HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES. Thursday. July 2. 1969 Tfl? GAZETTE-TIMES Hepprxr, Oroqon 97838 Fboo 676-9228 MORROW CO U NTT'S NEWSPAPER The HtDPner Gazette established March 30. 1883. The Heppner j ne mp 1BQ7 rnnw riainl February 15. Times esiaDiisnea phviiuki - - l'J12. . .irilBCD 3ZNIWIPAP WA$IOCIATIOH i mm Auocltlon - Founded 1BB5 . tiniilll HELEN t. antnwnn 7.irTwr rniTOH KIT ANDERSON - MANAGING EDITOR ARNOLD RAYMOND EG? trtor PUBLISHER DALE COOPER Pressman Printer NANCY DOIIERTY News Circulation Subscription Rates: $5.00 Year Single Copy 10 Cent Mailed Single C opies 15 Cents In Advance,; Minimum Bi ng 50 cent Pubhed Every Tnursnay ana tnieicu i - as Second Class Matter. Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Monday through Friday; 9 am intil noon Saturday. , That Giant Leap A fmall step for man, a giant leap for mankind." As Americans ponder those words of Neal Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, it Is heartwarming to sit back and realize that that small step may hopefully be tne first step in unifying the world. Some people still may not believe it. It is indeed diffi cult to realize, but we saw it, and we know that this task has been accomplished. The impact of Armstrong's, and Edwin Aldrin's feat should be much greater than Just. "We put a man on the moon." It should make us see that there is hope here on earth to solve our problems. If man can reach out into the heavens, he should be able to end poverty, hunger, war. hate and racial discrimination. The mission of Apollo XI seems to have already unified Americans. It may be purely coincidental, but there is less racial violence this summer than last year. Let us put our eyes on the moon. But let us keep our feet on the ground, and work toward solving these less com plex problems that exist here on the earth. This morale-boosting moonshot should help. Farm Safety A Year-Around Job That this week is Farm Safety Week brings into focus a little more sharply the job Morrow county farmers have in keeping their ranches and farms free from accidents. "American agriculture has advanced more in the past 50 years than in all our prior history," President Richard Nix on says in a proclamation of the week. "Our abundance is a powerful force for world peace." According to the President, the dollar cost to the nation approaches S2 billion annually. The toll of accidents contin ues. Our Morrow county farmers seemingly have few acci dents. But each one of the few reminds us that there is danger in working around the farm, and that every measure against accidents should be taken.' There's no reason to put it off until after harvest. By then, we'll all forget about Farm Safety Week until next year. Instead, let's make safety a year-around job. We don't need to lose a local rancher through an accident that could have been prevented. It is Enough The East Oregonian, in an editorial the other day, says the "establishment" v.Ul be pleased with the rits 0f an editorial in the Corvallis Gazette-Times which stands up for defense spending. According to the Pendleton paper, "The (Corvallis) G-T acknowledged that the annual rate of derense spending has reached $81 billion but emphasized that in terms of percent ages of the gross national product, defense spending is at its lowest point since World War II." Then, says the E-O, "The G-T closed with this clincher: Those who claim we could solve much of our poverty and underprivileged problem with the money spent in Vietnam should realize that if the money were distributed among the 26 million Americans estimated to be living under the pov erty line each would get $3,115.38. Hardly enough to pull one self out of economic chaos permanently'." That last statement is not any clincher. If a man, his wife and three children were living under the poverty line, by the Corvallis paper's method, each would get the $3,000, making a total of $15,576.90. There are a lot of Morrow county people with three children who would like to make that much money annually. We don't feel that $81 billion is going for a good purpose. That is not to say the money should be distributed among the poor of this nation. But the fact that many Americans could be so much better off If the money were not spent in Vietnam provides powerful ammunition against any further escalation of de fense spending. The Rhyming Philosopher ULTIMATUM This Is now that silly season Which for some reputed reason They call summer it's the time to Just relax. Like go camping by the seashore Which is nice, but can you be sure That the picture really fits in with the facts? You can dream, like dreams are made for. But there's things that must be paid for. And you'd better fix the roof before the rain. So there's little time for wishing You could pack up and go fishing; Maybe next year this is something you'll attain. Now the bathroom needs re-doing Though you'd rather go canoeing, Someone has to paint the fence around the lot And the chimney must be reamed out. While the cesspool must be cleaned out. So you look around to find w hat help you've got. For the lawn still keeps on growing And the weeds require some hoeing. And who will take your place as mortgagee? Who will buy the meat and parsley? It's a good thing that you asked me Take a look into the mirror and you'll see! PROPERTY TAX FAX If you have a question con remine real or personal proper ty please state all the facts as briefly as possiDJe ana man ii to Jovce Ritch, Morrow county special assessor, under the name PROPERTY TAX FAX". Please ask only one question per sheet Then watch this column for the answer. QUESTION: In computing my household in eemo when applying for a sen ior cititen's exemption on prop erty taxes, can I deduct my church contributions in order to reduce the household income be low S2.SO0? ANSWER: The answer is no. The legis lature provided clear standards bv defining income ( in part) to mean "adjusted gross in come" as defined under the in come tax law ORS 316.035. Those items deductible from adjusted Eross income for personal in come tax purposes tsucn as church deductions) must be in cluded in the household income. Social Security Taxes Due for Household Help Housewives who pay someone 550 or more for household serv ices during any three-month calendar quarter must report these payments and pay the So cial Security taxes due to the Internal Revenue Service. A. G. Erickson. District Director for Oregon, said the report for the April, May and June calendar quarter is due July 3J. 1969. The Social Security tax on household wages is 4.8 percent for the employer and 4.8 per cnet for employee. When the quarterly report is filed, a check or money order representing 9.6 percent of the cash wages re ported for the period should be included with the return. Form 942, Employers Quarter-, v Tax Return for Household Employees, is used to report the Social Security taxes due. After the first one is filed, a copy of Form 942 is mailed to every em ployer in time for the next quar terly report. Erickson said that anyone who hires a maid, cleaning woman, cook, governess, house keeper, caretaker, gardener or chauffeur will be liable for So cial Security taxes if cash wag es of $50 a quarter are paid to one employee. Money given to employees for carfare is to be counted in total wages paid. However, the value of meals is not included. Failure to pay Social Security taxes can delay payments and decrease the amount of benefits upon retiring. IRS then has to secure delin quent returns, Forms 942, from the employer, sometimes cover ing several years with a sub stantial amount of taxes and penalties due. No taxes are due on amounts paid to persons who are inde pendent contractors and not household employees. Erickson said this exempts payments to painters, plumbers, repairmen, carpenters and others who pro vide household services as inde pendent contractors. A Salem Scene rr COMMUNITY BILLBOARD MORROW COUNTY PICNIC Annual Summer Picnic for former and present resi dents of Morrow County Laurelhurst Park, Portland Sunday, August 3, noon Coffee served. Bring friends. NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Center open Friday afternoon, July 25, to Senior Citizens and friends of area. Social time together, from 2:00 p.m. Gilliam and Bisbee Building RHEA CREEK GRANGE SUMMER PICNIC Sunday, August 17, noon Anson Wright Memorial rarK All Grange members and families 4-H HORSE SHOW Sunday, August 10, from 9:00 a.m. County Fairgrounds All day competition for 4-H club members PRINCESS DANCE Honoring Janet Palmateer Music by The Spring Rain of Pendleton Saturday. July 26, 9:30 p.m.- l:0O a.m. Fair Pavilion. Heppner Sponsored by Willows Grange of lone SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY C. A. RUGGLES InsuranceAgency P. a Box 847 PH. 676-9625 Form, Rate Changes Simplify State Tax "I got the April 15 blues. From my eyebrows to my shoes . , ." Traditional American refrain. Paving state personal income taxes is not expected to be any less painful, but thanks to the 199 legislature Oregonians now will have an easier time figur ing out their shares. Effective retroactively to Jan uary 1 this vear. House Bill 1026 simplifies Oregon's complex tax law bv relating state and fed eral taxable income. It is con sidered to be the most signif icant change In Oregon's per sonal income tax in its 40-year history. It does not mean that state taxes will be assessed as a flat percentage of federal taxes paid, as is done In some states. It does provide that federal tax able income as defined in the Internal Revenue Code and re ported on federal returns, less certain deductions and plus some additions, is taxable in come for purposes ol uregon s personal Income tax. Allowable deductions from federal taxable income in arriv-1 ing at state taxable income in clude: Amount of any federal in come taxes actually paid by the taxpayer during the taxaoie year less the amount ot any refunds or abatement of federal taxes paid or credited to the taxpayer. Certain retirement incomes. Interest or dividends on ob ligations of the U. S. and its territories and possessions ex empt from state taxation. Additions to federal taxable income include: Amount of any Oregon in come taxes deducted on the taxpayer's federal income tax return for the taxable year, less any refunds or abatement of Oregon income taxes paid or credited to the taxpayer. Interest or dividends on ob ligations or securities of any ty Cvwttt L Cutter foreign state or political subdlv- I.-1 f . n rsf bmu f fW 1 (, M CtAtA ! Interest or dividends on ob ligations of any authority, com mission, instrumentality and territorial possession of the V. S. which by the laws of the U. S. are exempt from federal income tax but not from state income tax. The revised law also enacts new rates for Oregon taxpayers, running on a scale from 4 per cent of taxable income under SOO to a tax n Income over ,$5,000 of $345 plus 10 per cent J of the excess over $5,000. New rates are intended to col lect the same total amount of revenues as under tne previous law, according to State Depart ment of Revenue estimates. There can be individual tax li ability increases or decreases, however, even though the state says it will collect no addition al revenue. Estimated personal income tax revenue to the state in the 1969-71 biennium is expected to be $455 million. Another measure passed by this year's legislature. House Joint Resolution 3, will put to a vote of the people at the No vember. 1970 general election. It would amend Oregon's Con stitution to permit the legislat ure in the future to enact laws to automatically adopt changes in the federal Internal Revenue Code. California Couple Welcomes First Son Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Foster, Alameda, Calif., are the parents of a baby boy born July 13. The 6 lb.. 1 oz. infant was named Daniel Edan. He joins one sis ter. Nicky. Mrs. Foster is the former Mary Shannon, daughter of Mrs. Martha King, Heppner. Mazama Climbers Shoot Fireworks Mount Hood resembled a re activated volcano Saturday eve ning. Flares ringed the crater and fireworks shot from Its cen ter on the 75th anniversary of the Mazama', a mountaineer ing club. Tom Hughes, Bob Jepsen and his son. Bill, were present at the site, as were 200 other mem bers of the club. At 11:15 p.m. Governor Tom McCall gave the starting signal Just as the Apollo 11 astronauts came around the moon In orbit. Four or five cases of fire works were set off Into the air and could be seen by all of Portland and as far south as Salem. A haze prevented East Oregonlans from seeing the dis play. Rnh Ahrnme lsr A member of the club, was prevented from going since ne is recuperamiK from back surgery. Mrs. L. E. MikeselL Spokane. a house mother at Whitworth College, visited Mr. and Mrs. Buck Ruhl and other relatives July 19-21. Mrs. Mikesells dau ghter and granddaughters, Mrs. Bob Jones. Lori and Terry, of Yakima, were also in Heppner visiting. MEETING CALENDAR Monday. July W Chamber of Commerce, Wagon Wheel Dining Room, 12 noon Fire Department. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. JuT ' Willow Lodtie. IOOF Hall, 8 p.m. Jaycees, 8 p.m. Friday. August 1 Sans Souel Rebekah Lodge No. 33, IQOF Hall. 8 P m. Photo Session Offered at E0C Anyone Intrigued by develop ing and printing colored trans parencies may develop tech nique during a colored photo graphy workshop August 18-29 at Eastern Oregon College. The workshop director, Dr. Richard A. Hermens. assistant professor of chemistry, said that enrollment will be limited. Anyone interested may contact him personally from 8 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday, at 212 Science building or by telephone at 963-2171. Two hikes Into the Wallowa mountain wilderness for photo graphic assignments are on the schedule. On their return, the 11 Hevetnn their col ored film and make prints from those transparencies in a conege darkroom. Dr. Hermens pointea our inai iu rnn.iritv of the darkroom will limit the enrollment. Mrs. Frank Ayers was visited by Mrs. Leslie Pruitt of Eugene July 16-20. While here she also saw Scott Furlong, her uncle, while he was at St. Anthony hos pital in Pendleton. WANTED! CARETAKER FOR MORROW COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO GROUNDS. CALL THE SECRETARY AT 676-9143 AFTER 5 P.M. T - ' I . if. ..- MORROW COUNTY FAIR and RODEO SATURDAY, JULY 26 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. MUSIC BY Spring Rain PENDLETON ADMISSION Honoring Princess JANET PALMATEER MORROW COUNTY H.50 Per Person I ln HEPPNER If no answer call Ray Boyce. 1 HARRY W. FLETCHER 676 5384 Beppoef