HEPPNER (ORE.) GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday May 10. 173 , Joseph Cox Appointed Director of Extension Gcri Grieb Hat Reserve Champ A long-time Orcein Extortion educator, Joseph It, Cox, hus been appointed associate dean of the School of Agriculture and director of (he Oregon Stale University Extension Service. Cox, 5(1, assumes his new duties immediately, according to Wilbur T. Cooney, dean of agriculture. Cox succeeds Lee H. Kolmer, who left Oregon State in March to become dean of agriculture at Iowa Slate University. Cox has been associate director of Extension since 1071 when I DO YOUR 1 SPRING CLEANING I THE EASY WAY. SELL THOSE UNWANTED ITEMS FOR CASH. CALL 676-9228 Breeding: Service Artificial Insemination Service beef and dairy American Breeders Representative Joe Yocom Lexington, Oregon Ph. 9B9-E134 TYPEWRITER DIRTY? Call or leave your -machine irt ' the Heppner Gazette Times. Larry of Standard Office Equipment of La Grande who stops every three weeks will contact you. New and used type writers. 14tfe Monuments Eternal Markers BRONZE a GRANITE INSTALLATIONS VASES Cemetery Grave Markers SWEENEY MORTUARY Serving lone. Heppner and Lexington Heppner... Ph. 676-9600 Optometrist City Council Heppner City Council "! rtnt Moy VUU11U1 Utah Month Citizens having matters for discussion please present them to City Recorder one week prior to regular meet ing or bring them before the Council. Ph. 676-9618 Exterminating Service - Dobyns Pest Control RodeQt and Insect Ex termination .Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging John Jepsen Ph: lone 422-7180 Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician V Surgeon 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 Wallace H. Wolff 1 M.D. P.C. Family Practice Week Days by Appointment and Emergencies Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676 9620 Gerald A. Jones M.D. Physician ajidjSurgeon 116 E. HuHburt Hours Monday thru Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m'. Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Keating Co. Wllllanm Firnaces Complete Installation s) Linoleum Refrigeration Carpet i nr; Domestic and OH Burr.er Commercial Service Free Kstimatea-iAU Work Guaranteed Pi'i. 67S-M18 Heppner Funeral Home Sweeney Funeral Home Pre -arrangement Distant Removals Serving. lone. Heppner and Lexington Licensed Funeral Directors Heppner Ph. 676-9600 Insurance Fire, Casualty, Life and Health OPS FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO. John Gochnauer Agent Pendleton Heppner 276-2732 676-5862 Ruggles - Boyce INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box? 247 Heppner, Oregon Ray Boyce Ph. 676-5384 Turner, Van Marter ana" Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9113 THE GAZETTE-TIMES has Heppner picture Fost cardg"! Select either the colorful picture of th4 Morrow County Court house or the aerial view of he city. Only 10c eia. Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract & Title Co TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676 9912- Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 67g-9200 Wholesaters-Mfgs. - "Pride of Oregon Ice Cream" Butter. Kraft Food Lines Dud Tash-Producta Specialist Clay Phillips, Assistant MORROW . CO. CREAMERY BILL COX. MGR. 676-9244 Hobbies -AgatM Betrtfied Wood - Beam and Avon Bottle-Lapidary ana) Bottle Books - Custom Sawing . Large and Extra Larga Miller's Rock Shop Mrs. Paul B. )fj)rna Miller Cecil Ore. Bjr Appointment Kolmer became director. The Oregon State University Extension Service is the univer sity's statewide arm for educa tional programs in agriculture, forestry, home economics, community development, ma rine resources, and 4-II ynulh education. The U. S. Department of State last year named Cox as consultant on Extension pro grams for the government of Turkey. As consultant, he has helped the Turkish government adopt and apply Extension educational techniques. The new director received a bachelor's degree from Oregon State in 1939 and master's degree from Pacific University in l!Hi3. He did additional graduate study at George Washington University, Uni versity of Arizona, and the University of Oregon. Extension "extends" through informal teaching programs the work and research findings of the university and other sources into every county and com munity of the state, Cooney noted. A network of county Extension agents is backed up by a staff of specialists in a variety of subjects. Although service to agricul ture has been a vital role of Extension since its beginning, new educational roles have been added in recent years. Extension has undertaken a series of new programs serving all areas of Oregon-rural and urban-thai are designed to help the state develop all of its resources. Besides agriculture, major program thrusts are conducted in forestry, marine resources and community development. Development of human re sources is fostered through education in family living and 4-H and youth. 4-H has more than 40. (MX) members in Oregon. f$V-r- rf! t.. a . I - 1 - i V 5 Miss Geri Grieb, Lexington, Oregon, is at the halter of her reserve summer champion female of the 1973 Western Regional Junior Angus Ksifer Show in Reno, Nevada. The heifer is C&G Eileen 1472. (Photo by American Angus Associiion) NOTICE OF l'1'HI.IC HEARING The MORROW COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing at the Morrow County Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon at 8:00 p.m., Monday, May 21, 1973 on the following applications: An application by Gene Hal sey for a change of zoning from Farm to Commercial on Tax Lot f00, and a conditional use permit for an addition to motel and a trailer court on Tax Lots SO0 and 600 in T 2S, R 26 E, Sec. 34. An application by Umatilla Electric Cooperative Associa tion for a change of zoning from farm to commercial on one acre adjoining Paterson Ferry Road in the NE'4 of Sec. 9, T 4 N, R 26 E, a portion of Tax Lot 100, to construct a substation. All interested persons are urged to attend. Dorris L. Graves, Chairman Morrow County Planning Commission 19-C Pi&Kc Hot's IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW PROBATE DEPARTMENT NOTICE No. 1715 TO INTERESTED PERSONS MAN- Grange Visitation 42 grangers from Morrow and Umatilla County attended the meeting of Greenfield Grange Saturday night for visitation night. The meeting started with potluck supper at 6:30. Willows Grange at lone brought the desserts. Mj-s. Chub Warren was hostess. Special guests included Berl Akers, lone, state gatekeeper and Morrow County deputy Joe DuPuis, Stanfield Grange, Umatilla County Pomona Master; and Morton Wolverton, Columbia Grange, Hermiston, Umatilla County Deputy. Rhea Creek Grange present ed the program with Freda Slocum in charge. Bob Stevens presented three violin solos accompanied by his daughter, Jo Jean, "There's A Star Spangled Banner Waving Somewhere", "Believe Me, If AH Those Endearing Young Charms" and "Cornflower". Archie Bechdolt gave a reading of his grandfather's; Leslie Slocum of Hermiston played two piano solos, theme from "Love Story" and "Chinese Boogie". Peter Slocum of Hermiston held a discussion of Gov. Tom McCall's tax plan to be voted on Mqy 1. The visitation count included 8 from Rhea Creek Grange, eight from Willows Grange, five from Lexington, four from Columbia Grange at Hermiston, two from Stanfield Grange and 15 from Greenfield Grange. During the business session the grange voted to reinstate Evelyn Miller as a member, and voted to help rebuild the Grange Farmstead at the Oregon State Fair. G-T WANT ADS PAY COW POKES By Ace Reid Public Notice Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the budget com mittee for the Boardman Rural Fire District will be held at the Boardman City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on the 23rd day of May for the purpose of receiving the budget message and budget document for the year 1973-74. Any person may discuss the proposed program with the budget committee at that time. Copies of the budget will be available at Boardman City .Hall. Carroll J. Donovan, Chairman Boardman Rural Fire District 19-c Estate of: BEULAH KIN, Deceased. Probate proceedings in the estate of Beulah Mankin, de ceased, are now pending in the above entitled court, wherein Fred Mankin, the undersigned, has been appointed and has qualified as the personal rep resentative of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, in due form and properly verified, within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the under signed at the following address now designated as the place for the presentations of claims, to-wit: Winter & Doherty, Attorneys at Law, P.O. Box 582, Heppner, Oregon 97836. -s-Fred Mankin Personal representative of the estate of the above named decedent. Dated and first published April 26, 1973. 17-18-19-c "Wuf Washingfon, jist tell this feller Kissinger he did such a fine job gettin' them P.O. W.'s ouf of jail five thousand miles away, I'd like yem to git a buddy of mine ora ail in Mexico and that's only across the river!" NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING The Port of Morrow will hold a public hearing May 10, 1973 at 4:00 p.m. in the Boardman City Hall for the purpose of discuss ing the budget for the Port of Morrow. Any person may appear to discuss the budget or any part of it. A copy of the NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE" "budget document may bein- Public Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO COUNTY Up-3 JqP r cfef(llFir -' jvJLJ ri mmmmirmm I " I I U III f n I I L 'isT-.-"'. n n ni nnin ifi:ffflsr . ,iimi W mt end Mlkjr MaMMr. Hm Work! Uadar to fe k.Xi veiSJ?S1fei!s5U . a- 1 1 flodkialuMlhowlDryou.TlwrorMLtor jfH?rKfc: a I In tooattng Just ths nouaa or aparumnt that K3SS!?S,'V V; ?' K.-'i W At Hf s&fM 1 YouV gtmaad H-ln Wliwar H, The Paopf s V'5SSf?, 3y ""." 5'. .tl 1 1 Chotoa, tha CtosaMad Want Ad. Does mora . Vl rr g . " L vf'WSfJ , 1 things tor mora paoota-Ww finding tha lost, aaai ""-, r Z M rscyoUng tr rauaaola. getting s lod, finding '--MM-r "v XnttT ' wUHng woraaoi . . . fact is. If you'va got a proo- -.rxm-jf I J Mi" torn, most Nksly watt siordad Want Ad oan V ,r. .TJ 1 I 2 X Plaintiff, HICKS, No. 10986 CECIL FRANKLIN mm w ooo a I 1 n m emm m mtf em mm wmmmm o ssi ntnm If you want to convert your camera to cash, want to trade your drum for dollars, want to swap your baler for some beautiful bucks Jump on the Winner's Bandwagon, Join the landslide of the ever growing group of folks who have discovered how easy it is to use the fast, effective Want Ads. SPECIAL LOW RATES Call 67G-9228 THI CIASSI'IID ADVf ITISINO DEPT. - : vs Defendant, MARJORIE EVELYN HICKS. By virtue of an execution issued out of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause to me directed and dated March 21, 1973, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 16th day of March, 1965, in favor of Marjorie Evelyn Hicks, defendant, and against Cecil Franklin Hicks, plaintiff, for the sum of $50.00 per month child support and the further sum of $150.00 per month for five years, I certify that on the 9th day of April 1973, I levied on all the right, title and interest of the within named plaintiff in and to the' following described real property situat ed in Morrow County, Oregon, to wit: 1. Lot 7, in Block 1, of North Boardman Addition, Boardman, Oregon. 2. Lot 2, in Block 4, Board man (according to the duly recorded plat thereof) Sec tion 9, Township 4 North, Range 25, East of the Willamette Meridian, Mor row County, Oregon. 3. Lot 4, in Block 15, Wills Addition to the City of lone, County of Morrow, State of Oregon. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution and in compliance with the commands of said writ I will, on 22 May 1973 at 10 a.m., on the steps of the Courthouse, Heppner, Ore gon, in Morrow County, State of Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to the redemption, to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the right, title and interest which the within named plain tiff had on the 16th day of March 1965, the date of the enrolling spected or obtained between the hours of 8 : 30 a .m . and 5 : 00 p.m . at the Port office in the Boardman City Hall. Shirley Zielinski, Budget Officer c-18-19 Public Notice MORROW COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT R-l Notice of Call For Bids Sealed bids will be received at the Morrow County School District Office, Box 368, Lex ington, Oregon 97839, for fur nishing and delivering the following: 1 Six passenger four door sedan Bids will be opened at 2:00 p.m., on Monday, May 21, 1973 at the District Office in Lexing ton, and will be presented to the school board at their regular meeting at 8:00 p.m., on Monday, May 21, 1973. The school board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any or all technicalities or claims. Specifications and bid forms may be acquired at the office of the District Superintendent at Lexington. Only bid forms furnished by the school district will be used.. Bids must be in sealed envelopes and be clearly marked "BID", (s) G.W. Peck, Chairman, Mor row County School District Board of Directors (s( Ronald L. Daniels, District Superintendent Publication dates: May 3, 1973 and May 10, 1973. Bid opening: Monday, May 21, 1973, at 2:00 p.m., Lexington District Office. c-18-19 Public Notice NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the budget com mittee for the Boardman Park & Recreation District will be and docketing of the judgement held at the Boardman City Hall herein, or since that date had in at 7:30 p.m. on the 22nd day of and to the above described May for the purpose of receiv property or any part thereof to ing the budget message and satisfy said execution, interest, budget documents for the year costs and accruing costs. 1973-74. Any person may discuss Dated this 18th day of April, the proposed program with the 1973. SHERIFF OF MORROW COUNTY BY: John F. Mollahan budget committee at that time. Copies of the budget will be available at the Boardman City Hall. Harold Baker, Chairman Boardman Park & First publication: April 19, 1973, Recreation District subsequently on April 26, May 3 19-c Last publication: May 10, 1973.