tfc Trailer space, block off Main St.. electricity and sewer hook-up. Call 676-5327. 34tfc New 3 bdrm unfurnished apt. 1 yr lease req'd. Ph. 676-9470 or 676-9456. fc Furnished bachelor cabin. 570 r.alP 36-3, c or.-....-.-..-..-.-.-.. - - . Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. TUESDAY SALE October 3)1. 1973 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls 33.50 to 44.90 Commercial Cows 30.00 to 33.25 Utility Cows 27.00 to 30.00 Canner & Cutler Cows 25 00 to 28 00 Big fat gobby cows 25.00 to 28.00 FEEDER CATTLE Steers 400-500 pds. 54 00 to 57.75 Steers 300-400 pds. 56 50 to 59 00 Yearling Heifers 600-800 pds 36 00 to 44 50 OHtPMM' m. MeruMtlaft (iAZKTTK'TIMPS. Thursday November I. UN 8 Services We Process Farm Killed Animals COURT ST MARKET Specialize In Tiark-Liyn Tractor Repau Automotive Weldinc K & V Repair Shop 422-7109 Bill AOuirM rieo Chiliiop 422-7421 422-7423 IQNE 25tft 9 Livestock, Poultry 1IERM1STON LIVESTOCK AUCTION. INC. Livestock sold 12:30 sharp every Satur day at loth & Main Carson Vehrs 567-M44. office ph. 567 3149 45tfc Milk cow for sale, milking now. will freshen in Feb C.H Privett. 676-5824 . 37-38p 10 Farm and Garden Walker's Farm Market Canning Peacn am) Pearj Herfn-stonwaef nefons Local Tomatoes Crarsnawv Casaoa. Moneydew Melons Fresn Fru-ts VWables Wana Walla Winter Onions Marbietiead. Banna. Butternut and Damsn Souash Miscellaneous Sale on Ceramics Plenty of Sneii Gas K O-i )pen 8 a m. to 7 p.m Daily Butter Creek Hwy. 546-6023 IIKRMISTON 12 Furn.. Appliances Used appliances: Oil Heaters. ' S15 & up: ranges. S15 & up; refrigs.. $30 & up. Dean's 2nd Hand Store. 200 N. Chase St.. Heppner. 676-5018. 36tfc 13 Misc. For Sale Reduces excess fluids with Fluidex. Lose weight with Dex-a-Diet capsules at Mur ravsPharmacv. 26-38p Fryer size rabbits. S2 ea., make good breeding stock. See at 590 Elder or call 676-5039. eves. 37tfc 10 in. stand. radial Was arm saw with $312.38. now $92.95. See at 19.43. save Sears Catalog Store. Heppner. 37-38c Sears seafoam green cast iron bath tub, left hand drain, still in crate. Will sell matching toilet, if desired Call 676-5821. 36-37p Elect, fuel pump for pickup, complete with 15 ft. hose, nozzle & cables for hookup, S80 . 676-5886. 37-38p RABBITS Dressed fryers by advance order. Breeding stock available Delivery once a month. Kc Ranch KIMBKRI.Y - H34-2.VI4 s Heifers 400-500 pds. 48 00 to 52.75 Heifers 300-400 pds. 50.00 to 54.00 Light Hoist ein Steers 450-600 pds. 41.00to43.00 Heavy Holstein Steers 800-1000 pds. 38.50 to 40.00 Old Stock Cows. Springers 335.00 to 342.50 Young Stock Cows. Springers 365.00 Babv Calves. Beef 65 00 to 90.00 COMMENT: Butcher bulls steadv to $2 higher. Butcher cows steady. Yearlings and stocker Buvers calves $1 higher, were plentiful but resisting the price. DOM WINK Mr Eve MMItt iveETTtOeR.ee M7-3I7 Sale rif I Pc I sa'-i'M (Unified rates: II minimum charf - . t . i k....lJ..i.1llu t ! for each word over 1 line. rtRur S orH to line, inspiay classified adt, I.M per column Inch. Cards ! Thanks, tlM minimum. Headline for ctonMed. Trfv;.',V re.pott.lbte lor errort in clas.tfied if reported within 1 1 1 Automotive Antique mi International Truck. Marvin Way. Lexing ton. Ore .Ph.M-M69. S4 37p '66 Galaxy 500, $400. Good rubber, power steering and power brakes. Call 422-7267. after 7 pm. M-39p COURIER PICKUP ON DISPLAY Ford's Courier Is ideal for economical driving. 1973 Chev. Nova, 4-dr. V-8, auto trans, p.s.. p.b., and air rond. 9.S00 miles. I'sed tars: 1 7 1 Plymouth Koad Runner 1970 Huick 4 dr. clean, power equip, ami air cond. WTO Kuick 2 power equip, dr. H.T. , air cond, clean. 1970 Ambassador, full power and air. Is Chev. Caprice 4-dr. air conditioner IIT l7 Pontiac. power, lots of transportation left in this unit. I!i7 Pontiac La Mans, H.T. Bucket seats. 2 dr. I Itonnv ille H.T. Rebuilt motor, air cond. radial tires. Ford Fairlane 4 dr. clean. 3 speed and O.I). Good cheap transportation. 1 Pontiac Wagon. Clean Chev. Super Sport. Buck et seats. I'sed Pickups: 1970 Scout, half cab. I7 (i.MC ton 4-speed pickup, good unit FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC -BUCK FORI) (IMC TRUCKS May and Chase. Heppner Phone 676-91 16 SsSSSSSiM -YOU -CAN'T BEAT OUR DEALS! EASTERN OREGON'S BEST DATSUN DEALER SHOP & COMPAKE tel. 276-0330 Marbro Datsun 515 SE Doiion 2715-0330 Pendleton '99 Down 73.65 Pw Month for 42 Months A.P.R. 14.45 MEL WINTER Volkswagen Hwy. 393 S. Pendleton 278-3611 Open! day a week lor up o 3 lines, i cents 15 Real Estate FOR SALE 1760 sq ft. home with daylight basement. 3 bed rooms, large family room, storage room and large double carport. Completely irrigated pasture plus c"ry pasture and barn. Plentiful water. By appointment only. Ph. 676 9733. 24-27ptfc Building lots in city limits. Various sizes, underground utilities, nice view and out of flood area 676 5866 or 676 581 1. 31tfc Within city limits. Approx. 3'j acres, with 109 ft. of frontage on Minor St. Easily accessible for public utilities. Contact Blanche Brown for further information 331 fc 24x65 Metro-deluxe mobile home. 3 bdrms., fam. rm., 114 bath, fully carpeted, Alaskan insulation, electric heat on l34 acres plus a 2 rm. shed. 989 8537. 33tfc TWO ARRI'STKI) Two Oregon men were arrested for hunting elk with out proper tags, by the State Game Commission, Oct. 28. Arrested and scheduled to appear in Justice Court are Dale Edward Anderson, 23. and Kenneth Floyd Key. 18. both of Philomath. The State Game Commis sion also reports that several cow elk and deer have been found in the forests, presum ably shot by hunters who feared taking the risk of removing them. The Commission reports this is a serious offense, and is punishable by a fine or imprisonment. Many have reported good hunting in the Wickiup area: other areas report fair to good hunting. STI DDKI) SNOW TIRES ARE LEGAL NOW Because of snow in several sections of Oregon, the Oregon Transportation Commission last week approved the use of studded tires to be effective Thursday. Oct. 25. Statute provides that stud ded tires are legal in Oregon during the period Nov. 1 to April 30. It further authorizes the commission to change these dates if deemed appro priate. 16 Mobile Homes mobilo homos Home of Great Lakes Fleetwood Olympian Concord ' 8', 10', 12', 14' widths Also used Mobile Homes Hermiston-McNary Highway or Hwy. 11 Riverside PENDLETON WEST END Mobile Homes Featuring Broadmore Glenbrook Princeton 12-14-ft. double-wide 'Let your search end at West End" 567-5388 Hermiston Hermiston-McNary Hiway wmf QQQOOOOQOOQOOQO ARROW CHEVROLET Mobile Homes Security "Traveler Champion Buddy Rex Circle J Horse Trailer 2280 SW Court PI. Pendleton Phone Collect 276-6508 OOOOQCOOOOOOOOOC W EATHER REPORT III Uw Precp. Wednesday 59 45 .04 Thursday 55 38 Friday 55 32 Saturday 63 36 Sunday 60 43 .24 Monday 55 38 Tuesday 57 39 CHAIN PRICES W hite wheal U9',hu. ed wheal 4.2' bu. Bar lev tM.SOton c:OT Portraits CvLa 1 FREE 8X10 Sat., Nov. 10 AT Jack Van Winkle's Sears Authorized Catalog Sales Store See next week's ail or sign Sales Store for additional 16 Mobile Homes nnjininiranoHim 14 Hides a S As low $300 down $112.03 for 144 months-A.P.R. 12.78 2 and 3 bedrooms Ready to go NOW! IMELWINTM meltes L n,r ,,,,,.,lMMfcJ iuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiinIIUIIIUIMUiraiuffllwlllwwQmi,a iiiiiiimitfi sIIImlltllmILtfslIIr-M"aUlllllllIilllll"l""""''"l Now is the time for Morrow County folks to take advantage of the year's best buys on Recreational Vehicles I New '73 Kit Olympian Mini-Motor home, completely I self-contained, lots of extras Harvest Sale $8316 New 73 Kit 5th Wheel 27' Completely self-contained H I Harvest Sale . $59S5 I New 73 Kit Kamper, 10l2' Self-contained Harvest Sale $2895 I New 73 Kit Companion Travel Trailer, 21' Self-contained I Harvest Sale $3795 ir LIAA'S' ItimittmiiiiiimtttuutBttimiituauitiiuuiniRHmutuiitttutumutuBuiiiutiitmtii!; HOSPITAL NEW 8 Patients admitted lo Pio neer Memorial Hospital Ihis week are Hill Dorah. West Linn, and Juliann Harrison. Heppner, City Council mm m mm IIEITNEIUITV HUNCH. Meets first Monday f eaeh month. ( Hum having mai lers for di.russlon please present Ihrm lo the City Iterorder one week prior lo regular meeting, or bring them before the Council. 676-MilA L.. at Sears Authorized Catalog details. 16 Mobile Homes by . . . g a as . . . s Hiway 395 South Pendleton, Or. 5 276-3311 OPEN 7 Days a Week I mm i i ,k Sir!.., Movie WINNER OF 2 ACADEMY AWARDS! ii BtSTCKMATOWAWY ! MASTDVCCf! iauTu.CTir David Lean's Film of Byan's Daughter Once there was singing and dancing and all the world was inlovt! EL IMi W In Heppner Every Thursday at l.otl's Electric T.V. SERVICE VIDEO-TECH, 461 A E. Main St.,' Hermiston No Trespassing ( No hunting from a motor vehicle. Violators will be reported and subjected to fines. Ed Buschke Estate BARNETTS SEED . FEED PORTABLE & PLANT SEED CLEANING 8 TREATING FARM CHEMICALS HEPPNER HOME 4227529 ! TUn-A-LUU LUMBER j! . Hermiston : Guide KOW FLAYImG Osorft Uga In "A 0KKPLV PROFOUND T) Amu SHATTEWNC EXPERIENCE! - Im tyUx4 Cl..iil JKLEMMON SAVE THE TIGErT if, Mt IS m ti ItimrtS fMilTawtrHtr .. MOVING?? Local or Long Distance Frtt Estimates Call Cene Orwlck 989-8586 or Condon 384-2292 Agents lor United Van lint, Agnt Go-Mac Moving & Storage PENDLETON IXKi SW Hyers 27K-I3.I IIEKMISTOX ii sw nth 5ti"-."il7. RCA 'TRAINED TECHNICIANS INC. 567-3882 OFFfCf" 676-9923