t III ITNKK UlltK.t ;1:TTK TIMKS, Thursday, June JM. lone Girl Plans European Tour i i:xii wu.irr OiiisIiiwi l.inilslroiii. 18, daughter of Mr. mul Mrs Hoy V I.iinlsli'om of iiih is Iimvimc O.ikl.iml, Ca, June 2." for u six wti'ks vacation and simly lour of fit iilU-i-iil KunHaii cmintrirs She will N' stiulyinu on campusfs in Sussex. Tans, Munich, and rlimie Lectures and discussions will lx' supple mented I iv visits and excursions to places of related social and historical interest The students will a I i sH'nd carefully plan ned visits to Slrashorg, Inns hruck. Venice and Koine. From Rome. Christina will fly back to the 1'niled States on Aujj. 5, The trip is arranged by Scholastic International, a pri vate educational corporation, which was founded in 1920, and publishes Scholastic Magazine, hooks, rwords and audio visual material as well as planning a variety of study tours. Chirstina. who graduated from lone High School in May, is a National Honor Society member and officer; maintain ing a 3 A G PA. She has also been very active in many of her high school activities. She has been a junior varsity ami varsity cheerleader; a member of the chorus and band; Senior class homecoming princess; Vice president of the Girl's Athletic Association in which she has lettered all four years; and was chosen to attend Girl's State in June of 1972. Christina has also been active in 4-H for 8 years and as a past Worthy Advisor of lone's Rainbow Assembly No. fft was appointed Grand Representative to the State of Alabama for 1973. Im'itv fivd at the Masonic Hall in lone, on Sunday afternoon, June :Mth. Members of the Masonic Ijidge, their families, members of tl' Kastern Star and families attendiHi, besides many honor eii guests. Lewis Halversen presented a ." -year pin to Rert Mason Jr. of Oak Grove, and Rudy Herg Strom presented a 2" year pin to his father. Mr. K. William liergstrom, A life membership certificate was presented to Herbert Kkstrom Sr. from the Royal Arch loiige. Guests introduced were Mr. Ias Grant. Grand District Deputy, and Mrs. Grant from Arlmgton; Cecil Rill, Worship ful Master of Heppner Lodge; Mrs Irraine Laiitl. Worthy Matron, elect, and Claude Graham, Worthy Pa mm elect, of Ruth Chapter No. . OKS; Clair Pcnse of AF 4 AM No. 55, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason Jr. of Oak Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell of Dallas, Texas; and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell of Lexing ton. Refreshments of ice cream, strawberries, and cake were served. Strawberry Feed The members of AF & AM No. 12'J. held their annual straw- Al Grange Convention Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers returned home Tuesday. They attended the State Grange Convention in Roseburg, and from there drove to San Francisco. Ca. for a few days visit with their son. Berl Jr. and family. Terri O'Connor from Portland spent several days last week visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. John Edmund son and family spent a few days in Salem last week. While there. r 1 Breeding Service Artificial Insemination Service beef and dairy American Breeders Representative Joe Yocom Lexington, Oregon Ph. TYFEWRITER DIRTY? Call ' or leave your machine al the Heppner Gazette Times. Larry of Standard Office Equipment of La Grande who stops every three weeks will contact you. New and used type-' writers. 14tfc City Council 'Heppner City Council Si' Citizens having matters for discussion please present them to City Recorder one week prior to regular meet ing or bring them before the Council. Ph. 676-9618 Exterminating Service - Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Ex termination .Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging John Jepsen Ph: lone 422-7180 Monuments Eternal Markers BRONZE GRANITE INSTALLATIONS VASES Cemetery Grave Markers SWEENEY MORTUARY Serring and Heppner lone. Heppner Lexington Ph. 676-9600 Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 Wallace H. Wolff M.D. P.C. Family Practice Week Days by Appointment and Emergencies Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676 9620 Gerald A. "Jones M;D. Physician and Surgeon US E. Hurlburt' Hours Monday thru Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 9:00 Friday a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Keating Co. William Fjrnaces Complete Installations i Linoleum Refrigeration Carpetini; Domestic and Oil Burr.er Commercial Service Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Pn. 67S-9418 Heppner Funeral Home Sweeney Funeral Home Pre-arrangemenU Distant Removals Serving. lone. Heppner and Lexington Licensed Funeral Directors Heppner Ph. 676-9600 Insurance Fire, Casualty, Life and Health OPS FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO. John Gochnauer Agent Pendleton Heppner 276-2732 676-5862 Ruggles - Boyce INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 247 Heppner, Oregon Ray Boyce Ph. 676 5384 Turner, Van Matter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9113 THE GAZETTE-TIMES has Heppner Picture Post cards! Select either the colorful picture of th4 Morrow County Court house or the aerial view of the city. Only 10c ea. Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract & Title Co TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676-9912' Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676--9200 Wholesakrs-Mfgs. "Pride of Oregon Ice Cream" Butter. Kraft Food Lines Dud Tash -Products Specialist Clay Phillips, Assistant MORROW CO. CREAMERY BILL COX. MGR. 676-9244 Hobbies Ihi'ii d.iUKhU'r Vickie had the inislm-tuiie lo hreak lii-r arm Fred Martin was a patient in the Community Hospital m IVndlfloti last week. Chrrlyn Siiioum dinte ojt from Cnrvullis mi Wednesday to visit her mrents. .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse. She was aminanied by Mrs. xv La Voie (nee Karen Nelson! and son Joshua from Tangent who sH-nt the night with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson . Ha by Miowrr A hahy shower was given in honor of Mrs. l.ee liYtm ami son Joshua. Wednesday even ing, al the t'nited Church of Christ Joshua was Ixirn the 13th of May. Helping Karen with the gifts, were Kristin Nelson. Cherlyn Smouse and Bonnie Slienko from Pendleton. Hostesses for the event were Helen MiCatH'. Jean Jepsen, Betty Hietmann and Judy Kea. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hams and family returned home Saturday evening after send ing a week on the coast at Lincoln City. Cheerlradiiig School Cindi Matin and Sherri Wilson left Thursday morning to attend a cheerleadmg sehtxil at Lewis and Clark College. Mary Pat McElligott and Jan Ekstrom were eligible to attend, but were unable lo go. The girls have earned their money to pay expenses by selling candy and 2 car washes. They wish to extend a thank you to all the people who supported them. .Service For Dorr .Mason Memorial Services were held al 2 p.m. Friday at the American Legion hall for Dorr G. Mason. Dick McElligott acted as Commander, and Don Peterson acted as Chaplain. A flag was presented to Jcrrv Mason by Herman Blettell. Relatives from out of town attending the service were: Mrs. Alva Mason; sons, John and Jerry, all from Portland; Judy Mason from Pico Rivera. Ca.; Alyce Rea of San Francis co, Ca.; Mrs. Mary Hawk from Medford; Ray McDuffee from Seal Rock: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason Jr. from Oak Grove; and Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Lindstrom from lone. The lone City Council will meet. Monday, July 2nd, at 8:30 p.m. for the regular monthly meeting. Fireworks Display The American Legion will hold their Annual fireworks displav at the football field July 3rd. They have purchased a cassette-radio-tape deck stereo combination set to be raffled off for the benefit of Clifford Aldrich. Tickets will be avail able for purchase the night of the fireworks. The drawing will be held at a later dale with a tentative plan for a dinner at that time. Mrs. Roy W. Lindstrom. Worthy Matron; and Roy W. Lindstrom, Worthy Patron of Locust Chapter No. 119 Order of the Easter Star, attended the 84th annual "River Of Life" session of the Grand Chapter of Oregon at the Memorial Coli seum in Portland the first of the week. Mr. Lindstrom was a page escort and Mrs. Lindstrom served on the distinguished guests committee. Mrs. Lewis Halversen was chosen as an assistant warder for the ses sion. Mrs. Elmer Ladd. Worthy Matron-elect, was another dele gate from Locust Chapter. At Grand Assembly Leaving on Thursday morn ing for Grand Assembly Inter national Order of Rainbow for Girls, at the Gill Coliseum in Corvallis were Christina Lind strom, Grand Representative of Alabama in Oregon; Jan Ek strom, member of the Grand Choir; Kristi Edmundson and Cassandra Chapel. Mrs. Her bert Ekstrom, Jr. drove the girls to Portland to meet their Mother Advisor, Mrs. Lewis Halversen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Lindstrom also attended the session. Teena Stefani was appointed Grand Representa tive of Mississippi in Oregon, for the 1973-74 year. They returned home with Mrs. Hal versen Saturday evening. Library Additions New books soon to be put on the shelves of the lone Library includes "Know Your An tiques" by Ralph and Terry Kovel, and "Art From Found Material (Discarded and Nat ural)" by Mary Lou Stribling, which should prove interesting summer reading for many. Other donations made by the members of the lone Topic Club were a subscription to the National Wildlife magazine; "Cranes in My Corral" by Dayton O Hyde; "Fathers" by Herbert Gold, a novel of one American transplanted from Kunip. who made a su -s-.fui life ii. a m-w land. "Get in the Game" by Hill Ghlsh, twenty -Iwo new p.iper backs. "Elephants Can Re member", a new mystery by Agatha Christie; "On The Night o the Seventh Moon" by Victoria Holt, "The Great American Novel" by Philip Roth. "Honor Thy Father" by Gay Talese; "The Peaceable Kingdom", a ttlnry of the Quakers, by Jan de I hiring; (arson K.min's new honk about his personal friends entitled "Tracy and Hepburn"; a basic relerence honk on marijuana, "The Marijuana Papers", ed. by David Solomon with intro duction by Dr. Alfred T. Limit-smith; ami "Between Planets" for those who like science fiction written by Hein lein. were also donated A ten dollar donation will he used to purchase some new children's Ixtoks. During the Topic Club meet ing which was held at the home of Mrs. Fannie Griffith, with Mrs Van Hubbard as co hostess, election of officers was held. Mrs. Milton Morgan was chosen as president; Mrs. Elmer Ladd. vice-president; and Mrs. Norman Nelson, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Van Hubbard was elected as li brarian. An interest ing hook review was given by Mrs. Hubbard. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Intel Jr. and family of La Grande spent Father's Day with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert linel Sr. of lone. They were accompanied by Mrs. Intels grandmother, Mrs. Eva Jones. They all attended the Hardman reunion picnic held that day. Others attending front this area were Delsie and Cassie Chapel, and Ed Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree drove to Walla Walla the 14th of June to get Ashley McCain at Pullman, Wa. He is now staying at his other, grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie McCabe where he will work this summer. Mrs. Lee Palmer took her daughter Anita, to Richland to the ear specialist on Wed. Anita will enter Kennewick General Hospital on July lfith, for further ear surgery and skin grafting that morning. Others going ailing wild Mrs. Palmer, were DiIhuu, Mrs. Marion Palmer, Mrs. Hoc Sherer and Mis Clell Rea. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Meyers of Portland sM-nl the evening of June IMh at the Uhi (Yahlree home in Cecil They were on their way to a vacation of 2 wiH-ks in Canada Mi and Mrs. Bill Ling siH-nt from the 7lh to the 12th of June visiting Thelma's sister, Mrs. Helen Wilson, at Brightwood. Mrs. Ijou Wilkius of Albany is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Herb Kkstrom Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ekstrom and Mrs. Wilkins spent last week at the Yellow Jacket Reservoir, near Burns, fishing. From Salt l ake ( lly Kenneth Smouse arrived Tuesday from Salt Lake City to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse. He led Mon day to return to Salt Lake City. He will be attending Summer School at University of Utah, studying Advanced Organic Chemistry. Doing Field Study Kristin Nelson, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Norman Nelson, is spending 5 weeks in Pendleton. She is doing field experience in nutrition, and is working with the Extension Service, under the direction of Molly Saul. She will he planning and supervis ing day camps in Pendleton and Millon-Freewater, observing the expanded food and nutrition program at Mission, and help ing with the rehabilitation program at the airport. Mrs Margaret Thomas, sister of Delsie Chapel, had singer at Pendleton, Friday. She is at St. Anthony's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason Jr., of Oak Grove and Clair Pense of Portland flew up and back Sunday. They were met at the Lexington Airport by Fred Nelson. They joined the rest of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nelson and Jill and Mrs. Fred Nelson at their home for dinner and then attended the Masonic Strawberry feed be fore returning home. Boating Mishap Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lan caster of Cecil spent from the Kith to the 24th of June at Ea,st Luke, tamping and lisliing Flossie Manck look care of Ihe lnuasler children unit Hie Cecil Store w hile I hey were gone. They had u close call on Saturday when the Imal turned over w ith them. They managed lo get safely out with the help of other boats in the area, however the Crnhirees lost nil their tishing gear. Reunion Tins is an item front out of town, but w ill be of interest to a number of x-ople, and may encourage more to write. On Ihe evening of May 2lh, the I'H t class which graduated from Lincoln High School in Portland, held their (Kill) Anni versary reunion at the Terwil liger Plaza, with a lovely dinner, then en joyed n "Do You Remember When?" social lime. There were 15 present from the graduating class of HL'-nnt Iini bad for IK) years. Beiilah (Mrs. Algolti Lundell was a member of Ihe class, and spent a wonderful evening. They talked of meeting again for the Gain anniversary, but decided to wait until the time came. This was the first June graduating class from what is now Portland State University. The graduating class of 1935 from lone High School are making plans for a reunion this year, and will include classes "33, '34, '35, '30 and "37. Anyone away from here, that was graduated those years or know any of Ihe teacher's addresses, will you please send them and your address to Eva Hamlett Box 327, lone, as soon as possible? Thank you for the news items in Ihe box al the post office. Please keep it up. News of Morrow County MR. & MRS. LARKY COOK were in Walla Walla last week. Larry had a medical checkup at the Veterans Hospital. The doctor had good words for his condition. k$m ANNOUNCEMENTS Mj Wj . INVITATIONS... JPj (IJL Sii our irgt yr Heppnef si s.w DeMILL from Sunny vail, Ca., is visiting at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker in Lexington. Susan flew to Pasco June 18 from San Francisco where she was met hv her aunK RAINIER BREWERY 6 VALLEY SPORTS PRESENTS the DIG ONES are COMUNG WESTERN GRAND NATIONAL LATE MODEL 1970 THRU 1973'S STOCK CARS "Roy Cldtr boh Kithard Htty to win Hmrud $00 ' FMtvrtng4TiinChamp $300,000 (Mint Sarin IVIinit town. Iw'n i.an th.m an Ptet IJ MiMIO MiCOT -OWN Willi - MM IS - Jafferion Jeffrey iom TV at Mivarsla'a mn4 Day tana. Hara't yaw chame fa taa ana meet the tee erlvert and carl In eerien , , . 1150 LAP CHAMPIONSHIP FEATURE I Hut Trophy Dath and Heat Hacet SAT. KITE JUKE 30 Qualifying 7:30PM Hating 8:30 M OVIR 20 TO 1970THRU 1973 MODUS IN ACTION UMATILLA SPEEDWAY puE.ye M?oe o eT s -J ' a: . DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING 1900 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20226 THE GOVERNMENT OF Morrow County (K) n EXECUTIVE PROPOSAL. Check this block if this plan is based on I I an executive proposal (L) DEBT How will the availability of revenue sharing funds affect the borrowing requirements of your jurisdiction ? 0 AVOID DEBT INCREASE LESSEN DEBT INCREASE NO EFFECT TOO SOON TO PREDICT EFFECT PLANS TO EXPEND ITS REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATION FOR THE ENTITLEMENT PERIOD BEGINNING Jan 1, 1973 and ending June 30, 1973 IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER BASED UPON AN ESTIMATED TOTAL OF 158, 131. (M) TAXES In which of the following manners is it expected that the availability of Revenue Sharing Funds will affect the tax levels of your jurisdiction? Check as many as apply. 0 WILL ENABLE REDUCING RATE OF A MAJOR TAX. WILL PREVENT INCREASE IN RATE OF A MAJOR TAX WILL PREVENT ENACTING ANEW MAJOR TAX WILL REDUCE AMOUNT OF RATE INCREASE OF A MAJOR TAX. NO EFFECT ON TAX LEVELS TOO SOON TO PREDICT EFFECT ACCOUNT NO 38, 1 823 823 MORROW COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER HEPPNER, OREGON 97836 OPERATINGMAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 1 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES PRIORITY 1 PLANNED I mnneofo- IplmSedfm EXPENDITURE I PLANNED I PERCENT PLANNED FOR: EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURES tT,i ?.f?ln CATEGORIES EXPENDITURES I LAN!) 001 CATEGORIES IA) (B) S"0 ,c, SXmm E F MUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION ACQUISITION RETIREMENT 1 10 MULTI- PUBLIC SAFETY $ 6,000 80 20 $ ".520 70 30 !rot10c?,onNTAL $ 3- - c 37 1ducat,qn $ 2'K) - M fersrrrATiON $ ; Health $ health $ 4-200 lOCPo transportation $ ti.ooo 87 13 0 0 recreation $ dSpment $ 3 15 HOUSING ubraries Development $ 7 i6 : bCCIALSERVICFS $ lu. lOft ECONOMIC $ 0 0 0 0 FOR AGED & POOR 8'546 0 100 0 DEVELOPMENT o 8 17 FINANCIAL $ rfi,; ii 0 9 0 ENVIRONMENTAL $ 0 0 0 0 ADMINISTRATION ... ... ... CONSERVATION A) 9 TOTAL PLANNED " 7l OPERATINGMAIN- C C n, , d&ce"p"T 27 mMmmzm puBUC SAFETY s I have advised local newspaper and the news media of toe 19 contents of this report. Furthermore I have records documenting RECREATION $ the contents of this report and they are open for public and CULTURE news mec'ia scrutiny. 20 OTHERS t Spicily) $ Paul W, Jonei "211 T MpS . OTHERS ISptcily) J. SIGNATURE Of CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER iM 100 O Q Q 22 County Judge others tspKW name title - please mwi 23 . others Spr) 24 " DATE PUtUftMEf) OTHERS I Specify I "K,IOT TOTAL PLANNED nameof'nWa-e, It1"'"0- - lSi Heppner C?t.- Tims U' - - THIS IS YOUR COPY OF YOUR REPORT. PLEASE RETAIN. FOftM NO lilt f.