j Kwti caxl Microtia, nm&xr. ex n. vtm m.mzJ"2SK. tT. " it "V -- - t - inf. " r GA ZETTE-TlMJbb soun kctttj jrwi??sa -wr Gw statlhd M..-e 3C MO, , Nov tr.3r ti. ItST. Cceaci-Ured Ftriary 15. ; ' , -j C? NATIONAL NTW3?A?Z2 AJSN. AO ,"" ', . -i N2.WSPAPX2 rXTZimiTZS ASSX CHAiUZ A BCICTHT KZXXD. Editors A Pb;-w fvi'fi'D EEGOII PASCAL ',""' " ' '-., LiRfttvt- Gceratt JU7T WASilS ! ' Apprentice i i .-, i Presa-iaa f t . , ". ',. f.i!i: V.m Year. S.r.gl Ccey I Cee.t. MaUed Six; :i F.nrered'at the Post OCxe : Keppr.r. Oresroe. Monday thmugh Fr.day; 9 a.ai. (-,-. f; nv e BIT, i-e. .t j lone Garden Club Hears lips on Bulbs ........ ... -i nil. l-;tiictt t-tl - "TJie m.l ImlH.rlut.t 'H fl H' " ' " , m, next year I.Iochix I" '"' V1' trfflt th l.ullm m-Iwmii I'I.mhii In and dormant jmtI(I, fht. kwp blrjoma frnn K.lntf to n"1'' fW-cond, tufMiriiKw Irovea ! grow. Third, wait to ri'inovn wlthi-rlnjf li-avca until l'y '"v" ripened 13 th.-lr l'nth. 11o;' lcnvin may M braldfd and t id ed down with ruliln-r handa a round them for watwaa I" y'U' garden. Fourth. M-t tlmn to tranfiplant when hulba aw dor mant. Bulba take 6l dralnn. If you have poor dralnaK-, dl down 15 Inclunand dunainall I nn! and In hole. Itulb planting depth ran'a from 2 to ?' . V, it., l.v Mm. With l?JS. MtuZVara to rllm1 an. "0! ''' l, (NaKur'a la-Jt.vrral to lh- itiwtliiu Locol TOPS Club f Competes to 'Loso Minimis TOW iiic llnjf w hi ld luMiday. (-t. 11 at wblrli It waa wimuiw" II.n. Ttity ald tin- pb-dk'f and 8 Inches, depending on th lya " Monn urges Water Deyefopmenf Fund l.ru". nr.z l.i Uivjti th. weit fc re-tetrirfu ta- r.'- Tl fcjjli"j.e hJ prvposAl to treat a -Wtr De v,,i, ;.r-r! Bar.". T. bank or fund would provide money Mr.n aid .u.e Cr.-'t.tutir.al AfrjTnirr.er.t neeesaary to a,i'ry.r-. ct tf. torviJ would be referred fc a vow at tr.f p :.T..ry eU'cT.on in ThU raend.'Rer.t would atfc- izf tf:e i.sw of abot r.S) rr.ulin dollars worth o botida Vt tr.f fAiultfhrr.r.t of a fur.d to be known a the "Water rjw-fr,pmr.r Fund". FunrfA ouJd be ut.ljed for Irrijatiftn projeu Irxlai.rz darr.s. urorajr reservoirs, purr.pir.y pUr.u, pipelines, canal and liiTche. T.e fund would be administered by the State Engineer and loans would require the approval c the Goer tj "Applanu for loanj would have to meet an acceptable reparr.er.t vhedule, and if the program i as sueeesusfjl a anfiripa'e, Uxpaem will not have to ZotA of the bill." Marn said. "V'irn rr.or.ey be in? scarce, there aimply are no funds for Irrigation project iww and this propeaal would rr.axe money available at a fa-iible InteTeat rate". Mr.n aid there were potential IrrigafJcn projects in toth Easrern and Western Oregon that would benef.t from he "Water DeNelopment Furnf. We worry about population growth and a food ahortae", Mann declared, "but mot of Jrj ,t tat! about it." "Maximising the use of available water and irrigating the many available acres in Oregon Is wily common sense. If we fodl to take this simple action to provide A lor. not )u.t the next generatiort, but the next decade. U it any wonder our young people question our wis dom?" Mann is a 3 term legislator and lawyer rancher from Umatilla County. EVEJLETT IXTTH1XT them ket demoastratia? bokUng football for r-"j ba wceat FF4X contest. C LETTERS 12 EDITOR 'loneer Ponderings Br W. S. CAVXBBHX BEOWN'OLTS and ELACXOUTS The recent brownout In the eaatem states should be a ser-tou.- warning o what might happen if they experience a bt-fecttout We have become o utterly dependent on our eiee- season. Here In Morrow County we have a meeting season! Saturday, it's the annual Mor row County Livestock Growers Meeting followed by the annu al Farm-City banquet. The Morrow County Grain C rowers will meet for their an nual meeting here on Nov. 2. This Is followed by the an nual Morrow County Wheat Growers. Columbia Easin Electric Co-op will hold their annual meeting Sov. 16 in London. If we discover any other im portant meetings and you WJ rtets to nulntain our lj ut folk- kmw liable er.v.ronmer.t that tt is I October 13. 1 itizt Paul Jones Morrow County Coi.t house Keppner. Oregon Dear Ja-lze Jones: I an writing thi- letter on be half A Explorer Search ic Res cue Post 631. We would once again I Jce to extend our thanks to all the people of Morrow County for their unselfish sup port of our operations in the search for Dr. McMardo. We felt very bad that we were not more suceesifuL f am sure that all who were present at the search site were sure that our young men tried their bet The hos pitality shown by the people ov er there gave us a very warm feeling. Our most sincere sympathies tr. the McMurdo family in the loss of the Doctor. I wih it had worked out d.fferer.t. We felt that we had all known him personaiiy by the way people talked about him. We plan to write the sheriff and sucdIv details of the search Some places bar a matfea Ijom AJf Pirt of view There aMom fHocn "" 1r. f nucleus of inter est in forming a search & res cue unit over there. If this can be done it would be very help ful to your county. All mat needs to happen is to have "0- Grandfathers knee part of my r-,rT' wTA c-f h u the last CHUCK WAGON I someone Lke yourself behind it t if ..-a an Vw r.r anv helD in training please u-el tree to call upon us. I hope that you will share this letter with the people over there. Once again tnanjes ior ine help. If we can ever be of help please do not hesitate to call on us. Most Sincerely. John Olson. Advisor Explorer Search It Rescue Post 631 Portland impossible to estimate the loss and a-'Wlertr.g tnat would result if a biar.fciwt should exist for a considerable lime. It might bap pen to ut. Look your situation over for means to meet such a break down. Yu might have to cut up the furniture and build a eampfire en the patio. Stewardship Dinner At Church of Christ The lone United Church of Christ will hold Its annual Stewardship Potluck Dinner on Oct. 25 at 5:30 p.m. at the Church. After the dinner, a short pro gram will be presented. The P-ev. William Arthur w ho has ac cepted the call of the church beginning Nov. 15 will be fea tured speaker. Baby sitting will fce provided for pre-school child ren and the program will con clude by 7:45 p.m. Next Sunday, Oct. 25, Mr. Bill Flc-tchrier will speak at the church. The lone Church council en tertained the Condon delegation for the purpose of meeting with the new Conference Minister and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Ruben Huenemann. Others coming from the Conference to meet with the group were Mrs. Nor ton Peck, the Conference Moder ator and MLsa Ruth Bailey, Dir ector of Religious Education. Wt west down to Sua River near Bend for an ad meeting last weekend. Hizhtailinz it home for that dandy annual Heppner Gazette-Ttmes Gentlemen: Enclosed find 30c in stamps for which please mail me copy crab feed at the Elks here, we cf your paper giving the story wer.t throuph the Paulina area. , and details of Dr. Archie Mc- over some rough but pretty i Murdo's death country and up the South Fork! Dr. Archie practiced about two of the John Day coming out at 'years near my drug store and Dayvilie. Stopped at the friend- J sent him to Heppner about 60 Iy town of Brothers for soda i years ago for which he has coo. Do vou know where the! thanked me many times. mere enp vjui wtwjreis, physicians and all did service in the U. S. Navy, Army, etc The older one I forget his name was a Veterinary surg eon and spent his life with the U. S. Cavalry, later years in Cal- Brot: . .mart child who 1-1 n"- ""A dom smarts in the right places. !aru.s. slulK. 'YT'Zl'ZZ'", j naa oeen in i.ie .- . t... . . ' f'csn my store back to the Navy What this country needs U a - n ri. Wor,d War. AriJ sehoolmarm at Brothers came from? She came from Sisters. Oregon! Flatter f. like perfume, should be Inhaled and not swallowed. of the Oregon Pioneers to go on ahead at 102 years. Should we ha-.e absorbed the knowl edge and courage of right and m?nr.r that he oosseed Ore- S-'itt would be the land of the Iree because these Pioneers came west with the help cf the Indians and the true Spir.t of (WL to have and to hold a r:w r.r thU Great Land for themselves and their descend ants to eternity. After traveling Eastern Ore gon and the open country I will say that the next Governor will ki-n m resort the dead and the living and finally realize that this is the last ot tne uia West w here one must respect his noifhboT and not try to steal his property by zoning or taxes or any method contrary to our Constitution. Measure 11 is an honest at tempt by the property owners of Oregon to give them the right to vote on zoning pro or con of their own property, without this right the Property Owner would be subject to confiscatory property taxes, and critical food shortages would result from im proper land use. Many have heard of the great range wars and the days of Gunsmoke but I don't suppose this administration knows of starving cattle let alone human beings. Oregon needs a good Wagon Master and I do not hon estly believe either major can didate for. Governor could raise anything but a Tombstone let alone a can of pork and beans. We must have a candidate who believes in and upholds the VS. rv.nttitntion and the Bill of of bulb. Swt bulbs In clumps and not In rows like aoMUT. This was the program entit led "Flowers from Bulba" Riven tha ir.np Garden Club by Mrs. I TT tU Vllnrm. Ttl filth m't OXVI.llllt.lJi ... . w 1? tfnri n at tne nome or mm. r. i......... with Mrs. Edith Nichoson and Mrs. Harold Huber as hoMesaeit. Members toured Mm. Martin's beautiful mum gardens and pictures were taken of members in the gardens for the scrap book. Mrs. Martin gave all mem bers and guests present spring flowering bulbs to take home and plant. Mrs. Irene Padberg was for mally introduced as a new member of lone Garden Club. Mrs. Harold Huber read a poem "What Kind of Garden Club Member are You?" and present ed Irene with a green felt thumb. Mrs. Gar Swanson. lone Gar den Club Anti Litted chairman, reported there was much Inter est In civic beauty by the low er grade school children. Child ren have been picking up lit ter on their way to and from school. Those attending the Fall Dis trict meeting at Pendleton Sat urday, Oct. 17 were Mrs. F. Mar tin, Mrs. Irene Padberg, and Mrs. Van Hubbard. Two representatives from the club will attend a Leader-Teacher training meeting at Heppner Nov. 28. This training will be given by Mary Abbott, Assistant State Director OSU and entitled -Humanizing Teaching". Guests for the day were Mrs. Neol Dobyns, Florence; Mrs. Don Hall, Heppner; Mrs. Riley Mun kers, Heppner and Mrs. Darrell James, lone. Next meeting will be Nov. 11, rawer mower that can be op era ted from an air conditioned room. after the war remained in San Francisco where he had a very Youth Choir Coming To Assembly Church The Reflections, a 33-voice youth choir from Albany will be singing this weekend at the As sembly of God Church. The choir under the direction of Rev. Bry an Ameson, is composed of Jun ior high through college age students. They have traveled through many states and Can- tuiuiuuiii ..... oua ts wcw eus auigtiig P:-?ht Article No. 2 Of which-.V in their hnmo fhnivVi nira i lit; ligiii ui to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed . No one knows what his land will produce as well as the farmer on his particular farm. not even his neighbor and ne i r. coins' to let vou starve or let the thieves steal his dirt which produces that food. The Indians showed the set tle how to control, burn the un derbrush every year to preserve the forests, stop lieia ouming now and take away our chem icals and you will have no food. Let's head em up and move 'em out and see that Vortex 2 doesn't come about. E. Allen Propst Rt. 2, Box 312 Albany, Oregon Tlu-V said lli pledco and ft i" ,r tneamirul for Inches l't. .Sharon Hnice was gin-en for the monm of Scptemlier by l'lng a lotal "Vlurlo 'strulhera l "KOPS" in waiting. She la down to whne her doctor saya ahe hhould be. She munt now keep her weight for 3 months before hho becomes a HOI'S member. All TOI'S members ahould cir cle Oct. 21 on their calendar as Is Area Recognition Day at Condon. The Heppner Club Is to put on a Kklt. All those deserv ing recognition for weight loss shall be recognized on that day. The club losing the most weight takes the traveling trophy home with them. Riverside Menus Cafeteria menus for Riverside Junior-Senior High School for the week of Oct. 26-30 are as follows: Monday Steamed wieners, whipped potatoes, buttered green beans, homemade rolls and fruit. Tuesday Spaghetti with meat balls, tossed salad, hot biscuits and ice cream. Wednesday Chillburgers, fruit salad and cake. Thursday Tuna fish sand withes, buttered corn, shredded lettuce salad and cobbler. Friday Beef stew, corn bread, cheese slices and fruit. Milk is served with all meals. Padberg Services Held Wednesday iMum Ann Padberg. 91. late of lone, died On 17 In Portland. hhi waa born Jan. 2. 1373 near Albany, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Pad berg were pioneer Marrow Coun ty wheat and cattle rancher. hh was a member of the Bap. tut Churf h. Ion Bbekah Lodge, the Neighbor of Woodcraft. lone Willow Grange. fine Is iurvlved by a aem, Dar rell, lone; 3 daughters. Opal Burton and Pearl Kruae, Port land and Hazel Devin, Wood burn; 6 grandchildren; and 19 great grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 2 'JO pm. at the Church of Christ in Lexington with Rev. Kenneth J. Docl.n of the Condon Baptist Church of ficiating. Sweeney Mortuary was In care of the arrangements. Sacred S lections were "All The Way My Savior Leads Me", The Old Rugged Cross", and "In The Garden" by Carl and Betty Marouardt with Betty Marquartt as pianist. Casket bearer were Lewis Halvorven. Howard Eu banka, Elden Padberg. John Eu banks. Buster Padberg; and William Padberg. Vault interment followed at the Lexington Cemetery. Contri butions may be made to the American Cancer Society. COMMUNITY BILLBOARD School Lunch Menus Presented Through Courtesy of Heppner Branch BMaaaaaBBi Hick- B mert son of Mi. and Mrs. Jim Bamett had surgery j on his knee Tuesday at St An-j thonv. This was the result oij Pastor Burwell invites fripnHs and members in Heppner to hear this unique musical pre sentation on Saturday, Oct 24, at 7 p.m. The Reflections will also sing at Sunday morning worship. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ben, appointees to For mosa will be showing their slides and speaking at 7 pjn. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or oazeoa Heppner Elementary azd High Schools SCHOOL HOT LUNCH MENU Monday, Oct 26 Spanish rice, lettuce wedge, French bread, pudding with topping, milk. Tuesday, Oct 27 Bar-B Q ham, baked or mashed potatoes, hot bread, vegetable Jell-O sal ad, applesauce and grahams, milk. Wednesdy, Oct 28 Hambur gers, French fries, relishes, veg etables, ice cream, milk. Thursday, Oct. 29 Spaghetti, vegetable salad, French bread, fruit crisp, milk. Frirlav. Ot. 30 Witches brew. Hobgoblin salad, Spook sand wiches, Black Cat cake, milk. J Heppner Civic League Bum mage Sale Oct 30-31 at Van's Variety store building. Bake sale will be held both days OCT. 15 Senior Citizens Get-Together, every Thurs, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Neighborhood Center Refreshments furnished by the Methodist Ladies FOOTBALL! HHS Homecoming! Condon at Heppner, Oct 23 Oct 22 Elementary Elver side here, 2:00 lONE Oct 26 Wheeler at lone, 2:00 Jr. High Oct 22, lone at Eeho, 1:30 JAYCEE SOCIAL with the American Legion Oct 24 at 7:00 pjn. at Legion Hall Potluck dinner and dance Members and guests Invited SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY C. A. RUGGLES Insurance Agency P. a Bex 247 PH. 676-8635 If no answer call Ray Boyce, 676-5384 Bevpaec 7..1. .1. n rr.l- in ih Pfcilin- A orofestor ooc old research .-j ,.. frcrr i there to on why professors are absent- j y'tf., here in Portland minaea. ne iLrigw mc 5 arcj (.hen to Heppner. nugn. me 11 I virsc-et hov. was with Gen. Mike Gray and Kit George coethels in the war of the rr.os ild Monday that the S2.IX0 re- ou to that held up the Panama r 1 ti i . . 1 - , - .-- - j 1 . . v . 1 - . - - - cood practice. And Archie wasla football injury received in the ... . c . V. Dt. lilt. I a . , ,v .--i-sym Irrigon Menu OCTOBER 26 30 Monday White beans in sauce, buttered carrots, apple sauce, chocolate cake. Tuesday Porcupine meat balls, green salad, tomatoes, peach cobbler. Wednesday Oven fried chkk en. fluffed white potatoes with gravy, buttered broocoli. ginger breadw ith whipped cream, Thursday Macaroni and cheese, buttered spinach, egg ward offered bv the McMurdo family for finding the Doctor would be given to the Pioneer Memorial Hospital and other worthy causes. Knox's Variety bos a case of VW keys which were found in the pansy display section of the store. Keys are In a khaki green case. The Pacific Power & Light Co. recently toured the Boeing tract in the North End of Morrow County and are aware of the potentials there. They are also aware of the coming needs for more power and may have look ed at our county and Umatilla County for a nuclear power plant site. Now we hear that the Portland General Electric builder of the Trojan plant near Portia r,! is looking to the coast To the Editor: Oregon the land of plenty. --;.h r-r.rrla ffr the future can cheese, buttered spmacn. fgg ronwii'i .s , . .. - Milad on lettuce, hot rolls and ior to Extern Oregon for the truly be if the people are te I -1.- . vi. - a nm.i tn-l- r,l r.ven the true tacts They were born and raised in Virginia a close neighbor and within sight of the Thomas Jef ferson Mansion you see on the nickel and they have a nice mansion and large land and plantation owning. They were very high class people and good physicians. Hugh is the only survivor now. I was raised at Lexington or up Black horse Canyon. Trapped squirrels and dug coyotes for money shoes and clothing. Thanking you 1 am. Very sincerely, John R. Leach Portland honeyed oears. Friday Cats whUkers, Witch es brr,m traws devils f.re wr pents food, spooks rocks. or 10 r i s ' r : 1 1 v.'; - i. . , um; i . site of their second nuclear pow. fury and given the true facts rr T Lant Perhaps the rapid of the case, they then will de growth in the Board an area Is nd their own destiny, closer than anyone realizes. Forty yean ao on my Great second game of the season. Gazette-Times want ads pay. Re-Elect AL ULLMAN Democrot U.S. Congress fl V N 4 Keep Oregon's Voice Strong! l- ,l. t 111 s 5 t0f ' r-vsu I . V - iL . 1 f fc-s'; f fSf- - . 4 f 1 y ?" - A -J rr v v c-4 i s - i: J I 1 " "' . -.lis-". ".,-..- 1 KEEP JOYCE RITCH For MORROW COUNTY ASSESSOR QUALIFICATIONS Joyce Ritch was appointed Assessor of Morrow County in 1968. Was Deputy Assessor of Morrow County before appointed Assessor. Elected President of Eastern Oregon Assessor Association January, 1970. Elected Chairman of Dist. 5, by State Assessor Assoc. in Sept. 1969. Member of State Assessors Assoc., Active in Assoc. Affairs, serving on the Livestock, Executive, and Publicity Committees. Completed Business and Secretarial School, Attend ed Appraisal Course at University of Oregon and various schools sponsored by The Dept. of Revenue. 5 yrs. Experience in Assessment Work. (Pd. PoL Adv. by Joyce Ritch, Heppner, Ore.)