Special Irrigation Issue GAZETTE-TIMES 1 inn w jjn i iia lJii j hi .iiizTur V. - ' " : - ' S ' t . .Water gushes from a well at the Darrell Padberg place. "These new faun areas inevitably create villages and towns whose populations thrive from furn ishing supplies to the farmer, marketing his crops, and from the industries which grow around these areas. The economy of seven import ant cities cf the West had its base in irrigation Denver, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Spokane, Boise, El Paso, Fresno, and Yakima. Indeed these new centers of productivity send waves of economic improvement to the far borders like a pebble thrown into a pond. Through irrigation, man has been able to build a stable civilization in an area that might otherwise have been open only to intermittent exploitation." Second Hoover Commission, 1955. Ground Water (Drilled Wells) To Provide A Stable, Flexible Agriculture In Morrow County An Assured Supply Of Irrigation Water . . . Ends the threat of crop failures from drought. Ends reliance on a one-crop economy. Makes possible a shift from dry-farmed, surplus cereal crops to non -surplus irrigated crops. Preserves opportunities for family-sized farms. Provides a dependable feed base for effec tive utilization of livestock range re sources. Creates new jobs in processing and nearbv towns. . . . All This Without Adding To The Farm Surplus Problem I With over 35 years of well drilling experience we are continuing to drill wells with the highest yield and engineering specifications. WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER OVER 25,000,000 Gallons Per Day Come From Wells Drilled by OTTO ELLSWORTH of INTERVALLEY Drilling Co. In Morrow County over the past 3 years l nma ami n m m l m mw i H wmu mm mm ra w i - . l ir mm mw mwmm ---m-m- m--.N J W I.W I OTTO ELLSWORTH Heppner P. O. Box 485 Phone 676-9698 I ft '''.' i ' fit. i An Intervalley-Drilled well providing 1000 gallons per minute.