t 0 HEPPNER (OKE.i GAZETTE TIMES. Thursday. Sept. 13. 1973 Lcitfogton lone Past Noble Grand Club of Holly Rebekah Lodge met at the home of Mrs. T.E. Messenger Wednesday for the regular meeting and lunch eon. The dinner was served on the garden, after which the women held a short business meeting and spent the after noon visiting. Those present were Irene Padberg, Elsie Fox, Delpha Jones. Dimple Munkers, Catie Padberg. Donna Papineau, Ruth Robinson, Norma Mar quardt, Betty Marquardt. Rena Marquardt, and the hostess and co-hostess. Mrs Messenger and Leila Palmer. The next meeting to be in December will be at the C.C. Jones ranch with Mrs. Robin son as co-hostess. Holly Rebekah Lodge met Thursday night for its regular meeting with Hilda Yocom filling the chair of the noble grand in her absence. The first of the seven candles was lighted for the seven rededi cation projects of the year by Leila Palmer, with reader Delpha Jones, and the woman of the Bible, Sara, portrayed by Catie Padberg. All mem bers took the obligation again, led by Dimple Munkers. It was announced that at the next meeting the group will hear the local UN delegates. The young couple are Cassie Chapel of lone and Greg Davidson of Lexington. ine evening will start at 6:30 o'clock with a potluck dinner to which friends and relatives are invited; after which the program will be held, followed by regulaf lodge at 8 p.m. Anyone wishing to hear these young people are invited to attend. The Oddfellow lodge met on Thursday night at the same time as the Rebekahs, and at this time draped the charter for a departed member, Adolf Majeske. Mrs. Venice McRoberts has returned from a trip to Disneyland with her son and children. Mrs. G.E. Irvin of Yachats and Mrs. Bob Cool of Pendle ton were recent visitors with their mother, Mrs. Florence McMillan, who has been a patient in Pioneer Memorial .Hospital. R EVA IIAMLETT Mr. and Mrs. Dell Rea attended the wedding cere mony of Susan Jane Christen sen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chnstensen, Eugene, to Konal Pachouz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pachouz of Portland, on Aug. 26, at the Thunderbird Motor Inn, Port land Susan Jane is the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell of Milwaukie. Attending the reception fol lowing the wedding were Mrs. Gladys Drake, Robert Drake and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin and family have moved from San Jose. Ca., to Oaklahoma Dty, Okla.. arriving there Sept. 2. Jim will be an instructor for the Federal Aviation Agency. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bristow, Mrs. Ida Grabill, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis spent Labor Day in Baker with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright. Joining them for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Grabill. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schulze and children spent the Sunday before Labor Day visiting her mother, Mrs. Elmer Ellis. Miss Becky Eubanks, daughter of Donald Eubanks, left for her home in Portland, Sept. 1 after spending the summer with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks. Mr. and Mrs. Errett Hum mel of Portland spent Friday to Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks at their moun tain cabin near Reid's Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rodriguez and sons of Hermiston also joined them. Mr. and Mrs. Hummel were on their way home after spending a few days at Wallowa Lake. Labor Day guests of Mrs. Gladys Drake, Mike Rowell and daughter Melissa were Mrs. Ray Turner and son. Monty, of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fuller of Eugene were Labor Day weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nichols. They also visited Mike Rowell and Melissa. Visitor are requested to bring salad or desert. Recent visitors at the Nor man Nelson home were for mer Heppner residents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hasvold of Phoenix, Ariz., and their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lezesque, and Jennifer of Tacoma, Wn. In their honor Mr. and Mrs. Nelson hosted a buffet dinner Saturday evening for neigh bors and friends in this area. Those attending included: Mrs. Loyal Parker, Heppner; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sieinke, Arlington: Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stemke and Jeff. Pend leton: Mr. and Mrs. Lee La Voie and Joshua. Tangent; Mr. Pat Fitzgerald. Milton Freewater; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pack. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nelson and Jill. Miss Kristin Nelson, Keith Nelson and Mrs. Alfred Nelson Jr., all of Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson Jr. cared for their grandson, Joshua, last week while his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee La Voie. Tangent, were on vaca tion. Mrs. Nelson is now spending some time in Port land with her mother. Mrs. S C. Ransdell. Goings on in Kinzua Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dyer and family spent the weekend camping at Memaloose park near The Dalles About 75 people attended the Palmateer 4th reunion held at Estacada. Sept. 9. It was held at the Garfield Grange Hall, which is built on the site the orginal Palmateer family settled. Those attending from here were: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer. Earl Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and Mrs. Edith Matthews. Others known in the area were: Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Linnell. Arlington; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Thornton. Momouth; Mrs. Doris Palmateer Stract and daughter, Maryiin, Milwau kie: and Mrs. Lena Nottage, and Mrs. Agnes Wilcox, Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Keene and sons, Richard and Stuart, attended the Davenport fam ily reunion at Suttle Lake, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree of Cecil spent Labor Day . weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Meyers at Lincoln City. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herb Luner and family were Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks and family of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Heim and Ericca went to Crater Lake and spent the weekend camping there. Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Bowman and family and Dave Riney went to Portland where they spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowman, Mr. and Mrs Bowman also visited Mr. and Mrs. Lytlon Strom in . Castle Rock. Runny Bowman accompa nied Mr. and Mrs. McQuain and family to Reno and Lake Tahoe for the weekend. Vic Bowman spent the weekend in Hermiston where he visited Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mvers and familv. Mr. and Mrs. Don Slinkard went to Portland Friday evening on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cody went to The Dalles Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jellick went to Portland to meet their son. Denny, at Portland Inter national Airport. Denny will be home for a 10-day leave. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bell and Don Nickelsen spent the weekend camping at the Steens Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Norris of Burns also camped with them. Also spending the weekend at the Steens Mountains were Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Simms. Mr. and Mrs. Guy VanArs dale and family flew to Richland. Wn., Saturday on business. Arriving at Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Murdock home on Aug. 26 were Mrs. Fred Casey Sr. of Brainerd. Minn., and Mrs. Libbie Hallauer, Water town, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood. Walts and sons spent the weekend at the Stale Fair tn Salem and visiting points of interest tn the Willamette Valley Mr and Mrs Doyal HubbeU and family visited relatives in Hood River during the week end. John Jackson took his moth er Mrs. John Jackson Sr., to John Day Saturday to visit Mrs. Jackson's mother, Mn. Lowary. A new family has moved in to Camp Five, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brishuis and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Luper and family returned Sunday after vacationing at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Conlee and family have returned after spending Wednesday through Sunday vacationing at Long Beach. Wn. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Bowman and family this weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowman of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Lenord Haukie and son of Gresham, Dr. John Rademacher of Pendleton. Cindy Bowman returned to Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowman where she will spend the week. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bailey were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Slinkard and family of John Day. . ;T- ' Sit rTh - l 1 r' i; ."IV A, Irriffon Three young ladies illuktrate Morrow t ounty s sport holidays during the Boardman Festival Parade, Saturday, Sept. R. Their float was sponsored by the Hrppnrr Morrow County Chamber of ( om merer. By FRANCES R. WILSON The Missonettes, a girls club of the Assembly of God, met for the first meeting this Fall. "Christmas in September" was their theme, as the 13 girls attending brought small gifts to wrap and send to missionaries. Missionette lea ders Mrs. Don Eppenbach and Mrs. Harvey Warner had a Christmas tree and Christmas cookies prepared for the group. Christmas carols were sung at the party. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rice were business visitors in Bend Saturday. Mrs. Guy Van Arsdale and Mike went to Milton Free water Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Van Arsdale flew to Richland, Wn., Sunday for shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMinn and family went to Portland Friday on business then on the coast for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Law son and April of Salem visited her mother, Cora Ellis, and family over the Labor Day weekend. Mrs. Lawson is the former Caroline Linnell. Lawson is employed by the U.S. Postal Service. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb have moved to their new home recently purchased from the George Andersons, at 8th and Washington Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Part low of Hillsboro visited at the homes of Celelia Gibbs and Mr. and Mrs. Al Partlow. John Honey visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson Friday. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Honey, are former pastors here. He reports that his parents plan to attend the World Pente costal Conference in Seoul, Korea, this fall. The Rev. and Mrs. Honey have been pastor ing in Gold Beach for the past several years. Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Stephens went to the parade in Pendle ton with their son, Clark Stephens, and family of Uma tilla. After the parade they were dinner guests of Mrs. Mae McKinney in Pendleton and helped her celebrate her birthday. The Good News Singers from the Irrigon Baptist Church presented a gospel musical program at a Baptist Church in La Grande Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Whitney, Vickie Walden, Kim Larson and Greg Ellis of Portland were weekend callers at the C.C. Jones Ranch. Glenda Kay Van Winkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Van Winkle, is now making her home in Salem where she is employed at the First National Bank. Mrs. Ed (Shirley) Baker is a patient in St. Anthonys Hos pital in Pendleton, where she underwent major surgery. Don Robinson, Heppner was elected Oregon Polled Here ford Association president for the next term. His secretary is Mrs. Ben Newman, Hermi ston, Ore. f 'i-i K-5-K-X- Gonfy's will be closed I Sept 24-25-26 Open Thurs., Sept.27 Bunchgrass Rebekah Lodge met at the home of Mrs. Berl Akers on Thursday, Sept. 6. The charter was draped in memory of Mrs. Nettie Rice of The Dalles, who died July 28. She is survived by her husband, W.B. Rice, and daughter-in-law, Bonnie Rice. Eldon Tucker and family attended the Search and Rescue picnic held at Board man Sunday. Arriving at the Roy Lind strom home Sept. 5 were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helena of Seattle. Wn., and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mortenson of Palm Springs, Ca. They toured the Boardman area and attended the Dress-Up parade in Pend leton Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mortenson (Louise Crutcher) were on their way home after spending two months visiting friends and relatives in Oregon and Wash ington. Norman Nelson is a patient at Providence Hospital in Portland. He is reported to be in satisfactory condition fol lowing major surgery on Thursday last week. The Willows Grange will meet Sept. 15 for a potluck dinner starting at 6:30 p.m. Meeting will follow at 8 p.m. CWA will meet Sept. 21 with -analHtaj meeting ruW home of Mrs. Berl Akers, with potluck dinner at noon. JOB VACANCIES I.N MORROW COUNTY The Cooperative Rural Manpower Project has an nounced the following job vacancies in Morrow County: Two permanent farm jobs; bartender; nutrition aide, part-time, three days a week; housekeeper; and dishwasher. For further information contact the local County Extension Office. Employ ment Office, in Heppner. 676-9642. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Murdock and Mrs. Jack Bell of Fossil went to Hermiston where Mrs. Casey purchased a new trailer. She will be making her home in Fossil. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Her schel Murdock, Mrs. Casey and Mrs. Hallauer went to Madras where Mrs. Casey and Mrs. Hallauer left by bus to visit friends in Chico, Ca. Mr. and Mrs. David Whit sett and family of Seattle, visited friends here Wednes day. They are former resi dents of Kinzua. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Heim and Ericca and Mrs. Opal Geer of Fossil went to Portland Sunday. While in Portland they visited Marion Geer. Don Nickelsen and Dan Bell spent the weekend in the Steins Mountains. They joined Mr. and Mrs. Larry Norris of Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norris went to Bend over the week end where they attended a meeting as delegates to the District Council Meeting of Local 2916. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don McConnell this weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Owens of John Day Conservation and Curtailment of Energy is Encouraged by Columbia Basin Electric Co op It Pays To Heat Water Electrically BUT IT DOESNT PAY TO WASTE THE HOT WATER OOOOOQOOOOOOOOQQOOQQOQOOOOOOQBQOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOQQC Evayydsjfc s:nrc3 tossed Now open for business John's Auto Body & Fender Shop O Complete body and fender repair work. O Painting and customized paint jobs on any truck or car. O All work done by Glenn Duncan; 17 years experience. O No job too large or too small. Call Glenn at 676-5595 for free estimate. v. I I 9 BO DROPS 90 DROPS PER MINUTE 310 GALS PER MONTH WASTES 75 KWH 120 DROPS PER MINUTE 429 GALS PER MONTH WASTES 107 KWH SMOOTH STREAM 1.095 GALS PER MONTH WASTES 274 KWH V. o CO 0 B - h LEAKING FAUCETS RESULT IN HIGH BILLS!! X X X X I 5 15 DROPS PER MINUTE 48 GALS PER MONTH WASTES 12 KWH i 30 DROPS PER MINUTE 96 GALS PER MONTH 60 DROPS PER MINUTE 192 GALS PER MONTH '0 4 WASTES 24 KWH WASTES 48 KWH low streamflow and stress the need for It can happen to the best of us. Just an innocent mistake in your checkbook, and suddenly, you're overdrawn. But U.S. Bank has a way to make sure it doesn't happen to you. It's called A.C.T., Automatic Cash Transfer. Once you are approved for it, we'll cover any check you write (up to your approved credit limit, of course). Best of all, A.C.T. costs nothing to apply for, and there is no charge at all until you use it. Just visit any branch of U.S. Bank and talk to our Lady on the Red Carpet. She'll make your banking very personal thing. With the historical all-time storage we at Columbia Basin members to voluntarily conserve and curtail electric use by 10. This will allow saving water for a time when it will serve a critical load. I i Columbia Dasin I Electric Co-op I Columbia Basin Electric Co-op, serving 2850 square g miles of Gilliam, Morrow and Wheeler Counties. x V