iu:i'i'nt okk. c; $220,000 for lake Connie lui riiiieled Hull S.'JM.inni Ih- held III rrwrie for illle const I Met "Ml f Willow Oeck lutke near Heppner, iUtnrdmK li ConnresMiiun AI t'lliu.in Tin- anniHineemenl was made in connivtion with nppropriu nf more (h.m . million l'r project in central uml eastern th-ejjon. At the hip f ,nt' according In I'llnian. i the $2.5 million appropriation (or repair and expansion of tin' Shasta View Irrigation District facil Hit's south of Klamath Falls Adult Swim Hours from 6 p.m. to 7 p in. every day except Saturday and Sunday. July 6 OES Installation X p in. Masonic Hall Streakers vs Braves. 6 Julv8 00 Cecil Picnic Julv 9 Story : V). Hours at Librarv 1:00 Julv 14 Sidewalk Bazaar The primary Library at the Heppr.er Elementary Grade School will he open from 9 a.m to 11 a.m. all summer long. Sponsored A A Public Service By RUGGLES B0YCE Insurance Agency 228 Main P.O. Box 247 676-9625 " TT", HLfSE 6T6-5384 jisSsa li mm I community! D BILLBOARD 1 i GARDNER'S MENS WEAR LeRoy & Marge I KINZUA CORPORATION Heppner, Oregon BUCKNU.VS TAVERN Warren & Dolores I MILADIES APPAREL Grace & Alice 1 RENE'S BEAUTY SALON i Rene Toll I FORD'S GENERAL Bud Peck (CAL'S ARC0 Cal & Beverly Sherman 1 CAL'S CAFE & LOUNGE Buz & Kate Lynch I HEPPNER BARBER SHOP i Ftlelvin Hammons Icf A PC CATALOG mm: timks. Ttiurd. Jui Two other urination districts ii Hie stale iiImi received major luntlmi!: .V0,t to continue ivttnliiilaiioii ol the Tunialo Irrigation District's facilities north of Henri, and lii.noo lor uppadii.H OcIuko Irrigation District works in Crook County In this week's action the House wM affirmed that con struction ol the Catherine Creek pain m I'nion should now move ahead by earmarking $70t).ooo m construction funds and tying thcin to a previous $400,000 appropriation. In addition, the House ap proved SI.Vi.ooo for restudy of Itie I'matilla Basin and Walla Walla Projects in I'matilla County Oilier House-backed appro priations have tieen slated for revetment work on the Willam ette River, and maintenance of the Klamath Project in the Klamath Basin. Mlts. H1SIK (ItMtHIt of Walla Walla, accompanied by her soi. aid riaughlct --in-law . Mi ai d Mrs Floyd Ci ahcr of Anucli-s. visited Friday with Mis. CialH't s brother -it -law at d sister. Mr. and Mrs 1. II Rnhnson. I.OI5 A STOTTSIN ST. WTIIOW'S Ijora Sioils. Heppi.er is re-i-uiH-ianni; in Si. Anthonys Hospital Pendleion. after un deiomt! surgery last Wedncs dav. She broke her hip June T2 w het she fell inside a bowling ii!!, ill Pel (lletoi . Ailhouuh she is recovering satisfactorily, it apiears that Lora is in for a long siege in tht hospital A, v ol her friends wishn g to write l her are welcome to do sn at the hospital. Boom 421. The .Methodist Churches at Heppr.er and Echo heard a report on the 197:1 Oregon-Idaho l'nited Methodist Conference from their delegate, Mrs. Bil Weatherford. on Sunday. July 1. John Maatta. lav leader, con nue.en ...e serv.ee a. neppner and Mr. Lrvin Williams presid- a, Echo - duct i-d the service at Heppner CHARLES ri,.,!- a Dnrothv Heard, for their tireless efforts of Morrow County, the following merchants would like to take this opportunity to wish both of them the best of everything in the future. We are pleased that although they have sold the paper they will continue on as residents of Heppner. TIRE SERVICE SALES MERCHANT i. i:a lone KUtKNt ItOWI I I. TOW FUJI I V Mr and Mr Howard (Yowell lAii nd an ii vilalion to fi lends In iiii.-i il the VMiltl.ng ol their d.iu;.l"ei, Kaien Ionise, to (tone Conner, son id Mr, and Mis len Conner, o! I lei misbm. The weililu g will In- pel (or in Sum day. July 7. WW a in.. ii Si Williams Calhohc (lunch, lot 1' A icccpiion will follow in the tun cb luisciticnt Mi and Mrs Dale Rodriguez are parents of a son Ixtrn June 2H. at the I'matilla Hospital. He loins three builders and has Imvi. named Cast Daniel Ciiandiirenis are Mr. and Mrs Daniel Rodriguez of Her mision and Mr. and Mrs. John Kubauks of lone. Great grand parents are Mrs Vela F.uhanks ol Madi as. Mrs Mattie Morgan ol Cai yorvville, and Mr. Earl Morgan of lone. Mrs Bill Gelmas. Tim and Ahsa. Caldwell. Idaho, arrived Friday to spend a week w ith Mr. and Mrs l.co Crabiree of Cecil. Sunday was Alisa's birthday, and a dinner was held in her honor. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs Archie Munkers from Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halversen. Mrs. Leland McGill of Cecil is a patient in The Dalles Hospital. Mr. and Mrs Willarri French spent Sunday in Portland visit ing friends and relatives. Leslie Madden and Miss Frances Ford of Portland are sM'iding a few days with Leslie s nioiher. Mr. and Mrs. Elby Akers. Mrs Mary Jo Vertner and children of Aptos. Ca.. arrived Saturday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. David Bccham of Corvalhs were nvcrniuhl guests. The l'nited Church of Christ auction committee announces thai arrangements have been made with Ralph Crum for storage so that people car. bring items for next vears auction. G-T WANT ADS PAY PETERSON'S JEWELERS Randal & Marlene HEPPNER T V. 289 No Main cmm K,c coop fflPS5SFTIXC0 MORROW CO. CREAMERY Bill Cox BANK OF EASTERN Heppner FARLEY MOTORS Jim Farley HEPPNER AUTO PARTS Heppner Oregon WAGON WHEEL CAFE & LOUGE Ron & Oliva Palmer HAMLIN'S M c ll.inlei. Club in vile Hie putilic to attend its July meeting, ai d leai i. the identifi cation o plants growing in the in e an a This meeting, will lie ti no low! salad luncheon in the gaiden of Mis F T. Mai tin Iieginning al 'I a m.. Wednesday. July II. tim-sis should bung Kiilad and law i chaos Emphasis tins year will Ik l.oilHulluie knowing plant, their culture, peculiarities, and Use.. Sevctat non-members lire eie-ied to pai ticiwte in other liauues in the morning" pmt:i am. Mr. and Mrs AI Braell Hud lamily are v isiting at the home ol her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fnil Martin The graduating class of l.l lioin lone High School held a r, in mm.. June 10 Saturday evening they had a no hosi dinner at Beecher's Cab-. Those present were Mr. an) Mrs. Jim Martin iCathy Hcai from Milpitas, Ca.: Mr. and Mrs. Koland Ekslront, Boring; Mr. and Mrs. Gary .Morgan. Aloha, Leslie Madden and Frances Ford. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lancaster (Evelyn Maricki. Cecil; and Mr. ai d Mrs. Marvin Padberg. lone. Sunday they had a potluck dinner in the park and included members of the family. Joining them for the day were Mr and Mrs. David Becham iTass Morrison i. Corvallis; and Unnsc Pointer. Seattle. Wash. Guest was Mrs. Vertner (Mary Jo Morrison i of Aptos. Ca. Plans are being formulated for a n year reunion in 1975. Memliers of the clss unable to attend were Bon Crabtree and Janet i Palmer 1 Crabtree. Bill Akers. Ralph Martin and Sandra iKubanksi Kodrigues. Paul Smouse. brother of Kenneth Smouse and lone High School graduate, is ill in the Veteran's Hospital and would ci joy hearing form old friends. His 'address is Veteran's Hos piial. 5901 East 7th St.. Long Beach. Ca. 9OK0I. Kin. SH5S. ;. l MBS. DAVID MUTIII M are on vacation ir til July 1! Milcluim beads in.. Mci'tal Health Cei lei ii 1. ,m-e, . Palsv I mn vv ,l. . n ,i. ,.t.ce while thev are gone. ei . Palsv Tom will t OREGON Branch Doerdmcn llvMVBVlFFMXHIOW Tlie Columbia Uiver park t Hmiidman. a new Corps of tCngincers project costing neur v $1 million, will open for day ise only July I for the balance if the Kumcmr. A spokesman for the Board nan Park and Keerealion !)tstriel said I he reason for not HK Hing the M overnight camp ng stle !" public t a )iiblciii relative to the late iiH-ding of Ihe lawn. The reason or Ihe lawn problem is the lack f water for irrigation. A drilled vell failed lo produce enough aier. City officials have said Bojiidiiian's municipal sewer md its lagoon disposal system is not large enough lo handle Ihe cwage for the new park, which s cales another question for the park district. WKATIIF.lt U Ml(.ll.l lM Hi I .o vv 58 55 15 44 41 4U Wwl, 'ft'in s. Fn. Sill. Sin . 90 87 79 71 7 85 Jin e precipitation .20. Norm al ho June 1 40 In 1972 June had 80 Normal ho the year is 7.74 i 1971 pri-c. is 4 45. IIOSPI I I.F.WS Admitted: Vernon Gilman in d Hoy Robinson. Heppner; Cai rie Bisek. Condon. Discharged: Ann Chick. James llcaly. Heppner. (illAIN PRICKS While Wheal lir.l U hi al a.mi'j bit. 2.92'.. hu. ISarlev s;t.."ii ton TKI snt rsi: Mis.. Jerry Sween-y. MoiM'W Cine ly Heiilth Nuise. wa- ii I'll! ll.-i' (I this past week iilU-i d p e classes ill the I'mveisiiy of On-. i Medical School. 'P'e linn si- wit- i ii lai t m d ,.,,,..,. .Hahvc In cummin, x .,,,1,1,,. health. " and service to the COAST TO COAST Dick & Lynnea WILLOW CR CABINET SHOP Jim Carr SSSF"5 GOnTY'SEa&E.eanoraoty CHEVRON STATION Ladd Dick ELMA'S APPAREL Etna Harshman CASE FURNITURE CO Arnie & Rita Hedman HEPPNER LAUNDROMAT WAV. Weatherford HEPPNER CLEANERS Bill & Daisy Collins CENTRAL MARKET Clint & Marie McQuarrle park The new park was construct ed by the Walla Walla District. Corps of Kngmeer. and was recently turned over to the (iirisdiclion of the Portland office of Ihe corps. Harold Baker heads Ihe Boardiiian Park and Recreation District thai may operate the new facility, if il is eventually turned over to Ihe local district. II is expected lo Ik a busy place once il is running full force. The Bnardman City Council and Sanitary Disposal. Inc. of Hermiston agreed to new rates refuse service in a special (in nieetinu of the council Tuesday nighl. Under a new five-year franchise. Ihe rate will be $2.50 for the first can of garbage and $1 for each additional can. This is a 50 cent increase from the former rate. There were three tables of pinochle in play at Ihe card party last Tuesday al the Greenfield Grange hall, spon sored by the Women's Activity Committee. Mrs. Walter Hayes was hostess. High prize was won by Hazel Carpenter and second high went to Mrs. Sam Beeks of Arlington. Mrs. Arthur Allen and Ruth Benlley. Irrigon, received the traveling pinochle prizes. Winners in the invitational tournament at Willow Run Golf Club Sunday between McNary. Echo and Boardiiian were: Low gross. Joe Tatone and Hon Daniels, tied at 67; low net. IXMinis Gronquist of Arlington, 7(i. Closest lo the pin on No. 17, Cecil Sutton of Echo, on No. 18, Delliert Ball. Longest drive on No. 14. Gronquist. Low gross team winners, Gavle Phillips. Carroll Wilkins of Arlington. Joe Tatone and Lloyd Smith of Condon. Low net team, tie between Wayne Kuhn, Frank Bates, Delliert Ball and Rick Clark of McNary. and Jim Harper, Dennis Gronquist, Larry York of Umatilla, L.R. Brannock of McNary. ; uin n c. -""" wt,,'c Kennedy, Rod t Ug. Oscar Shoeniake and Jim Putting contest - finalists community, as well as the residents mow McGraw of McNary, with Kennedy Ihe winner. He receiv ed a golf hag The Hoardman Tillicum Club served lunch at noon. Winners al Ladies Day Wednesday in group A was Kathy West of Arlington; and in group B. Palsy Hansell of Arlington. 15 women partici pated. Mrs. Ico Root went lo Cascade l,oeks over the week end lo attend Ihe annual reunion of the Mefford family. Her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Al Macnniber of Citrus Heights. Ca. brought her home and they went to Sunnyside, Wash., last week to visit at the home of the ladies' sister, Mrs. Max Deweese. Mrs. Harold Rash has return ed home from Emanuel Hos pital in Portland where she spent six weeks after two hip operations. Mrs. Pete Peterson went to Monmouth Monday to visit at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Phillips. Heather Herauf of Bend has been visiting the past week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nelson. Mr. and Mrs Carl Torrence of Largo. Fla.. visited Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Leighton. The ladies are cousins. Other visitors included Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bunten and children, Lesa and Ricky of Hermiston. and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill of Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson and son Steve of Silverton visited friends here Friday. Mrs. Larson was the former Wanda Needles and served as missionary pastor at the Boardiiian Community Church about 2:1 years ago. The varsity cheerleaders for Riverside High School, Danette Leighton, Linda Ball, Sharon Stewart and Bobbie Acock, left bv plane Friday for Portland where they will attend a week's iinininc at Lewis & uarK f I Pendleton 276-7761,1 College. I 1 ZTT THOMSON'S GROCERY Jim & Madge i WESTERN AUTO Bob & Linda Hager MURRAY'S DRUG STORE Rod & Meg Murray LEONARD'S MOBILE SERVICE Leonard Toll R & W DRIVE-IN Wayne & Rita Harris SWEENEY'S MORTUARY Jerry Sweeney FIRST NATL' BANK OF OREGON 1 Heppner Branch LOTT'S ELECTRIC Randy & Bernice Lott NORTHWESTERN MOTEL Charles & Gene Starks JERRY'S BARBER SHOP Jerry Hollomon op D1 Funeral services were lo In held Monday. July 2, at the Boarditian Community Church for Walter W'yss. 7ti, who died last week in Pendleion. Mr. W'yss has been a resident of Boardiiian for 25 years, paslor Neil King conducted services. He was born Oct. 1. 1896 in Wilderswil. Switzerland, one of in children of Christian and Mariana Wvss He came to the United States in 1912. jind lived in the Portland area. He was married Aug. Itt, HW2 to Olga Brugger and they lived in Portland until 1948. at which time they came to Boardiiian where they have lived since. Survivors besides the widow at Inline are one daughter, Mrs. Jim (Dorothy) Pieper of Port land; two sisters and one brothel in Switzerland; one sister-in-law and two nieces and two nephews of McMinnville; five grandchildren and one great -grandchild. Pallbearers were Roy Ball. Henry Ganlenbein. Ed Kuhn, Ben Donovan. W.G. Seehafer and Ernest Otiernieier or Stan field. Burial was in Boardman Riverview Cemetery, with Burns Mortuary in charge of arrangements. l.T. GOODM AN IN PILOT TRAINING NEW RIVER. N.C. -- Marine First Lieutenant George H. Goodman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maitlaud 11. Goodman of Spray, Ore., has completed helicopter pilot training at the Marine Corps Air Station here. He is a Hliili graduate of Orlando High, Orlando. Okla., and a 1971 graduate of Oregon College of Education, Mon mouth. Ore. COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding Industrial - Commercial Farm and Home iiti E B 1 avn wail iimiv