Hrrrxm for.fM. turrrrr timfs. Apm u 1972 Work Crews Nomed for lone Musicol t. .. lit . lone City Budget Hearing May 2 to-? M It r n f ' V V A ?! ,T Hj;"! St,!. : Tl public Inuted to .:twu!inc a m.'ttiiii. 4 IN' attend tb rt hearine jt Rltf, ttv Chapter i'l l ft Cf lull ii. Tue , rn j:ur 11. tUnJ on Apr. 'a M) ' 7 crr V.r. 4 no Mrs. boy Mr. 4ii4 Mrs. 1 Crab- i ind.-tton.. Tin also ; ! tl-.r iiiU!.viil tt!,.Klt! i reception al Kel- -hU atKj Jim Mvabv. U jHj. (i,.ijitr, Portland, on lar- 5k. S JUS "A :U4 Junction to nw( (,nl 5, honorinc Mrs. i l VIL A-ff 7 A th'''r ' ' !!-,eT, m.0 K.,f, ti,4-.. i.rand Tre f'(A lS Gt VcCj!' and ktir. urrr Cr.u.4 C lupt. r of H J V0 P .':.m Cti. TbeCraHre, fl. IL l I ;s:i.o mi. .vr. na vrs. 1 as- Off ) ..t J.ijf J., v' 4 a, v. t. . E. V :.:!. Ni t Vrs r-r.:. V.ka) tb. ::;-m'!s itr 1 -ut Ubiu, Ant. M.FI!;;." an.: Tb cr. :ct p'.j) as. :n.p.'r:ii : r" sacf-s- :ul ;;U'. , !' a is !i f ' as- .. 't ' ' t N'usiCal rrn : - Hit! Kyril 22. V" -k K.r-tnu:.: it cha:r . : ' r ; . ., t :s K-C-ytit rr'Z ?.'.Kku' H MvUsaa VcL'li:k-cn, K ; : :rt. Kj E--rr- kt G-t:trrt-z vk ill S ;r cr.arcr ..f hfMs an j s.iunJs.. T..t : ..;rit ... .'. -it U:rn:a:K-c ! . :.: Eiiif .i:', ass.s:f.: : V.tiissa V. a-V.r ; j: THE rap: MAN c; V N! :N!TV hfiu rc was cu atttrMr.:. Tin '.- n.-i-tcn: stack. T r.c.-i?. .: ::, utr :. rt r: '. ::,t k.: cter. irrKr:i. 7fit ;!'.-. r a r.iar.i.St sup;: a '. .t-. . Flaiicht Mcla:.itl :.- .-jpptr ci.airn.4; ani . v . ..i Y - " Musical Program At lone Parent-Teachers Stfrai f Irr-:".:' music s:uc-::ts u: rf:r at tr : .-T.i TlK rr.ff :;r.g it 6 p.n. :.;Jfh:. A;ril 12. T: CUSiCuss ;k pa.r:;r::aiec tie Eastern :-rt..r. .Vus:; Educatirs Sole and sembi Conies; i.i Marcbmill present their s;. s. Ttey are. Eictar : KanUrtt. Cas sinzra riT;., MtriuHir Eali, Ker.t Gutierrez. Jar. Ef.strorr., anc : Zinttr. f resentir.g ;ianc sjSos t Barbara Palnser, Zinii Marur.. Cher: Car-sot, and Cr-g Wiiser.. sr.u.KT; Mil: tr sy .Ar.r. McEil.iat. Ctirri Carl son, and Sbaara Eergstr;rf.. be thr less:.:. :.' tht I :i Ex tension stu:' croup :r., Apr. 13 a: il a.m. V.::; Saul. il. bring ar. Indian lady help ae moristratt the art of Iacr. beading. A saiac pot lack iuncfcfcor. " ill tallo the prcgraT.. MEFFV NnX'EPS Ma r c r. 26, the Merr Mi be rs ere preset.:. Cur rectrj I:, its rre checKei -cv.i ! r .ufcfcT up to date. 'At plat.;.ru c-'jr iis piay It ti.t 4-H Leaders' c ..':tlet--t.. r at La Griae, Apri. i.- ..eCi'je to use 'iur the-.e. caught up rie-.u N'tEU.gjtt, jam or lea oer brt-jrr.t a chot jkte ck- iOT Tit: e; ' I.tS. VI 4 lll 2-evj Fe,;jrter Pieriuir Termites thrive on neglect.. YOURS! 'e' treT a one and t'.e. ' grow 'a' a--c EjE we ncm o lo lae care o' !' e rv Go r; C'es' CALL us today. DOBYNS PEST CONTROL 422-7180 F'.'.w R. Var. V- F"u.rt;:i bfjc th rr. u -u; t. itf r r ". -A!.: Far in ", . !ot;ra I :n :s:r.n.. .'atr.-. G.n: .".. rauu !wrj st: , A'.r, ll;r .it, ant C Kirn ::. rr..r:p:ers ' f Mrnii; tt K- -.a. vl-utjt-rrtz. S: j r . -t: : ill i t.. . T ." u ttit . ! u rt 11. i :r- , Htt c-.r: n .tte- :11 ( '.sis M '. -A'.' Far lit tt. Natnltv:. McEili., a am K kati v;:s r: Cat: . Cj:.:k!., Mar? N'; F liiiTi":, :r:.rtt. a:;.: ka Ft r. str:; . 5T. W.; I.UM's AlTAF c;et.. w ii; r.-r! ti.s tw r:;r.g. Apr.1 13 ,s- r ; n t:,t :i. : Mr.- IV, ' Faker. i4 at i . . a. ' ! .t- anc Mrs. . ':.-:tr : m T Galle r- itr their juUuhter lene. Mr. L..3 l-alvrrser. js at:r-.:"e: tc !tit G x3 Sheph- er j hospital :r Hernustoi. or. schooling ir. radar April ? anc as expected nrrre at rr.; --.. 1 i ; .1 '. -v.. !. : : Mrs. Muhlt' Cottt r a jaSit'nt :n :!f Cj ! Sat'-iriun its, Cth'tf Hai ti : !. a ;' it: t'n c.-.t -itS F.'; ;!.tl Vr Mrs. Frfd!sn sr.! t J :!.N..'h..;-.itn;s;U'.i.'n Apr. 9 tirh v.". 4!i J Mrs M-ivii: Mjrt.i; am! L.rt..l (f Ottitll.; Wi A SFFISC J'. SF F-HICH SCH.V'I tANCi. Spn'.S..r ! ti.r r! , , r' rs asMJ .tr April P t.- h.m.'r the a:! it'tif i-.rt;r;p.,:i:s a;d tin ir cad,, Jt-rrv Cfu cr- li rs it. etarft1 .; d-.Tcra-: a:;.: rt .'rfshn.f i,:s t rt ?! Flack, ArJi-niaAldncb. jnd Arlt-sir Ctu;-;r-:.t :..r t.' t n .xi r tr N"r am: .N'rs. Ci.ff Al.:nct.. Ntrs CI! Ct-.i-itT;., Vr. and Mrs. ,'t rr. Mrtir. and Mr. and Mr.-. 1 ii Faiiiit r. Vr, r rt-.irick Martir. re- turiuM n Utu .. April 5 afttr s;vn.:;i;g t, ,'rks;:t: ht r i.uchtfr and Ur..Q, Mr. and Mrs. Frazei!. .'. C as tit r 'I'k, Vr. MaravetT White, F orSaiid. and M -s. Low W ch lir.f. Sea'tU. visited i-wr t.he tfke:H: ith GorJ.m White and tun.U. While here, ti iadits aiSi vjs:t"d Mr. and Mrs. Ft-.- Crat.tret . THE WCVE.VS FELLOW Sill: .: the lx e l n.ted C buret -: Christ isbfs to r pt'.ipie of the clatb ::.i drive hirh il! eh.: or. April Contributors are a.-wz t. ieavt their clean usahit clothing ir- the tase :; r.n: :: :nt church. Mr.-. era Firinani. and Mt. Lucilit Eiftnunr. at t!. Cirego: J?"phon C . . rt m The Dalles vr. April 11. The; .ere gatritf i :' Mr. anc Mrs. Vic- : Fetersor.. The Galies. isit:r.v tin Leo Crabtrees last rek cre Mrs. Wil han. GeliKas. Tm.n:) and Aliaa and Mrs. Blanche Sche elar, Mrs. Crabtree s mot her, all of Calc--li, Id. Mr. Gelinas J1 leave for Texas n April IS for 13-12 weeks 4-H Summer School Application Deadline April 15 A J'pl l. '4 ?!.!. to Jt-!lvl H' 13?; 4-H sc o 1 a! (rej.ti. .-'tati i avers. t krt ,it . p to v t t Mot : . t. itiiutv -i-l !' n.N r a-v.'rd-i".v :. 1 ..i tui , vl. X : r. i I' I kM.-i.i:. a,"i : t. Ail -J -is it u.N r.s no i r 13 It f.Ct Jan. 1 art tl:t ! Me tv 4t'tid ,::. the kc. tui. o? thost hitUvealr-ad) gvM three time. Apphca-thi:,.- art to U rtturned ti tle coiir.t'. xvr.Mon office I April 1". Stit'Ctun df tin count) di legation iil in it SvHtr. after that viite. Mint organizations inMor r. ha iii'de scho lars!.;; s ava ilai4t to help 4 -F ni. tn'itr.- m. tfit costs o tlif nk. Ti e delegate.- i'.l also par ticipate in j st ries of as-senitilie.- featuring outstand ing spt-aKt rs. Tin Suxrur School .: it .ate- .l! l.vt in OSL rt stdt net halls. A d d : : s v i: a 1 appl .ca tion blanks for Sum m r Scho ol art available at the Morrow lone Students Excel Musically I vine Hah Si'ho.vl ntusiriita .1t'lit. CCon:iul,lfd t') tin tr jiimructor, FurrtS! Janes, to'i (vart m tin SchiHil Iwtid I f-tia) on April T- at C mt- .loll. Otiier art.c .jtin, M-lio.ii t re 1 cho, Statifit la, lieru. Isfoi., I nn!.l!a, Ht ppiHt', i o.ssil, ir!iUi:toiiainU oikIoii. A I Hit t tt-mtiv.t'rfoni'.aiicv itii April 8,4Sniplniiiici4nd, c niposttvi (if .V selt ct iii. n 1 rs, prt st'tited "insli Tune f: , ru Count) S't rr " b I'trc) Craiiiftr, " Hi flee tions," I K.n r N ;x,.ii, and '" Masque" b) fr.mi i.-Mc-Ftftti. Stud. -nts fii-iii lone ho gae out.-!.t!idiiii', : f.-s ni ancts ynt-re Chili Carlson, Mar) Mi fills ott, Fivhard Fanlet!, Co i.p Wilson, and C harlie V. Hi...;:. 1v I .i :r. J n rs' up' the Co.'ii rt Kind. !.Kh pl.ned '" bi Vaclav S, l! ,',!, Trun !s of S;ie:i,i ;r' b J,hn CacaVas, ' l.a-Ciaten.i M. nne" I ) C. Vo: 'i re !i. Ivicharaik and Fawd" t) Joins Caravas, and " Concert Overturt '' l Kol ert Fohh- SOll. Tin'.t'd Uitnls con cla.tod V. n evenitig trforn? anee :!h Invercargil" I) Alex I l!hgr, Tbt fiit st conductor as X!r. Rohert Vagnt r, fron; ttif Its'versit) of Oregon, Fug ene. Count) Fsiter.sio:. office lor 4-H ns-.'n.U rs !io d.d not rt--cme then. b n.'i.l, Iinnsaid June 3 Auction Committees Told 1 iikS-4 Mmaid, fi-iieral i" hast n an for the Auction ami BarU-cut -j'lUisott'd by the lone l intod c biircii of ( brisi o.i Junt 3, has aiuiouncfd tin fvi!!'iiig I'liiii'tiittfe chasr tnai.. Mrs. Art 1 liidstrom. Countr Slort , Merclundise, Faul J'tttvjobn; ,, ncral Ar taitvt ineiils, M rnan, I'll Clt, lied Nelson, publti if) an.! Tickets. M .s, Inrrtll Jan s, M s. Fill Arthur, 4 Fori F-i-to, Antiques, M-.s. liinlsa) kiiicai i. Silt nt Auc tion, M s. Fete Cannon, Fin- IK r Cf'iill.lttco, T'eaCtMies-,-s, tHiiine If.toiii Mrs. If i lialvoisen, SiuiiSluck, Arllmr. M 'al Wrapin;, Hoi. Kirliiuiin. M ai Cutting. Hi I indstroiii, and 1 liunce, ken Sin ust. The Auction ami liarNcuc 1.4 s Ifcim- a comm-ir.fty-uit eveid in lom !''ol'' from the surrounding r''4 look f.irard to the n ainl used niorclundist available at nasoiuble p.riccs. Pre farnif: these items fvr Hie sale keeps nun) ei"Hilt bus). Ladies of the i hurch are preseiitl) nukiiii; lundcralt articles and delicious Ireals lor the Countt) store. The ju ki . storage, and repair of tlolialtHl id ins let (is lli- nu n bus), as e)!, Mercian. ells ctaillian. I'aul Petty, jotm, mil arrange for jour lioiutiiMis to I1 pickt-d uj jf )ou Call 4CJ TalI eekda)S, and mi-.kfiids. If It is fxcssiN for )u to store )our .suit article-, until IU tia K F l o Ihr aih fo'is, phase do. IONPS Ml niEFliDT. t'RS ms cillecj to order l Scott Shen-r at ttw T i C on March 30, There rr 4 iii-iii . rs jresetd. Tiny oiked on lealbtr projecta lo so to La Grande to tie put on di;.i lay April 8. Kim Pet!) John 1 A Ci mar Cola rn Oi lalifi nnpml nUUUVI WUIW wl I VJI UUIIiJ wiiwimi. 4-Ply Polyester Cord Tires! j I I I RANCH AERO AIRPLANE SPRAYING CO. Owned and Operated By PAUL N. HANSEN Spraying, seeding, liquid and dry fertilizing. Using large Snow Air craft for maximum crop coverage and penetration, 24 Years Experience in This Area Phone 676-9925 Heppner, Ore. S tread ,. Wy Mf for handnng ease VVkV- I Distinctive 3-ring hi!ewatl made popuiai by our famous Dual 90 tire. Long mileage Duragen tread rutober tor miie aflpr moe of performance Strong smooth ndmg po'vester cord body guards agamsl impact damage. GRABBER SALE PRICES I i & rr i n d ii i T.nt s tints tmt I 4 I-WW I HOC i I f . Il0t0 . ' ('(- LX' I1J0 OC V -4 r imh .' -5 I V (H I1H K J G- I'M M' t'JJ tC i. M I .H l J3 40 . ' i ' I. T X LI" SC I b fw $ 4 v f.ssee I. s.. Crtarae it at General Tire e ptu $ 4 CNri A WE ALSO SELL DELCO R ATT CD I ETC If vttXTW DELCO SHOCK ABSORBERS O I Vl I GITTi OSALE t TMf 41 CO 1 I ,crc i' -nor .1 ij. , rhf tf" FORD'S TIRE SERVICE The sqe-driwr tire company. i I KM SPMMG SPOTO 19 9 r High School Tennis APRIL 13-Echo, there, 3:00 19-Athena( here, 3:00 25- Echo, here, 3:00 26- Condon, there, 3:00 MAY 1 -Athena, there, 3:00 3-Condon, here, 3:00 lone High School Baseball APRIL 15-Heppner, here, 1:00 18-Riverside, there, 2:00 21 -Weston, here, 2:30 25-Helix (double), here, 1:30 MAY 5-Riverside, here, 2:00 9-Weston, there, 2:30 12-Dufur, there, 2:00 I. JGL' NANCY ASHURST Tennis Champ Junior High Baseball APRIL 19-Heppner, there, 2:00 25-AHington, here, 2:00 MAY 1-Stcnfield, here, 2:00 lone High School Track APRIL 18-Meet, Pilot Rock, 3:30 22-Morrow County Invitational at Riverside 24-Meet, Pilot Rock, 3:30 29-Arlington Invitational MAY 6-Umatilla Invitational 1 3 District Meet, Arlington 19 & 20 State Meet, Pieasant Hill Junior High Track MAY 5-May Day Meet, Arlington 20-Junior Olympics, Arlington ' V... ' ' ., AT I j ' A "L - I TOM GATES -, - 3rd Baseman High School Girls Track APRIL 21- Milton-Freewater, 3:30 22- Sherman 28-La Grande MAY 9-Pilot Rock 5-May Day, Arlington 19- & 20 State THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS SAY CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD LUCK Thel's Cafs Akers Motor Service Jordan Elevator Co. Bristow's Market lone Chevron Station JEM EAENETT Independent Garage Chas. O'Connor, Insurance Rietmann's Hardware lone Lions Club Lindstrom Bros. Iron Works T & C Storage Stormor Bins 422 7437 Ham's Truck Line 122 7277 Bailey's Tavern B & C Repairs CLEO CHILDERS BILL ASHUF.ST McKinney Bros. Inc. Agricultural Hauling lone. Ore. Paul Pettyjohn Co. Morrow County Grain Growers Ekstrom Trailer Sales Nomad Travel Trailer 6 Pickup Campers 422-728$ Dobyn's Pest Control John W. Jepsen Murrays Rx Stables Bod Murray lone, Oregon Bank of Eastern Oregon