Docrfaan By MARY IKK MARLOW A physical fitness cUsi and volley bull will be held in the Riverside High School gym nasium beginning Sept. 12 at 7:30 p.m., and will be held each week on Wednesday nights. Mrs. Allan Akron will be in charge. All ladies are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bu chanan are parents of a son, Russell Wayne, bom Aug. 28 In San Jose, Ca. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rash of Boardman and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Buchanan of lrrigon. Great-grandparent is Mrs. Josephine Buchanan of lrrigon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball went to Lincoln City to visit at the home of Ball's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ball, and to attend the State Fair. They also visited in Eugene at the home of Mrs. Ball's brother and sister-in-lax. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bartow. There -were four tables of pinochle in play at the card party held Xuesday of last week at the Greenfield Grange Hall, sponsored by the Wom en's Activity Committee of the grange. Mrs. Tom Harrison was hostess. High prize went to Hazel Carpenter and low w as won by Mrs. Sam Beeks of Arlington. Grace Keith of lrrigon and Goldie Woelpern of Arlington received the traveling pinoch le prizes. Mrs. Don Renschler and children Linda and David of East Wenatchee, Wn., have visited the past week at the home of her mother, Mrs. R.B. Rands. Mrs. Frank Marlow left Thursday for Salem to visit at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Some problems we face in providing for future electric energy requirements are: HO Cfeit& Soo9-ce. i s eUAi 9s electric fuYSM Co VlrTtVT -nr""' n' HCATiHG hJuuX- 1 100 eiexJhte Po5r usually 9tl& h poiUi3 Actuatiy.- We ntJ more, powr 4o ft6tfT r3rvy -types of PbUuTiOH ft 4 I Q nniNv) O L n of m3n Coloobia Basin llocfrfc Co-op 8rrln7 Morrow. CilUaa i and WbMiw 87S-114S Darrell Marlow, and also at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Smith, in Portland. Carol Moen. postmaster, announces the coming sale of a new postcard and two new stamps at the local post office. The post card is the -cent lOtxh anniversary of the first U S. postal card, and will be first on sale at the Washing ton. DC, post office Sept. 14, and will be on sale here Sept. 15. On Sept. 20 the 8-cent Willa Ca'.her commemorative stamp goes on sale at Red Cloud. Nev., the fourth in the series of four American Arts series. It goes on sale here Sept. 21. The other stamp is the 8-cent Drummer bicentennial commemorative- stamp and will be first on sale in New Orleans. La. Sept. 28. It is the fourth in a set of four stamps for 1973 called the Rise of the Spirit of Independence. The theme is communications in colonial times. It goes on sale here Sept. 29. Winners at Willow Run golf course Sunday in the front nine were Jim Graham. Del bert Ball, and a three-way tie between Wayne Kuhn. Rod Flug and Oscar Shoemake. On the back nine winners were Art dough of Arlington, Jim Graham and Carroll Wilkins of Arlington. Closest to the pin" on No. 17, Carroll Donovan, and on No. 18, Wayne Kuhn. Winners, Ladies Day last Wednesday, were group one, Kaye Trumbull, and group two, Mabel Allen, both low net. Low net on the back nine were Dorothy Kennedy and Eva Wilkins, a tie for group one, and Maxine Wroelpern of Arlington for group two. On Sept. 9 Williw Run will host the Big Cicle Invitational Tournament, starting at 8:30 a.m. Coffee and doughnuts will be served. -to WttttXt w9e 5 ac-PiLeeess pptr to ft-u$6 tel J ottter material -o OffVrt, 5tWA6 CUM- - naJe pollwfion. cowbdm scmrci LcnbjJcn By DELFIIA JONKS Mrs. Bill B. Marquardt is In Portland this week to be near a daughter, Penny, who un derwent major surgery at Good Samaritan Hospital on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hoffman and Wayne Papineau were Salem callers over the week end. Mrs. Blanchett has moved from the trailer near the Miles trailer to the Cleo Van Winkle house recently purchased by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Leathers. Recent visitors at the C.C. Jones ranch have been Mr. and Mrs. William N. Jones,' Mr. and Mrs. Dale Whitney and Kim of Portland. S Sgt. Wayne Miller, Mrs. Miller and children of Spokane, where he is stationed with the Air Force. Mrs. L. McRoberts is enjoy ing a vacation in California with a son and his children. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall enjoyed the weekend fishing in Central Oregon and at Bend, where they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Jones visited at the Glen Payton home in Keating over the weekend. Donald Majeske has return ed to his home at Deer Park after spending the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Majeske. Mrs. Jack Mounts returned to her home last week after visiting her mother, Mrs. A.F. Majeske, and other members of her family. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Palmer spent a couple of days last week at Reno, Nev., and sightseeing in Southern Ore gon. Their children remained at home with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ployhar of Heppner. Mrs! Jim Martin and chil dren have gone to Oklahoma to their new home after a lengthy visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clell Rea, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin. Martin, who has been going to school, will be employed there. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker and family spent several days last week on the Oregon coast. Mary and Mark Hoffman of Salem are visiting their broth er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hoffman. Rebekah and Oddfellow Lodges of Lexington will start their fall activities this com ing week. PNG club will meet at the Messenger home on Wednesday, Sept. 6, with a noon luncheon, co-hostess being Mrs. Kenneth Palmer. Regular lodge meeting for beth branches will be at 8 p.m., Sept. 6, at the I00F Hall in Lexington. The lodges will meet the first and third Thursday nights of each month until next July. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Erda Pieper were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall and Jodi, Mr. and Mrs. Larry HoMday and sons, Clinton and Troy, of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Magill of Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Rob inson are parents of a daugh ter, Sharon Kay, born at Good Shepherd Hospital last Tues day. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Poorman of Hermiston and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson of Lexington. The same day the baby arrived their new mobile home was delivered. The home is on the Robinson lot in Lexington, and they moved in this weekend. Mrs. Florence McMillan is a patient at Pioneer Memorial Hospital. GRAND SQUARES OPEN NEW SEASON SEPT.l The lone Grand Squares will begin the new season with a dance at the lone Willows Grange on Saturday, Sept. 1 at 8 p.m. Dan-el Wilson will do the calling. Lessons for anyone inter ested, including teenagers, will begin Tuesday, Sept. 11. at 7:30 p.m. at the Willows Grange hall. Darrel Wilson will give the lessons. lone Grand Squares officers this year are Bill and Daisy Collins, presidents; Helen and Paul Pettyjohn, vice-presidents; and Bill and Winifred Cox. secretary-treasurers. ....... rf '- " " mmm m 111 . r . I SUZANNE SHERMAN Five elementary teachers are new Five teachers will begin their teaching careers at Heppner Elementary School this fall. Suzanne Sherman, who graduated from Eastern Ore gon State College this past summer, will teach general studies to 5th grade students. Ed Sherman, graduate of Eastern Oregon State College, D0EDQ By EVA HAMLETT Stan Phillips of John Day, a training van representative and deputy state fire mar shal, will be at the lone Fire Station Wednesday, Sept. 12, 7:30 p.m., to conduct a training class on fire appara tus practice. All firemen are requested to attend. lone Garden Club will meet, at the ranch home of Mrs. Wilma Ladd Martin on the Heppner-Condon highway, Wednesday, Sept. 12, at 1:30 p.m. The subject will be unusual weeds. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Kin caid and family attended the Oregon State Fair in Salem last week. Dawn Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peter son, won the barrel racing contest both days at the Fossil Jackpot Rodeo held recently. Mr. and Mrs. Art Stefani Jr., Carl Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bergstrom and daughters, Carley, - Shawna, Kay and Lori, attended the wedding of Dianne Bergstrom and Fred Maze, Aug. 25, at the Lutheran Church in Reeds port. Miss Bergstrom is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bergstrom. Mrs. Erma Aanenson of lone is cooking at Beecher's Restaurant. A bridal shower was held in the United Church of Christ recreation room, at 8 p.m., on Aug. 28, in honor of Miss Jodi Snow, bride-elect of Lennie Hanna, on Sept. 1. Assisting Jodi at the bride's table were her sister, Jeri Snow, and Mrs. David Hanna. The tea table was centered with a large sheet cake decorated with two white hearts surrounded by blue flowers, and edged in white and blue. It was flanked by blue candles and a flower centerpiece of white dahlias, foxglove and baby's breath. Mrs. John Hanna Jr. presided at the punch bowl, and Mrs. Harvey Smith poured coffee. Hostesses for the event were Mrs. Art Stefani Jr., Mrs. Lloyd Morgan,. Mrs. Ted Palmateer, Mrs. Robert Peterson, Mrs. Lewis Halvor sen and Mrs. Adon Hamlett. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely of Salem were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mat thews. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aktrs and son, Sean, of San Mateo, Ca., stopped overnight Saturday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Akers. The Bill Akers were on their way to Canada to visit relatives. Mrs. Harriet Bolman and Rill Rnshv nf Seattle, arrived j 'f, fjAYMESj '4 V IK Manager RICHARD WELLMAN (503) 276-6441 BUSINESS MACHETES $. SALES - SEE VICE - LEASE TOTAL OFFICE CONCEPTS 332 S. Main P.O. Box 255 Pendleton. Oregon 97801 Biewf tnrr ted GINNY LIEBERTZ will teach 7th and 8th grade mathematics. Ed is Suzanne's husband. Mrs. Cathy Terney gradu ated from Eastern Oregon State College in 1970. She taught for two years at Helix, and has also done substitute teaching for the Umatilla School District. She will teach English to the 7th and 8th Thursday evening to spend the weekend visiting Mrs. Bol man's mother, Mrs. Vida Heliker. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mannen of The Dalles were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Riet mann, Saturday evening. Mrs. Rietmann worked for Mrs. Mannen previous to her mar riage. Mrs. Clara Ransier of Gar field, Wn., spent several days visiting old friends. She came down to attend the wedding of Jodi Seo and Lennie Hanna. She spent some time at the home of Mrs. Mary Lindsay, and after the wedding visited at the Harvey Smith home. Mr. and Mrs.Coe Leaven good of Albany and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Payne of Lebanon were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason Jr. spent the weekend visiting her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson Jr. and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson and family. Mrs, Beulah Lundell of Portland spent Saturday and Sunday nights at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn. On Monday evening she stay ed with Mrs. Emma Drake in Heppner. Her son, Wallace Lundell, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett. Mrs. Joyce Darst of Eugene spent the weekend at the Louis Carlson home. Mrs. Victor Peterson of The Dalles and Mrs. and Mrs. Anthony Fasulo and twin sons from Fullerton, Ca., visited at the home of Mrs. Vera Rietmann Sunday. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann. Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Vera Rietmann on Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake of lone and Heppner, Joann Blake, and Mrs. Katherine Bollam from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rietmann and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rietmann and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoskins and Micki attended the Fron tier Days and Eastern Wash ington Fair in Walla Walla, Sunday. Members of Bunchgrass Rebekah Lodge will meet Thursday, Sept. 6, at the lone City Park at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Martin attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henske, Sept. 2, at the Free Methodist Church in Madras. The Mar tin's lived in. Madras about 25 years ago. tk WadBMdcr I i j CATHY TERNEY grade pupils. Ginny Liebertz, a recent graduate of Portland State University, will teach special programs this fall. Jim Ackley, graduate of Portland State University will teach band to students from the 5th grade through high school. He is single. Nutrition program expanded The Heppner Neighborhood Center is expanding its nutri tion program to three meals a week. In lrrigon, beginning Sept. 10, meals will be served Mondays at the Lions Club Hall. Dinner is at 4:30 p.m. Dinner in Heppner will be served each Tuesday and Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at the Elks Lodge Hall. Persons over age 60 are welcome to attend. The grant for this project is from the Senior Opportunities Services, and is available to all senior citizens at no cost to them. Any small donation may be made to help purchase addi tional foods, however. Any shut-in may contact the Neighborhood Center for tray delivery. - Here for the early part of the fair and to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heard were her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warren of Eugene. Warren has retired from the Eugene school system. For rodeo weekend, guests of the Heards were Mr. and Mrs. Don Lake and family of Vashon Island, Wn. Mr. Lake and Mrs. Heard are brother and sister. Mrs. Leo Root, and her sister, Mrs. Max Deweese of Grandview, Wn., went to Emmett, Idaho, this week to visit at the home of their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvie meuuru. - o.. ........ .. . j DagaaBBHUUUUUUUOBannnnnnnrjuuuHnnnnuuuuHOBnnnnnrinri and Mrs. Alvie Mefford. p prroi p; It can happen to the best of us. Just an innocent mistake in your checkbook, and suddenly, you're overdrawn. But U.S. Bank has a way to make sure it doesn't happen to you. It's called A.C.T., Automatic Cash Transfer. Once you are approved for it, we'll cover any IIKITNUl (ORE.) GAZETTE-TIMES. v1- -v 4, mm ED SHERMAN CB directors income cut, The board of directors of Columbia Basin Electric Coop met Aug. 23. A nominating committee was selected for placing nominees on the ballot for the annual meeting to be held in Condon, Nov. 1. One of the typical monthly board activities was the re view of applications for pay ment of decedent estate pa tronage credits. The following were paid: Bloomfield, Clarence, $27.99; Hollen, Frank L., 567.86; Kendall, Clifford, 152.10; Long, Emma C, 97.56; Majeske, A.F., 258.53; Mun kers, Effie, 166.15; Ries, Bentley C, 1,201.85; Robinson, Roy, 93.77; Stephen, Jessie M., 133.09; Stinchfield, Fred, 94.93; Woelpern, William F., 110.25; Ledbetter, L.B., 994.90; Breeding, Albert M., 24.93. The Board took action to approve a plan to reduce expense and input of person nel of the national association, the National Rural Electric Co-op Association, by calling for regional meetings to be held by combining the meet ings from ten to five each fall. The manager reported on several work projects and advised that the Ruggs Sub station should be 'energized next week. He was concerned that a few easements had not been obtained which was still holding up progress on plans for the Olex - ione transmis sion line. Details were given the board on the recent planned outage due to vandalism on the B.P.A. - Boardman trans mission line. New people continue to move into the area. Forty three new membership appli cations for service were received. Vice-President Dick Krebs give a report on the directors seminar he recently attended. V I . 1. ! 11 check you write (up to your approved credit limit, of course). Best of all, A.C.T. costs nothing to apply for, and there is no charge at all until you use it. Just visit any branch of U.S. Bank and talk to our Lady on the Red Carpet She'll make your banking a very personal thing. Thur.d.y. Sept. . IM3 JIM ACKLEY ponder costs A report was given concern ing delays of the contractor on the new Condon office warehouse facilities. It was reported by the manager that the building had arrived. The erection crew should have the basic building up in a few days. " . Extensive discussion "con cerned proposals for conser vation of electricity by mem bers. Irrigators have been requested to disconnect pumps in the off season. Individual members have been requested to curtail use of hot water, to control thermostat settings, and dther practices to effeciently use electric service. The schools have been contacted and large power loads will be contacted. The board expressed concern over decreasing revenues as a result of curtailment and in the face of increasing ex penses. The banners for the Morrow County Fair and Rodeo were 1 to be repaired and put up the following day. Poles, lights, and secondary had been installed for the tennis court in Ione. The football field light ing had been completed at Condon. Columbia Basin had helped in the pole setting costs, run in primary, helped install'switches, dug holes and shared in pole setting costs. Gene Pierce, manager of the Bank of Eastern Oregon, had requested consideration for the bank a depository of Columbia Basin funds. The board took action to approve the Bank of Eastern Oregon for general disbursements depository and the First National Bank as depository for payroll and associated dis bursements. Mrs. Chet Phillips of Mon mouth was a weekend visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peterson. i ..i. """1 unf