Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 14, 1973, Image 4

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    IIKPPMR MIRK.) ;AZKTTK TIMI:S. ThuMd.y. June 14. 1973
Junior Rodeo Attracts Cowboys
Tlu' twod.iv third uiiiiual
Morrow County Junior Rodeo
was a hit: hit here
The lop winners wore: IVnise
McCull. senior girl all-around
mid Jixly Hunt! Memorial Tro
phv winner; Joe Ruila, neiiior
boy all-around. David SteaKull.
Jr. all-around boy; Debbie
Cordi'll, Jr. all-around girl.
Ilarrhurk HuIiiik: Jot' Hilda
and Mike Schoeiiing, first and
second. Hill I Vila and Rory
Leonard, third and fourth; Jim
Davis, fifth, and Terry Riviera,
Ruckle donor. I..K. Dick.
Another buekle is being ordered
(or the tie in bareback riding.
Calf Roping: Tim Sweek.
first; Jeff Benham. second;
Kirk Leonard, third; Rob Cent
ner, fourth; Bill FVila. fifth;
and Brent Maddux, sixth.
liuckle donor Rank of Eastern
Senior Roys Cow Riding: Joe
Ruda. first; Mark tlanna,
second. Bill Peila. third; Rus
sell Rice. Greg Snider and
Terry Riviera, tie for fourth,
fifth and sixth.
Ruckle donor t'al's Arco.
Senior Roys Saddle Krone:
Monty Klaus, first; Randy
Warnock. second; Bo McMillan,
third; Mitch Hutchinson and
Archie Osburn. tie for fourth.
Ruckle donor Peterson's
Senior (iiiis Breakaway Rop
ing: Denise McCall. first ; Mary
Adair. second; Lisa Hunt, third.
Ruckle donor First National
Senior Girls Rarrels: Jea
netle Ray. first; Pam Parsons,
second; Mary Adair, third;
Judy Robinson and Julie Reyn
olds, tie for fourth: Denice Karl
Ruckle donor Wagon Wheel
Marler &
donor Turner.
Junior I'ole Rending: Bill
Meek, first ; Lynn Parsons,
second. Mike Fuller, thud.
Krxnn Robinson, fourth; Jeff
Mulilleton. fifth: Teresa Pal
mer, sixth.
Ruckle donor ("oast lu Coast.
Junior Run els: Lynn Par
sons, first; Jana Steagall.
second; Maureen Mealy, third;
David Steagall. fourth; Lynn
Sicfunidcs, fifth; Lisa Snow,
Dawn Peterson and Jerita
Noble, tie for sixth
donor VanWinkle's
Junior Rrrukawav: Aaron
McCall. first; David Steagall.
second. Butch Clark, third;
Lynn Parsons, fourth; Clayton
Newton, fifth; Mike Fuller,
Ruckle donor K & W Drive In
Junior (.mil Decorating: Dan
Van Sehoiack. first ; Willie
Benham. second. Nellie Peila,
third. Janice Healy. fourth.
Lvnn Stefaiiiries. fifth; Debbie
Oirdell. sixth.
Ruckle donor llanilins
Team Roping: Mary Adair
and Wade Kainm. first; Shane
Nodice and Doug Hamnioc
sttoi.d: Jeff Benham and
Denice McCall. third. Jerry
Gentry and Michele Evans,
ourili: Randy Warnock and
Daryl Ross, fiiih: Bo McMillan
aid Kex Fuller, sixth.
Ruckle donor Inland Fnipire
Ruckle donor Columbia Rasin
ana tougiris -, ' -. ' - " ,
tie, . - -
. . t ' w J dm .. -v. p '
Dan an .schoiack Is champion .-fjJX. "tT- v - - . -- z
in (ioat Tie. Mis buckle is j rV ySr ; :':N,V.'V'
presented by Princess SherP fe;tti-'ti:;.;' Wt'C t. "
Wilbur Veen GIbbs
Funeral services were held
last Saturday at Burns Mortu
ary in MerniiHton for Wilbur
Venn Ciibbs, fi2, who died June 7
at Good Shepherd Hospital in
llerniistoii. Mr. Gilihs was born
in Yamhill July 6. IU10
Me had been a resident of
Boarduian the past year and
formerly lived in Portland. He
worked as a teamster most of
his lite. Me was a member of the
Survivors include the widow,
the former Cecelia Part low,
Rourdmun; his mother, Mrs.
Lena Ash of Boardman; one
sister. Velma Baracco of port
land; and several nieces and
Pastor Neil King of the
Boardman Community Church
conducted the services. Pall
liearers were Johnny Partlow,
Steve Partlow, Mike Partlow,
Vernon Partlow, Jerry Partlow
and Rick Partlow.
Burial was in Boardman
Riverview 'Cemetery.
Dai id Daly and Greg Green
tr their luck at Team Roping.
Bunchgruss Rehckuh l.odge
met at the home of Mrs. Kdith
Matthew s on Thursday ev ening,
June. 7th The charter was
draiH'd in memory of Sister
Mabel Crawford. The next
meeting will !e held in the lone
Park, with an afternoon meet
ing on June 21st.
Mi and Mrs. Elmer Hair of
Pendleton, and Fai l Pudberg of
La Grande were dinner guests
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
HaKersen. After dinner they
drove to Condon to attend the
wedding of Mary Dyer and
Leland Fubanks, at the United
Church of Christ. Condon, at 3
p ni. Leland is the son of Mr.
and Mis Howard Eubauks of
Arlington. Others from the area
a'lcnding were Mr. and Mrs.
John Fubanks. Mr. und Mrs.
I.onnie McCuIh- and family, and
Mi and Mrs. Leland McKinney
ai d family from Boardman.
Senior Girls Steer Dogging:
Mary Adair, first; Sandy Fin
seth. second; Denice Karl,
third; Ann Peila, fourth; Kathy
Gilbert, fifth; Jovce Fuller,
Ruckle donor Morrow Countv
Grain Growers
Senior Girls Cow Riding:
Peggy Chapman, first: Denice"
McCall, second; Shan Leonard,
third; Judy Robinson, fourth
Shelly Osburn. fifth.
Buckle donor Merman Winter
Junior Boys Calf Riding:
Terry Bouk, first; Larry Grind
staff, second: Rod Retherford,
third: Butch Clark, fourth;
Clayton Newton and Mitch
Gregg, fifth and sixth.
Buckle donor
and Cafe
Junior Girls Calf Riding: Nita
Nichols, first; Debbie Cordell,
second; Lisa Snow, third: Ann
Van Schoiack, fourth; Kathleen
Van Schoiack. fifth.
Cal's Lounge
The hardluck trophy, spurs
donated by Fulleton Chevrolet,
went to Ron Parrish. He
received a concussion in Satur
days ride and spent the night in
Pioneer Memorial Hospital. He
was determined to ride again
Sunday but since he didn't have
his physician's approval, the
Rodeo board wouldn't let him
The AU-Around champions
were each presented horse
blankets donated by Ruggles
Worship services were con
ducted Sunday morning by
Pastor Mark O. Johnson of the
Peace Lutheran and Valby
Lutheran Churches. He stressed
self worth. "We are somebody
and are important in the eves of
The Junior Rodeo is approved
and sanctioned by the Western
Stales Rodeo Ass n.
that lasts all year
To The
W A College Year
Give A Gift Certificate
Subscription to start this Fall
Call 676-9228 & Charge If
Blue Mountain Community College will offer a ten week course designed to update the training of licensed Registered Nurses.
The class will cover changes in health and nursing practices, principles of nursing care with new and current techniques and
I equipment being introduced. Students are introduced to community and mental health concepts in order to provide supportive
and comprehensive nursing care. The following will serve as an outline of material to be presented during the two week class
room period. Since class size is limited, registration should be done as soon as possible. For further information call 276-1260
Return to Nursing II. Nursing Core Principals and Practices . The Professional Nurse
A. Introduction A. Communications Skills for Nurses A. Toward a Professional Philosophy
B. Health Core Practices B. Pharmacology B. Continuing Competency in
C. Nursing Care Patterns C. Hygiene and Comfort Technical Knowledge and Skills
D. Safety and Asepsis C. Legal Aspects
E. Nutrition D. Accountability
F. Fluid Balance E. Employment Considerations
G. Elimination '
H. Ventilation and O2
I. Rest and Sleep
J. Activity
August 1 3-25
9 am to 3:30 pm Monday - Friday Classroom lecture & review
7 pm to 10 pm Monday - Friday Seminar in Facility
will be extended from August 27 through October 19. Experience may be done either
in Pendleton or at the studetits own medical facility located in or near their home
residence through a cooperative arrangement between the local medical facility and
the training staff at the college. Students will have to indicate their choice of medi
cal facility at fhe time of registration.
TUITION: $ 50.00
LODGING (if needed)
CHALLENGER INN, $13.00 per week (Student must provide own meals;
cooking facilities are provided)
REPLY TO: Larry O'Rourke, Director, Adult Education and Community Service
Blue Mountain Community College, Pendleton, Oregon 97801
please enroll me in the R. N. REFRESHER COURSE. Enclosed is S 50.00 tuition. I will need lodging. Yesj I No
Name Address Phone
Around .'10 youngsters attend
ed the vacation church school
sponsored by the United Church
' of Christ, and Valby Lutheran
Church. The leaching staff
consisted of: Pre-sehool. Mary
Arthur and Carol Holt.; Pri
mary. Linda Prock and Laurie
Childers; Junior, Bill Arthur.
Darcene Meyers and Christine
Fdmundson; Music, Diana Kin
caid. Saturday, the children
brought a sack lunch and had a
picnic in the park following
Franks " Beans Special
4 frankfurters
6 tiny boiling onions, halved
12 chunks dill pickle
i cup french dressing
2 cans (1 lb) cans New England
Style Baked Beans
1 tbsp molasses
2 tsp sugar
Cut franks in 4 pieces with
onion halves, pickle chunks,
marinate in French Dressing
about hour, turning
occasionally. Mix beans, mo
lasses, sugar in casserole.
Place franks on 4 skewers with
onion and pickle between
pieces making "kebobs". Place
on top of beans with skewers
pointed toward center. Bake 350
degrees about 30 minutes or
until beans are hot.
Mr. und Mrs. Norwood Watts
with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Garrison of Clarno left Monday
to visit relatives of the Garri
sons at Sitka, Alaska. They plan
to Ik- gone two weeks.
Miss Elina Young of Chatta
roy, Washington was a house
guest this week of Pastor and
Mrs. Wm. Mai.
Miss Young, who will be going
to West Iran as a missionary in
September was the honored
guest at a tea Wednesday
afternoon in the church annex
and at one at Camp Five on
Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Robert Kelso spent from
Monday to Thursday attending
the National Association of
Postmasters summer conven
tion at Medford.
French Apple Pudding
3 cups applesauce
8 graham crackers, crumbled
3 tbsp. brown sugar
34 tsp. cinnamon
Dash of nutmeg
4 cup melted butter
Put applesauce in shallow
baking dish. Mix graham
crackers, sugar, cinnamon and
nutmeg and combine with
melted butter. Sprinkle over
applesauce. Bake 350 degrees 35
- 40 minutes. Serve warm with
whipped cream or vanilla ice
Mrs. Marvin Hines was taken
to the Pioneer Memorial Hos
pital in Heppner Friday where
she is receiving treatment.
Going to Portland Friday
evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Reid and Vic Wallis.
Raymond and Vic returned
Saturday with Deena remain
ing in Portland.
Mrs. Vernon Cecil went to
Portland Sunday evening for
medical attention Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Luper and
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ralstons went
to Bend Sunday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Bowman
and family and Dave Riney of
Condon went to Portland over
the weekend and were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowman.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMinn
and family went to Portland this
weekend and were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Tipton and
family. Mrs. Delbert Barzee brought
Delhert home this weekend.
Dellx-rt had been in Central
Oregon District Hospital in
Redmond. Delhert is feeling
better but will la- a while before
he returns to work.
Mrs. Delhert Barzee spent
last week in Hood River visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Whitlieck.
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Mur
dock went to Pendleton and
Pilot Rock Saturday on busi
ness. Mr. Earl Norris and Mr. Guy
Van Arsdale flew to Richland,
Washington Sunday on business.
III oranfrcrn onro-sro II
iw ki 11 11 ik mi mm 11
III General's Famous 4-Ply Jet-Air III II
a mm
I 1 I I I I 1 S" 6 80-13 lube lest
I J II I mm I I biackwll plu $1.73
Strong 4-Ply Construction Easy Steering Contoured Shoulders
Famous Dual Tread Design t
at GmmoI Tir HlXJ Cl Ksi SSN-',:' - I
II 7.00-13 or C7S-14 ' E7S-14 F7S-14 or F7S-1S 07H4 or Q78-1S
I FITS: Corvatr, Cftavy II. Z- ,f ITS;.Crtll . FITS: Ambassador. FITS: Chavrolat.
Dart. Falcon. Valiant. 'Camaro, Cougac, Barracuda Camara. Dodgs. Cutlass, .
GrofMin. Homot. . 'Fatriana. Mustang.'. Chavrolat. F-8S. Dodga. Pontiac. B;K SpaaiaJ.
Javelin. American. Firtrxrd. pnay II. . Phrmoath. Ford, Tempest Fqrd,
Bute Special Cftevelle Momego. Coronal. Corwlte Jeep .. . Plymouth: T-Bird.
Mustang Falae. ' Qnarger. Ambassador. AMOMOHEK Mercury. ..AMD MORE)
Cornet. F-as Cutlass, Matador Barracuda . , "
Barracuda Temsest ' SeMMit AND v . ' . '
. . ..ANO MORE! - . MOREF "',.-, f t '
I a 1 1 r?iM I n : trryi I I trrrsfl l A
11 Qrfur Wixii ntaiu :w
II S.r 0O-1wC7.U I Sue EW-M tubeless .. M or F7S-1S I
tutwess biacwsll.. , I . aaacsaall. aw ti 22 inwu . I
' P'vi r M or $2 OS I Fed U Ta each. plus 12 37 or U 1 I
fen In uu. I Fea ti taieech. I
. Osoeno.ro on sue I . BspsnOirn en SIM.
IB ff QlHlWkl
m m mwm m Qmtmrm Taa
c mm mmet PCmmW m
mm Q i i m
Sim G7S-14 or 07S.IS
plus 2 ii gli so
Fed Ex Tsk secri.
OepenOing en etas.
M7-14 or H7S-1S
. FITS Ambassaastr
Buick Sonwagoif
.Chrysler. Dodge.
Torino. Fatriane.
fe Montegft MercOrv
Cuflaaa Piytajousf.
. Fuv. leMens.
Pontiac. Oklsmoutat
T-Bird... AND MORE)
Sirs H7S-M or Ha-lS
looeiees bMKSweH.
plus t2 li or IS (O
Fed Tu seen.
oapenOay a
RAW CHtC Sfiouid out sflpply o sojw nut or lines run snort ousmg Wis awet
s-a will honor any orders placed now lor Mora delivers at tne advonuutd price
; Heppner
Sooner or latet; youl own Genersls
Me), thru M.
7iJO mjm. to M mm.
fwroy 706 tM kna