IIF.PPNF.K tOKK.) G.F.TTFTIMF..S. Thurtday, May 17. WJ Kinzua HV SII WtON HKl.l. CuliSt iMil Fun MulU Friday There will be a Cub Seoul circus Friday, May I8ih, at IsaM F.dwards Hall in Fossil. Supper will be served and there will be fun Mild games. Admis sion price is 2.ri cents per person or $t tHi xr family. family spent the weekend in Portland on business and visit ing relatives and friends. COW POKES Mrs Kendrick Dunlapwent to ! Vnilleton Friday to bring home Mrs. Ion Stanton from St. Anthony's Hospital where she had recent surgery. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Kelso went to Portland Sunday where Mr. Kelso entered (iood Samar itan Hospital for medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Luper and I DO YOUR SPRING CLEANING THE EASY WAY. SELL THOSE iirjwnrjTFn itfmc I A W 1 mmm I I fealll V U FOR CASH. I CAUL 676-9228 E J Breeding Service Artificial Insemination Service beef and dairy American Breeders Representative Joe Yocom Lexington, Oregon Ph. 999 P134 TYPEWRITER DIRTY? Call or leave your machine al the Heppner Gazette Times. Larry of Standard Office Equipment of La Grande who stops every three weeks will contact you. New and used type-' writers. 14tfc Monuments Eternal Markers BRONZE GRANITE INSTALLATIONS VASES Cemetery Grave Markers SWEENEY MORTUARY Serving lone. Heppner and Lexington Heppner Ph. 676-9600 Optometrist City Council "Heppner City Council ""ZZnZS7 Citizens having matters for discussion please present them to City Recorder one week prior to regular meet ing or bring them before the Council. Ph. 676-9618 Exterminating Service Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging John Jepsen Ph: lone 422-7180 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Keating Co. Williams Fjrnaces Complete Installations Linoleum Refrigeration Carpeting Domestic and Oil Burr.er Commercial Service Free Estimates All Work - Guaranteed Ph. 675-9418 Heppner Funeral Home Sweeney Funeral Home Pr-arrrgements Distant Removals Serving. lone. Heppner and Lexington Licensed Funeral Directors Heppner pn. 676-9600 Dr. E. K. 'Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 Wallace H. Wolff M.D. P.C. Family Practice Week Days by Appointment and Emergencies Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 Gerald A. Jones M.D. 2Pd Surgeon HurTburt " Physicia ' 116 Hours Monday thru Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. THE GAZETTE-TIMES has Heppner Picture Post cards! Select either the colorful picture of. th( Morrow County Court house or the aerial view of the city. Only 10c ea. Insurance Fire, Casualty, Life and Health OPS FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO. John Gochnauer Pendleton 276-2732 Agent Heppner 676-5862 Ruggles - Boyce INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box" 247 Heppner, Oregon Ray Boyce Ph. 676-5384 Turner, Van ilarter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9113 Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract & Title Co TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676-9912' Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676--9200 Wholesalere-Mfgs. "Pride of Oregon Ice Cream" Butter A Kraft Food Lines Dud Tash-Products Specialist Clay Phillips, Assistant MORROW CO. CREAMERY BILL COX, MGR. 676-9244 Hobbies REKfT Mrs Pan Bell and Mrs. David Mattison and Jodi went (o The Dalles Monday to keep dental appointments. Square Dance l.eon The Kinzua Mountaineers sponsored a square dancing class Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. at the Camp S Community Hall. Anyone wanting to learn to square dance, please call Betty Murdock at 768-23.16. Dance In lone Saturday evening the Kinzua Mountaineers went to lone to attend the lone Grand Squares anniversary dance. The Kinzua group retrieved their square dance hanner. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Saddler, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell of Fossil, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartley of Condon, and Glen Perkins. Py Ace Rcid HeppflCr "-'-r H . -3v I B wa -T tuuir a. I Mil. AM) MILS. JOHN WOOD p.m. In the lone City Hull for the drove to Hoardnuin for dinner purpose of discussing Die bud- MILS. HOWARD GILLIAM of Spokane was down over (he weekend. She visited her father-in-law, Earl Gilliam; her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Vaughn and her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake. Sunday. get for the City of lone. Any person may appeur to discuss the budget or any part of It. A copy of the budget document may he Inspected or obtained between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the Independent Garage in the City of lone. MR. AND MRS. HDD PECK and Frances took Mrs. Peck's mother, Mrs. Mildred Hunt out to dinner at Columbia Center Sunday. G-T WANT ADS PAY Public Notice NOTICE OK Ill'IMiKT MEETING The City of lone will hold a public hearing June S. 1973 at 8 Charles O'Connor Budget Chairman 20-21 -22-C G-T WANT ADS PAY Wot oh banker Tuhmal hr twenty yean called mo a nothing, then ho changed to a hat been, now I'm a nothing hat boonP da v. Mrs. Norwood Watts spent Tuesday in Redmond having dental work done. Auctioneer assisted by Ben Garcia. Pie and coffee were served. Golfing Among those participating in the Eastern Oregon Amateur Tournament at McNary during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Otis Vaughn, Mr. and Mrs. Don Slinkard, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spivey, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Portner. Travelers Mr. and Mrs. Lee Asher went to Portland Wednesday on busines. Mr. and Mrs. William Mai and Mrs. William Mai, Sr. went Jeannette Bell clebrated her eight birthday Thursday even ing with a dinner party. The Citric hirl riinnar trian Ki tti A n . 0 . ' 3 to Eugene Sunday afternoon to cake and ice cream. Those , . ej , j ot Lnnnoll. PL,., ICBVe Bin.. IWUI Of. Willi Oil . HIIU Hvatt of Fossil, Marci Luper. Mfs Pa'nM;r WhU! c, ,,:' m!!T. attended a Pastor and oiivriu miltllllll, indlllieiie Carey and Cynthia Bowman. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bell and son John Extension Office they wife conference at Cannon Beach. Leaves Ron Bowman, Miss Georgia McQuain, and Gene Mortimore went to La Grande for the weekend to attend the Raft Races. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rice were business visitors to The Dalles Friday. Services For Gilbert Underwood Funeral services for Gilbert Grayden Underwood, age 50, were held April 24, at Gateway Little Chapel of the Chimes in Portland. Mr. Underwood, owner of Chico's Pizza fran chise, died in a Portland hospital. He was a native of Corning, Ca. and had lived in Portland the past 23 years. He was a veteran of World War II and a member of the Milwaukie Post of the American Legion. Surviving Mr. Underwood is his wife Dorothy, two step daughters, Mrs. Louise Craw ford of Oroville, Ca., and Mrs. Alice Dougherty of Spokane; a stepson, John Dagen of Spo kane; his mother, Mrs. Nellie Underwood of Corning; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Fox of Tacoma, Wash., and Mrs. Robert Dunnigan of Central Point; and two brothers, El wood Underwood of Portland and Curtis Underwood of Enterprise. Interment was in Corning. Mr. Underwood was well know in the Fossil and Kinzua area and had many friends and acquaintances in this area. Attending the services in Portland were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cody and son Robert and Mark Jellick. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leppin, Raymond and Larry of Amity arrived Thursday evening to be overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Nyseth and daughters and to help their grandaughter Brenda Nyseth celebrate her second birthday. Tommy Schoolcraft Funeral services were held May 9 in the Kinzua Community Church for Tommy Schoolcraft, who passed away early Satur day morning. Ten girls of the Good News Club of Kinzua Church went to Condon Saturday afternoon to provide entertainment at the Nursing Home. The girls sang several songs, accompanied by Mrs. James Nyseth who also played a number on the accordion. Also going with them were Mr. and Mrs. Bernerd Dyer. Barbara Jessmer who has served as secretary at the Extension office for almost eight years is leaving the first of June. She has served as 4-H, and Home Extension Secretary. She has served under two extension agents, two 4-H agents, two Home Extension agents and an Extension Aide. This past year she has done some work for the Manpower agent and the employment counsellor. During this time, there has been an increase in 4-H Gubs but a decrease in study groups. Barbara and her daughters, Marilyn, Glenda and Marie have been active in 4-H clubs and in their church. Assembly of God. Barbara has also been active in the Mothers Club and is a past member of the CAP board. YEiis i 10:00 until 5:00 SALE I UETHODisT mm s Come to buy household articles, cemetery decorations, aprons, house plants, cotton "railroader" caps, delicious home baked Items L. "wZvirr'', Lunch Served from 11:00 until 1:30 In the Church Basement This sale supports the Methodist Women's budget for missions and local projects. , Tins MESSAGE SPONSORED BY YOUR HOME-OWNED BANE AS A COMMUNTTT USYIC1 DANK OF xJastern Oregon HEPPNER ZONE ARLINGTON MEMBER, FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPOBATIOM .J Mrs. Myrna Sargent and Mrs. Zona Earl and daughter Teresa ol Silverton visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arden Tripp and family and with other relatives. qmhb mm mBmMM Mrs. Ken Miller and Todd of Portland visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Robbins returned Monday from a months vacation visiting rela tives at Elkins, Arkansas. Mrs. Allen Nistad and Mrs. William Mai were business visitors to The Dalles Wednes- Archers Have Party The Wheeler County Archery Club held a Card Party Satur day evening. There were 11 tables in play. High went to Jim Cochran and Halli Spivey, low went to Bob Hire and Glenda Homer and pinochles went to Took Homer and Betty Kirby. Door prizes were donated by Fossil Merchantile, Wrights Chevrolet, Sitton Motor Co., Les Schwab, Ashers Variety and Mrs. Verlin Conner. Winning the door prizes were Glenda Homer, Jim Hulett, Dave Mat tison, Dwayne Kandle, Allen Heim and Bob Hire. There was a White Elephant Auction after cards. Jim Hulett was the i i i . ) I 1 1 r SHRINE 1 HOSPITAL J f i m"J;, it n-i "I , u With smiles that promise ja.ishine, Potentate Walter Koch, patient Stacy Fisher, and Queen Karen Ann Mackley prepare for Sunday's open house at the Portland Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children. This year International Shrine Hospital Day is commemorating 51 years of service in 22 hospitals throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Queen, and "Patient of the Year" is 12 year old Karen Ann Mackley of Portland. Born with dislocated hips, Karen has been a patient at the hospital since she was five. Public is invited to learn more about. The world's Greatest Philanthropy," by attending the program and open house beginning at 1:30 P.M., Sunday, May 21 at the Portland hospital, N.E. 82nd and Sandy Blvd. Good Things Happen, with "Nest Eggs" Like growing chicks, growing dollars often start from small be ginnings. To make good things happen for your family, start a financial nest egg now, with a Savings Account here. Even small amounts, saved regu larly, soon add up to substation sums. Interest, compounded reg ularly, helps your money earn more. What "hatches" out? A brighter future! iimitmnnttmimmnimmuiiuuiiinimiittn For Extra Earnings . . . Time Savings Accounts To make your money work even harder, check the advantage of Time Savings, at premium in terest rates. Inquire! (fi--1 siir v J if mmf mmmmm, II mm JiHA "v ; m WWkf f liSlilliilllP 'if -' '' INTEREST PAID DAILY tl LINbIM 4 FIRGT PEDESaAl. SAVINGS nJ LOAN ASSOCIATION OFKN0UTON .180 NE Second Hermfston, Ore. Don Gray, manager Tel.