IIKPPNKR (OKE.) OAZKTTKTIMKS. Thursdsy, Junet. 1173 Peep!: Visi&a Vising II:rc end There r AT EMMA ORAKKS Visum at Ihf homo( Emm Drake this Uj.1 wwkrud tr Grc Drake of llwkeley, Ca n1 dauRhtw, Mm. Tom KrrfU son from Corvsllis, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Drake Jr. frwn Cnrvallm nd Mr. nd Mr. ClaiKi? Drake from Midway Sub Slat Km. Wa. V TTINCS HAVE GIKSTS Mr. and Mr. Roy Ankeny of Salem stopped overnight Wednesday of last week with the Rev. and Mrs. Ed Cutting. They were enroute from Boise to their home. Mrs. Cutting and Mrs. Ankeny are bisters. Mr. and Mrs. Cutting will be at the Ankeny home when they go to Salem next week for the annual Methodist Conference. At Pedbcrcs Last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Alford Caldera of Coos Bay and their daughter, Fara Mae Caldera visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg Sr. Mrs. , Padtx-rg and Mrs. Caldera are sisters. Memorial Day weekend saw more relatives at the Pad berg home. Here for the holiday weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg Jr. of Boring, Mrs. Irene Tucker Atherton of Ontario, Mrs. Hulda Mortimore of Eugene. Edwin Tucker of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Woody Tucker of Stanfield. Joining them on Monday were Eldon Tucker and David of lone. MR. MRS. LIE WILSON and Lita were up from Glide for Heppner's graduation. Their son, Llovd was among the graduates. He is working at the veneer plant and plans to continue working there. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson formerly Heppner before moving to Glide. Next month Mrs. Wilson plans to open a Fabric Shop at Glide. Glide, a small commun ity is 20 miles from Roseburg which is the closest town. She says there is a real need for such a shop. Here for Ike aanaal Ptoaeer Picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Praters. Elmer Barnside, Char lene Morris, of Crass Valley; Vic Johnson of The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. - Alvin Avers, Mrs. Lucille Parrish. Seattle. VACATIONING Merlin Cantm is on vacation from the Telephone Co. Last ' weekend they were first time mushroom hunters and they froie three or four gallons of Morrells. DR. It MRS. BERNARD McMurdo of Burlingame. Ca. stopped to visit his mother. Mrs. Archie D. McMurdo for a few days last week. They had been to Twin Falls visiting Mrs. McMurdo's parents and had planned to go to Canada. The weather became uninviting so they came to Oregon Instead. They planned to stop In Port land' to visit the Ted McMurdos and then on to Corvallis with Scott McMurdo. . The Ted McMurdos were in Heppner for Memorial Day weekend and attended the Pioneer Picnic. MR. A MRS. CHARLES THOMASON. Tony, Paul. Dusty and Raymond went to Burley, Idaho, Memorial Day weekend. Returning with them to spend the summer are Scott and the twins. Alvin and Calvin. They are expecting another son home on leave in July. SISTERS SHOP IN PORTLAND Mrs. John Tilrner of Baker and Mrs. Vera Rietmann of lone spent a week visiting and shopping in Portland. Their sister Mrs. Carol Morrison of King City brought them to lone. Later in the week, she took Mrs. Turner on to Baker. MR. & MRS. DON CAN TRELL and seven month old Susan have moved into the new house at the Dick Wilkinson MRS. DAVID RIETMANN of ranch. They moved here two lone has returned after visiting months ago from Silver Lake a week in Los Angeles with her near Lakeview. Don is the MR. A MRS. PETE Sl.tK I'M and family accompanied by Mrs. Slocum's mother of Her miston visited here Memorial Day with his mother, Mrs. Frieda Slocum. Gl ESTSATBILLCOX HOME Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill . Cox for the holiday weekend were their sons, Gayle from San Mateo, Ca. and Bill from Portland. They came up for Todd Cox's graduation. He is the last of the five Cox sons to graduate from Heppner High School. He will enroll at Mt. Hood Community College this fall. Another son, John, was up from Portland the previous weekend. MRS. FAVRE SWEEK of Hazel Dell, Wa. came up to visit the Clayton Sweeks and to attend two . commencement exercises. Her grandson, Mike Sweek, graduated Thursday from Heppner High School and on Friday she went to Monu ment where her grand daughter Megan Sweek was a member of the graduating class. Saturday evening the Sweeks went to lone. Don McCarty, Mrs. Clay ton Sweek's nephew was a member of the graduating class. The Grandmother Sweek, after two commencements, chose to stay home with Sheridan, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ftayton Sweek. Join the Army On Wednesday Mrs. Sweek went to Portland as Mr. and Mrs. Sweek took their son Mike to join the army. He left Thursday to fly to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Joining the army with him was Rick Wadholm who was also to go Fort Leonard Wood. BAKED FOOD SALE JUNE IS The Episcopal Church Wo men are planning a Baked Food Sale for June IS. It will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. at Central Market. It is planned to accommodate guests, people may be having for Fathers Day. Mrs. Jerry Bunch is general chairman. THE HEPPNER GARDEN (I. t it will Join with (one's Garden Club for a trip to the Umatilla Wildlife Range, June 1.1. 6:30 am. at the District SImm1 Office in Lrxiii(ln. Each person is to bring a sack lunch. Anyone can go on the tour, regardless of club membership, but private transportation must be provided. Anyone who needs transportation or further infor mation can contact Mrs. Wal lace Wolff. To Be Married DONNA RAYLINE FLACK Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Van Arsdale, Hermiston and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flack, Bend announce the engagement of their daughter Donna Raylene, to Scott E. Wilson, lone. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Wilson, lone. Donna will be a senior at lone High School in the fall. Scott is a 1970 graduate of lone High School. He is presently em ployed by Paul Tews, lone. An August 17 wedding is planned at Hope Lutheran Church in Heppner. daughter, Mrs. Paul Frink. Andy Devinecame from Bend to work on the Wilkinson ranch. He will be joined soon by his family. Mr. Devine is a retired naval man. ranch mechanic. Mrs. Cantrell is leader for the 4 H sewing club. Snappy Snip pers. Mrs. Cantrell was in 4 H at Prineville when Harold Kerr was county agent there. Harshmans Surprised on 40 th 1 for that EXTRA SPECIAL GUY! W Bulova Accutrorr SUinteu ttMl, I wittf mitUfit. Maroo 4iM. Ifti. X 1 . Staintau ttMl, I Black (toriuUn 1 S (trap. SIM. Now just $100. That's all it takes to get a Bulova Accutron . The watch with the famous tuning fork movement Guaranteed accurate to within a minute a month $100. You always thought it cost more. It needn't Other styles to $775. Ouarwite to for mm yaar. ban Uw tawcton somrthio sptckd" I A, om J VCtuJ rWwiM sxljurf to thta toirAc if MCMWfy. JEWELERS While Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harshman knew . that their daughters were coming for their 40th Wedding anniversary on May 27, they were totally surprised when a host of others came for a pot luck picnic. Teresa Harshman and friends from Portland and another daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rill . of Eight Mile were in on the planning. Surprising them were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rill, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Filer of Pendleton, Jerry Harshman family from Dayton, Wn., Dallas and Zelma McDaniel and family of Rhea Creek. 4(1 Years Ago Elma and Everett were married May 27, 1933 at the Heppner Christian Church par sonage. The Rev. Burton per formed the ceremony. El wood Hastings and Gwen Walker were their attendants. They ran off to be married and first lived in the Eight Mile country where . I hey worked for, , the Harlan , McCurdys Sr. for nine "years. The McCurdys later sold to Ivan Cox. Then the war came along and they went to work in the shipyards at Portland. Everett didn't like the big city and came biick to Morrow County before Elma did. They bought the old Cannon ranch which they later sold to John and Dorris Graves. They owned and operated a motel at Port Angeles for several years and finally re turned to Morrow County about which they say "we'll never leave again". When they came back this time they bought the Ralph Thompson place up Willow Creek where they raise sheep and some cattle. Everett also works for the ASC. They bought Elma's Apparel in 1958. This spring they did extensive remodeling to add several new lines. They purchased the business from Norah Rasmus. Cedar Chest Given as Surprise Vhafs Cookitl Star Bears: 9 AJC U -ITT MAIM ST. BtftHtM fJL S 1200 The highlight of a bridal shower given by friends for Susan Wilson in Heppner was a presentation of a cedar chest made for her by her future brother-in-law, Jeff Marshall, Benham Malcom and Jim Cutsforth. They had made it in Industrial Arts class. It has scallops burned into the wood on the front and brass pulls and leg tips. She packed her shower gifts in it when she was ready to go home that evening. Hosting the shower were Mrs. Randall Peterson. Mrs. Jack Van Winkle, Mrs. Raymond French, Mrs. Robert Schiller, Mrs. Don Robinson and Mrs. Gene Cutsforth. Assisting in opening her gifts were Ellen Cooney of Condon and Joanne Froman also of Condon. Joanne arrived home from New Mexico just in time to attend the shower. The girls were friends o' Susans when she attended Condon schools. Vera Kietmann served this Berries on a Cloud at the Women's Fellowship meeting. Sounds so good and in time for fresh strawberries. Berries on a Cloud 6 egg whites 1 2 tsp. cream of tartar ' 4 tsp salt Beat until fluffy, add 134 cup sugar gradually. Beat on high speed for 15 minutes. Pour in 13x9 greased bake pan. Bake 275 degrees for 60 minutes. Turn heat off and leave in oven for 12 hours. Filling 6 ozs. cream cheese, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla. Cream until light and fluffy. 2 cups of whipping cream whipped. Fold cheese mixture into cream. Add 2 cups miniature marshmal lows. Pour over merangue, cover and refrigerate for 12 hours. Cut, into squares and top with berries. CE NTRAL MARK PRE Forced to Move r 2 Tak vft pajmaata BT U I H ft 1 camr. 5 Set up in Pendleton F CALL 276 3611 Dealer DISTRIBUTOR Shop without going shopping . . . with your neighborhood Amway Distributor. Hal 1 Virginia WhitaJcer 676-5869 Direct DUlributvr lleppaer Will FREE PRIZES DHAWKG! nnnnnr UUULjv EES sacks or groceries WHEN BEING CHECKED OUT AT COUNTER AND ALARM RINGS I Sun Spun ICE CREAM DARIGOLD CHEESE r 25 LB. COUPON Gold Medal FLOUR 251b. $239 i i i I with Coupon j $2.89 without coupon offer expires 6-9-73 10 LB. COUPON GoldMedcl FLOUR loisx 01.19 with Coupon $U9,without coupon otter expires 6-9-73 vroSav CAMMED GO0&S SALE CUT, SLICED GREEN BEANS KIDNEY BEANS, WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE CORN, PEAS, SPINACH TOMATO SAUCE, APPLE SAUCE Tins (5 No. 303 Size Tins J For t) I WESTERN FAMILY m 303 n PORK & DEAHSOtoSl WESTERN FAMILY 46 oz. ORANGE JUICE, APRICOT NECTAR, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE WESTERN FAMILY 22 oz. DILL PICKLES, CUCUMBER CHIP 12 oz. SWEET PICKLES 46 oz. TOMATO JUICE or 3-$l VSSS Mayonnaise gg)C TaS Salad Pressing t flgQ WESTERN FAMILY 303 Size TOMATOES, STEWED TOMATOES, 14 oz. CATSUP, FRUIT COCKTAIL, 14 oz. PINEAPPLE CHUNKS, SLICED, CRUSHED; MANDARIN ORANGES tins for BETTY CROCKER COMPLETE PANCAKE MIX 3'2ib. 39$ with coupon without coupon 650 offer expires 6973 Van Camp's Pork & Deans 3 for 090 GRANDMA COOKIES 490 size . 2 for 090 WESTERN SHORES SOFTEN BATHROOM TISSUE W PARKA Y 01E04"1 WESTERN SHORES PAPER for$j TOWELS ft) U iiiiHiimi.niii nniinninniiiMiniiMliMria-Ai ltl tmSmSfm. S YELLOW ONIONS TASTEVEIL 2Vi Poacbos 3 for $1 ELMDALE TA5TEV&L 2'2 TofiiiicitoGS A ,cr-Sl ) y, 1 J! I J Sib. Bag New s White Potatoes 65 lemons S.Wtl A Western Fsmilv IVioncrs 12-z- Pk& b Hill's Fully Cooked Cn so Donoloss Horas-i 5 Hill's Assorted Lunch TJIootJtfSd Diane's - . . Toco Shells 26 Oregon Chief . - Sliced Bacon && A Docff Liver.. Prices Good June 7-8-9 Phones; (Grot). 5753511, (MezlT It's, nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps i . SEN PS H I