W3 gears up for flbo Mo All county host families are delighted with their gurett from Japan A variety of special events have been planned for (be entertainment or education of the special visitors. Friday evening. Aug. 3, the families gathered for an Informal pot luck picnic at the court house, Two surprise event highlighted the eve ning'! activities. Carolyn Da vis, Morrow Juvenile Counse lor representing Morrow County's Judge Jones, pre sented each of the guests from Japan with a souvenir repre senting Morrow County 4 H, the City of ilrppner, and a "key to our hearts." The young guests presented a variety of acts for the entertainment of their host families and friends. The , students came dressed In traditional Japanese attire, with the girls looking lovely in their kimonas. Other events planned include tours of the county, in addition to Just plain fun in each of the communities involved. Chnperone Sumiko Onosato and staff assistant Akira Kameyama were guest speak ers at Morrow Chamber of Commerce and also at Sorop timists. The guests are really chil dren of the world, and telephone traffic between Morrow County and Japan has Increased this week. Father of Yoko Asae, guest at the Palmer home, is in Seattle this week on business, and will drop by to see his daughter and her host family prior to returning home. The exchange, arranged through the Labo Center, provides the opportunity for Oregon teenagers to visit in the homes of their Japanese friends next year. Already plans are formulating for some Morrow County 4 H members to take advantage of the exchange. Exchangees and host fami lies are: Misako Machidori. the Bob Davidson family, Lexington; Yoko Asae, Roger Palmer family, Heppner; Masato Ishikawa, Leonard Toll family, Heppner; Fumi Kamiya, Dclbcrt Piper fami ly. Lexington; Masakazu Akutsu, Dick Sargent family, Heppner; Yuji Baba, Jerry Myers family. Heppner; It sushi Wakabayashi, Dei La Hue family, lone; Nanae Iwase. Roland Bergstrom, lone; Reiko Ito, Bob Laughlin, Heppner; Yugi Tomita. Dick McElligott, lone; Akira Kameyame, staff assistant, Gar Swanson, lone; and chaperone Sumiko Onasato, Don Bennett, Heppner. Electric cable coco underground IIMT.VKRIOHK.) GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, August 0. I7J Several sions of Electric installed cable. recent line exten Columbia Basin Coop have been with underground The new main feeder out of the newly constructed Ruggs substation was run 4't miles underground. Other exten sions recently run under ground were to Art Masters In the Olex area; to Tom Schott near Kinzua; and to Bill Rill and Sid Zinter west of Ruggs. A line relocation near Cecil - was installed underground A few new lines to serve new customers south of Fossil was installed underground. A ti line was run for a feed west of Fossil and to serve some rural members near Fossil which receive service out of the Condon substation. A total of 13 miles of new underground has been install ed the past few weeks. This compares to a total of Just over six miles of underground line which was in service previously. Draft board moves its office to The Dalles Fair booths aro boinc reserved to y wi (pi? .wit. k jJ Jp -sir New Interest PASSBOOK SAVIN GS. CERTIFICATE T,000min.90day CERTIFICATE $5000min.-212yearsJ Rates 51 4 53 W 4b CERTFICATE $5000min. 4 YEARS 0 o 7 STOP IN TODAY AND OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT. YOUR SAVINGS INSURED TO $20,000 BY AN AGENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN HERMISTON LENDER The following clubs, organ izations or individuals have reserved a booth or space for this year's fair, Aug. 20-24. Virginia Whitaker, Unique Photos, Inc., Jacuzzi Whirl pool, lone Garden Oub, U.S. Navy, 7th Day Adventist Church, Oregon Lung Associ ation, World Book, Miller's Rock Shop and Hobby Dis play, Cow Belles, Boy Scouts, Senior Citizens, American Legion Auxiliary, Pat Petty john (4-H), Degree of Honor, MOVING TO HEPPNER He is single, and under 25. Grant Weatherford, employed by Columbia Basin Electric Coop, is no stranger to folks who follow athletics. He par ticipated against Heppner ath letes during his four years at Condon High, where he served as president of both the student body and the National Honor Society. He played in the backfield during the East West Shrine Allstar game in 1971. Grant lived at the family ranch home on Rock Creek, Olex. until he moved into an apartment on Center Street last week. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weatherford. He will take some classwork at BMCC this winter. WEATHERFORDS ill HAVE A VISITOR . Yesterday, Aug. 8, Mrs. Adelle LaTrace flew from Pendleton to San Diego, Ca., for a two-week visit with her daughter Teresa and son-in-law. W.W. Weatherford III. Teresa will be on leave from her work with the U S. Navy while her mother i.s there. Both she and husband Bill are now stationed at San Diego. They have recently purchased a new home north of Mission Valley. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chenhall at Tucson earlier this summer. The ChenhaL's, who are in Heppner for three days this week, will be returning the Weatherfords' call as they drive south along the ci?M and then swing east from San Diego' to their Tucson home. Story Book House (Bible stories). Soroptimist Gub of Heppner (Holiday House Cof fee Shop). Several booths are left. Interested persons may re serve by calling Lenna Smith, 676-9143. after 5 p.m. For further information, call Mrs. Mary Lindsay, lone, booth superintendent. Premium books are avail able at the Extension Office in Heppner. Rules and regula tions are on pages 20-21. 4-H HORSE SHOW SUNDAY The 1973 Morrow County Horse Show will be held Sunday, Aug. 12, at the Morrow County Fair Grounds. All 4-H horse clubs will be competing for top ribbons and prize money. Judges for the show this year will be Dick Meuret of Madras and Riley Freeman from Pendleton. Judging will start promptly at 10 a.m. 4 H ers must be enrolled in the Morrow County 4-H Horse project in order to participate in the show. Lunch will be served on the grounds by the North Morrow 4-H leaders. The office of Selective Service Uical Board No 31 in Condon which has served Gilliam. Morrow, and Wheeler Counties, will be moved to the Post Office in The Dalles, effective Aug. 8. The telephone number at that location will be 2 2041. Only the administrative functions of the local board will be involved in this move. Local board meetings will continue to be held in the courthouse in Condon. This move is part of a grouping of Selective Service local boards throughtout the state and nation to reduce operating costs as the draft changes to a standby type of operation. Young men are reminded that they are required by law to be registered with Selective BRUCE ANGI.IN AT RANGE CAMP Bruce Anglin. 13. son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anglin, Heppner, is attending the Oregon Youth Range Camp, Logan Valley, Ore. Bruce has been there a week, and will return Satur day. He will then report to his sponsors, telling them the highlights of his camp life. While there he has been studying subjects relating to land management and soil conservation. The Morrow County Grain Growers and the Bank of Eastern Oregon sponsored him at the camp. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becker of Gold Beach arrived Monday evening to take their three sons home. ' Service. Such registration should be accomplished within the period 30 days before to 30 days after the 18th birthday. For the convenience of young men In the Gilliam, Morrow, and Wheeler County areas, volunteer registrars are located In the following places; Bank of Eastern Oregon, Arlington; Shell Service Sta tion. Boardman: Sheriff, Con don; County Gerk'a Office, , Fossil; Sheriffs Office. Hepp ner; Kinzua Corporation Of fice. Kinzua; Post Office. Mitchell; Post Office Build ing. The Dalles. Anyone wishing to obtain Selective Service information may contact the office in The Dalles, or call toll-free 1-800-452-0283 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.. Monday through Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Williams attended summer classes in Arizona. They took Ancient Indian Culture from the College of Notre Dame of Walnut Creek, Ca. Their classes were held from Tucson to the Grand Canyon. They headquartered at Phoenix and Flaestaff. They received three College credits, Giff towards his masters plus and Mrs. Williams towards her 5th year. FAREWELL PARTY FOR THE KWAGGEKTS The Saturday night "fare well" for the Gerald Swag gerts was a regular cake walk as each group of friends brought a cake to eat with lea cream. More than 40 gathered for the Impromptu affair as the Swaggerts prepare to leave the Butter Creek ranch and move to Pendleton. The Swaggerts were pre sented with a money tree. Sue Vinson and Helen Currin were the organizers. GARDEN CLUB MEETS AUG. 13 The Heppner . Garden Gub meets Monday, Aug. 13, 6:30 p m. with a potluck at Jane Rawlins' home in Heppner. The program is on the basic principles of flower arranging. MOVING?? Local or Long Distance . Free Estimates Call Gene Orw lett er 989-8586 Condon 384-2292 Agents for United Van Line. Manager : RICHARD WELLMAN (503) 276-6441 - ' BUSINESS MACHINES SALES SERVICE LEASE Total Office Concepts INCORPOFAT6D 332 i. Main P.O. Box 255 Pendleton, Oregon 97801 Heppmr every 2nd & 4 th Wednesday IjaynesJ la 'Vi'AVAwivmO 88 I m Honoring Fair and Rodeo Queen FAIR IS IN THE AIR August means County Fair, and preparations are under way for an even greater, more successful fair in Morrow County. New contests have been added to allow a greater variety of participation by 4-H members. A square dance contest, 8 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. '21, will allow folk and square dance menbers to show skills learned in 4-H square dance project. Following judging of the event, members will dance for exhibition. New food contests have been included this year offering younger members a wider choice in fair activities. ON A "SPIT TRIP" Mrs. Earl Blake, Mrs. Vera Rietman, and Mrs. Helen Gilliam (the Blakes' daugh ter) are off to see Canada for 10 days. Their one firm stop will be Gibson, B.C., to visit the Cyrus Blacks (Mrs. Black is a Blake granddaughter). Other than this planned stop this will be a "spit trip" Margaret Blake explained, "You just spit on the palm of your hand, press a finger from the other hand 'in the spit, and then go the direction the spit flies." MERCHANTS MEET Heppner's merchants held their monthly luncheon last Friday. Aug. 3. at the Wagon Wheel. Randall Peterson pre sided as the group declared satisfaction with this year's Sidewalk Bazaar and dis cussed possible changes for next year's event. They also discussed some fall promo tions but did not announce specific dates fr hose m 8i 88 Saturday AUG. 11 9 p.m. to 1a.m. ooooocooooocooooocoeoooc ADMISSION per person J' ' V! V I .yn If A I , y . - hj v I i 1 i II it i 8 Music by Moonlighters Honoring Queen Jeanne dafy 88 1 1 I p i flit I 8 FAIR PAVILION. HEPPNEB H r.i on now COUNTY I n ft . s J .'.'.VAVVAVi'