t .......... At....(.-.uju,sswA.yo(KWiV.v nwAmvwmvmm .u ... m .L.... I.uhImI IImam I a Ants & Classified I Notices WILL fct crn mm Hw rasalts al rtwKf aiv inn saat cssaasaa ai MMtrtc wmiiiir II. CMtl ta Caasl Will iuv enaaaa. rattraa tarttl. Has naHS, aa. -. ( Ml ntal Mi ALTH oma Maara. mm. Pn.. : . Clasa aaa aaar. MORROW COUNTY Masaam Htm: tatwraav. I as. If m.j I " .m. i sunasy, I I . LIBRARY MOUdt: M v. I !?: .tam; WatMasaay. 1-1 . I WMMy, I i Mly. Mnr Pnalic Liarary. UNTIMILV PMtONANCYt It asarrtaa Nta wuy MlutMnr Call catlact M yaa aaslra H ar MrtCf. M. MJ-mi. TOLL FREE COMMERCE NO. 9-399 MONTGOMERY WARD HERMISTON Oaraaa fat.. W. I. Anhawas. KMi wd tMt at arra1 faa Snap Irnio, 1J N. Maw It., mtpiir OARAOE IALI FrKMv and Saturaav ftaat. II A W. at MS Pimm, Dnw. HMMff. Haars . Hlaft (cKoal and saeratartal cavrtas at horn in yaur seara tima. Diatamas awardvd. Law maattMv H All boots turMsftad raa kracftara aaatatas all. Writ AMSRICAN SCHOOL 0 CHICAGO, IOOIW Mam It., Vaacaaw, wn. . Pti. Pamaa tH-Sias; VIIKWWIIM4II. ll-UC 3 Lost and Found raaad: stray iray-ttrlnd. kats-frasni matt eat. Will at at Tain's TV Ma until claimad. Jl-Jfe Last-teal box and toots an Hw Mvnwsy naar ttia aaH coarsa. Naadad tar -. pimm contact at soon at Raman. Howard. 7t-SM. Stravad. aim ftaad at awas. ataasa contact Marcal Janas,ara-Ull. fl-Me Latt - ana laraa rad at Straat nnoaa. it 7-7ll. aon. left by Court call Shana at SIR 4 Help Wanted Tampararv iMtp wantad, lady ta fcala, claan and Rack. Call Edna Hvtcfcant. 7-tl7. The IHpantf Library Raard it accaatiflf applicationt tar a aarmanant librarian. Apalicatwnt may ba abtamad at ttia City Hall, Hoppnor Final data tar Mima PRlicariant it Saot. M. ta-lic An experienced cat tkidder. ti SO hr. inclines OPS. hospital and life inioranca coverage. Also, an experience choker tetter M SO hr. and tame benetitt. Call 7 532 Pine Contract Logging Mi Gale St. 27tfc HELP WANTEO - Need tomaona in Laxmatan area to ttay with alderty aentleman. Part time, dayt only. Dr. Htiber. I-t1U r t-M7. iS-WC Wanted WANTED - donationt far the Heppner Community Kinderaarten Fall Ram ma9e Sale may be left at the Heppner Hotel. JS-Mc WANTED - Contractt far tanca pasts. Far intormatMMi call .7-4M. 15-rf- For Rent Trailer space tor rent. Mutt meet city specifications. Dean's Second Hand Store. Ph. 7e-S0ia. 77ttc One bedroom apt. far rant in lane, MO. Call 422-7M7. JtttC Services Specialize In Track layer Tractor Repaii Automotive Welding B & C Repair Shopi 422-7409 Bill Ashurst Cleo Childers 422-7421 42-7423 IQNE 25tfc We Process Farm Killed Animals COURT ST. MARKET Animal Health , Supplies "WTidlesate-" Vaccines Pharmaceuticals Grub & Lice Control Products Major Brands Phone 654-5489 Milwaukie, Ore. or write G. R. Van Blokland P. O. Box 973 Pendleton, Ore. 97801 28 33c 9 Livestock, Poultry MERMtlTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION. IMC. ! t iaaM ll:t tnarp every tafwrday at lam AtaM. Caraaa Voters saz-aaat. Oenca a. saia. 4H1-C Drayttaaat and Mmatt, cam in l-ftaad ji aiptili ar !" rc "-laee-mi. Sray. Or vtl f I I 1 I it-..ltl-A r.iaa- II minimum rharRp fur Un to 3 llnM. S rnU for mch word over 3 line. Flgur S word lo lint?. IiUplay rlattifHMl Bd, 11.50 pr column Inch. Crd ol Thank. II.M minimum. Ifdlln- for rlaMlflrds. noon Tundav. No rraponalblr lor rrror In claaallirda If not reported wilhln 7 alt J 15 Real Estate ROR I ALI H S nMiiadiiaia Mabila name, i-bidr earns, family raam. ! bata. atilitv ream tmttf waow and ryor Pantry. Kitchen l tncludad, IvMy carpeted and drapes btcmaid Auuon tnwIeiMa, and alectnc beat. Lacatod an IVi acre, rms a ttwam shod 10 Farm-Garden 10 Farm and Garden PEACHES, READY PICK Improved Elbertas, box approx. 12V4 cents lb. U plck Bartlett Pears, IK Irt. Ready pick. $3.95 per lug. Cukes, melons, corn available on days we pick. Call ahead. Bring containers. THOMAS ORCHARDS Klmbarly. Oro. . rh- 334 2230 1 1 i mm OA! Le.meten L carpet and drapes, area at.lity ream, ail larnaca tn Ml basement, patw. staraaa bM. areund less luteal Pnoneeltt. Ilttc POR IAL l sa home with ayiieht basement. S bsdraams. saraa amily ream, staraae ream and laraa peubie carport. Camalelery impolo pasture P"" aVy pattare and bar. Pteatitat water. By appotatmonl enly. " 14.17-pH-, 14 Automotive WALKIRSPARM MARKIT Canning Peaches and Peart Hermitton Wttermelont Local Tomatoes Crensnews. Casaoa, Henevdew Melon Canteiepet Preth Froltt-VeaetatJies Walla Walla wmter Onions Marblenead. Banna, Butternut and Danish Souaan Mitcaiianeout Ceramics. -Tapes tries Plenty at Shell Oat A Oil Open I a.m. tot p.m. daily Buttercreek Highway S74N) . . . .Hermittan CANNING PEACHES lW Oadte pa our waaan 44 ; INI Chevy (rack 4 with new ttret, rans bead. Call e7e-MM. '-,c nn R. lbs Ford 4 wheel drive pickvp. reheat cand. Jack Van Winkle, Heppner. Ph. 4!e-tiet. J'ttc Honda as street modal motorcycle Cheap. 474-SM4. Uttc 44 Rard Oalaaie S00. Power sterna, power brakes, food tiros. 4400. Call 4H 7147 attar 7 p.m. II R snaaonAMnbanjM - - . bim. solo. 4 weiMe-well carpet In lttne ream and awnttairs bsdreom. Two-cor aoroeo, warashap. small barn, carrals. little pastvra. Phn4 474-tl7S. Mttc Mease (two Apt.) tar sale. Needs ttttte war, toad price. Call after 4 p.m., 474-t4M. H-Jlp Bwldim lets in city limits. Varteaa sites, pnaeraraand entities, mce view and out at need area. 474-saa4er47-Ml I. Jlttc Laakint tor a bargain? tea this 4 bedreom frame and brick heme an It 12 Furn, Appliances One 4-piece sectional. Slat Marlene Petertan.Rh.474-t44aert7o.tloe. Mttc 13 Misc. For Sale Clarinet B flat, m aiceilent condition. HPS. 4J!-74t. SO-ntc Reduce excess Hants with Fliridax. Lata weight with Dex-a-Oiet captwlas at anwrrays rnermecy. mt Mo Fair. Anita, t ft -4402 1I-J2P Porto tale. 14 W. Church Street. Misc. tsausehotd goads, small appliances, dofhs, plos TV, lawn mower, and rollaway bed. Saturday, Sept. 2nd, fremlta.in.to4p.in. lie Ramingtan H gauge pump shotgun SM and weaver K-4 scape s.474-t7S2. lie Yearling cart. 474-SStS. ' He 14 Automotive STILL UNDER WARRANTY, ItTO Luxury N Olds 4-doar Sedan. All Rawer assists, including electric windows, deer locks, trunk release, tilt wheel, automa tic air, 4-way seat; rear vanity, cruise control. 5 Radial fires ; yellow with black vinyl top. SUtS - Paul W. Jonas, 474-t2M ar 474-5170. Ju-Jtfe Four -4 54-14 Highway tiros and tubes, MewS100.MSei!more,474-S3t4. SO-llp - YOU -CANT BEAT OUR DEALS! EASTERN OREGON'S BEST DATSUN DEALER SHOP & COMPARE teL 276-0330 Marbro Datsun 515 SE Dorion 276-0330 Pendleton ARROW Mobile Homes BROOKDALE BUDDY REX by BOISE CASCADE SECURITY TRAVEL TRAILERS & CAMPERS 1902 S. W. Court Place Pendleton, Ore. 276-6508 COURIER PICKUP ON DISPLAY Ford's Courier is ideal for economical driving. 1973 Chev. Nova. 4-dr, V-8, auto trans, p.s., p.b., and air cond. 9.500 miles. Used Cars: 1971 Plymouth Road Runner 1971 Pontiac T-37. 2 dr. lit. Exceptionally clean, new sport tires. 1969 Buick, power, air cond. low mileage 1968 Chev. Caprice 4-dr. HT air conditioner 1966 Pontiac Wagon, Clean Used Pickups: 1967 GMC li ton 4-speed pickup, good unit 1966 International PU., 35,000 miles, canopy, clean. Good unit 1970 Scout, half cab. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC -BUICK FORD GMC TRUCKS May and Chase, Heppner Phone 676-91 16 saSoaaaassaaawkuPwPwnoaa . I acres close la lane. Fire aJaee, attached uraee, deep well, lots el estras, all tar WO.0O0. If yau 4 r leonine far mvastment In a cammenrrv ready far development you should see this commercial Wdg tn the center ol lone, rented now, S40M will eive you owno.'ship. ll-Sae Within city limits. Appro. acres, with It! ft. ol frontage an Miner St. Easily accessible far public utilities. Contact Blanche Brawn far further information. SI-JlR HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to Pio neer Memorial Hospital this week are Delbert Harden, Heppner; Nora Hall, Hepp ner; and Shannon Shaffer, Fossil. L.M. Rainwater, Post Falls, was dismissed. Id Weather By DON GILLIAM !ILLov,'.Precp. Wednesday 77 56 Thursday 80 46 Friday 71 50 Saturday 62 41 Sunday 69 37 Monday 72 44 Tuesday 65 53 .13 GRAIN PRICES White Wheat Red Wheat Barley 5.19 bu. 5. 14 V2 bu 114.00 ton Here's a beauty . . . only 16 mg. tar, 12 mg. nicotine!" PtSSsajCOOdBOOOOIOt' WQULDJfOUJUI '99 Down 73.65 Pr Month for 42 Months A.P.R. 14.45 MEL WINTER Volkswagen Hwy. 395 S. Pendleton 1764611. Open 7 days a weel V. s : v. M I YOUR NEXT HOME FROM THIS MAN? Some mobile home dealers run their operation something like a 3-ring circus. Quick deals, minimal guarantees, cheap come-ons. We promise to take you a little more seriously. We offer quality homes with a 1 year guarantee to match. By all means compare all the mobile homes on the market, but don't forget to compare DEALERS, too! Hi way 395 South Psndloton, Oro. 276-3511 OPEN 7 Days a Week -1 MEL WINTER Mobile Homes tr "The people downstairs are complaining about the noise again." In Heppner Every Thursday at Lott's F.lectric -TRAINED TECHNICIANS T.V. SERVICE RCA VIDEO-TECH, INC. 461 A E. Main 8U' HannUton 567.3SS2 I The Energy Crisis Reel or Imagined Blue Mountain Community College In concert with the puhllc utility Industry and the achool systems of our two county area will muke a orfe S night presentation free of charge to the citizens of Heppner dealing with the energy crisis. 8 Background Intormation to understand the g reasons for our present electrical energy short- 8 age will be made available. Additional informa- S' tion to allow the Individual homeowner to determine the cost of electricity In the home as well as tips to both conserve electricity and save IK money will be reviewed, g The program will be held at the Heppner High J? School cafetorlum on Monday, sepiemoer k from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. S It is free of charge, and the public is g :j encouraged to attend. g $600 REWARD CATTLE RUSTLERS $600 REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE ARREST AM) CONVICTION OF ANY PERSON OR PERSON'S STEALING MY CATTLE FROM OR NEAR MY RANCH NEAR IONE. PHIL EMEUT Itt. l.Box23-A Echo, Ore. Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. TUESDAY SALE SLAUGHTER CATTLE Buis 39.00 to 44.50 Commercial Cows 35.00 to 38.00 Utility C0ws 3200 10 35-50 Canner & Cutter Cows 28.00 to 32.00 FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers 700-900 pds. 48.50 to 54.30 Steers 500-600 pds. 57.00 to 59.75 Steers 300400 pds 60.50 to 65.75 Yearling Heifers 600,800 pds. 44.00 to 50.50 Heifers 500-600 pds 50.50 to 52.50 Heifers 300-100 55.00 to 57.25 Light Holstein Steers 3lKH00pds. 54,0Oto 58.50 Heavy Holstein Steers 600-800 pds. 46.00 to 47.75 Baby Calves, Beef 60.00 to 95.00 Baby Calves, Dairy 50.00 to 87.50 COMMENT: Butcher cows and bulls, the market was stronger. Choice quality feed er cattle, steady to stronger. Medium to poor quality cattle, $1.00 lower. Off tea PKont M7-4M Highway 30, Harmisten DON WINK, Mar. Eva. 57-1111 EVERETT SNYDER, Eva. J4M1W CI. ma i Puhlirl U7-170I Mobile Homes, Inc. Come to Hermiston! 14 k 70 Your choke ell-electric or gas! JfL Free delivery ft Set up f( Hook-up with water and sewer r; 4-inch side walls fa Double insulation -fr Carpet Many other extras All This For Only (jj 595 40 mobile homes to pick from, from the largest dealer in Eastern Ore gon and Washington. (503) UhVM or 547-2360 10 DOWN 12 YEARS FINANCING Mobile Homes, Inc. 12 miles North of Hermiston on McNary Highway (top of the hill) To) '5 Understanding tho Energy Problem AN UP-TO-DATE REPORT TO MEMBERS OF THE COLUMBIA BASIN ELECTRIC CO-OP, INC. What is the utility doing? Late August with autumn's first chill reminds us of the shorter days and colder weather to come. It is a time for us to update the energy situation with our customers in hope of clearing up some confusion and outlining constructive steps that can be taken. Is there really a power shortage? Yes, but this is by no means any reason for panic or despair. We hope and believe that the deficiencies which are forecast for the northwest this coming winter can be made up through voluntary reduction of use by all customers. What caused the shortage? A major factor is the record dry spell. Who can remember when the streams were so low, the woods so dry? Reservoirs which normally would be filled to run the hydro generators this winter are very low. Snow runoff and rainfall has not been there to replenish them. It is mainly because of this that the northwest is in trouble. in a broader sense, the shortage is a result of the ever increasing deman for electric energy. Coupled with this is the fact that the building of power plants has "been" obstructed and delayed. CBEC is a participant is several major power and nuclear projects; but the future of some of the other badly needed plants is being threatened by outside influences. As for conservation, we are trying to do our part by eliminating any uses of electricity that are not essential to our operation. What can the member do? There are ways in which everyone can help, and some generally applicable suggestions are printed with this message. An overall awareness of the seriousness of the situation and the willingness to endure some inconvenience will see us through this shortage. If you have questions, our representatives are knowledgeable in such matters and glad to help. Our goal, as always, is to supply each customer with the "energ"yhe reasonably needs. We have never advocated wasteful practices. What will change this? Good fall rains would help a lot; the sooner the better. A good snowpack without extreme cold would be highly desirable, but we can't count on the weather. We know that adverse conditions could continue and we are doing all we can to prepare for them. This problem could be with us for a couple years. We will continue to bring you information on the energy situation as it develops. Meanwhile, with the good will and cooperation of everyone, we believe that this problem, like others before it, can be overcome. TIPS ON SAVING ENERGY . The president of our nation has suggested that each of us could reduce his energy used by 7 percent. Here are some ways to help you make that saving. Mostly they involve simply eliminating waste. Use tight-fitting storm doors and windows. Be careful to keep them closed. Check .your insulation. The cost of added fill between attic joists can easily be recovered in fuel savings. Hot water takes fuel; stop those faucet drips. Do it now before the big freeze. Draw drapes across windows at night. On bright days let the sun shine in. It provides solar warmth. Use full loads in your washer, dryer and dishwasher, rather than running a complete cycle for just a handful. Flip off the light when you leave the room, but don't eliminate lighting where it's important to personal safety and security. I I Don't overheat. Try living at 70 degrees. Wear a