JIM MlMINS WOt t.l I IKK mK Ml. Ituth McNeill. Pendleton, recently visited her father, Jim Covkinii, who now livtm t the Veteran Administration IXmi K'llmry at Vhie City, near Medlord. Cowiim ix hi ill taking treat ments, and is fietting along very well. He misses hiK friends at lleppner, Mr. McNeill say, and MiKKesta that his friends at Heppner might want to write him. His address: J. G. Cowing, V. A. lomiciliary, Sec. 4, White City, Ore. 97501. 5 s .V A a !s BKSTWISIIF.8 To F.rnrkl Joiner and Ernie Cereta. We wish them much success in lleppner. TOWN IIOISE RESTAl'RANT Sebaslopol, Ca. Ethel Lapachet. Proprietor I HERE'S A red mi BUY! Sidewalk Sale Special BURGER Hv l it N ES HOSE W II.SON These boys are the B A I Cuhs. Major U'aKue. who were stu H.ni at A C. Houuhton Ele mentary School last year. They plaed ttu-ir final game June 2t, ImiiiR to Echo. The tenm played Hi RamcH, coniM-linR with teams from Arlington, Stan field. Echo and Umatilla, May 14 t Though June. Rill Griffin is coach. Other minor L.L. teams were coached by Burrel Cooley, Irrij-on, and Joe Turner, Boardman. SP. 5 Eddie Drissie and his wife, the former Judy Snyder, and children Stacey and Tommy, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Snyder, the past week. They were recently stationed in Mainz, Germany. They will visit his parents in Medford before reporting for duty at Fort Bragg. N.C. t The Irrigon Lions' Pee Wee Rodeo group that traveled in a caravan to the D Bar J Ranch and Recreation Center at Alfal fa, Ore. carried away many of the honors, June 16 - 17. There were 24 contestants from the Irrigon, Umatilla, Hermiston area, and with parents and friends, 60 persons attended the rodeo from this area. The senior winners for Ail- Around Cowboy tropica were Allison Shcrrcll and Scott Acock. The team effort in the wild pony race was won by Jack Yocom. Scott Acock and Don Leighton. 21 first place wins were taken by this group: Senior Barrels - 1 Wayne lluwe, 2 Vickie Keith, 4 Allison Shell ell; JmhUt HarreU - Alv in Velter, S Brad lluwe; Pole -- 2 Wayne Huwe. 4 Scott Acock, 5 Vicki Keith; Junior Poles -1 Alvin Vetler, 4 Rocky Steagall ; Senior Calves - 2 Jack Ywom, 4 Scott Acock. 5 Dave Hoffman; Junior Calves - 2 Steve Sherrell. 5 Alvin Vetter; Senior Ponies -1 Scott Acock. S Dana Creamer, SDeane; Junior Ponies - 5 Rock y Steagall: Senior Goat Tying - 2 Allison Sherrell. 5 Scott Acock. Saturday evening the group enjoyed a Western Family Dance sponsored by the D Bar J Ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Eppen bach and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sanders have returned from a vacation trip, visiting an aunt of Mrs. Eppenbach and Mrs. Sanders in Missouri. They saw the flaming Gorge and the Dinosaur National Monument , and visited the Eisenhower Memorial Libarary in Abeline, Kans., then traveled on to Ames, Iowa, where their son attends University. In Nebraska they visited Eppen bach's relatives and Mr. Sand- CAL'S LOUNGE Features the COLDEST DEER III TOWN CAL'S m ir to am "tjm Unwind, manP YOUR SAVINGS EARN QAfilKOF VZastern Vregon EFFECTIVE JULY 1st SAVINGS PASSD00K INTEREST WILL DE TIDE CffiTIFICATES UP TO 100,000 DRAM INTEREST 10Q)4 Your Independent, Home-Owned Bank n jZastern a T&aon Arlington Heppner - lone era mother in O'Neil, Nebr. Then on to Jackson Hole and Crater of the Moon They visited F.ppenlwch'a daughter Peggy in Mountain Home le fine returning to Irrigon. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson traveled to Portland Saturday where they met their daughter, Cat mine WiNw of Sunt a Crtir. Calif., at the airport. They visited their son xim in Salem Indue returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Al Partlow and Sheryl are home front a vacation trip to Washington, DC, and other points Fast. They left BRain Saturday to attend the Assembly of God Camp Meeting al Brooks, Ore. Among the South Morrow folks who traveled to spots along the Columbia for picnics on the Fourth were Ida Farra and Ella Adlard. They were joined at Hat Rock Park by two of Ida's sisters and their husbands from the Washington side-Mr. and Mrs. John Reihs of Sunnyside and Mr. and Mrs. David Dam of Richland. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Borman were down from Yakima on business last week. Mrs. Bor man formerly worked in the Penney's Store here and is now employed in the store in Yakima. IIXPPNF.lt tOHK.I GAZF.TTF. TIMF.H. Thursday. July 12, 1973 CtirlS DrOWn'i .xxSkkxW::s:: back In town U. Chris Brown is spend ing two weeks leave helping his father, Paul Brown, get wheal harvest underway. He arrived Sunday from his borne In Tacoma. Wash. He Is executive officer of C. Company of the 31Mh Infantry Battalion. Ft. Lewis, and has leen assigned there since completion of his combat tour in Vietnam in (ctoler, 1971. The family received news that his brother U. Jg Mark Brown's ship, the USS Courtney may l returning to Norfold. Va. in August from it's home port of Naples. Italy. W hile in Naples. Mark has been playing rugby for NATO of Naples, playing professional teams in Rome and elsewhere in Italy. Mark received his BS degree from the University of Oregon in 1970. Chris received his from Oregon State in 1909. Both young men are grad uates of Heppner High. Saturday evening Ida Farra entertained Emma Hager, Ella Adlard, Effie Johnson and Rev. and Mrs. E.E. Cutting at dinner in her newly redecorated home. The Heppner High School Class of 1948 is having a reunion dinner and dunce Siit in day evening at the Elks dining room. About thirty five are expected. Following the dinner, friends are Invited to come in to visit and dance. Bob Kilkenny is general chairman.. Mr. and Mrs. Vcrlin Mat thews enjoyed day at home July 4 for members of their family. Coming for the day were Mr. and Mr. Jim Greiner of Condon, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McLeod and Scott of Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nichols, Mark and Sheri of Milwaukie. Dave McLeod and Mrs. Scott Furlong, both of lleppner. Vclva Bechdolt writes that husband Adrian is recovering from his broken hip in the Rogue Valley Memorial Hospit al at Medford. Her note of July 3 states, "He is put into a wheelchair every day and stays there a couple of hours. Yesterday he walked on crut ches in his room and today out into the hall with the doctor beside him. Tomorrow (July 4) is his birthday and we shall celebrate in a small way." r.lulofootcrs' 4-11 practice loathercraft July 7, members of the Mulcfnoters' 4 II Leathercraft club met in the lone.Cily Park at 2::W p.m for their fifth meeting. The club will meet again Saturday. July 14. 2.30 p.m., also at the City Park in lone. leader Mrs. Zinter passed out sheets on leather craft swivel knife practice cuts and decorative culs. She spoke on Leather history, tanning and fair projects were discussed. A picture to be used at the fair on the Leather projects Board was taken. Members heard about the different kinds of leather linings, and how they could be used. DISTRIBUTOR Shop without going shopping . . . with your neighborhood Amway Distributor. Hal & Virginia Whitaker 676-5869 Direct Distributor Heppner CENTRAL MARKET These Prices Good Friday-Saturday I -?- STI 29 (o uy "b. u Li u Blade Cut lb- Western Family SLICED BACON 2 Lb. 19 package si. HEINZ Oregon Chief WIENERS 1M I' If I'V Oregon Chief SAUSAGE ROLLS Pure r? rp if Pork 2 tdJ King Size YoGiiestfo KoflchnplPoM Potorgont $1.24 JL at mm wm n. my fc iNESTEA 2 - QSe FOLGER'S COFFEE 1 2 8 ChillinTft PEPPEB 4 OZ. LEMONADE K (V Blue Bonnet OLOO VlmVllLIW A 5 16-oz HEINZ on the for each Pre-Sweetened KOOL-AID 5 I AOfiC KAtlTALOIIPE 2- 25$ TOMATOES iSfc390 Phones: (Groe). 676-9614, (Meat) 676-92S3 It's nice to save twice ' low prices and S&n Green Stamps MARKET MP8