IIF.ITNKR WM) Bv MARY IKE MARl.OW "' " " ,T Lou.se Hiatt Hands, age 88. Idaho d I dd I. Ant.och. Calif, on Apri. H.nJM.y . W "J 9 - I Breeding: Service Artificial Insemination Service beef and dairy American Breeders Representative Joe Yocom Lexington, Oregon I'h. TYPEWRITER DIRTY? Call or leave your machine an the Heppner Gazette Times. Larry of Standard Office Equipment of La Grande who Hops every three weeks will contact you. New and used type-' wTlters. Uilc City Council Heppner City Council ""SJ Citizens having matters for discussion please present them to City Recorder one week prior to regular meet ing or bring them before the Council. Ph. 676 9618 Exterminating: Service : Uobyns Pest uontrol Rodent and Insect Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Hoor Covering and Keating Co. William Firnacts Complete Installations i Linoleum Refrigeration Csrptinrt Domestic and Oil Burrer Commercial Service Free Estimate- All Work Guaranteed Pfi. 67S-9418 Heppner Funeral Home Sweeney Funeral Home Pre -arrangements Distant Removals Serving. lone. Heppner and Lexington Licensed Funeral Directors Heppner Ph. 676-960C Insurance Fire, Casualty, Life and 'Health OPS FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO. John Gochnauer Agent Pendleton Heppner 276-2732 676-5862 Ruggles - Boyce INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box? 247 Heppner, Oregon Ray Boyce Ph. 676-5384, Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9113 ; . xj, : ' U;- ;. j ' 1 GAZETTE-TIMES. Thunulay, rAmiir nnnrHmanlte ' u.. .wu . Monuments Eternal Markers BRONZE GRANITE 9 INSTALLATIONS VASKS Cemetery Grave Markers SWEENEY MORTUARY Serving lone, Heppner and Lexington Heppner Ph. 7S S600 Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676 9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician 6 Surgeon 1st National Bank Bldg. . Res. 676 9210 Off. 676-9616 Dr. Wallace H. Wolff M.D. Office Hours: 1012. 2-5:30 Mon.. Tnes., Wed. and Fri. 1 to 5:30 Thursday Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 I . Gerald A. Jones M:D. Physicia Sureeon lib Hurlburt ' Hours Monday thru Thursday 9:0O a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. THE GAZETTE-TIMES has Heppner Picture Post cards! Select either the colorful picture of thd Morrow County Court house or the aerial view of the city. Only 10c ea. Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract & Title Co TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676-9912- Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676--9200 Wholesalers-Mfgs. "PTide of Oregon, Ice Cream" Butter .& Kraft Food Lines Dud Tash Products Specialist Clay Phillips, Assistant MORROW CO. CREAMERY BILL COX, MGR. 676-9244 Hobbies -Agates - Betrif ied Wood - Beam and Avon Bottles-Lapidary and, Bottle Books - Custom Sawing Large and Extra Large Miller's Rock Shop Mrs. Paul E. (Mjraa) Miller Cecil. Ore, 503-422-711 By Appointment PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS with 1 f Security light" 1 SERVICE : Automatic yard lights offer inexpen- , sive protection for your business. The .- "Security Light" is ideal for rural stores, Warehouses, storage areas and parking lots. There are 'dozeniof .ways that. you may use a "Security Light" in your-business. Costs as little a$3.00 per month This low price Includes MghCwlM.' electricity, . maintenance and pole. It also includes the photo electric cell that turns on and off automatically. - -wr - ' rati nw tV'f. TYnt. VXxjfm. rC April , 1973 Passes firs, settlers there. They lived in Boardman more than 20 years neiore moving to Culver. In 1954'they returned to Boardman. Mr. Rands preceded his wife in dealh in 12. She resided in Hermiston until l9 at which time she moved to Brentwood, Calif. Survivors include a daughter, Donna Stegman, Las Vegas, Nevada; a son, Vaughn Keys of Portland, a brother. Elijah Hiatt, Milton-Freewater, a daughter-in-law, Mrs. R. B. Rands of Boardman. 11 grand children, 20 great grand children and 1 great -greatgrandchild. The funeral will be in Her miston at Burns Mortuary at 2:00 p.m. on April 13. Intern ment will be at Boardman Riverview Cemetery. 100 Attend Style Show About 100 persons attended the style show and card party Tuesday night of last week at the Riverside High School commons. The affair was spon sored by St. Patrick's Altar Society with Mrs. Dan Daltoso and Mrs. Verne Evans in charge. Theme of the style show was -Blooming Out All Oyer". Fashions were from the J. C. Penney Company at Columbia Center. Models were Verina French and Dorothy O'Rourke of Pendleton; Mary Ellen Trace of Umatilla; Caleen Davis, Grace McKinney, Betty Schmeder and David Richards of Irrigon; Susan Ball, Helen Busch, Shirley Donovan, Toni Gasser, Phoebe Hayes, Barb ara Hilling. Jeanne King, Casey Kuhn, Mary Lee Marlow, Ruth Mudder, Lavern Partlow and Randy Baker. Mrs. Wayne Kuhn sang two numbers during the intermis sion, "April Love" and the theme from "Love Story", accompanied by Mrs. Partlow. She also was accompanist during the style show. Following the style show there were 14 tables of bridge and pinochle played. High prizes in pinochle were won by Mrs. Ed Kuhn and Charlotte Thomas, and at bridge winners were Mrs. Sam Beeks of Arlington and Mrs. Rupert Kennedy. Mrs. Rollin Bishop received the door prize, and the basket of groceries was won by Mrs. Jean Allen. There were four tables of pinochle in play at the card party held Tuesday of last week at the Greenfield Grange Hall sponsored by the Women's Activity Committee of the grange. Mrs. Rollin Bishop was hotess. High prize was won by Mrs. Don Downey and second high went to Mrs. Zoe Billings. Mrs. Jessie Hartfield and Faye Anderson received the traveling pinochle prizes. The Ladies Aid Society of the Boardman Community Church met Wednesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Rollin Bishop. Guests were Mrs. Bob Miller and Mrs. Carl Gaede of Gresham, Mrs. Joe Turner and Mrs. Zoe Billings. Mrs. Leo Root was in charge of the devotional program, ... assisted by Mrs. Roy Ball and Mrs. Billings. Before the meeting Mrs. Bishop was honored with a surprise handkerchief shower in honor of her 80th birthday which was Apr. 2. She was also presented with a birthday cake shaped like an open Bible. Kulem Choir The 32 voice choir from the Salem Academy pienled a concert Sunday night to about 120 people at the Boardman Community Church. Instru mental numbers were also presented. Following the con cert the Ladies Aid Society of the church had a buffet supper for the group in the Fellowship Room. Evangelist to Speak Gene Lewin of Donnelly, Idaho, American Sunday School Union Evangelist, will hold a series of meetings at the Boardman Community Church from Apr. 22 through May 2. There will be no meeting the evening of Apr. 23. There will be two meetings each night. From 7 to 7:45 p.m he will speak on Christian Living, and from 8 to 9 p.m. on Biblical Truths. Excep tion to this will be the two Sunday evenings. Apr. 22 and 29, when there will be only one meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. Thrusday, Apr. 26, will be Youth Night. The public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nickel of Shicktey, Nebr. and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nickel of Ong, Nebr. were visitors from vr -ryy zzzZ J! Three on a bench. The Hudson opening number of the Saturday Exhibits Spark 4H Leaders Forum Northeast Oregon 4-H Lead ers Forum attracts many Mor row 4-H'ers. Enthusiasm for their 4-H program was evident from Morrow County leaders and junior leaders at the N.E. Oregon Leaders Forum held at Blue Mt. Community College last Saturday. The "Dancing Squarecrows", a folk and square dancing 4-H club from Irrigon stole the show as they "do si do'd and alemande left" during the lunch hour. Other exhibits displayed by Morrow County included inter national breads by the Merry Mixers Club of lone, beginning clothing by Rikka Tews 4-H Club, lone, Tole Painting by Mildred Davidson's group, Lex ington, and Community Pride by the Outdoorsman Club of Irrigon. Four workshops were offered during the day "Communica tion - Telling it like it is", "Involving Older Members", "Old Dog - New Tricks" and "A Philosophy of Youth Develop ment". Mrs. Gail JVlcKinnis, Union County, reported high lights of the recent Western States Leaders Forum, offering a resume of events and work shops there. Lynne Breese, OSU Extension Service presented a brief program on Mini-lessons. A tour of BMCC was included in the day's events for those interested with Wal lace McCrae, President of BMCC acting as tour guide. Sixty-five attended the day's session offered for Gilliam, Wheeler, Umatilla, Baker, Wal lowa and Morrow County lead ers. Morrow County was well represented with sixteen in attendance. Attending from here were Pete, Lois and Robert Richards, Betty Schmeder, Marge Shade, Chester and Rose Wilson, Francine Evans and Gladys Hobbs all of Irrigon; Virginia Grieb, Phyllis Kroll, Lexington; Kathleen and Joan McElligott, lone; Cheri Jo Carter, BirdineTullis.and Mike Howell, Extension Service, Heppner. The Northeast Oregon Lead ers Forum is held annually to offer leaders and junior leaders with similar interests the oppor tunity to get together, exchange ideas and keep up to date with events of particular interest to their 4-H programming. Thursday till Monday at the home of the men's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts. Graduate Honored Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tatone went to Portland recently to attend the graduation of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith of Condon, who were among the graduales at Portland State University at early spring commencement exercises. Mrs. Smith had a CPA of 3.75. The Tatone's were hosts for a party at the Portland Motor Hotel in honor of the Smith's and as a going away purty for Jody Tatone, student in political science at Oregon State Univer sity, who is taking a trip to Hawaii to see about attending the University of Hawaii for a term. While there he visited at the home of Roger Smith's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Burres, who both are instructors at the univer- sity . Tatone s GPA the last term was a 4.00. Mrs. Frank Marlow was honored with a small birthday party Friday night at the home of Mrs. Roy Bull. Other guests included Mrs. Hazel Carpenter and Mrs. Leo Root. Riverside Jr. - Sr. High School Menu Monday - Hot dogs, French fries, buttered corn, pickles and fruit. Tuesday - Macaroni and cheese, vegetable sticks, lunch .MvsWO. W III', l VI 'W cJiJ i sisters play a piano trio for the night Hootenanny. , Tsl Lstf rf c O ) yi.fsl?v f f I i Jv 'i F-rr I Jvi1 r::;r:i ts 15. n n nrlAn nrn fi&& yy-mXz&v hi U lit II I T "':'.'VV'-nS.WM LrAu uuLIUu mmmimiMm Total the mnnm. Th Champ at bringing buy- s?i5. pXM ., and .attar togathar. Tha World Uatfarh MvS&rSS! flndlng Hot tha oar lor you. Tha World Laadar ;C;fr.; fiv.Wi'W. tPlffPfc- Sf to locating luat Urn houaa or apartmant that fZv' 'M"Vf?:. 'S. J. 'r.t SHi ChotoKtoToMMad Want Ad. Doaa mora T SJTi A stc' --- trang. tor mora paopa-la Sndlng ma loat, 1 I , Njr racycWng tha rauaaWa, gatUng a too. ndlng KB'"r , , - ., v willing wortwn ... tact ia, H you pot prob- vi'jT L wi I mf X lam. mod Kkarf a waH irordad Want Ad oan ?:'S I (I I d, TiiegiToe) meut slices nnd cookies. Wednesday - Sloppy Foes with beans, cheese sticks, fruit and cake. Thursday - Fried chicken, buttered carrots, fluffed pota toes, candied sweet potatoes and Jello. Friday - Hamburgers, potato chips, buttered peas and fruit. Bread, butter and milk are served with all meals. FOR SALE 16 Olds sedan, good condition. I3 Corvair convertible. Good condition. John Crglla Wrecking Yard 676-3393 IS-I6-C FOR SALE - Approximately 1 ucre in Echo, larger older home, two rentals, outbuild ings. Close to school. $5000, down. Will carry own papers on balance. 376-8168. 15-tf-C . ffK, LEO Al NUIIWB PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the budget com mittee of the City of Boardman and the City of Boardman Urban Renewal Agency will be held at City Hall on the 24th day of April at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the budget message and budget document for the year of 1973-74. Any person may discuss the propos ed program with the budget committee at that time. Copies of the proposed budget will be available at City Halt. Shirley Zielinski. Budget Officer 15-c NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Heppner Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on' a Condi tional Use Application of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson to rebuild the four apartment at 140 N. Court Street, Oregon. The Hearing held at 8 p.m. on April 23, 1973, at City Hall. Monday, Hcp'ner CITY OF HEPPNER bv J. F. Sweeney, Mayor HEPPNER PLANNING COMMISSION by Dorothy Heard, Vice-chairman 15-c a al l&p 1 lMim hi in in tasM " i I j 1 More Want Ads LEGAL NOTICE llrppner, Oregon Pioneer Memorial Hospital General Construction April i. 1373 INVITATION FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the construc tion of an addition and altera tion to the PIONEER MEMOR IAL HOSPITAL at HEPPNER. OREGON will be received by the MORROW COUNTY COURT. HEPPNER. OREGON until 1:30 p.m. April 25, 1973 and then at said Office, publicly opened and read aloud. THE COUNTY COURT re serves the right to waive any informality in, or to reject any or all bids. Paul W. Jones. Judge MORROW COUNTY COURT 15-c PIONEER MEMORIAL .... HOSPITAL ....HEPPNER. OREGON ADDITION & ALTERATION ADVERTISEMENT On or about April 4. 1973, drawings and specifications for the construction of an addition, to the PIONEER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AT HEPPNER. OREGON, will be available for distribution to the general contractors by SCHMEER, HARRINGTON & BANA.907 OREGON BANK BUILDING. PORTLAND, OREGON. Applications from Contract ors interested in bidding on this work not to exceed two sets of drawings and specifications together with payment of $50.00 per set should be filed promptly with the Architect, and the bidding material will be for warded, shipping charges col lect, as soon as available. Any bidder upon returning such set promptly and in good condition will be refunded his payment, and any non-bidder upon so returning such set will be refunded $2.00. Bids on this work will be opened by the MORROW COUNTY COURT, on the date named in the specifications, which will be about 21 days after the bidding material is available for distri bution. 15-c ao a ooo If you want to convert your camera to cash, want to trade your drum for dollars, want to swap your baler for some beautiful bucks jump on the Winner's Bandwagon, Join the landslide of the ever growing group of folks who have discovered how easy It is to use the fast, effective Want Ads. SPECIAL LOW RATES Call 6 76 -9228 aovwiuno m-t Pub'.IC feOtjCO PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given that on Monday, May 14. 1973. at :30 a.m. the Board of Equalization of the County of Morrow, Oregon, will meet at the County Courthouse In Heppner, Oregon, to publicly examine the assess ment rollB for said County of Morrow, for the year 1973 and to correct all errors In valuation, descriptions, or qualities of land, lots or other property assessed by the assessor. The ratio between assessed and true cash value adopted by the Board of Equalization pursuant to ORS 309:034 Is 100 percent. It shall be the duty of the persons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed. Petitions for ajustment of assessments must be filed with the Board of Equalization not later than the Monday of the week following the first week that the Board is in session. Joyce Bergstrom, Assessor County of Morrow, Oregon 15-17-c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY PROBATE DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Probate proceedings in the Estate of Alvin E. Wagenblast, deceased, are now pending in the above entitled court, where in LEE E. WAGENBLAST, the undersigned, has been appoint ed and has qualified as the personal representative of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, in due form and properly verified, within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice to the undersigned, in care of Dick & Dick, 5th and Washington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. LEE E. WAGENBLAST Personal Representative DICK & DICK Attorneys for Estate The Dalles, Oregon Dated and first March 29. 1973. published 13-15-c