V 1 TfcuiSw January I." 1970 n ... Ml1''. Mil ..... I . o o n r I Pill niit NDW m.il UJ. . . ., . I D 0 0 Lb. mi i fcpfel Central Motional Life's lri:Fiye Plan "is Guaranteed Renewable for life -pays up to 555 days, more than $9,000, oath tints you are hospitalized at the rate of $500per month -you end each msmhcrlofyour family may enrol! noyi for only $1 . THE "TRI-FIVE PLAN" IS A VITAL ADDITION TO YOUR PRESENT INSURANCE PROGRAM . . . . In this age of increasingly high expenses, ordi nary hospital insurance, even Medicare, simply does not cover everything. And what about all your other expenses, such as rent or mortgage, monthly payments, insurance payments, food for the family, utility bills? You probably know friends and neighbors who met with fi nancial disaster when hit by an expensive acci dent or lengthy illness. - J:f THE'"TRI-FIVE PLAN" PAYS TAX-FREE, EXTRA CASH WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST ... . Central National Life has seen jnany instances of great financial hardship arid We are deter mined ; to provide a plan at the lowest cost possible, that will give you EXTRA CASH to use any way you desire. The TRI-FIVE PLAN is the unbeatable answer. THE "TRI-FIVE PLAN" PAYS ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENEFITS, TOO Accidents are on the rise. Today, the greatest cumber of accidental deaths take place in: 1. Cars; 2. Homes; 3. Farms. The HOSPITAL INDEMNITY "TRI-FIVE f LAN" recognizes this situation by including; $1,000.00 Accidental death benefit, or $3,000.00 rv common carrier (regularly scheduled plane, iisin, bus, etc.) travel accidental death. CHECK THESE IMPORTANT FEATURES You get $500 per month for up to 555 days each time you are hospitalized. Pays in addition to Medicare or other insurance. MONEY BACK si If for any reason whatsoever you are not completely satisfied with your "TRI-FIVE" m U policy, you may return the policy in 10 days and we will promptly refund your money. Fill TRI-FIVE PLAN N AME (lnurd) . ADDRESS I hereby apply to Central National Lift Insurance Company of Omaha, Nebraska, for a Hospital Indem nity "TriFive Plan" Form AH 68GRH250. Enclosed is the initial enrollment premium of $1 .' Pleate indicate your preference: Bill me monthly, hereafter for the regular 'pre mium according to the following rate schedule: AGE MONTHLY RENEWAL PREMIUMS: 50 and over , $5.00 40 thru 49 4.50 39 and under , , , 3.50 Dependents 18 and under. 1.50 NO CHANGE AS AGE INCREASES Add the premiums for eech person covered by your "Tri Five Plan" policy to compute your total monthly premium. I desire to use the Automatic Bank Plan to pay my monthly premiums. I understand my "Tri-Five Plan" coverage will begin on the date this application is approved and my poli cy is issued, and that pre-existing conditions are cov ered after 24 months. AGE fcENEFICIARY SPOUSE; NAME-. CHILDREN: NAME NAME NAME NAME nn nn .SIGNATURE pna mi mm n mm $1,000 accidental death benefits or $3,000 common carrier travel accidental death benefit (world wide coverage). At age 65 and over 50 benefits are still in effect Guaranteed renewable for life (as long as premiums are paid). Your policy cannot be cancelled or modified by the Company ' for health reasons. Pre-existing health problems are covered after the policy has been in effect 24 ;: months. You can receive benefits for over one and a-half years, or more than $9,000, for any , one sickness or accident under this plan! , One policy, with one monthly payment, can cover a single individual, a husband and wife, or husband, wife and children..:) Children are covered by this one family 1 policy until age 19. EXCEPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS are stand ard for policies of this kind. Exclusions include only these few items: 1) War or act of war 2) Suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury 3) Active duty in Armed Services 4) Confinement in any veteran's ad ministration, state, county, or municipal hospi tal which confinement the Covered Person is en titled to receive free of charge 5) Workmen's Compensation 6) Pregnancy 7) Dental care or treatment except that necessitated by injury to sound natural teeth. No benefit will be payable under this policy with respect to any hospital confinement which is not recommended and approved by a physi cian. GUARANTEE ft THIS PROGRAM IS BEING Turner, Mmi fttarter, fi liryifiaf out NOW and mail with your payment to tht Central Insurance Company 700 S. 72nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska PLEASE PRINT MMdl Slft BIRTH DATE. Please enroll the following members of my family-l understand each eligible for the special $1 enrollment: BIRTH AGE. AGE. .DATE. BIRTH DATE Mo. Day Yr. Mo. Day Yr. BIRTH AGE PATE . SEX Mo. Dsy Yr. BIRTH . DATE . AGE. Mo. Dsy Yr. czi nn wmm First Middle First Middle First Middle First Middle THE "TRI - FIVE PLAN" PAYS IN ADDITION TO OTHER INSURANCE OR MEDICARE. . When you need it most, Central National Life's HOSPITAL INDEMNITY "TRI-FIVE PLAN" pays you $500 per month for up to 555 days (almost a year and six months, or more than $9,000) each time you are hospitalized. You may receive this welcome extra cash whe ther you are insured by other companies or not. As soon as your policy is In fptce, yu are cov- j ered for accidents. And even if some companies say you are uninsurable because of an ailment 1 or other condition that keeps coming back, the "TRI-FIVE PLAN" covers ;arrpre-existing ail ment after your policy has been in force 24 months! THE "TRI-FIVE PLAN" COVERS THOSE OVER AGE 65 ... . Statistics show that people over 65 go to hos pitals more often and have bigger medical bills than any other group. That's why some hospi tal plans won't accept Senior Citizens, or else raise rates so high they can't afford extra cash protection just when they need it most. Cen tral National life's HOSPITAL INDEMNITY "T R I - F I V E P LAN " not only accepts appl icants regardless of age over 65, it pays 100 of the monthly benefit in every detail after the first 7 days of hospitalization. (After the first 14 days if you are over 75). BENEFITS PAID TO SENIOR CITIZENS IN ADDITION TO MEDICARE ... . Senior Citizens get this vital extra cash in addition to Medicare or any other insurance and they too, can enroll now at the special $1.00 rate. OFFERED THROUGH National 681 14 0 ! ' ' D 0 D is uncrvr. A AMAZINGLY LOW COST Membership in Central National Life's HOSPI TAL INDEMNITY "TRI-FIVE PLAN" costs only $1,00 for the first premium. Then the following low premiums according to age: AGE MONTHLY RENEWAL PREMIUMS 50 and over i $5.00 40 thru 49. 4.50 39 and under 3.50 Dependents 18 and under 1.50 I , , , . NO CHANGE AS AGE INCREASES hi If you wonder how a plan can offer so much for so little, the answer is simple: Central 11 National Life's "TRI-FIVE PLAN is a group- type enrollment plan. All business is conducted directly between-you and the company by mail, or through the local representative we have appointed in your area. NO SALESMAN WILL CALL UNLESS REQUESTED.... This means low administrative and sales costs substantial savings that are passed on to you and your family. PREMIUMS AUTOMATICALLY PAID THROUGH YOUR BANK ACCOUNT IF YOU DESIRE.... On the enclosed Enrollment Form, you may authorize your bank to deduct the premium monthly from your account, If you wish this convenience. LIMITED ENROLLMENT PERIOD .... Accidents do not wait to happen. Illness does not wait to strike. So Act Now!! Your appli cation will have to be in Central National Life's office before expiration of the special enroll ment period in order for you to become eligible at the low $1.00 initial fee n II Tel. 676-9113 Heppner