IIFIlFlt l OKI' I r Classified i 1 Card of Thank Mat UN Mo 'MM srmpetov m aa many awes "an Mr ruceaf KW ' 1 W toaed A aawrult means todies t tawKM Lit m Aeartaary tor tod Ma and Mai cariavirs MR ANOMRi OOej MUNKf Ri AWO PAMII V MR (KOWRI RllfV MUDItfRI ANOPAMILT mr amdmr aoaiaT mmmru N0 FAMILY Te all my friends end rafatwos. mm Meant far toe im p.ftv Htm urt enp eti raw atawwaa titimrt me mim) v nmi mmest Lt PSTTVJOHn W ansa to IkM eur IHMt tru reietnret M II IMIH tor afi hN(mM Our iKKl Hull to Or. 1 IUN and MriH el RwnMr I Metaife end to Pastor JMerU tor Ml ft auaOeare end mmniM T Mm inwimi at ell art smcereiv eppreoetea TMI FAMILY O A F MAJISKI I ansa to eaatad my taanai te raw 1 at a law. tteAaewF eRawW aaaci d) V"f DELPHAJONES Since I caMtt awrteaelly nveaa eac ene mm ta aiudty leiiamieeied mm i Itenirs. prfts. caraH an visits wn.ie I aw nesptteiited. 1 mtmit Ma to Mat ma mm af eiereswnp my sincere pppnr-t to all tor vaar twanafittul aess My deep tpprecietain, ana. to Or. Tiaam and taw natpitei personnel madce aav AWT Notices No tmes will B ctvproed on oxeroue coon until Auo 31. reuerotess of me perax) or time may pre ovarou Piaata ratwrn tmm to ma horary. or piaca mam an ma oooaovoo WILL aUY CnaaHa. rafiraa) aaa sawitod karwa. Rax EaJrUi. pn. M7-aawa. MEKTAL HEALTH Offica Ham. Marl. Fn.. I JO - i. Clataal awaa Mwr. MORROW COUNTY Uunntm Haatrs: Sanrravav. I a m - 11 ..; I .m. - S p.m.; Snarl iy. I S a m LIBRARY HOURS Maw Hay - 5 t 7: J . a.: Wiannaiy. I i 4 7 - m ; Satvrewv. I 5 aaly. Htopmr PMK LiMrary. UNTIMELY eREGNANCYT Is aOartww Call caliact rl raa . SU-IOH I. M ATTENTION MASONS Ftrrt Fall Merlin Taasawy Sawt ta P.M. Taw EA l 2C STORY TIME raaad as tor all cti.toYr 4 to yaart avary Maaavav trmm I to l:M at ma lleaawar Lafrrary mrawoli Avawst. H-1K TOLL FREE COMMERCE NO. 9-399 MONTGOMERY WARD HERMISTON Help Wanted Nutrition ame assistant, 3 oavs oar wli Meas lor enor titirrm NEIGHBOR HOOD CENTER. a7H73. 27 Hz An eioeriancad cat k3rpr. tS 50 nr. nctuoes OPS. nowtai ano Irfe insurance coverage Alio, an experience enoner setter USOnr and same benefits Call Pma Contraci Log9ng 25 Gaie HELP WANTED - Need somtorw in LairrHTtaa area to stay witti eaderty aantwmaa Part time, days ear. Or. Haator, a7-t1lt er vaa-MOI. 2-ltc FaN trme wartrass warittd. Aaoty m aarsaw at taw waawn wrawal Rasturaitt, Heaaaaer. aa. 7a-M7f . 2ac Wanted scawal ban aVnrer, aoaltcataaiis can be eatamad at Heaoacr Hian Scawat ar me county scawal eftrce at Laainajian. s-m Wanted Want to Rent: Wawat stirSote tor toll and winter pasture an ta 11S4 2-Mc WANTED TO BUY: Cues' of drawers. Call a?509 77 28c WANT TO RENT: Gazette Times em. piovee. smgtegirt. wants torent a rouse, trailer or aot.. turn, or grrfurn., JfCO mo or less- room for cat or dog; one or 2-oearooms. Pref. acre or two of land wim it Call or write MARCiA BEOORTMA. S17 Hfonway 7N, Terre Bonne. Ore.. Sa 077. 77ttp WANTED Community Kindiroarten Fall Ram. maaa Sale may Me Mtt at fne Heppnar Hatai. lS-rH WANTED - Centracts tor fence ants far aatormatwn call 7a-MH. 1S-H-C For Rent Trailer soace tor rent Must meet city specifications Dean's Second Hand Store Pr, a7a-SOt 77tfc FOR RENT . Attractive new epartinml. a7.t. M-N-c Traitor space avaiuote in Laamatan. Pes-ewaa,. 2a,- Jc Aaai Mm ill tor rowt-Cemaaitv fvnxsw- eariwwe aervica paid SM per aaantk. pa. t;-fl7l. Harataa Craaa. la-ft-c Services LEE'S RADIO 4 TV CLIMC 200 S. W. 11th Pbone 567-6412 HERMISTON Complete Television Servicei Rentals And Sales "Electronics is our business- Dot .a sideline". MOTOROLA ZENITH -rflLVAMA G7FTTF..TIMi:S. Tnurttdat. ukuI M, 1973 8 Services Specialize In Truck-l.i yer Tractor Ropati Automotive Weldinc B & C Repair Shop 422-7409 Bill Ashurst Cleo Childert 1227421 422-7423 I0NE ' 23ti We Process Farm Killed Animals COURT ST. MARKET Animal Health Supplies -Wholesale- Vaccines Pharmaceuticals Grub & Lice Control Products Major Brands Phone 634-34S9 Milwaukie, Ore. or write G. R. Van Blokland P. 0. Box 973 Pendleton, Ore. 97801 2S 33c kB.aVaa.,aV,UaVBVeaV vBa.aVaa.BB 9 Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE - 57 W litt BWr Ready to run. Mar 4 Raw Cat Travel ma m9 Gun Sprmaier. LWe aaw M ft aarawar Fart. Spreader Striate ftwrse trailer. Pat. at. aww. Call Ht rim attar 7. -tf- HERMISTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION. INC. Livestock saM ll.-ja snarp every Saturday at lent 4 Mam. Carson Venrs Se7-e4. Othce an. S47-H S-r-c Sti red Hampskirc Rams. J row. Ramnev Rams, atsa rea, ewarter Marsas. Call Between 12 and ! p m. ar attar dark. M-21SS. 7 C leaj Surtalk Ram and l-Hampsfcrre Ram an. Mark ar Rawada Saraent. 7a-M2l. la-Itc 10 Farm-Garden PEACHES, READY PICK Early Hale, ready now. Improved Elbertas start ing Saturday. Box approx. 12's cents lb. U-pick Bartlett per lug. Pears. Uc Cukes, melons, corn available on days we pick. Call ahead. Bring containers. THOMAS ORCHARDS Kimberly, Ore. WALKERS FARM MARKET Fresn Roasting Ears Daily Hermrston watermelons Milton. Freewater Tomatoes Sort Melons Fresn Fruits -Vegetables Walla Walla Sweet Onions Ceramics-Tapestries Plenty of Snel I Gas & Oil Open 8 a m. to 9 p m . daily Buttercreett M gnway lal-anl Hermistan CANNING PEACHES .-"w"a"uV".a"." 12 FuriL, Appliances One 4-pwce sectianal. St Peterson, pn. ;- ar a7a-2M. Jtttc Two tan Bed anartresses. I tww) Pad frame. S25. June Crawell. lane 22 7I7I after i p m 2A-2K 6 E at" electric ranaw. awad canditam. S3 ar aest affer pn. ;-vS7 2c It wai ptac and warto t.y Lata new Its. pn. 422 7S4S afters p.m. 2a-lc Early Amencan dmmo room taote. tour cnairs; two mapte end taotes. one pair ceery green mermai imed drapes, pewne 422 7 ape 27 2D 13 IMisc. For Sale tVaCatapriter t baauy duty Jean Deere aweders. J-17 ft. H m spacers wnti ,er autre nttcn. 1-4 partani u a. Jean Deer plans. 1.22 ft. AJrs Cawimawrs paaw. Ail m awad canaktnM. an Rata, a earner. 7e-74X m E Hat afto sa apaiai tor sate. S2PI ak Rmmaim. tone, an-'iie Twn rear aid "Outs' ft amp if Ma repairs needed Picana tiaaia - Spraaaj el "72 Raawy aar tmaal- siaa pn 422-7aas CiaWMl, CaVaTJwfprtCV'T I'VCaBMaaWfHaTM Classified rates: II minimum cHargr lor up ta j line. rents for each ord oer 3 linn. Figure S ward la a line. Display classified ad. l.3 per column .Inch. Cards of Thank, f I.M minimum. Deadline for classified aaua Titesdav. Not responsible lur error in classifieds If not reported within 7 du. 13 Misc. For Sale Ho s f noura watffi m aea snane caienow wal wm aww 110 Can Grea ai M77 17 f Raw. rum arw snare ana rymawus and eer actrssfies J'iOCs's'-us tVVnk Vamaies 77 jap Treated teane posts and corral pates Write P-ne Pole and Poi Co . aa I u-an Ore 17 yap Med German Snernerd tomale Pwpoy IS pn ' WIO alter 4pm 77 Fall Fanfare! 12 square bedroom Lite $2.98 In Stock - unfinished pine chests, $27 up 3 (rood used chain saws, $50 up All guns & ammo lOr off thru Sept. Cash or payable Oct. 10 Pettyjohn's FOR SALE : An 11-year aM put teas euterewn Mar pony and wants to tail. Ran Weisn. la years aw. SIM n. ati-seai. aaardmaa a. U-V- Reduce excess Muids wim F I untax. Laae waiant wim Dex-a Diet cansutos at Murrays Ptwrmacy. 24-aVp M.aae units el Vitmam E Taca-Derm satn aal Sunburn Sain Disorders Try Tece-Oerm cream at Murrays Paar macy U-WU-P 14 Automotive ARROW Mobile Homes BROOKDALE BUDDY REX by BOISE CASCADE SECURITY TRAVEL TRAILERS 4 CAMPERS 1902 S. W. Court Place Pendleton, Ore. 276-6508 lb. Ready pick, 53.95 : Ph. 934-2230 14 Wides You won't hare to wait 4 to 8 weeks for these, because they're in stock and ready for Immediate Delivery Front Bedrooms Front Living Rooms 2 & 3 Bedrooms $781 low as 1 105.527 mo. for 144 HURRY! ALL MODELS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. Mel Winter Mobile Hones Hwy 395S Pendleton 276-361 1 Open 7 Days A Week 14 Automotive arauwuwunaeaeauWarauaaawuaawaWaaaaWa J COURIER PICKUP ON DISPLAY Ford Courier hi ideal for economical driving. 1973 Pontine 4-dr. aedan. power air conditioner. 4-way electric aeat. Driver ed. I'sed Cars: 1971 Plymouth Road Runner IMS Buick. power, air cond. low mileage lJt Chev. Caprice 4-dr. HT air conditioner IMS Pontiac Wagon. Clean I'sed Pickups: 1 967 CMC a ton 4-speed pickup, good unit 1K6 International PL'.. 35. W0 miles, canopy, clean. Good unit 1970 Scout, half cab. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC-BUCK FORD CMC TRI CKS May and Chase. Heppner ' Phone 676-91 IS taaaayaajWajteeaeraattwWuaa Is Everybody Settled Down Now? We know it was a jarring, rough-riding weekend, what with the Rodeo. So. now that your hat's on straight again, how about checking with us for General Motors and Ford parts for your car, truck, or pickup. Winter's around the comer, and it can get as rough on your car as that rodeo stock was on you. unless you've got the right gear to ride it out. Coll 676-9486 FARLEY MOTOR CO. Heppner, Oregon 8 Front Dens Front Kitchens I I down not. APB 12.78 1 l 14 Automotive MiUihk H'l Utu n Cndwra n sitae! e.d 1. 4. IS ).( mm tfaeo tendnwn en t'4 VIM - YCU CANT CHAT oun CIALCI IA1TXXN OIIOOJTS BEST DATClin DEALER IROPICWMU Tel. 276-01S3 r..Ai.Dra EATS5Jrj sis sx 1 27S0330 MOVING?? Loco I or Long Distance Frwe) EstlmatM Call Ceo Orwick 989-8586 or Condon 384-2292 Agents foe United Van Lin. BUSINESS C PROFESSIONAL Breeding Sen ice Artificial Insemination Service beef and dairy American Breeders Rep resentative. JOE YOC O.M Lexington. Ore. 9ri-KI34 City Council HEPPNER CITY COUNCIL Meets first Monday of each month. Citizens having mat ters for discussion please present them to the City Recorder one week prior to regular meeting, or bring them before the Council. 676-9nl8 Exterminating Service DOBYNS PEST CONTROL Rodent and Insect Extermina tion; Termite Contol: Grain Fumigation; Cattle Spray; Fogging. JOHN JEPSEN lone 422-7180 Floor Covering, Heating M & R FLOOR COVERING & HEATING CO. Williams furnaces, complete installations. Linoleum. Car pet. Oil Burner Service. Re frigeration: domestic and commercial. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. 676-9418 Heppner Funeral Home SWEENEY FUNERAL HOME Pre-arrangements, distant re movals. Serving lone. Hepp ner. Lexington. Licensed fun eral directors. 676-9600 Heppner Insurance John Gochnauer. Agent FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO. Fire, Casualty, Life L Health (OPS). Pendleton 276-2732 Heppner 676 562 RUGGLES - BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY 676-9625 Heppner Ray Boyce 676-5384 TURNER, VAN MARTER A BRYANT General Insurance 676-91 13 Heppner U Automotive I S9 Down $73.65 Par Month for 42 Months A.P.R. 14.45 MEL WINTER Volkswagen Hwy. 395 S. Prndleton 27U-3611 OPEN SUNDAYS 15 Real Estate CM Jnmvsen Property In lone. Oreoon. contact Ray Boyca Pt ' t2S POR SALE ltat w H aame wim 2-awdraams. torwj tamity ream, storaaa ream and laree Paaan car part Camptototy wrtaatad patturp pun dry pasture and nam. Plentiful water. By aaptotntment awry. P. 7a-f71). 24-77 prl c Monuments Eternal Markers-bronze, granite. Installations. Vases. Cemetery grave markers. SWEENEY MORTUARY Serving lone. Heppner, Lex ington , 6T6-!NflO Heppner Optometrist DR. E.K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Next to entrance. Hotel Heppner Heppner Physicians-Surgeons DR. L.D. TIBBLES Osteopath surgeon. physician and 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 WALLACE II. W OLFF, M.D.. P.C. Family Practice. Week Days by appointment and emer gencies. 676-92.73 Res. 676-9620 GERALD A. JONES. M.D. Physician and Surgeon, 116 E. Hurlburt. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs.. 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; 1 :30 p.m. - S p.m.; Fri.. 9 a.m. - t p.m. Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office in Peters Bldg. 676-9912 Heppner Watch Repair PETERSON'S JEWELERS Latest jewelry and gift goods. Watches, clocks, diamonds. Expert watch and jewelry repairing. 676-9200 Heppner Wholesalers-Mf gs. "Pride of Oregon Ice Cream" butter, Kraft food lines. Dud Tash, products specialist, Gay Phillips, assistant. MORROW CO. CREAMERY Bill Cox. Mgr. 676-9244 Heppner Cafes Lounges CAL'S LOUNGE CAFE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. C76-30I5 Heppner 15 Real Estate POR lALt emlpiat tees. Utilitaaa. nan aa. aut at aaaataa sue, pnwad fates, atcw ma. Pn ate-toe ar a'aalil. tn-c dryer. Pantry. Ktanwn atoua In mm A, tuny car pa tad pad drawee ati'udif Leteted en ta aerwe. bum a M attasjt POR SAL Larue t taerv Pre me awuae, full keiement. an W aMs. newly I new real Will ttaaw m aa 4ee. Lean tun. n-it- PORSALl awnw. earpatu tonrad yard 4II M44 OarrelUamaatlW Pane St. Turner, Or fuel at aH 74J-4a. POR SAL I 4 Leauurtan . L Rm, ctuawt and dra arenas. to tun toraw utiuty ream. mTmiawiMpawan tS rr'atter't p"m! teat Martotto Itaat N witk papanda 1 drm. Iy kato, cemewteiy car pa tod. utility rm. wanuat paaalmp. awacaaa aapfatncoa Refinanca paiaaca. pn after 4pm 4'a-SMt at 7c Mat PaUnant Matt, t caaiar Mirtwaa, parck 4 awe amp tank at a.1. tocatod an ranted city tot. SJaad Call 7a-atli. Public Notice IN THE ORCVIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE (X)UNTY OF MORROW PROBATE DEPARTMENT No. 1721 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of L.B. Ledbetter, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned personal rep resentative at the office of Robert B. Abrams, P. O. Box 428. Heppner, Oregon, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice. DATED and first published this 21 day of August, 1973. -s- Clara Pickens Personal Representative. Address: North 5727 Elm Street Spokane, Washington 99208 Pub. Aug. 23 - 30. Sept. 6. 1973 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STAT OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW PROBATE DEPARTMENT No. 1725 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Estate of A.F. MAJESKE. also known as ADOLPH MAJESKE, Deceased. Probate proceedings in the estate of A.F. MAJESKE, aka ADOLPH MAJESKE, deceas ed and now pending in the above entitled court, wherein, FRIEDA A. MAJESKE, the undersigned, has been ap pointed and has qualified as the personal representative of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present $600 REWARD CATTLE RUSTLERS $600 REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF ANY PERSON OR PERSONS STEALING MY CATTLE FROM OR NEAR MY RANCH NEAR IONE. PHIL EMERT Rt.l.Box23-A Echo, Ore. Northwestern Uvestock Com. Co. TUESDAY SALE August 28. 1973 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls 37.50 to 42.80 Commercial Cows 34.90 to 36.70 Utility Cows 30.56 to 34.00 Canner aV Cutter Cows 28.50 to 30.50 FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers 700-900 pds. 48.00 to 54.75 Steers 500-600 pds. 57.25 to 61.70 Office DOM Wiatat.Mea- Rue S7-HI1 avcar.TTSNVocR.Rve tat-jiT Seat reap I PadwO ta7 -tJPt them, in due form and properly verified, within lour months ftr the date of the firet publication of this notice, as atated below, to the undersigned at the following address now designated as the place for the presentation otf claims, to-wit: FRIEDA A. MAJESKR. Personal Reore entative, General Delivery, Heppner, Oregon 97836. moda A. Majcske ' Prrsonal representative of the estate of the above named decedent. , , WINTER It DOHERTY Attoneya at Law P.O. Box 582 Heppner, Oregon 97836 Dated and first published Aug. 30, Sept. I 13. 1973 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW PROBATE DEPARTMENT C No. 1724 . NOTICE TO INTERESTED; PERSONS Estate of: EFFIE L. MUNKERS. Deceased. Probate proceedings in the estate of EFFIE L. MUN KERS, deceased, are now pending in the above entitled court, wherein FIRST NA TIONAL BANK OF OREGON, the undersigned, has been appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, in due form and prop erly verified, within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the undersigned at the following address now designated as the place for the presentation of claims, to-wit: R. E. MARCY, Trust Officer, First National Bank of Oregon, Pendleton Branch. 256 South Main, Pendleton, Ore. 97801. First National Bank of Oregon By -s- R.E. Marcy, Personal representative of the estate of the above named decedent. Dated and first published -8-30; 9-6 & 13. 1973 RUGGLES EOYCE Iasnrance Agency 228 Main r.O. Box 247. 676-9625 If aa a 676-5384 Heppner COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding Industrial Commercial Farm and Home Pendleton 276-7761 Steers 300-400 pds. 62.30 to 65.75 Yearling Heifers 00-800 46.00 to 50.25 Hiefers 500-600 pds. 50.25 to 54.75 Heifers 300-400 pds. 56.50 to 60.40 Light Holslein Steers 300-450 pds. 50.00 to 57.00 Old Stock Cows. Springers 3X5.00 to 445.00 COMMENT: Butcher bulls and cows, 12 to 13 lower than last week, but buyers were needing them. All classes of feeder cattle f I to S3 lower and again buyers were plentiful. S47-444S . VS. 422 7 has ar awe SS. tone