IIKITNKKiOKK.I G AZKTTKTIMF.S. ThurLi. Autu4 . I973 Classified I 2 Notices WILL BUV criMiM, rotn-ao) ad tpeiloa IWUI. Has Boons. It4-C MINTAL MI ALTH Olllce Hun. MM. f ti., M . . CMwS aeon Poor. MOMOW COUNTY Mum Mopes: setvrPav. 14 hi. H m.j I pi". I p m.j Sunday. I p m. LIItV HOURS Monday 1 S A 7 M .n.lWMwWav I IIIH I Saturday, I . I anly. HHfMr PvMlC Liarary. UNTIMILV PPIONANCVt It abortion IM only solution, Call collect u you desire Boip ar advice en. llJtt4l. 14-H-c MORfCSHOf INO: BveninpS 004) all day Sunday. Call IdOie limii. PH. titSMi. l-i-c TO OIVC AWAY; t tomato Oerman Snepnerd puppies I ma. aid. Call Nancy Party I own H-41S4. 11I4-IS-P CHIMNEY SWEEP turnacet. m slaves, riroplaces vacuum cleaned P John Oavit. Call 474-44lt ar 44I-4MS. poOPOOOSaaaOoOpOaaSaOe1 AL FROST I'iiiuliim. di Willi, mill iuciislio ceilings. Free estimates Residential - commercial lloi'inistnn. Ore. .Vi7-.VIl!l i;.s:ts xcfi .ru STORY TIME round up lor all children 4 to I yaart avary Monday trom I to I : JO at the Heppnar Library ntrooah August. lS-ltc YARD SALE - Friday, at SW Gala St. Mite, itemt. IS-p J.V CHEER leaders will hava a car wash Fri., Auf. 10. at Can Area Sta., from 4 a.m. S P m. SI. SO outside, tl.M tntide, ar S2.S0 both. 25-p TOLL FREE COMMERCE NO. 9-399 MONTGOMERY WARD HERMISTON 3 Lost and Found FOUNO - light spinning rod near Lake Penland early Sunday morning. Call 474-?S. 25-p 4 Help Wanted HELP WANTED Asst. custodian, lone Schools. Qualifications: prior ex p. in custodial and maintenance work, plus willingness to work with public, stall and students. Part-time bus driving avail able also. Apply to: John Edmund son. Principal, lone Schools. Bo 147. lona. Ore 7a4J. Ph. 422-7141. Deadline: Sapt. ts-c HELP WANTEO - Need someone In Lexington area to stay with elderly gentleman. Part lima, dayt enly. Dr. Huber, 474-flls or f-1107. 25-ttc WANTED - dependable girl, 13 15, to help with housework. Steady job, hours tlexibte. Mrs. L.E. Dick, 474-W20. 25-ttc Wanted WANTED - donations for the Heppner Community Kindergarten Fall Rum mage Sale may be left at the Heppner Hotel. 25-ttc WANTED - Contracts tor fence posts. For information call 474-4414. IS-tf-c NEEO ANY horseshoeing done? Wilt work evenings on weekends. Phone Roy Camargo, 474-9254. 25-c 7 For Rent APARTMENT FOR RENT - Completely furnished, two-bedroom apartment. Water and garbage service paid. $80.00 per month. 474-9171. Herman Green. 24-tf-c FOR RENT - Attractive new apartment, 474-9920. 24-N-c 8 Services Specialize In Track layer Tractor Repaii Automotive Welding B & C Repair Shop 422-7409 Bill Ashurst Cleo Childers 422-7421 42,2-7423 IONE 25tf We Process Farm Killed Animals COURT ST. MARKET LEE'S RADIO & T CLINIC 200 S.W. lltb Pbone 567-8412 HERMISTON Complete Television Service Rentals And Sales "Electronics isourbusiness- not a sideline". MOTOROLA ZENITH SYLVANIA 9 Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE - 57 W. tart. Baler. Ready la ran Mark 4 Ham Cat TravetMf Big Go Srlr Le now M ft fara.nr Fart. Spreader Pars trotter, t bat. 1 pi. Wv.vKv.wsw.v.ns. 9 Livestock, Poultry HIPMKT0N UVf ITOCK AUCTION. INC livestock 4OI0 It: J lkMr lalvfooy el lem a. Mew CirtM Veftrt 4444. CMlic a 44MI44. 4S-I4-C 10 Farm-Garden POM SALE: Usee) Cloan hull art; All um li doi Dean' t Ind Hand Waro 474S4I4 12 Furn Appliances POP SALS II yotfre looiie tar 1 aroaui m a)isnasnar Pore II it: lls year oM Kitchen Aid dishwesnor M esceitent nMM. Portable, imperial I with wood lap. UM. P. ti-Ja-p POP SALE Commercial AirCandl. honor. pooo condition pn aatJM days altar 4 p m. ph. 4I4-5MJ. 17-JP-C FOP SALE : O E. watPar and dryar SM. Worfet food 4 SJ44. Jl-M-P FOR SALE: Narpa washer and dryar matched tat. used SIMM L.I. Dick t;a-ll JJ-H-c POR SALE - PHrieorator, SN; aac. ttova wits avan, 134; 4 piece sectional tlOO: bad tprinpt. 15. Randall Patarton. 474-t444. IS-Wc FOR SALE - traditional mehooany dining tat Duncan Phyta labia, 4 chair with I either taatt. china cabinat with flats door and carved left Call 474-4471. 2 P 13 Misc. For Sale FOR SALE : Stova oil lankt. 110 and IM taiton tanks. S34. aach. Ph 47 SOOJ. 2J-M-C FOR SALE 14" pertabla TV, portabea ttereo. clarinet, collection af Awnn cars, Wattarn paperback boost. Call tl-a4S7. Bast otters. 17-JO-t FOR SALE - Mined German Shepherd pupsws. weeks aid. 1 females, 4 males. M aach. ph. 474-5010 attar 5 p.m. II 30-p FOR SALE - r Wolverine aat. Vi HP Evinrvda motor A trailer. Motor is like now, many aitras call 47e-ll. 24-ll-C FOR SALE - Now tent tor sale, x It. 474-SM4. 25-p FOR SALE girls J-speed bike, hand brakes, in food condition. S nanny Parlay. 474-532. 25-ttc FOR SALE - 10' 474-M2I. 25-tfc boat, motor A trailer FOR SALE - 19S0 - M x ' trailer on Blakes Ranch. Good condition. Would . make good hunting cabin. MOO. Phono 422-72(4. Herb Peterson. 25-p 14 Automotive This is a free cou pon. It isn't good for anything, but it is free. When you need General Motors or Ford parts, Call 676-9486 FARLEY MOTOR CO. Heppner, Oregon poooBooooeouLoooooon FOR SALE - '44 Chev. Impala, P.S., P.B., V I with slick, low mileage on new engine. Day 474-5033 or 474-5001 after 5 p.m. 25-c FOR SALE - 1943 Buick wagon, P.S. and P.B. good condition. Phone 909-S42I. 25-p Down For a 1973 Volkswagen $73.65mo for 42 months Apr 14.45 MEL WINTER Volkswagen II). 395 S. Pendleton 276-3611 OPEN SUNDAYS Classified rale: tl minimum charge fur up lu 3 line. 5 rents for each word over 3 linen. Figure i word line. Display rltmiried d, $1.50 per column inch. Cards of Thanks, 1 1.. SO minimum. Deadline fur classifieds, nmm Tuesduv. Nut responsible lor error In rlassilieds if not reported within 7 days. 14 Automotive itetxPePPaet COURIER PICKUP ON DISPLAY Kord'n Courier is ideal (or rciMioiiiUnl driving. PIT:I Ponliae 4-dr. neduii, Miwer air conditioner, K-wav electric neat. Driver rd. I'sed Cars: I 17 1 Ponliae power equipment with air rnml. I '17 1 Plymouth Itoail Hiiimer 1970 Buirk l.e Sabre 2 dr IIT. air conditioner. I'Mi!) lluick. power, low mileage air cond. lH Chev. Caprice 4-dr. IIT air conditioner vm Pontiac Wagon. Clean L'sed Pickups: 1967 CMC i, ton pickup. V-8. 4 sp., P.S. Approximately 6.000 miles on new motor. Clean unit. 17 CMC t ton 4-speed pickup, good unit liMMi International PC. 33.000 miles, canopy, clean. Good unit Used Trucks: l!M CMC 2 ton. 16 ft. bed and hoist. 15.000 miles, excellent rubber FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC Rmrsr FORD CMC TRUCKS May and Chase, Heppnei Phone 676-9116 - YOU CANT DEAT OUR DEALS! EASTERN OREGON'S BEST DATGUN DEALER SHOP & COMPARE Tel. 276-0330 DATSOJH 515 SE 276-0330 PaMdMon Mel Winter Mobile Homes' Summer Celebration Our paved display area is full of set up and decorated mobile homes. Choose from: Marlette Prestige Weston Barrington If you're really serious about buying a home, let us show you a home you'll be proud to call your own at a price you can afford. Mel Winter obile Homes Hwy 395S Pendleton 276-361 1 OPEN SUNDAYS I 14 Automotive ARROW Mobile Homes BROOKDALE BUDDY REX by BOISK CASCADE SECURITY TRAVEL TRAILERS CAMPERS 1902 S. W. Court Place Pendleton, Ore 276 6508 15 Real Estate FOR SALE - t vacant loft In Heppner, ana across from Arco Sta an Main SI. ; ether let. L-sheped. next let rtohl of Creamery. Call tit 7419 M Pendleton. tp FOP, SALE -1 bedroom house. Ilka new al furnace. Close to pool. Available now. Ph ttt 1144 1SM-C FOP SALE bedroom house, utility roam, covered patio and carport. Large lot with garden tool I MOO Ph 474-554) Friday p m. to Sunday evening, week day!. 474-5475. 14-H-C FOR SALE - MVobile home electric, t-bedroom, t batht 444-1451 Spray, Oregon. U 41 all 57,504. Ph. tH-C FOR SALE - 1740 sq ft. home with daylight basement. I-bedroams, large lamily room, storage room and large doable carport. Completely Irrigated pasture plus dry pasture and bam. Plentiful water. By appointment enly. Ph. 474-97M. J4-J7 ptt-C FOR SALE - building lots, underground Utilities, i ewer in, out el Hood area, variout titet, paved roadt, nice view. Ph. 474-5445 ar 474-5411. t-tf-c FOR SALE - 24 45 Metro-deluie Mobile home, 3-bedroomt, lamily room, I1 bath, utility room including washer and dryer. Pantry, Kitchen stove included, fully carpeted and drapes included. Alaskan insulation, and electric heat. Located on 14 acret, plus a 2 room shed. Ph. 909-45)7. ta-fl-c FOR SALE - Comfortable 2 bedroom home, possibly J. Wall-to-wall carpeting in living room and I bedroom. Fenced-in yard, garage A nice patto. 45500. ph. 474-5041 evenings ar 474-50)) days. 12-rl FOR SALE Family home on a nice quiet street, 4 bedrooms, 2 batht, utility A pantry, dithwather A garbage disposal. Stove A refrigerator optional. Large fenced in yard and garden. 2)5 W. Baltimore Far appointment call Sue Jones, 474-5)2). 21-tf-c FOR SALE Large 2 story frame house, lull basement, on 10 lots, newly painted, new root. Will show any week day. Write Box 454, Lexington. 29-)0-p FOR SALE -1 bedroom home in lone. 2 batht, carpeting, drilled well, large fenced yard 422-7244 lone or write OarrellJamesS12S Boise St. Turner, Or 97392 or call 743-4204. 23-tl-e FOR SALE 4 bedroom home in Lexington - Lv. Rm. carpet and drapes, . large utility room, oil iurnace in lull basement, patio, storage bldg. ground 195 x 132 feet. Phone 949-1127 after i p.m. 23-tl-e FOR SALE - 4 bedroom home in Lexington - Lv. Rm. carpet and drapes, large utility room, oil furnace in lull basement, patio, storage bldg. ground 195 x 132 feel. See Colleen Padberg or call 949-1127 after I p.m. 23-tl-c RUGGLES BOYCE Insurance Agency 228 Main P.O. Box 247. 676-9625 If bo oanwtr call 676-5384 Heppner 8 I I Penthouse Gentry Parkway I I NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING NOTICE I hereby gtvan thai the teainetan City Council will bald meeting nil on August It, 1411, al leimalan City MaH tar Me purpose at having a public hearing an the City's pudge! lot the liuel veet 191) - 1914 The pupoet Patumiwl may be inspected at f .melon City Mail Tatal budget reguirementt are 441. 0M 4 Teie posed to be levtad are 11,14) 44 The lea levy lot 1471-11 watt I. IM 44 Copte el the budget are available al City Nail. It te-c Of NEpPWICK.MAYPR NOTICE OP INTENT TO IMPOUND UNAUTHORIICDCATTLB. IReti PSA4 5J1J tl Nance ts hereby given Mat pursuant to Regulation al Me Secretary 01 Agriculture. 14 C P P. Mi ll, all uneutherned cattle found upon National Feretl System lands or ether lands under Forest Service control with in Mo following area: All Nalienal Perest lands and landt waived far grating in the area south dfhe Wall Creee. Orllt A Boundary Pence and east at State Nwy. No 741 at toilewt: Portion at tertient 14. tl numerically Mru M, II and Hat 7 1 . R It I . w M . and sectient 1,1. and II thru II m T. I S . R It B , W M. Wheeler County : sections It thru 15 m T. f S . R M I., iv M. i sections to, II, It, and J) in T 7 s . R 17 R , w M.i all sections I Mru M, It. M. and 11 m T I S., R M , W M. j sections 4 Mru 9. 17 Mrs) tl. and 19. M. and II m T II. II III, W M , Oram County. State at Oregon. Heppner Ranger District, Umatilla National Forest will bo Impounded by Me United Intel Forest Service on or alter August 14, 1971. it Me tame be net previously removed permanently 'rem Me above described landt. Any un branded cattle, ar any cattle bearing brands ot previously ursaumoritod cattle which are found fa be making continuing or subsequent pnauthoritod use within tv ve months alter publication al Mit notice may be Impounded without further nance After the impoundment, ownert el unauMerited cattle may regain potiettien Merge! only by Hrtl showing prool el ownership and reim bursing the United States in lull lor Ma expense Incurred In Impounding, feed ing, and care el such cattle. AM impounded animals net redeemed within 5 days attar impoundment will be ottered for sale al public auction. Animals not sold at public sale may be sold at private sale ar condemned and destroyed, or otherwise disposed el as provided by Regulation M C.F.R. 141.11. SIONEO at Pendleton. Oregon Mit HI day of August, 1971 OLEN E. HERTZEL, Acting Forest Supervisor. BUSINESS C TiBrslalwa Breeding Service Artificial Insemination Service-beef and dairy American Kreeders Rep resentative. JOK YOCOAI Lexington, Ore. 9o-Hi:U City Council IIKPI'NKR CITY COUNCIL Meets first Monday of each month. Citizens having mat ters for discussion .please present them to the City Recorder one week prior to regular meeting, or bring them before the Council. 676-i!8 Exterminating Service OOHYNS PKST CONTROL Rodent and Insect Kxtermina tion; Termite ('onto!; Grain Fumigation; Cattle Spray; Fogging. JOHN JKI'SEN lone 422-7180 Floor Covering, Heating M & R FLOOR COVERING & HEATING CO. Williams furnaces, complete installations. Linoleum, Car pet, Oil Burner Service, Re frigeration: domestic and commercial. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. 676-9 t 18 Heppner Funeral Home SWEENEY FUNERAL HOME Pre-arrangements, distant re movals. Serving lone, Hepp ner, Lexington. Licensed fun eral directors. 676-9600 Heppner Insurance John Gochnauer, Agent FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO. Fire, Casualty, Life & Health (OPS). Pendleton 276-2732 Heppner 676-3862 HIGGLES -BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY 676-9625 Heppner Rav Bovce 676-5384 TURNER. VAN MARTER & BRYANT General Insurance 676-9113 Heppner a:.? i i 1 l'urade 2 p.m. Pre-Game Pageantry 7 pjn. Game 7 p.m i.'a Baker High Stadium & BAKER, OKE. All PROFESSIONAL asi a Monuments Eternal Markers-bronze, granite. Installations. Vases. Cemetery grave markers. SWKKNKY MORTUARY Serving lone, Heppner, Lex ington G76-!H;iM Heppner Optometrist DR. K.K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Next to entrance. r7;-!i;: Hotel Heppner Heppner Physicians-Surgeons DR. L.D. TIBBLES Osteopath physician and surgeon. 1st National Bank Bldg. Kes.67G-!210 Off. 676-9616 WALLACE H. WOLFF. M.D..F.C. Family Practice. Week Days by appointment and emer gencies. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 GERALD A. JONES, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, 116 E. Hurlburt. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs., 9 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; 1:30 p.m. -5 p.m.; Fri., 9 a.m. 1 p.m. Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office in Peters Bldg. 676-9912 Heppner Watch Repair PETERSON'S JEWELERS Latest jewelry and gift goods. Watches, clocks, diamonds. Expert watch and jewelry repairing. 676-9200 Heppner Wholesalers-Mfgs. "Pride of Oregon Ice Cream" butter, Kraft food lines, Dud Tash, products specialist. MORROW CO. CREAMERY Bill Cox. Mgr.; Clay Phillips, Asst. 676-9211 Heppner Cafes-Lounges CAL'S LOUNGE & CAFE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. n7fi-.Mil Heppner 21st Annual All-Star EAST - WEST Shrine Class AA & A FOOTBALL CLASSIC Aug. 10 proceeds benefit Shrine By FRANCES R. WILSON Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith were- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor and son of Hood River. The Smith's son. Oscar, re turned home with them. He had been on vacation with them for the past two weeks. Sunday visitors at the Smith home were Mr. and Mrs, John Long from Stanfield. A birth day dinner was given honoring John Long and Oscar Smith. Lola Breeding is visiting her mother, Cora Burnside, in Spray this week. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pontelis Vrontakis, and sons of Salem. Their son Jeffery stayed in Irrigon with his grandparents to visit and to attend Vacation Bible School in progress this week at the Assembly of God. Guests speaker at the As sembly of God Sunday morn ing was the Rev. Leland Morse, a former pastor of the church, who pastored here, 1949 to 1953. Mayor and Mrs. Chester Wilson spent Thursday eve ning and Friday in Lincoln City. Their son, Leon, traveled with them from Salem. They were dinner guests at the home of Wilson's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Walker, in Salem Friday evening. Fay Ellis of Klamath Falls and her aunt, Effie Godwin of Weiser, Idaho, who were traveling together, visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Stephens Saturday. They also visited at the Charles Wilson home.. Mrs. Godwin is an aunt of the Wilsons. Timmy, Patrick and Mi chael, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Griffin, spent several days in the Umatilla Hospital this week to have their tonsils removed. Ricky Pummel, a 4-year-old neighbor, son of Mr. 4MeK5cViWWWVVVWrt Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. July 7, 1973 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls Commercial Cows Utility Cows Canner & Cutter Cows Old Thin Cows 41.00 to 48.00 35.00 to 40. 10 33.00 to 36.00 31.00 to 34.00 28.00 to 30.10 FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers 700-800 pds. 54.00 to 60.20 Steers 500-600 pds. 62.00 to 70 Steers 300-400 pds. 73.00 to 79.80 Yearling Heifers WxmiHipds. 49 (Ml to 56 00 Heifers 500-600 pds. 61.00 to 63.50 Oftic Pbofte M7-4VOS ..ilThsror HcrmtPtoa VERETT SNIDER. B. DON WINK. Mgr. v. M7-J111 67-3170 Saia Ring (PnbUc) M7-f7DJ f 81 P I m Hospital m '.w.v.v.v.v.v.v.s:.: and Mrs. Perry Pummel, joined the party and had his removed too. Floyd Mesteth is at home with his family for two weeks. He is employed at an Army Ordnance Depot in Texas. Mrs. Tom Sweeney has gone to Wyoming to attend a family reunion with her daughters, Cara and Kathy. Her father, Mr. Slickly, planned to travel with her from Caldwell, Idaho. CRISS WILSON AIKEN PASSES Mr. ana Mrs. Wesley Has kett drove to Riverton, Wyo., June 25, to attend funeral services for Mrs. Haskett's brother, Criss Wilson Aiken, who was killed June 23, in a trucking accident. His surviors include his wife Richalene, son Criss Wayne, daughter Teresa Irene, and one grandson, Devin Sehnert ; sisters Ora Evans, Aubrey, Texas, Irene Haskett, Hermi ston and brother Calvin Aiken, Cordova, Alaska, and several nieces and nephews. Mr. Aiken was born Feb. 16, 1916 in Monument. Ore. GRAIN PR IOCS Red wheat 4.49M, bu. White wheat 4.4l'bu. Barley 112.50 ton WEATHER By DON GILLIAM Hi Low Wed. 97 58 Thurs! . 94 60 Fri. ' 95 57 Sat. 95 58 Sun. 85 65 Mon. 83 51 Tues. 87 53 !( Refrigeration Service Available IMPERIAL ELECTRIC Earl Trudeau, Board man Tel. 481-5371 Electrical Heating Air Conditioning F"or Refrigeration Service Contact GEORGE BENDER, Tel. 922-3070 8-tf-c If Heifers 300 to 400 pds. 64.00 to 70.10 Light Holstein Heifers 350-450 pds. 59.00 to 63.00 Heavy Holstein Heifers 700-900 pds. 46.00 to 49.85 Old Stock Cows, Springers Springers ' 475 Young Stock Cows, calves at side 490.00 to 630.00 Baby Calves, Beef 90.00 to 130.00 SHEEP Fat Lambs, Light 34.50 COMMENT: Butcher cows and bulls steady to stronger' with last weeks big raise. Yearling steers and heifers also light calves were $2 to $3 higher. Sell now while the buyers are hot to buy. Call pat HW err i. 12 H-t