IWI'N'KK OHi:. CAZKTTF TIMKS. Thumday May 10. 1973 SOROPTIMISTS HONOR SENIOR GIRLS AT LUNCHEON 1 u ; y ' ft j U ' I L V Heppn er Jr. Hi Trock It 5th ot Arlington a- IONK SK'MOIt GIKI.S - Kathleen MeEllijott. Anne Koskh.s, Mrs. Darrrl Wilson. Karen Crow ell. Sealed D'Ann Harnett KloodsMorth. I nable to attend were Melissa MiKlligott who was out of town and Nancy Ashurst and Christina I.incistrom were at a tennis meet. IIKIMWKIl SKNIOK iIKI.S- back row: Kerry Coppix-k. Lisa McCHbe. Kellie Kilkenny, l.yiulu Itaker, Trade Norene, Kohbette JSST: '"' Johnson. Sharon Wllherrlle. Joan llealy Kckman. Janet Centry (ireenup, Sherry Kemp. Front row: llarbara Sherman. Carol Hughes, l.ouAnn Kelly, Marie VanMarter, Debbie Peek, Tririu I'rock. Tami Meador, Joan Christman, Tatty Daly. Our apologies to Mary Abrams whose head Is behind Kelly Kilkenny's. "Today is a New Day' and then Gertrude Snodprass. guest speaker at the Sorootimists second annual Senior Girls luncheon talked succinctly on the seven thoughts she has as her own philosophy. ...and I will he happy, I will seek beauty inwardly, I will be ME. I will not wear a mask. 1 will be genuinely involved. I will dream my dream and I will not be afraid A few of the meaningful thoughts: "Why am I afraid to tell you who I am". Be brave enough to open yourself to other people, I look back 50 years and you look forward 50 years. I will try to live this day only. Begin here and now. She noted three ways to solve , a problem. Leave it for awhile. When you return to it it may not be as important as it seemed, you've found a new approach or it's taken care of itself. People are as happy as they make up their minds to be. A person has all these feelings and emotions-if he learns to live with them he isn't swept into oblivion. We learn more from non-verbal behaviour than from verbal. I must give of myself make things happen rather than just watch them happen. Inward beauty begins with self awareness. "We must be our own change agent. You're the only person who can change Janice Healy Qualifies for Olympics On Saturday. May 5. at the Hermiston AAU track meet, Janice Healy qualified for the State Junior Olympics to be held in Portland. June 2. Janice competed in the junior division (12-13 vear olds) in hieh iuirm. where she reached a height of 4 54 . She was the only one to qualify from Heppner at the meet. Maureen Healy gave her sister some stiff competition and came home wilh a third place ribbon in the junior division high jump. Jackie Mollahan brought home a first in two events at Hermiston: midget class high jump. 4'1" and long jump, 12'6'2". Jackie also participated in the 100 yd. dash. Other ribbon winners from Heppner were Cindy Kerr, third place in the Softball throw with a throw of 12ft ft.; Ray Cate, fourth place'in high jump with a height of 4'5"; and Marty Smith, second place in the junior division 8 lb. shot with a put of 30'8". Also the junior division girls' 440 yd. relay team. Cindy Dougherty. Janice Healy, Bonnie Schiller, and Lori Turner, brought home fourth place ribbons with a time of 60.3 seconds. Laurie Malcom brought home a nice red ribbon in the long jump event with a jump of 137". Other participants at the Hermiston AAU Meet were Joycelyn Thorpe, Diane Hol land, Curtis Sweek, Ken Grieb, Ron Currin and Jack Yocom. Dennis Cass and Dorothy Agee are the coaches. Spring Athelric Events Track Saturday -- District Track Meet at Condon 10 a.m. Finals at 1 p.m. This is a qualifying meet for the boys to go lo state the following weekend at Pleas ant Hill. The meet will le held on Condons new track Kaseball Condon played baseball here Tuesday nighl. The next ball game will lie Friday which was previously scheduled for Satur day. The name lime is :t p.m. with Sherman here (...If The (i.ill team will go to I'manlla Thursday. The Dis trict (iolt meet will Ik- held Monday ,n ( tularin. you". "Don't be all sugar and spice and Junior Prom". It's a frightening freedom, lu'ing yourself. Be a responsible self-directing person, dare to open your feelings, and live by your values. What happens when you don't find your identity? Sometimes it torments man more than he can bear. In order to know others, we must know ourselves. In elosine. she said. "A thank you to the good I.nrd for placing me in a position to work with students and to know you." Mrs. Snodgrass is supervisor of Teacher Training at Kastern Oregon College. She also teaches Knglish Senior Girls There were about present at the luncheon which included the senior girls from Riverside High School, lone High School and Heppner High School, their advisors and Soroptimist members Mrs Charles Heard was emcee. Mrs. W. W. Weatherford was luncheon chairman. Kach Soroptimist member had set a card table with her own luncheon cloth, china, silver and crystal and was hotess at that table. The dinner was served by the women of St. Patrick's parish with Mrs. Harry O'Donnel as chairman. SPECMl ' Ml w SALE 30 OFF on all On Friday, May 4, Ihe Heppner Klementary truck leant went lo Arlington lo iHr!ieittttte in their May Day -v yj Invitational. The Heppner learn i (girls and boy) came home in r x fifth place mil of fifteen teams 1 represented ' The meet was a qualifvinil meet for Ihe Junior OlympicB lo Im held in Portland in June. There were no qualifying limes met by the Heppner learn, but there were several ribbons brought home. In Ihe midget division (10 11 year olds), Jackie Mollahan brought home a blue riblNtii in Ihe girls' high jump w ith a jump of 4'l", a second place riblxin in the soft hall throw IIII'IO"), and second place in Ihe long jump (12'2"l. Mary Daly took fifth place in the girls' midget division 50 yd dash with a run of 7.7 seconds. In the junior division (12-13). Ray Cute came home with a first in the boys' 220 yd. dash with u lime of 251. 1 seconds. Diane Holland. Janice llealy and Cindy Dougherty, each came home with third place ribbons in the girls' snftba'l throw, KM) yd. dash, and 220 yd. dash respectively. In (he high jump, Janice Healy took the fourth place ribbon, and Ray Cate brought home a fifth place in the boys' 100 yd. dash with a time of 12.5 seconds. The oldest age group, inter mediate (14-15), brought back some riblMins also. Teresa Peck came home with a first in the 440 (1:11.3). und she tied for i second in Ihe 100 yd dash 1 12 5). Curl Christmun received a first in Ihe I mi yd diish (116) and a third in the high jump 5'l"). Laurie McCube returned wilh a red ribbon In Ihe HK) meter low hurdles (19 9), and she took fourth place In the high jump 4'2"). Curmen Clow und Mike Smith ulso received ribbons; Carmen, 41 h in shot put (23'4"), und Mike, 3rd in the BHD yd. rucewulk (5:04 5). In the oten division, Heppner look first place in Ihe mixed relay (55 5). Participants in the relay were Teresa Peck, Ray Cale, Ijiiiiie McCuIh and Curl Crislman. Other contestants from Heppner were Bonnie Schiller, Laurie Malcom, Maureen llealy, Cindy Kerr, Inri Turner, Richard Schmidt, Philip Marquardt, Lance Jones, Jack Yocom, Curtis Sweek, Dennis Peck, Marty Smith, Ken Grieb, Delbert Turner, Ron Currin, Don McKwen, Pum Haugen, Kuthy Marshall, and David Steagall. Dennis lass und Dorothy Agee are coaches for Junior High Track. MU. AM) MRS. RKIIAHD SCIII.ICIITING huve made a donation to the Heppner High School Library for the purchase of materials in memory of (Jerry Wayne Gentry. Anyone wishing to contribute in this' manner may feel free to do so. nnt-KMUh atlNlOK GIRLS - Mrs. Howard Madder, Debbie McCoy. Kittie Hixon, Pat Skoubo, Pat Witters, Dodie Hilling. Seated - Casey Kuhn, Marilyn Pourier, Jyl Ayling, Susan Ball Debbie Hugg. ,., . UPHOLSTERED GOODS LARGE SELECTION OF COUCHES CHAIRS - RECLINERS CASE FUEOTURE CEMETERY NOTICE Following MemoriaDay the entire Hepp ner Masonic Cemetery willl be cleaned on June 7th, at which time all flowers, real or artificial, and other items will be picked up. People wishing to keep their artificial flowers and containers should pick them up no later than June 6th. Heppner Cemetery Maintenance District ma DONE AUCTDO Ml IN COUNTRY STORE OPENS 10 A.M. COUNTRY AUCTION AT 10 30 Don Wink Auctioneer 1 PIT BEEF BARBECUE DINNER AT 12:30 Adults & High School Students 2.50 Grodes 1-8 1.00 free for preschool children Features: Fish Pond, Children's Corner, Antique Alley, Silent Auction, Foods, Handmade Sewing, Arts & Crafts, New-to-you Items & General Merchandise. Lined up for the barbecue dinner Sponsored by lone United Church of Christ Beecher's Cafe Akers Motor Service Jordon Elevator Co. Bristow's Market Gene's Chevron Station Independent Garage This ad paid by these progressive Morrow County Firms: Chas. O'Connor, Insurance Rietmann's Hardware lone Lions Club Lindstrom Bros. Iron Works T & C Storage Stormor Bins 422-7437 Hem's Truck Line 422-7277 The Office Lindsay It in ca id B & C Repair Paul Pettyjohn Co. Morrow County Grain Growers Dobyn't Pest Control John W. Jpmb Murrays Rx Stables Aod Moray loot. Ortoa Bank of Eastern Oregon