HEPPNER tOKE.t GIZETTETIMES. PITF.MBFR. lone Students Present Holiday fantasy Christmas Festivities The entire elementary school student body and all the Jr, High and High School tudent involved in chorus or band will take part in the Christmas program thia evening at the lone School at 7 p.m. The grade school student will present a Christmas play and. after a brief intermission, the Jr, High and High School choruses and band will perform. Remember T p.m. C.RDEN CU B PREPARES OIRISTM S PACKAGES B CASSM)RA OUPEL The lone Garden Club met Thursday December the 13th at the home of Mrs. Garland Swanson They had a potluck luncheon and an exchange of gifts The group prepared twenty-four packages of con fections for Senior Citizens and special friends of the club Each one brought a Christmas craft and displayed and explained it. Club members made fourteen swags for business houses earlier in the month These swags were made by Irene Swanson. Vida Heliker and Loree Hubbard The bank display was made by Irene Swanson and Edith Nickerson. The next meeting will be held at Rev. Cuttings The program will be Culture and Care of House Plants by Mrs Cutting, The hostesses for this meeting were Irene Sw anson. Lou Crum, and Norma Ilea presented to Mrs. Vera Riet mann who was celebrating her birthday. Mrs. John Proudfoot, club president, presided at the business meeting. In keeping with the holiday season, Christ mas arrangements were made by the group. For the program Mrs. Morgan read "Christmas Joy" by Norman Vincent Peale and Mrs. Hubbard gave "The Inn Keeper" by Keve. Candy Time at lone Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Martin were hosts for a dinner party Friday night at the Morgan residence honoring members of the Bloodsworth-Barnett wed ding party. About thirty guests attended. 3134 NOV 6I M.P. 35 r Moy fhe heartlifting joys of the Christmas season shine in your memory in the days ahead. Thank you for your good will. Jan 6 will be the 12th night tree burning. 0 Mrs. Wolff K Mrs. Martin Represent Garden Club Mrs. Wallace Wolff and Mrs. Fredrick Martin made a trip to Stanfield representing the lone Garden Club for a meeting of the plant identification and location committee at the Native Desert Floral Preserva tion. This is a project of the Blue Mountain District of Oregon Federation of Garden clubs. Plans were discussed at this meeting for a crash wild flower identification course to be given in the Spring. CANCELATION Due lo unforseen circum stances, the Women's Fellow ship of the lone I'nited Church of Christ post Christmas party scheduled for Dec. 28 has been cancelled. The High School Chorus went to the Pioneer Memorial Hos pital and caroled. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halvor sen are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen's home. j (Ji.lV W In 24 ! Jet Cadets Dinner Because of the weather, what was to be a progressive dinner has turned into a stationary one. The Jet Cadets, 4th, 5th and 6th graders from the Christian Church, will have a dinner on Friday, Doc. 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the basement of the church. They will be enjoying soup, jello salads, spaghetti and ice cream sundaes. Mrs. Harley Sager and Mrs. Carl Marquardt will be in charge of the youngsters and the food will be provided by mothers. TIIl'RSDAY MTE LADIES TEAM STANDINGS Won. Lot 34 33 29 26 25 21 Team Kinzua , Murray t Ruggles Insurance Columbia Basin Toyota Elma's Flower High lnd. Game. Harrie Evans-189; High lnd. Series Harriet Evans-509; High Teatt Game, Kinzua-913; High Teatt Series, Kinzua-2591. Darlene Arrington had an al spare game. Give a G-T subscription someone lor Christmas. to Merry Christmas Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and Mrs. Henry Halvorsen went to Pendleton to visit with Mr. and Mrs Elmer Harr. Mrs. Harr is Mr. Lewis Halvorsen's sister. Paul Pettyjohn The W AC met at the home of Dot Halvorsen for their annual Christmas meeting The order of business was the installation of officers. They are as follows: Chairman. Dot Halvorsen: Vice Chairman, Geneva Palmer; Secretary. Marlyn Giders; Treasurer, Kathy Morter. They had an exchange of gifts and revealing of secret pals and drawing of new secret pals for next year. Refreshments were served. Relatives and friends that were here to attend the Shirley Nichols Rowell funeral are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. William Turner; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turner and girls of Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Costa of Benton City; Mr. and Mrs Ray Turner and Monte of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin of Baker; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Flint of Connel. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFadden of Los Angeles. Calif. lone Grange Potluck Dinner The Willows Grange met Dec. 16 at the Grange Hall for their annual Christmas party and potluck dinner. A short program was enjoyed. Santa Claus came with a bag of candv for evervone. The Women's Social Gub met at the home of Mrs. Ida Coleman for a Christmas party. Games were played and the hostesses were Ida Coleman and Mabel Ring. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE The lone United Church of Qirist had their annual Christ mas program, supper, and caroling on Dec. 17. Christmas Dessert Luncheon Mrs. Milton Morgan and Mrs. Van Hubbard entertained Topic club members and guests with a Christmas dessert luncheon Tuesday at the Morgan home. A large decorated cake was We wish you all the long-lasting happiness of on old-fashioned Christmas shared with family end friends. Heartfelt thanks for your continued loyalty and good will. RIETfJAMN'S HARDWARE KOHL Hove a real bell ringer of a Yuletide! That's our wish to each and ev ery one of our friends! Hams Truck Line lone lone MCGG Basketball The MCGG basketball team played Umatilla Electric in Hermiston on Dec. 12. The score was "4 - 54 in favor of MCGG. High scorers were Frank Hal vorsen 26. John McCabe 20. Man-in Padberg 9, Del LaRue 7, Lee Padberg 6 and Calvin Ashbeck 6. On Dec. 13 they played the Easton team in a very tough game. It was made even tougher for MCGG because Lee Padberg was unable to play due to a badly sprained ankle. He made 2 points when he attempt ed to play, but w as forced to sit the rest of the game out. At halftime MCGG was ahead 41 -39. but the Eastons came back in the second half to beat them 74 - 85. High scorers were Frank Halvorsen 28. John McCabe 24, Gordon Meyers 6, Marvin Pad berg 4. Del LaRue 3. In their third game in less than a week, MCGG met A 4 W in Hermiston on Dec. 18 and trounced on them, 87-28. High scorers were Frank Halvorsen 25, Lee Padberg 18, Calvin Ashbeck 14, John McCabe 14, Gordon Meyers 8 and Del LaRue 8. Their next game will be on Jan. 9 in Hermiston when they will play the Meads. Pat Pettyjohn demonstrates basics of good candy making to Lindy Devin, Lexington: Chris tina Nolan. Heppner; Janette Piper, Lexington, Lottie Laughlin (right - just missed the picture). i Gene Heliker Coming Gene Heliker who plays with a show band began an engage ment on Dec. 19 at the Ramada Inn in Portland. They will play there through the holidays. Christmas has taken on an extra glitter as Gene will be coming home for Christmas. On Sunday he will have dinner at his grandmothers, Mrs. Vida Heliker in lone and Christmas dinner with his mother Mrs. Orville Cutsforth and Orville. All the Cutsforth clan will gather sometime during the day to see Gene. He will be accompanied by his wife, Kathy. She is employed by the Telephone Co. in Seattle. Gene recently played in Denver and Boston before coming to Port land. CH ARLIE W ALKER CALLS G-T Charlie Walker called the Gazette-Times Monday to order a Christmas ad for his Charlie Walker Body Shop. He is expecting to leave the hospital this week. He will spend a couple more weeks in Pendleton then he hopes to come home to Heppner. He says, "my tests are clean" (which is the best news we can hear from Charlie) His daughter Holly Walker is with him and will stay with him until he is able to come home. 4-H 4-H LIVESTOCK CLUB met Dec. 13 at the Fair Pavillion with Mark Sargent conducting the meeting. A Junior leader was chosen. We had a sheep contest. Sandra Palmer's team scored 205 points and Rhonda Sargents team 170. Julie Farley is a new member. We had a gift auction. Donna Bellamy was auctioneer. Plans were made for a potluck supper Feb. 14 at the Annex. Joe Mollahan, Reporter Give a G-T subscription someone for Christmas. to Search & Rescue n irrr TUT Dick Sargent was approved as a new member of the Morrow County Search and Rescue Posse at their meeting Dec. 12 at the Court House. Deputy Sheriff of Deschuttes County, Chris Williams spoke before the group. He had headed their Search and Rescue unit for the past 2'-2 years. He showed slides of the missions they have gone Hunting Rule Hearing Jan. 5 Oregon sportsmen are advis- in setting opening dates at tne 10 on as well as equipment they have acquired. He showed the members the initial equipment that they should try to get. This the very basic pieces of equipment that would be used in most emergency cases. The ways and means of securing this equipment will be discussed at the next meeting. 0 DRAWN BY PAT LOVGREN SE FURNITURE Arnie - Rita - Eileen - Rose - CA ed that the Game Commission will hold a public hearing Friday, January 5, to set the opening dates for the 1973 elk, deer, and upland game bird seasons. The hearing is sched uled at the Commission's Port land headquarters, 1634 SW Alder, and will convene at 10 a.m. John McKean, state game director, emphasized that only the opening dates of the season will be established since bio logical information on which to base length of seasons, bag limits, and other rules will not be available. The director advised that general regula tions for the 1973 hunting seasons will be established in late May for big game animals and in August for game birds and waterfowl. The Commission's objective beginning ot eacn year provide hunters ampletime to plan vacations to coincide with the hunting seasons of their choice. All persons interested are invited to attend the hearing. Recommendations may be submitted to the Commission in writing or by oral presentation. '73 Licenses Oregon outdoorsmen are re minded that the 1972 hunting and fishing licenses expire December 31 and new 1973 documents are needed by all persons taking to the out-of-doors to hunt or fish beginning January 1. Shipment of 1973 hunting and fishing licenses to dealers is now in progress by the Game Commission and was expected to be complete to all agents by December 15. LET'S M AKE C ANDY and the 4-H girls learned how ! A variety of candies were made and sampled during the workshop held recently at the lone School house. Instructors were Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn, lone, and Mrs. Jerold Rea, Lexing ton. With Pat's guidance, the girls made fudge, date nut roll, and taffy. Leann demonstrated and assisted the girls in preparing fondant, and dipping choco lates. Each girl took home samples of the goodies prepared and a recipe book of Christmas goodies. Blackallers Home Fr. and Mrs. David Black aller have returned from a short vacation to Carmel Valley. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs,'. E.B.Hubbard. They were joined there by Lt. and Mrs. E.B. Hubbard jr. and Matthew who flew in from Honolulu. Mrs. E.B.Hubbard Jr. is Fr. Blackaller s daughter. With all the snow and ice in Oregon. Carmel Valley also had snow. They , had extremely hazardous driving conditions all the w ay home. They did see Mt. Shasta without any clouds. They had fog in Central Valley, snow in the Siskiyous and fog and ice through Oregon all the way to Heppner. At one time they saw a Greyhound bus whirl in circles on the highway. The trumpet sounds to herold that wonderful season when men, women and children all over the world pause to pray for peoce on earth and good will towards men. May Christmas blessings be yours now and always. Akers Motor Service lone Merry Christmas As lanterns glow with Christmas joy and greens disperse the scent of Christ mas cheer, we wish you a Merry Yule. Charles O'Connor Insurance lone Ia3 31 29 nova M P. 35 The littlest angel is carrying our message of good cheer to friends and neighbors all over town. Sincere thanks for your patronage. V & G Tavern Vern & Grace Leathers 4 CMtm We wish you all fhe best of holiday cheer ... a Christmas bright with joy. Thanks to you our Christmas has been a happy one . . . serving you has been the great est treat of all. s5K L. pel Gene's Chevron and Cecil Store lone ( r i - - bne, prepare Years for jou. ... ; Northwestern Hotel DRAWN BY 1 AMI BRANNON Charles & Gene Starks