I I BP ART u or o t EUGENE. 0 R f . 97403 Greenup Cart Tangle in Early Morninq Crash Two wrecked Greenup cars were In Farley car lot Sun da) murium:. They were II result uf a rear end crash Itutt occured about 12 45 that morning out war tli Willow Creek gulf course. According lo police reports, Greg Greenup, 18, driver of the Ute mod. 1 Plymouth had slowed down to make a turn onto the Black Horse Canyon I! J. then he was hit from the rear by another Greenup ear driven by Donald Barber of Pendleton who Is saidtowork at the Greenups. The impart forced the first vehicle to travl 182 feet Including the roll down the bank onto the Golf Course grounds. It was totaled. The other car travelled 81 ft. on down the highway. The front of the car was bashed In and the frame was sprung. A citation for following too close was Issued the driver of the second car, Dovie Alderman riding in the first car received pain ful tiruises and scratches, a terrible Hack eye and two stitches on a cut on her check. Donna Bradley and Mark ham f rancis Pointer, both of Lexington were passengers In the second car. Dovie and Donna were taken to ttie Hosp ital by ambulance. All were treated at the hospital. Planning Meet Held For Drug Education Last night seven teachers and two principals met at Boardman to make plans to use a state grant of $440 for Drug Education In Mor row County. The elementary principals Don Cole and Mick Tolar are coordinating this project and seven teachers fromHep pner and from the A. C. Hough ton School are working with them. From Heppner, 6th grade teacher, Inez Erwin, who had special training through ttie DEPOT Program , 5th grade teacher, Frances Williams, and 4th grade teachers Lor ena Jones and Jessie Faye Morris are joining lrrigon"s 6th grade teacher Eleanor Sergent, 5th grade teacher Rose Hoosier, and 4th grade teacher Gladys Hobbs. This group of nine will be meeting together to adapt the state guide which presents drug education at the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade level for use In the Morrow County-Schools next fall. It is expected that this preparatory project will require several meetings of the planning group. Some of the meetings will be at Hep pner and some at Boardman. Band Parents Schedule Meet March 8, 7:30 An Important meeting of the Band Parents club lias been called for next Wed. evening, Mar. 8, at the High School Band Room at 7:30. Mrs. Mills Has Surgery Mrs. Larry Mills under went major surgery several weeks ago in Odessa, Wash. She is expected home soon. I i vr cr-?. '.9 Mayor West is Hatfield Chairman Mayor Dewey West, Jr. of Boardman has been named Morrow County campaign chairman to Re-elect Sen. Mark Hatfield. Mr. West has been Boardman mayor for 10 years and served on the City Council 15 years. He has been a Morrow County port commissioner since 1958. Mayor West is now vice president of the League of Oregon Cities and is a trustee of the Boardman Community Church. In the photo above he is shown with Sen. Hatfield. Water Triples Last Year The moisture for (lie 1972 growing season is Increasing ly encouraging to the area. Dale lioner, Harold Kerr and Hudy liergstrom snowmobll ed Into the A r buckle Mt.Snow Course Friday. The snow depth was 49. T' and the water content was 17.9" of water. This Is about triple over last year when the water content was 6.9" and there was 22.4" of snow. The average water content for the period 1953 1967 is 9.6"! Blue Mountain Forest Products Reveal Changes Blue Mountain Forest Pro ducts has constructed a new planing mill at Rieth on the site of the old Round House. They have been operating In ttie all metal building for three weeks. Blue Moun tain Forest Products has a stud mill at Long Creek. The rough lumber Is being hauled from Long Creek to Rieth for finishing. Bruce Malcom, president, will he at both places but ttie Malcoms plan to continue making their home here. 4-Whecl Drive Club to Organize March 7 For anyone Interested In joining a "4-Wheel Drive" club, there will be an or ganizational meeting for a Morrow County 4-Wheel Drive club on Mar. 7th at 7:30 p.m. in the Lexington school building. It is planned to have this a family type club, withsome weekend outings, picnics, etc. The club could also be a basis for forming a search and rescue group for this area if there are enough people interested in this type of a public service. For more information call Hams or Kit George. Crums Fly to Top Farmers Seminar in Illinois Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crum have just returned from Peoria, 111. where they at tended a Top Farmers Seminar. This was a flying trip, and Mrs. Crum said they had lovely flying weather They were the only Oregonians who attended this interesting and helpful seminar. Most of the farmers and wives there were from the central part of the U.S. and were involved with growing corn and with fattening cat tle. The conference featured outstanding speakers on farm business management and marketing problems. becond Clinic Set for Schools The Morrow County Health Department announces that a second immunization clinic is to be held at the Heppner Elementary School on Tues day, March 7 at 8:45 a.m. Aclinic at the high school will follow that same morn ing. Health Department person nel will give the immuniza tions and will be assisted by volunteer aides. 89th Year THE .. ' GAZET Heppner, Oregon 97836, Thursday, Mdrch 2, 1972 Judge Questions Restrictions of Gov't. Grants Judge Paul Jones told the Heppner-Morro County Chamber of Commerce Monday "I'm not sure the way of District 12 or East ern Central Oregon Ass'n. of Counties Is the best way. It would be better to keep our income taxes at home and allow counties to do as they wish with no strings attached." "Grants are available with certain requirements that we have to live with". TheJudge went on to say that any pro grams now functioning In the county hasn't obligated any Merchants Will Meet Dick Sargent has announced a Merchants Committee meeting at noon Friday at the Wagon W heel. The merchants will discuss future promotions and talk about Heppner"s Centennial. Legion's 53rd Is Occasion For A Special Meeting The American Legion was founded in Paris in 1919, just fifty-three years ago. It unites veterans of four U.S. wars. In Heppner, Post 87 of the American Le gion and its American Le gion Auxiliary has planned a special joint meeting at the Legion Hall at 7:00, Monday, March 6. A family potluck will fea ture meat arid cake furnished by the Legion. Special re ports will be given by the Boys and Girls State Dele gates. Those reporting will be Barbara Allstott, Dianne Mills, Tom Cutsforth, Craig Munkers, Charles Pointer, Steve Rhea and John Sumner. Dance Coming at Legion Hall The Heppner Post 87 and its Auxiliary has planned a Saturday night dance at the Legion Hall on March 11 at 9:00. They offer their members, friends and guests a free midnight supper. The Quackenbush orchestra will furnish the music for the evening. Len Roy Schwarx Buys Blake Place Mr. and Mrs. Len Pay Schwarz, Ronnie, Pat and Ted will be moving this month to the Earl Blake ranch on Hinton Creek which they re cently purchased. They ex pect to do some remodeling in the bathroom and redecora ting. The sale of their home is pending. Place comprises 13 acres. Lily Day Next Saturday The Morrow County Jaycee Wives, led by Judy Osmin, chairman, have volunteered their services during the an nual Easter Seal Lily Day, Saturday the 4th of March. Lily Day is a highlight of the 1972 Easter Seal camp aign, which comes to a cli max Easter Sunday. The volunteers will be sta tioned at downtown street corners to pin paper Easter lilies -- made by handicapped persons on shoppers' la pels Proceeds from the sale will go toward support of the services offered crippled children and adults by the Easter Seal Society of Ore gon. Ninety per cent of the funds raised during the campaign remain in the state where they are collected to finance rehabilitation sevices. The remainder supports a na tional program of services, education and research. GRAIN PRICES (FOB Lexington does not include warehouse chgs) Courtesty MCGG Soft white wheat 1.4 8 bu. Fed wheat 1.52';bu. Barley 47.75 ton futures of the tax payers. The Judge reviewed Die short history ofDist. 12 which Is composed of five counties, Morrow, Umatilla, Gilliam, Wheeler and Grant. Each county has organized an inter county government of cities and counties. Following the dictates ol the Emergency Employment Act, Morrow County has re ceived two different grants totaling $32,000. This has been used to add employment In the county. New employees added In the law enforce ment department were re Jeanne Daly Mary McElligott Craig Munkers jr. v:"',u-wN; ( .. , . V Heppner Elks Announce Scholarship Winners Heppner Elks Lodge No. 358 announced the winners of the 1972 Most Valuable Student Scholarship awards at their meeting last Thurs day. Craig Munkers of Hep pner High School and Mary McElligott of lone High School will each receive a $300. scholarship. Jeanne Daly and Charlie Pointer, both of Heppner High School will receive $200. scholar ships. The scholarships may be used at the colleges of their choice. 2nd Gift Comes For First Baby Wayne Charles Plocharsky received his second gift this week. A very pretty lime green checked coverlet for his bed was a gift of the Sand Hollow Ceramics Shoppe at Lexington. The Mr. 1972 of Morrow County left the hospital last week and is now at home with a host of admirers. He will be around to visit the merchants soon to pick up some more of his gifts. WEATHER By DON GILLIAM Hi LowPrec, Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 56 42 57 50 64' 46 45 49 37 35 33 35 27 30 .06 .03 Tuesday .14 for Highest recorded temp. 1972. Wed. Feb. 23 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 44 29 .12 45 30 .04 49 31 51 37 .01 67 43 65 48 .02 50 32 Tuesday Total Prec 1.16; 1971: Feb: .91; Normal: 49. TE quired to be first a Vietnam veteran, a veteran, unemploy ed or under-employed per son. Gilliam County has used grants for roads. with the last grant of $16,000, Judge Jones said the county planned to hire a planner for 8 months to as sist in zoning and coding the maps. At a recent meeting of Dlst. 12, a $5000 budget was made up. Cost per county Is to be $300 plus a set formulae based on population. Judge Jones said this $5000 could Charlie Pointer Applications were based on scholarship 50 percent, finan cial need, extra curricular and out-of-school activities, personality and leadership, perseverance and resource fulness. Each applicant appeared for an interview with the judges. Mary and Craig will com pete at the District level in Hermiston March 5. Scholarship awards valued at $400. will be paid to the credit of the top boy and girl and $250. to the runnerup boy and girl in each of the seven districts of Oregon. The top ranking boy and girl in the state will be selected from these 14 finalists and will be eligible for further scholarships. WOW Is This Saturday High school students of Mor row & Umatilla Counties will gather at BMCC Sat urday, for a one-day career seminar. Titled "World of Work" the look ahead to the future is a joint effort of Extension Study groups of the two counties and BMCC,. All sophomores, juniors and seniors have been con tacted at their schools and interested students are pre registered for sessions of their choice. Each may at tned three pre-selected ses sions plus all win attend one on "how to get a job". Registration is from 9 to 10 a.m. School busses will be provided by Morrow County schools for those needing transportation. Many concerned parents have suggested a need for young people to take a cri tical look toward vocations and professions early in their high school years. HEPPNER -TIMES generate as muchas $135,000 In grants. This District or ganization Is another level of government. One of the re quirements of the district is a comprehensive water and sewer plan for the five count ies. Morrow County has such a plan but not all of the five counties have. This district will be charged with the responsi bility of making plans to make the waters clean and keep them that way on a regional level. There are two river basins in the district, the Umatilla and the John Diy. The city of Heppner antl- Early Loan Settlement Offered Commodity Credit Corpor ation recently announced an option available to producers with current farm stored crop or reseal Barley loans. These loans may be de livered to CCC early, or prior to the endofloanperiod that ends May 31, without storage deduction for early delivery. Storage credit for the full storage period will be allowed at the time of settlement. For full details contact the local ASCS Office. Red Cross Dinner Set For March 9 There will be an American Red Cross annual meeting and dinner March 9 at 6:30 at the American Legion Hall. All board members, those who worked on the fund drive and those who are interested in working on future fund drives, the blood mobile visit, aid to military families and First Aid committee are cor dially invited. bring salad or dessert. Fam The meat will be furnish ed. Families are asked to ilies are urged to come. The children will be entertained with a film during the meet ing. Joe Pope of Pendleton will give some fine points for conducting a fund drive. Mrs. Tommy Parsons of Irrigon has been namsd as Red Cross contact person in Irrigon. Persons needing help for a member in the Military, or needing blood or wanting a First Aid class set up is asked to contact her. She will know the steps to take to get the help need ed. Success First time success. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Mensch sold their birch dining room set to a family at Long Creek with a Gazette-Times class ified on one time insertion. Raymond Maynard sold his portable typewriter with just one insertion. When you start your spring cleaning, you too may have something you don't want or need but it may be just what someone else wants. Give It a try with a G-T classified. Call 676-9228. UNDER Empire unit in "tl 1 ' ' I I CONSTRUCTION is the new Inland Bank building, Boardman. Mobile front is now housing the banking Price 10 Cents Number 2 chutes the aiwroval and granting of $12,500 for the swimming pool from the Bureau of Outdoor Recrea tion. The application had to be first approved by the Inter county government, then by District 12 and then to the Federal level for matching funds. This is the procedure for all revenue sharing pro grams. Every five years the pro grams are evaluated. "A lot of state money can be squandered in five years," the Judge said. The City of Heppner is to receive a part of the last grant for extra police. The contract has been writtenand approved by the Department of Labor. The Judge left the sometimes-not-so-popular grant discussion and went on to re view the future developments In the county. "The county is moving ahead to more de velopment than we dreamed of five years ago." There's the beginning of a series of nuclear plants. Ag riculture is making great strides. Boeing is 50 percent com pleted on their pump at the mouth of Willow Creek. They expect to have 2000 acres under irrigation this spring. Desert Magic has 6000 acres under irrigation with Judge Jones told of Boeings latest announcement to pro vide facilities for an indus trial park on its site at Board man between Tower Rd, BON and theColumbia River. They nave an agreement already with Umatilla Ready-Mix owned by Stan Schnell of Her miston. He expected to move onto the site this week. Boeing expects to construct roads, utilities, drill a well for water, Install sewer ser vice andbuilda railroad spur. 4000 acres in potatoes. This is a 3 million dollar invest ment before seeding. The Judge said that Al len Nistad told him that the Kinzua Company expected to have their new Heppner ve neer plant going by April 15. It will have the most modern equipment of any plant on the west coast. PGE has 500 people em ployed in the construction of the Trojan plant. The same number could be anticipated working on a nuclear plant in Morrow County plus al lied businesses. This growth is coming and county government must be ready with expansion in roads and businesses. The problem is before us that has con fronted Deschutes county. "We must be ready", he said. South End of the county will provide the recreational areas for the county in fish ing, hunting, camping, hiking, skiing and other outdoor sports. Tax Court. No word has been received from the State Tax Court on the Boeing land deferral. The county doesn't know the method of repay ment or the amount of inter est. He did say that ac cording to the District At torney the money will be re More on page 8 Three Students Attend County Planning Meet Heppner High students Bar ney Marshall, Beryl Stlllman and Hutch Taylorattendedth meeting of the county plan ning commission last k. They were present for the adoption by the commission of a comprehensive land use plan which has resulted from seven years of work by cit izens. The plan will next be act ed on by the county court at Its March 8 meeting. Then the planning commission will set dates for public hearings on the zoning and ordinance proposals. Commission Favors Zoning Change The Heppner Planning Com mission voted 4 to 1 In favor of recommending to the City Council that Lot 2 In Block 4 of the Rasmussen-Lott ad dition be changed from resi dential to commercial. Mr. Lott said he felt a commercial office building on that lot would be nodeterrant to his selling any of the other lots. Commission members felt that the proposed build ing might already be plan ned or in place before any future lots would be sold. The new building which has been proposed for the Hep pner District of the U.S. For est Service, would be located on nearly an acre on Willow View Drive. Approximate size of the proposed building would be 3,000 square feet for offices. Parking for some 24 vehicles would be pro vided. The present Forest Service warehouse which is located on Main Street would be con tinued to be used. Store Men Missing On Monday it was report ed that the search was con tinuing for four Haod River residents whose light plam was missing on a flight home ward from Redding, Calif. The plane was believed down In rugged Mt. Shasta country of Northern California. Pi lot was Dr. Leland Jackson, a dentist. Passengers ere his wife and Mr. and Mtt, Dick Lantz. Mr. Lantt as owner of a department stter and apparel stores in How River, The Dalles aat bany. Mr. Lantz and! 0B', Jackson, who was associate in the businesses, have- matte several trips recently to'Step" pner. They were planning1 to install a department store here. Help Cassie Cassandra Chapel off lone is a Spray Rodeo Princesst She told us this weeM of the Kick-off Dance om March 4 at the Spray Gyrm- She invites all of her Mends to be there. The Princesses sellMokets for a roping saddle and the one selling the most' tickets will be namedQueen.Sheaiso asks that her friends re-member her when buying tickets on the saddle. Cassandra better knoww to her friends as Cassie, , is the daughter of Mrs. Delsie Chapel. She owns and broke her own horse which she will be riding this summerj . RALPH THOMPSON is at home after almost two mon ths in the Pioneer Memor ial Hospital. While he was there he celebrated his 87th birthday on Feb. 23. facilities. The rock pile on the right is the face rock for the front of the Wrilding. A new office building is rising next door.