HEPI'NER (ORE.) GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. w A " r ' 1 - rv Local Govts to Budget Revenue Sharing Funds 3 S I 3fl 3 DRAWN BY CLAl Dl V III STOV Gray's Repair bii'al jiiuernments will be required id sulimi! budgets More appniprintitij; and spend ing any fuiuis received from federal revenue sharing In a letter mailed to all Oregon cities and counties. IVcemlver a. 19?::. Department of Revenue Director Charles H Mack said that these local yowrnments must suhiuit supplemental budgets if any of the revenue sharing money is to Ih- spent prior to preparation of their next budgets "l! the local governmental unit decides not to spend the funds immediately," Mack said, "its governing body should create a special fund into wnich revenue sharing money is placed until such time as the revenue sharing is budgeted, appropriated, and eventually spent Local governments have two years from receipt of the money in which to obligate and spend it The Oregon law also requires public hearings on the supple mental budgets as well as publication of the budgets. Oregon's Local Rudget Law iOKS SUSJiW considers us exceptions to the prespendmg budget requirement any funds received as grunts, gifts, be quests, or trusts for specific or special purposes. However. "The receipt of revenue sharing money by a local governing unit is not an exception," Mack said. Revenue sharing money and interest earned from its invest ment must Ih- budgeted before it can be spent." The federal government has laid down two principal re quirements in reH)rting use of these funds. State and local governments must provide -an accounting of the end use of the revenue sharing money and any interest received, and they must provide a record showing that the money was used for one or more of the required ex penditures in Section 103 a of the Revenue Sharing Act. An English Instructor re cently Introduced to his class what he termed "one of the finest, most elegant lines of poetry In the English lan guage." Walk with light." he quot ed, and then repeated softly, "Walk itb light. Now isn't that a wonderful thing to say to someone?" The class agreed, of course, and wished to know the author. "I suppose ifs anony mous," said the Instructor. "Ifs written on a sign at the Intersection of Broadway and Alder In Portland." ; (T ADS PAY Lexington PNG Club Christmas Meeting 1 The F'.VG Club met at the home of Mrs Frank Robinson on Dec. 13 for a luncheon and election of officers. The tables were decorated in a Christmas theme and each guest received a Christmas momento New officers were: Mrs Robinson, chairman: Mrs A.F Majeske, Vice Chairman; Florence McMillan. Sec.-Treas. The door prize was won by Mrs Yocom INCrS THREE LINKS CXI B The Three Links Club met at 2 p.m. on Dec. 13 A report was given or. the Food Sale and Bazaar The next card partv will be Jar. f. at the I O.O.F. Hali. Door prize was won bv Eula Iiloodsworth. Others pre sent were Delphi .Junes. Dimple Munkers. Donna I'apineau. Catie Padherg, Frances Feck. Florence McMillan. Irene Padherg. Freida Majeske and Hilda Yocorr. Mrs Robmsoi: was hostess and Delpha Jone served as co-hostess experience are looking for work: Heppner area: HEAVY Equipment operator. Cat Skid der. lumber grader, mill worker, secretaries, clerk typ ists, grocery checkers; Gilliam C 'utility: Ranch worker, electri cal repairman, three highway maintenance men. two sales clerks, nurse's aide, cashier, secretary, bookkeeper, motel maid, bartender, cook, wai tress, clerk-typist; Wheeler County: Mechanic, nurses aide, office workers For further information, con tact your local Extension office: Heppner. 676--l2; Condon, 384-2271: Fossil. 763-4115; Moro, 5ti.V;l2.'ii). This is a mutual effort of the Extension Service. Employ ment Service, and the people of this area DRAWN; BY TERRY STAR Mr and Mrs Fliu d Snntn an family of Irngon visited o Friday with her mother. Mr. Loia Breeding. TV viewer to another: "I'd rather brush with ordiiiary toothpaste and have 21 percent fewer com mercials." The only guy entitled to be asleep at the switch is the owner of an electric blanket. THIS MESSAGE SPOHSOBED BT TOUB HOME-OWHED BAKE A3 A COMMUXITT SEHV1CX DANK OF D Eastern Oregon IOFfE BRANCH WTvrrrq PESEBJU. DEPOSIT WSUHAHCE CORPORATION MAfUH KDTS HOME FROM E.O.C. Norita and her mother. Rena Marquardt are home for the holidays from E.O.C. Mrs Marquardt will do her practice teaching in Hernuston this coming term. Mr. and Mrs. G.E.Irvm from Baker spent the weekend at the Wm. Nichols home in lone and at the C.C.Jones ranch. Mr. and Mrs C.C.Jones were Portland visitors or. Monday and Tuesday on last week. LEXINGTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH PROGRAM The Lexington Christian Church Sunday School Program will be Sunday. Dec. 24. at 10 a.m. AH are issued a cordial invitation to attend. Bob Harrison visited Friday in Hermiston with his mother, Alice Harrison, who was at that time a patient in Good Shepherd Hospital. Jobs to be Filled The Cooperative Rural Man power Project, with the help of the secretaries m the Extension offices in Morrow. Gilliam and Wheeler counties, has the following job openings: Morrow County : Live-in Baby sitter Gilliam County: One farm job opening Wheeler County: One farm job People with the following Tax Problem Helps The 1972 year has seen many improvements in Morrow County, reports Harold Kerr. County Extension Agent. Most notable is the improved prices for farm commodities. Growers have been plagued with low farm prices for quite awhile. One good year has not enabled most growers to recover com pletely, but may cause tax problems for this particular year A bulletin entitled "Tax Planning Package" is available from the Morrow County Ex tension office. This bulletin contains infor mation on the following subjects: 1. Favorable Prices Stress Tax Planning Importance 2 Buy Ahead 'Cautiously) To Cut Taxable Income 3. Buy Machinery to Lower Your Tax Bracket 4 Livestock Tax Manage ment 5 Investment Credit 6. The Good Tax Consultant Can Save You Money 7. Income Tax Estimate Worksheet 8 1972 Tax Rate Schedule 9 Federal Income Tax Forms For 1972 This bulletin was prepared by Dr. Gene Nelson and Manning Becker, Farm Management Specialists from Oregon State .University Extension Service. 2902 NOV 64 M.P. 29 Best wishes j? and many thanks to our loyal patrons. May the Christmas season bring you happiness. Directors & Staff Umatilla Electric Co-op We're joining Santa in sending season's greetings to one and all. May peace ond joy be yours. FuJefon Chevrolet nri May the meaning of the first Noel light up your heart with ever, lasting peace, good, will. Court Street Market 4 f.l &R COMPANY DRAWN BY ROXANNE HAYES ; . k hi m DRAWN BY ROBIN SCHMIDT IVagon Wheel Cafe AND LOUNGE ! " i ( . ' '77 .t n i . It rr; ; - I l'7j ; . . 4- 0 rc -'" .n I DRAWN BY TODD HARRISON VAN WINKLE MOTEL Jack and Ruth JACK VAN WINKLE'S SEARS AUTHORIZED CATALOG SALES MERC HANT Heppner Jack - Mary - Vivian -V V 1 ' 0 f 1 P - . ! ' -in I DRAWN B' BOBBI SCHILLER Carl Spaulding , Jr.